:- initialization( logtalk_load([ termp, term, atomic, atom, callable, characterp, character, number, float, integer, natural, compound, listp, list, list1, difflist, numberlistp, numberlist, varlist, queuep, queue, dictionaryp, bintree, setp, set, set1, comparingp])). /* If you intend to use the FOP XSL:FO processor for generating PDF documenting files, comment the directive above and uncomment the directive below :- initialization( logtalk_load( [termp, term, atomic, atom, callable, characterp, character, number, float, integer, natural, compound, listp, list, list1, difflist, numberlistp, numberlist, varlist, queuep, queue, dictionaryp, bintree, setp, set, set1, comparingp], [xmlsref(standalone)])). */