Logtalk reference manual
Control construct: <</2



Object << Goal

Calls a goal within the context of the specified object. Goal is called with the execution context (sender, this, and self) set to Object. Goal may need to be written within brackets to avoid parsing errors due to operator clashes. This control construct is mainly used for debugging and for writing object unit tests.

Template and modes

+object_identifier << +callable


Either Object or Goal is a variable:
Object is neither a variable nor a valid object identifier:
type_error(object_identifier, Object)
Goal is neither a variable nor a callable term:
type_error(callable, Goal)
Object does not contain a local definition for the Goal predicate:
existence_error(procedure, Goal)
Object does not exist:
existence_error(object, Object)


test(member) :-
    list << member(1, [1]).