<html> <head> <title>prosqlite.pl</title> <link href="pldoc.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> </head> <body> <div class="navhdr"> <div class="jump"> <div> <a class="prolog_version" href="http://www.swi-prolog.org"> SWI-Prolog 6.3.19</a> </div> </div> <div class="search"> </div> <br clear="right"> </div> <h1 class="file">prosqlite.pl -- proSQLite: a Prolog interface to the SQLite database system.</h1> <p>This library follows the design and borrows code from the ODBC library of SWI-Prolog <a href="http://www.swi-prolog.org/pldoc/packasqlite_connectge/odbc.html">http://www.swi-prolog.org/pldoc/packasqlite_connectge/odbc.html</a> .</p> <p>The SQLite system is a powerful zero-configuration management systme that interacts with single-file databases that are cross-platform compatible binaries.</p> <p>ProSQLite provides three layers of interaction with SQLite databases. At the lower level is the querying via SQL statements. A second layer allows the interogation of the database dictionary, and the final level facilitates the viewing of database tables as predicates. See the publication pointed to by <a href="#sqlite_citation/2">sqlite_citation/2</a>, for further details. If you use prosqlite in your research, please consider citing this publication.</p> <p>The library has been developed and tested on SWI 6.3.2 but it should also work on YAP Prolog.</p> <p>The easiest way to install on SWI is via the package manager. Simply do:</p> <pre class="code" ext=""> ?- pack_install( prosqlite ).</pre> <p>And you are good to go.</p> <p>There are good/full examples in the sources, directory examples/. For instance test by :</p> <pre class="code" ext=""> ?- [predicated]. ?- predicated.</pre> <p>There is a sister package, db_facts (also installable via the manager). Db_facts, allow interaction with the underlying database via Prolog terms, That library can also be used as a common compatibility layer for the ODBC and proSQLite libraries of SWI-Prolog, as it works on both type of connections.</p> <p>ProSQLite is <a href="/doc_for?object=prolog_debug:debug/1">debug/1</a> aware: call <code>debug(sqlite)</code> to see what is sent to the sqlite engine.</p> <p>There are MS wins DLLs included in the sources and recent version of the SWI package manager will install these properly.</p> <dl class="tags"> <dt class="keyword-author">author</dt> <dd class="keyword-author">- Nicos Angelopoulos</dd> <dd class="keyword-author">- Sander Canisius</dd> <dt class="keyword-version">version</dt> <dd class="keyword-version">- 0.1.2, 2013/11/1</dd> <dt class="keyword-see">See also</dt> <dd class="keyword-see">- Sander Canisius, Nicos Angelopoulos and Lodewyk Wessels. proSQLite: Prolog file based databases via an SQLite interface. In the proceedings of Practical Aspects of Declarative languages (PADL 2013), (2013, Rome, Italy).</dd> <dd class="keyword-see">- Sander Canisius, Nicos Angelopoulos and Lodewyk Wessels. Exploring file based databases via an Sqlite interface. In the ICLP Workshop on Logic-based methods in Programming Environments, p. 2-9, (2012, Budapest, Hungary).</dd> <dd class="keyword-see">- <a href="http://stoics.org.uk/~nicos/pbs/wlpe2012_sqlite.pdf">http://stoics.org.uk/~nicos/pbs/wlpe2012_sqlite.pdf</a></dd> <dd class="keyword-see">- <a href="http://stoics.org.uk/~nicos/sware/prosqlite">http://stoics.org.uk/~nicos/sware/prosqlite</a></dd> <dd class="keyword-see">- <a href="http://stoics.org.uk/~nicos/sware/db_facts">http://stoics.org.uk/~nicos/sware/db_facts</a></dd> <dd class="keyword-see">- <a href="http://www.sqlite.org/">http://www.sqlite.org/</a></dd> <dd class="keyword-see">- files in examples/ directory</dd> <dd class="keyword-see">- also available as a SWI pack <a href="http://www.swi-prolog.org/pack/list">http://www.swi-prolog.org/pack/list</a></dd> <dt class="keyword-license">license</dt> <dd class="keyword-license">- Perl Artistic License</dd> <dt class="keyword-tbd">To be done</dt> <dd class="keyword-tbd">- set pragmas</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt class="pubdef"> <span style="float:right"></span> <a name="sqlite_version/2"> <b class="pred">sqlite_version</b> <var class="arglist">(-Version, -Date)</var> </a> </dt> <dd class="defbody">The current version. <var>Version</var> is a Mj:Mn:Fx term, and date is a <code>date(Y,M,D)</code> term.</dd> <dt class="pubdef"> <span style="float:right"></span> <a name="sqlite_binary_version/2"> <b class="pred">sqlite_binary_version</b> <var class="arglist">(-Version, -Date)</var> </a> </dt> <dd class="defbody">The current version of the binaries. If the installed binaries are not compiled from the sources, then this might be different (=older) that the sqlite Porlog source version returned by <a href="#sqlite_version/2">sqlite_version/2</a>. <var>Version</var> is a Mj:Mn:Fx term, and date is a <code>date(Y,M,D)</code> term.</dd> <dt class="pubdef"> <span style="float:right"></span> <a name="sqlite_citation/2"> <b class="pred">sqlite_citation</b> <var class="arglist">(-Atom, -Bibterm)</var> </a> </dt> <dd class="defbody">Succeeds once for each publication related to this library. <var>Atom</var> is the atom representation suitable for printing while <var>Bibterm</var> is a <code>bibtex(Type,Key,Pairs)</code> term of the same publication. Produces all related publications on backtracking.</dd> <dt class="pubdef"> <span style="float:right"></span> <a name="sqlite_connect/2"> <b class="pred">sqlite_connect</b> <var class="arglist">(+File, ?Alias)</var> </a> </dt> <dd class="defbody">Open a connection to an sqlite <var>File</var>. If <var>Alias</var> is a variable, an opaque atom is generated and unified to it. The opened db connection to file can be accessed via <var>Alias</var>. <pre class="code" ext=""> sqlite_connect('uniprot.sqlite', uniprot).</pre> </dd> <dt class="pubdef"> <span style="float:right"></span> <a name="sqlite_connect/3"> <b class="pred">sqlite_connect</b> <var class="arglist">(+File, ?Connection, +Options)</var> </a> </dt> <dd class="defbody">Open a connection to an sqlite <var>File</var>. If <var>Connection</var> is a variable, an opaque atom is generated, otherwise the opened file is connected to handle Connecction. <var>Options</var> is a sinlge term or a list of terms from the following: <ul> <li><code>alias(Atom)</code> identify the connection as Alias in all transactions</li> <li><code>as_predicates(AsPred)</code> if true, create hook predicates that map <center>each sqlite table to a prolog predicate. These are created in module user, and it is the user's responsibility to be unique in this module.</center> </li> <li><code>at_module(AtMod)</code> the module at which the predicates will be asserted at (if <code>as_predicates(true)</code>) is also given). Default is <code>user</code>.</li> <li><code>table_as(Table,Pname,Arity)</code> map the table to predicate with name Pname. Arity should be defined for this representaition as per with_arity() option.</li> <li><code>arity(arity)</code> Arity denotes the arity of access clauses to be added in the prolog database that <center>correspond to SQLite tables. The default is <code>arity</code>, which asserts a predicate matching the arity of the table. <code>both</code> adds two predicates, one matching the arity and a single argument one. The later can be interrogated with something like</center> <pre class="code" ext=""> ?- phones( [name=naku, telephone=T] ).</pre> <center><code>unary</code> only adds the unary version, and <code>palette</code> adds a suite of predicates with arities from 1 to N, where N is the number of columns. These can be interrogated by :</center> <pre class="code" ext=""> ?- phones( name=Name ). ?- phones( name=naku, telephone=T ). ?- phones( [name=naku, telephone=T] ).</pre> <center>Predicated tables can be used to insert values to the database by virtue of all their columns are give ground values.</center> </li> <li><code>exists(Boolean)</code> do not throw an error if file does not exist and <center>Boolean is false. Default is true and an error is thrown if the Sqlite file does not exist.</center> </li> <li><code>ext(Ext)</code> database files are assumed to have an sqlite extension at their end. To ovewrite this give Ext ('' for no extension).</li> <li><code>verbose(Verb)</code> Iff Verb==true printa message about which file is used- from within C (false).</li> </ul> <p>When unary predicates are defined the columns can be interrogated/accessed by list pairs of the form Column=Value. Column-Value and Column:Value are also recognised.</p> <p>So for example, for table <code>phones</code> with columns Name, Address and Phone, prosqlite will add</p> <pre class="code" ext=""> phones(_,_,_)</pre> <pre class="code">as a response to as_predicates, and</pre> <pre class="code" ext=""> phones(_)</pre> <p>if Arity is <code>unary</code></p> <p>The latter can be interrogated by</p> <pre class="code" ext=""> phones( ['Name'=naku','Phone'=Phone] ).</pre> <p>which will return the phone <code>number(s)</code> associated with individual named by <code>naku</code>.</p> <p>See source file <a class="file" href="../examples/predicated.pl">examples/predicated.pl</a> .</p></dd> <dt class="pubdef"> <span style="float:right"></span> <a name="sqlite_disconnect/1"> <b class="pred">sqlite_disconnect</b> <var class="arglist">(+Alias)</var> </a> </dt> <dd class="defbody">Terminate the connection to a SQLite database file. <pre class="code" ext=""> sqlite_disconnect(uniprot).</pre> </dd> <dt class="pubdef"> <span style="float:right"></span> <a name="sqlite_current_connection/1"> <b class="pred">sqlite_current_connection</b> <var class="arglist">(-Connection)</var> </a> </dt> <dd class="defbody">Return or interrogate the name of open connection handles.</dd> <dt class="pubdef"> <span style="float:right"></span> <a name="sqlite_default_connection/1"> <b class="pred">sqlite_default_connection</b> <var class="arglist">(-Connection)</var> </a> </dt> <dd class="defbody">Return or interrogate the name of the default connection. This is the last connection opened.</dd> <dt class="pubdef"> <span style="float:right"></span> <a name="sqlite_query/2"> <b class="pred">sqlite_query</b> <var class="arglist">(+Sql, -Row)</var> </a> </dt> <dd class="defbody">Post an <var>Sql</var> query to default connection and get row result in <var>Row</var>.</dd> <dt class="pubdef"> <span style="float:right"></span> <a name="sqlite_query/3"> <b class="pred">sqlite_query</b> <var class="arglist">(+Connection, +Sql, -Row)</var> </a> </dt> <dd class="defbody">Post an <var>Sql</var> query to Sqlite <var>Connection</var> and get row result in <var>Row</var>.</dd> <dt class="pubdef"> <span style="float:right"></span> <a name="sqlite_format_query/3"> <b class="pred">sqlite_format_query</b> <var class="arglist">(+Connection, +FAs, -Row)</var> </a> </dt> <dd class="defbody">Post a format style Sql query to Sqlite <var>Connection</var> and get row result in <var>Row</var>. <var>FAs</var> is a - pair structure : Format-Arguments. <pre class="code" ext=""> sqlite_format_query(uniprot, 'PRAGMA table_info(~w)'-Table, row(_, Column, _, _, _, _))</pre> </dd> <dt class="pubdef"> <span style="float:right"></span> <a name="sqlite_current_table/2"> <b class="pred">sqlite_current_table</b> <var class="arglist">(+Connection, -Table)</var> </a> </dt> <dd class="defbody">Return or interrogate tables in the Sqlite database associated with <var>Connection</var>.</dd> <dt class="pubdef"> <span style="float:right"></span> <a name="sqlite_current_table/3"> <b class="pred">sqlite_current_table</b> <var class="arglist">(+Connection, ?Table, -Facet)</var> </a> </dt> <dd class="defbody"><var>Facet</var> is a property of <var>Table</var> found at <var>Connection</var>. Currently only <code>arity(Arity)</code> is delivered.</dd> <dt class="pubdef"> <span style="float:right"></span> <a name="sqlite_table_column/3"> <b class="pred">sqlite_table_column</b> <var class="arglist">(+Connection, ?Table, -Column)</var> </a> </dt> <dd class="defbody">Return or interrogate tables and columns in the Sqlite database associated with <var>Connection</var>.</dd> <dt class="pubdef"> <span style="float:right"></span> <a name="sqlite_table_column/4"> <b class="pred">sqlite_table_column</b> <var class="arglist">(+Connection, ?Table, ?Column, -Facet)</var> </a> </dt> <dd class="defbody"><var>Facet</var> is one of: <ul> <li><code>position(Nth0)</code> position of the <var>Column</var> in the table, first being 0.</li> <li><code>data_type(Dtype)</code> the data type for the column</li> <li><code>nullable(Null)</code> can this column be set to the null value</li> <li><code>defautl(Default)</code> the default value for the</li> <li><code>primary_key(Key)</code> is this column part of the primary key ?</li> </ul></dd> <dt class="pubdef"> <span style="float:right"></span> <a name="sqlite_pragma/3"> <b class="pred">sqlite_pragma</b> <var class="arglist">(+Alias, +Pragma, -Row)</var> </a> </dt> <dd class="defbody">Interrogate SQLite Pragmas. Currently only reading is supported. <var>Pragma</var> can be an atom or a - separated pair, as in <code>table_info-TableName</code>. <pre class="code" ext=""> sqlite_pragma( phone_db, encoding, Row).</pre> </dd> <dt class="pubdef"> <span style="float:right"></span> <a name="sqlite_table_count/3"> <b class="pred">sqlite_table_count</b> <var class="arglist">(+Connection, +Table, -Count)</var> </a> </dt> <dd class="defbody">True if <var>Count</var> is the number of rows in Sqlite <var>Connection</var> associated <var>Table</var>.</dd> <dt class="pubdef"> <span style="float:right"></span> <a name="sqlite_date_sql_atom/2"> <b class="pred">sqlite_date_sql_atom</b> <var class="arglist">(Date, Sql)</var> </a> </dt> <dd class="defbody">Convert between a Prolog <a href="../../../../../local/git/lib/swipl-6.3.19/library/http/http_header.pl#date/3">date/3</a> term and an <var>Sql</var> atom. The conversion is bidirectional.</dd> </dl> </body> </html>