:- object(buffer(_MaxCapacity)). :- info([ version is 2.1, author is 'Paulo Moura', date is 2007/9/16, comment is 'Producer-consumer problem with a bounded buffer.']). :- threaded. :- public(put/1). :- mode(put(?integer), one). :- info(put/1, [ comment is 'Put an item in the buffer.']). :- public(get/1). :- mode(get(?integer), one). :- info(get/1, [ comment is 'Get an item from the buffer.']). :- private(item_/1). :- dynamic(item_/1). :- private(size_/1). :- dynamic(size_/1). size_(0). :- synchronized([put_item/1, get_item/1]). put_item(Item) :- parameter(1, MaxCapacity), assertz(item_(Item)), retract(size_(N)), N2 is N + 1, assertz(size_(N2)), write(' produced item '), write(Item), write(' ('), write(N2), write('/'), write(MaxCapacity), write(' items in the buffer'), write(')'), nl. get_item(Item) :- parameter(1, MaxCapacity), retract(item_(Item)), retract(size_(N)), N2 is N - 1, assertz(size_(N2)), write(' consumed item '), write(Item), write(' ('), write(N2), write('/'), write(MaxCapacity), write(' items in the buffer'), write(')'), nl. put(Item) :- parameter(1, MaxCapacity), size_(N), ( N =:= MaxCapacity -> % if the maximum buffer capacity have been threaded_wait(vacancy), % reached, wait until an item is consumed put(Item) % be sure to consume all "vacancy" notifications before proceeding ; put_item(Item), ( N =:= 0 -> threaded_notify(not_empty) ; true ) ). get(Item) :- parameter(1, MaxCapacity), size_(N), ( N =:= 0 -> % if the buffer is empty, wait threaded_wait(not_empty), % until an item is produced get(Item) % be sure to consume all "not_empty" notifications before proceeding ; get_item(Item), ( N =:= MaxCapacity -> threaded_notify(vacancy) ; true ) ). :- end_object. :- object(producer(_MaxTime)). :- public(run/1). run(N) :- run(0, N). run(N, N) :- !. run(M, N) :- M < N, parameter(1, MaxTime), random::random(1, MaxTime, Random), % simulate a variable amount of thread_sleep(Random), % time to produce a new item buffer(7)::put(M), M2 is M + 1, run(M2, N). :- end_object. :- object(consumer(_MaxTime)). :- public(run/1). run(N) :- run(0, N). run(N, N) :- !. run(M, N) :- M < N, parameter(1, MaxTime), random::random(1, MaxTime, Random), % simulate a variable amount of thread_sleep(Random), % time to produce a new item buffer(7)::get(_Item), M2 is M + 1, run(M2, N). :- end_object.