================================================================= Logtalk - Object oriented extension to Prolog Release 2.12.0 Copyright (c) 1998-2002 Paulo Moura. All Rights Reserved. ================================================================= To load all objects in this example consult the birds.loader utility file. You will also need to also load the library/hierarchies.loader file. Note that the *.loader files are Prolog files. Alternatively, you may load the library all.loader file to load all library entities. This folder contains an example of a bird identification expert system adopted with permission from the book "Adventure in Prolog" by Amzi! inc. The book is available on-line in HTML format at the URL: http://www.amzi.com Please refer to the book for more information on the original example. The bird identification hierarchy is organized as a prototype hierarchy as follows: order falconiforms falcon peregrine_falcon sparrow_hawk vulture california_condor turkey_vulture passerformes flycatcher ash_throated_flycatcher great_crested_flycatcher swallow barn_swallow cliff_swallow purple_martin tubenose fulmar albatross black_footed_albatross laysan_albatross waterfowl duck female_mallard male_mallard pintail goose canada_goose snow_goose swan trumpeter_swan whistling_swan