/** * @file spy.yap * @brief debugger operation. */ :- system_module( '$_debug', [debug/0, debugging/0, leash/1, nodebug/0, (nospy)/1, nospyall/0, notrace/0, (spy)/1, trace/0], [ '$init_debugger'/0]). :- use_system_module( '$_boot', ['$find_goal_definition'/4, '$system_catch'/4]). :- use_system_module( '$_errors', ['$Error'/1, '$do_error'/2]). :- use_system_module( '$_init', ['$system_module'/1]). :- use_system_module( '$_modules', ['$meta_expansion'/6]). :- use_system_module( '$_preds', ['$clause'/4]). /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Debugging / creating spy points -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * @defgroup DebSet Debugger Control * @ingroup Deb_Interaction @{ The following predicates are available to control the debugging of programs: + debug Switches the debugger on. + debugging Outputs status information about the debugger which includes the leash mode and the existing spy-points, when the debugger is on. + nodebug Switches the debugger off. */ :- op(900,fx,[spy,nospy]). % First part : setting and reseting spy points % $suspy does most of the work '$suspy'(V,S,M) :- var(V) , !, '$do_error'(instantiation_error,M:spy(V,S)). '$suspy'((M:S),P,_) :- !, '$suspy'(S,P,M). '$suspy'([],_,_) :- !. '$suspy'([F|L],S,M) :- !, ( '$suspy'(F,S,M) ; '$suspy'(L,S,M) ). '$suspy'(F/N,S,M) :- !, functor(T,F,N), '$do_suspy'(S, F, N, T, M). '$suspy'(A,S,M) :- atom(A), !, '$suspy_predicates_by_name'(A,S,M). '$suspy'(P,spy,M) :- !, '$do_error'(domain_error(predicate_spec,P),spy(M:P)). '$suspy'(P,nospy,M) :- '$do_error'(domain_error(predicate_spec,P),nospy(M:P)). '$suspy_predicates_by_name'(A,S,M) :- % just check one such predicate exists current_predicate(A,M:_), !, '$do_suspy_predicates_by_name'(A,S,M). '$suspy_predicates_by_name'(A,spy,M) :- !, print_message(warning,no_match(spy(M:A))). '$suspy_predicates_by_name'(A,nospy,M) :- print_message(warning,no_match(nospy(M:A))). '$do_suspy_predicates_by_name'(A,S,M) :- current_predicate(A,M:T), functor(T,A,N), '$do_suspy'(S, A, N, T, M), fail. '$do_suspy_predicates_by_name'(_A, _S, _M). % % protect against evil arguments. % '$do_suspy'(S, F, N, T, M) :- recorded('$import','$import'(EM,M,T0,_,F,N),_), !, functor(T0, F0, N0), '$do_suspy'(S, F0, N0, T, EM). '$do_suspy'(S, F, N, T, M) :- '$undefined'(T,M), !, ( S = spy -> print_message(warning,no_match(spy(M:F/N))) ; print_message(warning,no_match(nospy(M:F/N))) ). '$do_suspy'(S, F, N, T, M) :- '$system_predicate'(T,M), '$predicate_flags'(T,M,F,F), F /\ 0x118dd080 =\= 0, ( S = spy -> '$do_error'(permission_error(access,private_procedure,T),spy(M:F/N)) ; '$do_error'(permission_error(access,private_procedure,T),nospy(M:F/N)) ). '$do_suspy'(S, F, N, T, M) :- '$undefined'(T,M), !, ( S = spy -> print_message(warning,no_match(spy(M:F/N))) ; print_message(warning,no_match(nospy(M:F/N))) ). '$do_suspy'(S,F,N,T,M) :- '$suspy2'(S,F,N,T,M). '$suspy2'(spy,F,N,T,M) :- recorded('$spy','$spy'(T,M),_), !, print_message(informational,breakp(bp(debugger,plain,M:T,M:F/N,N),add,already)). '$suspy2'(spy,F,N,T,M) :- !, recorda('$spy','$spy'(T,M),_), '$set_spy'(T,M), print_message(informational,breakp(bp(debugger,plain,M:T,M:F/N,N),add,ok)). '$suspy2'(nospy,F,N,T,M) :- recorded('$spy','$spy'(T,M),R), !, erase(R), '$rm_spy'(T,M), print_message(informational,breakp(bp(debugger,plain,M:T,M:F/N,N),remove,last)). '$suspy2'(nospy,F,N,_,M) :- print_message(informational,breakp(no,breakpoint_for,M:F/N)). '$pred_being_spied'(G, M) :- recorded('$spy','$spy'(G,M),_), !. /** @pred spy( + _P_ ). Sets spy-points on all the predicates represented by _P_. _P_ can either be a single specification or a list of specifications. Each one must be of the form _Name/Arity_ or _Name_. In the last case all predicates with the name _Name_ will be spied. As in C-Prolog, system predicates and predicates written in C, cannot be spied. */ spy Spec :- '$init_debugger', prolog:debug_action_hook(spy(Spec)), !. spy L :- '$current_module'(M), '$suspy'(L, spy, M), fail. spy _ :- debug. /** @pred nospy( + _P_ ) Removes spy-points from all predicates specified by _P_. The possible forms for _P_ are the same as in `spy P`. */ nospy Spec :- '$init_debugger', prolog:debug_action_hook(nospy(Spec)), !. nospy L :- '$current_module'(M), '$suspy'(L, nospy, M), fail. nospy _. /** @pred nospyall Removes all existing spy-points. */ nospyall :- '$init_debugger', prolog:debug_action_hook(nospyall), !. nospyall :- recorded('$spy','$spy'(T,M),_), functor(T,F,N), '$suspy'(F/N,nospy,M), fail. nospyall. % debug mode -> debug flag = 1 debug :- '$init_debugger', ( '__NB_getval__'('$spy_gn',_, fail) -> true ; '__NB_setval__'('$spy_gn',1) ), set_prolog_flag(debug,true), '$start_user_code', print_message(informational,debug(debug)). '$start_user_code' :- yap_flag(debug, Can), '__NB_setval__'(debug, Can), '__NB_getval__'('$trace',Trace, fail), ( Trace == on -> Creep = creep; Creep = zip ), '__NB_setval__'('$debug_state',state(Creep,0,stop,Trace) ). nodebug :- set_prolog_flag(debug, false), '$init_debugger', '__NB_setval__'('$trace',off), print_message(informational,debug(off)). % % remove any debugging info after an abort. % /** @pred trace Switches on the debugger and enters tracing mode. */ trace :- print_message(informational,debug(trace)), set_prolog_flag(debug,true), '__NB_setval__'('$trace',on), '$init_debugger'. /** @pred notrace Ends tracing and exits the debugger. This is the same as nodebug/0. */ notrace :- '$init_debugger', nodebug. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- leash -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @pred leash(+ _M_) Sets leashing mode to _M_. The mode can be specified as: + `full` prompt on Call, Exit, Redo and Fail + `tight` prompt on Call, Redo and Fail + `half` prompt on Call and Redo + `loose` prompt on Call + `off` never prompt + `none` never prompt, same as `off` The initial leashing mode is `full`. The user may also specify directly the debugger ports where he wants to be prompted. If the argument for leash is a number _N_, each of lower four bits of the number is used to control prompting at one the ports of the box model. The debugger will prompt according to the following conditions: + if `N/\ 1 =\= 0` prompt on fail + if `N/\ 2 =\= 0` prompt on redo + if `N/\ 4 =\= 0` prompt on exit + if `N/\ 8 =\= 0` prompt on call Therefore, `leash(15)` is equivalent to `leash(full)` and `leash(0)` is equivalent to `leash(off)`. Another way of using `leash` is to give it a list with the names of the ports where the debugger should stop. For example, `leash([call,exit,redo,fail])` is the same as `leash(full)` or `leash(15)` and `leash([fail])` might be used instead of `leash(1)`. @} */ leash(X) :- var(X), '$do_error'(instantiation_error,leash(X)). leash(X) :- '$init_debugger', '$leashcode'(X,Code), set_value('$leash',Code), '$show_leash'(informational,Code), !. leash(X) :- '$do_error'(type_error(leash_mode,X),leash(X)). '$show_leash'(Msg,0) :- print_message(Msg,leash([])). '$show_leash'(Msg,Code) :- '$check_leash_bit'(Code,0x8,L3,call,LF), '$check_leash_bit'(Code,0x4,L2,exit,L3), '$check_leash_bit'(Code,0x2,L1,redo,L2), '$check_leash_bit'(Code,0x1,[],fail,L1), print_message(Msg,leash(LF)). '$check_leash_bit'(Code,Bit,L0,_,L0) :- Bit /\ Code =:= 0, !. '$check_leash_bit'(_,_,L0,Name,[Name|L0]). '$leashcode'(full,0xf) :- !. '$leashcode'(on,0xf) :- !. '$leashcode'(half,0xb) :- !. '$leashcode'(loose,0x8) :- !. '$leashcode'(off,0x0) :- !. '$leashcode'(none,0x0) :- !. %'$leashcode'([L|M],Code) :- !, '$leashcode_list'([L|M],Code). '$leashcode'([L|M],Code) :- !, '$list2Code'([L|M],Code). '$leashcode'(N,N) :- integer(N), N >= 0, N =< 0xf. '$list2Code'(V,_) :- var(V), !, '$do_error'(instantiation_error,leash(V)). '$list2Code'([],0) :- !. '$list2Code'([V|L],_) :- var(V), !, '$do_error'(instantiation_error,leash([V|L])). '$list2Code'([call|L],N) :- '$list2Code'(L,N1), N is 0x8 + N1. '$list2Code'([exit|L],N) :- '$list2Code'(L,N1), N is 0x4 + N1. '$list2Code'([redo|L],N) :- '$list2Code'(L,N1), N is 0x2 + N1. '$list2Code'([fail|L],N) :- '$list2Code'(L,N1), N is 0x1 + N1. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- debugging -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ debugging :- '$init_debugger', prolog:debug_action_hook(nospyall), !. debugging :- ( current_prolog_flag(debug, true) -> print_message(help,debug(debug)) ; print_message(help,debug(off)) ), findall(M:(N/A),(recorded('$spy','$spy'(T,M),_),functor(T,N,A)),L), print_message(help,breakpoints(L)), get_value('$leash',Leash), '$show_leash'(help,Leash). notrace(G) :- strip_module(G, M, G1), ( '$$save_by'(CP), '$debug_stop'( State ), '$call'(G1, CP, G, M), '$$save_by'(CP2), (CP == CP2 -> ! ; '$debug_state'( NState ), ( true ; '$debug_restart'(NState), fail ) ), '$debug_restart'( State ) ; '$debug_restart'( State ), fail ). '$creep_at_port'(retry) :- '__NB_getval__'(debug, true, fail), '__NB_getval__'('$trace',Trace,fail), Trace = on, !, '$enable_debugging'. '$creep_at_port'(fail) :- '__NB_getval__'(debug, true, fail), '__NB_getval__'('$trace',Trace,fail), Trace = on, !, '$enable_debugging'. '$init_debugger' :- '$debugger_io', '$init_debugger_trace', '__NB_setval__'('$if_skip_mode',no_skip), '__NB_setval__'('$spy_glist',[]), '__NB_setval__'('$spy_gn',1). '$init_debugger_trace' :- '__NB_getval__'('$trace',on,fail), !, nb_setval('$debug_state', state(creep, 0, stop, on)). '$init_debugger_trace' :- '__NB_setval__'('$trace',off), nb_setval('$debug_state', state(zip, 0, stop, off)). %% @pred $enter_debugging(G,Mod,CP,G0,NG) %% %% Internal predicate called by top-level; %% enable creeping on a goal by just switching execution to debugger. %% '$enter_debugging'(G,Mod,_CP,_G0,_NG) :- '$creepcalls'(G,Mod), !. '$enter_debugging'(G,_Mod,_CP,_G0,G). '$enter_debugging'(G,Mod,GN) :- current_prolog_flag( debug, Deb ), '__NB_set_value__'( debug, Deb ), ( Deb = false -> true ; '$creep_is_on_at_entry'(G,Mod,GN) -> '$creep' ; true ). '$exit_debugger'(Mod:G, GN) :- current_prolog_flag( debug, Deb ), '__NB_set_value__'( debug, Deb ), ( Deb = false -> true ; '$creep_is_on_at_entry'(G,Mod,GN) -> '$creep' ; true ). %% we're coming back from external code to a debugger call. %% '$reenter_debugger'(fail) :- '$re_enter_creep_mode'. '$reenter_debugger'(_) :- '__NB_setval__'(debug, false). % what to do when you exit the debugger. '$continue_debugging'(exit) :- !, '$re_enter_creep_mode'. '$continue_debugging'(answer) :- !, '$re_enter_creep_mode'. '$continue_debugging'(fail) :- !, '$re_enter_creep_mode', fail. '$continue_debugging'(redo) :- !, '$re_enter_creep_mode', fail. '$continue_debugging'(_). '$enable_debugging' :- '$re_enter_creep_mode'. %% @pred $re_enter_creep_mode1 %% %% Internal predicate called when exiting through a port; %% enable creeping on the next goal. %% '$re_enter_creep_mode' :- current_prolog_flag( debug, Deb ), '__NB_setval__'( debug, Deb ). '$creep_is_off'(Module:G, GoalNo) :- ( current_prolog_flag( debug, false ) -> true ; '$system_predicate'(G,Module) -> true ; '$is_private'(G,Module) -> true ; '__NB_getval__'('$debug_state',state(zip, GN, Spy,_), fail) -> true ; '$pred_being_spied'(G,Module) -> Spy == ignore ; var(GN) -> false ; GN > GoalNo ). '$creep_is_on_at_entry'(G,M,_GoalNo) :- \+ '$system_predicate'(G,M), '__NB_getval__'('$debug_state',state(Step, _GN, Spy,_), fail), ( Step \= zip ; Spy == stop, '$pred_being_spied'(G,M) ). '$trace_on' :- '__NB_getval__'('$debug_state', state(_Creep, GN, Spy,Trace), fail), nb_setval('$trace',on), nb_setval('$debug_state', state(creep, GN, Spy, Trace)). '$trace_off' :- '__NB_getval__'('$debug_state', state(_Creep, GN, Spy, Trace),fail), nb_setval('$debug_state', state(zip, GN, Spy,Trace)). /* @} */