/* $Id$ Part of SWI-Prolog Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: J.Wielemaker@uva.nl WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org Copyright (C): 1985-2008, University of Amsterdam This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA As a special exception, if you link this library with other files, compiled with a Free Software compiler, to produce an executable, this library does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */ :- module(quintus, [ % unix/1, % file_exists/1, abs/2, sin/2, cos/2, tan/2, log/2, log10/2, pow/3, ceiling/2, floor/2, round/2, acos/2, asin/2, atan/2, atan2/3, sign/2, sqrt/2, genarg/3, (mode)/1, (public)/1, no_style_check/1, otherwise/0, simple/1, % statistics/2, % Please access as quintus:statistics/2 prolog_flag/2, date/1, % -date(Year, Month, Day) current_stream/3, % ?File, ?Mode, ?Stream stream_position/3, % +Stream, -Old, +New skip_line/0, skip_line/1, % +Stream compile/1, % +File(s) atom_char/2, midstring/3, % ABC, B, AC midstring/4, % ABC, B, AC, LenA midstring/5, % ABC, B, AC, LenA, LenB midstring/6, % ABC, B, AC, LenA, LenB, LenC raise_exception/1, % +Exception on_exception/3 % +Ball, :Goal, :Recover ]). :- use_module(library(lists), [member/2]). /** <module> Quintus compatibility This module defines several predicates from the Quintus Prolog libraries. Note that our library structure is totally different. If this library were complete, Prolog code could be ported by removing the use_module/1 declarations, relying on the SWI-Prolog autoloader. Bluffers guide to porting: * Remove =|use_module(library(...))|= * Run =|?- list_undefined.|= * Fix problems Of course, this library is incomplete ... */ /******************************** * SYSTEM INTERACTION * *********************************/ % %% unix(+Action) % % interface to Unix. % unix(system(Command)) :- % shell(Command). % unix(shell(Command)) :- % shell(Command). % unix(shell) :- % shell. % unix(access(File, 0)) :- % access_file(File, read). % unix(cd) :- % expand_file_name(~, [Home]), % working_directory(_, Home). % unix(cd(Dir)) :- % working_directory(_, Dir). % unix(args(L)) :- % current_prolog_flag(argv, L). % unix(argv(L)) :- % current_prolog_flag(argv, S), % maplist(to_prolog, S, L). % to_prolog(S, A) :- % name(S, L), % name(A, L). /******************************** * META PREDICATES * *********************************/ %% otherwise % % For (A -> B ; otherwise -> C) % otherwise. /******************************** * ARITHMETIC * *********************************/ %% abs(+Number, -Absolute) % Unify `Absolute' with the absolute value of `Number'. abs(Number, Absolute) :- Absolute is abs(Number). %% sin(+Angle, -Sine) is det. %% cos(+Angle, -Cosine) is det. %% tan(+Angle, -Tangent) is det. %% log(+X, -NatLog) is det. %% log10(+X, -Log) is det. % % Math library predicates. SWI-Prolog (and ISO) support these as % functions under is/2, etc. sin(A, V) :- V is sin(A). cos(A, V) :- V is cos(A). tan(A, V) :- V is tan(A). log(A, V) :- V is log(A). log10(X, V) :- V is log10(X). pow(X,Y,V) :- V is X**Y. ceiling(X, V) :- V is ceil(X). floor(X, V) :- V is floor(X). round(X, V) :- V is round(X). sqrt(X, V) :- V is sqrt(X). acos(X, V) :- V is acos(X). asin(X, V) :- V is asin(X). atan(X, V) :- V is atan(X). atan2(Y, X, V) :- V is atan(Y, X). sign(X, V) :- V is sign(X). /******************************* * TERM MANIPULATION * *******************************/ %% genarg(?Index, +Term, ?Arg) is nondet. % % Generalised version of ISO arg/3. SWI-Prolog's arg/3 is already % genarg/3. genarg(N, T, A) :- % SWI-Prolog arg/3 is generic arg(N, T, A). /******************************* * FLAGS * *******************************/ %% prolog_flag(?Flag, ?Value) is nondet. % % Same as ISO current_prolog_flag/2. Maps =version=. % % @bug Should map relevant Quintus flag identifiers. % prolog_flag(version, Version) :- !, % current_prolog_flag(version_data, swi(Major, Minor, Patch, _)), % current_prolog_flag(arch, Arch), % current_prolog_flag(compiled_at, Compiled), % atomic_list_concat(['SWI-Prolog ', % Major, '.', Minor, '.', Patch, % ' (', Arch, '): ', Compiled], Version). % prolog_flag(Flag, Value) :- % current_prolog_flag(Flag, Value). /******************************* * STATISTICS * *******************************/ % Here used to be a definition of Quintus statistics/2 in traditional % SWI-Prolog statistics/2. The current built-in emulates Quintus % almost completely. /******************************* * DATE/TIME * *******************************/ %% date(-Date) is det. % % Get current date as date(Y,M,D) date(Date) :- get_time(T), stamp_date_time(T, DaTime, local), date_time_value(date, DaTime, Date). /******************************** * STYLE CHECK * *********************************/ %% no_style_check(Style) is det. % % Same as SWI-Prolog =|style_check(-Style)|=. The Quintus option % =single_var= is mapped to =singleton=. % % @see style_check/1. q_style_option(single_var, singleton) :- !. q_style_option(Option, Option). % no_style_check(QOption) :- % q_style_option(QOption, SWIOption), % style_check(-SWIOption). /******************************** * DIRECTIVES * *********************************/ % :- op(1150, fx, [(mode), (public)]). % mode(_). % public(_). /******************************* * TYPES * *******************************/ %% simple(@Term) is semidet. % % Term is atomic or a variable. % simple(X) :- % ( atomic(X) % -> true % ; var(X) % ). /******************************* * STREAMS * *******************************/ %% current_stream(?Object, ?Mode, ?Stream) % % SICStus/Quintus and backward compatible predicate. New code should % be using the ISO compatible stream_property/2. % current_stream(Object, Mode, Stream) :- % stream_property(Stream, mode(FullMode)), % stream_mode(FullMode, Mode), % ( stream_property(Stream, file_name(Object0)) % -> true % ; stream_property(Stream, file_no(Object0)) % -> true % ; Object0 = [] % ), % Object = Object0. % stream_mode(read, read). % stream_mode(write, write). % stream_mode(append, write). % stream_mode(update, write). % %% stream_position(+Stream, -Old, +New) % stream_position(Stream, Old, New) :- % stream_property(Stream, position(Old)), % set_stream_position(Stream, New). %% skip_line is det. %% skip_line(Stream) is det. % % Skip the rest of the current line (on Stream). Same as % =|skip(0'\n)|=. skip_line :- skip(10). skip_line(Stream) :- skip(Stream, 10). /******************************* * COMPILATION * *******************************/ %% compile(+Files) is det. % % Compile files. SWI-Prolog doesn't distinguish between % compilation and consult. % % @see load_files/2. % :- meta_predicate % compile(:). % compile(Files) :- % consult(Files). /******************************* * ATOM-HANDLING * *******************************/ %% atom_char(+Char, -Code) is det. %% atom_char(-Char, +Code) is det. % % Same as ISO char_code/2. atom_char(Char, Code) :- char_code(Char, Code). %% midstring(?ABC, ?B, ?AC) is nondet. %% midstring(?ABC, ?B, ?AC, LenA) is nondet. %% midstring(?ABC, ?B, ?AC, LenA, LenB) is nondet. %% midstring(?ABC, ?B, ?AC, LenA, LenB, LenC) is nondet. % % Too difficult to explain. See the Quintus docs. As far as I % understand them the code below emulates this function just fine. midstring(ABC, B, AC) :- midstring(ABC, B, AC, _, _, _). midstring(ABC, B, AC, LenA) :- midstring(ABC, B, AC, LenA, _, _). midstring(ABC, B, AC, LenA, LenB) :- midstring(ABC, B, AC, LenA, LenB, _). midstring(ABC, B, AC, LenA, LenB, LenC) :- % -ABC, +B, +AC var(ABC), !, atom_length(AC, LenAC), ( nonvar(LenA) ; nonvar(LenC) -> plus(LenA, LenC, LenAC) ; true ), sub_atom(AC, 0, LenA, _, A), LenC is LenAC - LenA, sub_atom(AC, _, LenC, 0, C), atom_length(B, LenB), atomic_list_concat([A,B,C], ABC). midstring(ABC, B, AC, LenA, LenB, LenC) :- sub_atom(ABC, LenA, LenB, LenC, B), sub_atom(ABC, 0, LenA, _, A), sub_atom(ABC, _, LenC, 0, C), atom_concat(A, C, AC). /******************************* * EXCEPTIONS * *******************************/ %% raise_exception(+Term) % % Quintus compatible exception handling % raise_exception(Term) :- % throw(Term). %% on_exception(+Template, :Goal, :Recover) :- meta_predicate on_exception(+, 0, 0). % on_exception(Except, Goal, Recover) :- % catch(Goal, Except, Recover).