%% demo1.pl -- Stasinos Konstantopoulos %% konstant@let.rug.nl, Thu Jan 24 2002 %% % make the `floor' operator return integer values :- set_prolog_flag(language, iso). %% %% This the calculation that needs to be performed, in this case %% the sum of [From..To] %% calc( From, From, Acc, Res ) :- !, Res is Acc + From. calc( From, To, Acc, Res ) :- !, Acc1 is Acc + To, To1 is To - 1, calc( From, To1, Acc1, Res ). %% %% This spreads the work among the processors %% and collects the results. %% do(0, NumProc):- !, % broadcast task mpi_bcast(10, 0), set_value(n, NumProc), set_value(acc, 0), repeat, mpi_receive(T, Source, Tag), format( '0: Proc ~q said: ~q (Tag: ~q)~n', [Source,T,Tag] ), % accumulate results get_value(acc, Acc), NewAcc is Acc + T, set_value(acc, NewAcc), % processors still left get_value(n, Counter), NewCounter is Counter - 1, set_value(n, NewCounter), NewCounter == 1, !, format( '0: Result: ~q.~n', [NewAcc]). do(Rank, NumProc):- !, % catch the task broadcast mpi_bcast(Job, 0), From is floor(Job * (Rank - 1) / (NumProc - 1)), To is floor(Job * Rank / (NumProc - 1)) - 1, format( '~q: I am calculating ~q..~q.~n', [Rank,From,To] ), % do the job calc( From, To, 0, Result ), format( '~q: sending ~q to 0. (Tag: 1)~n', [Rank,Result] ), % send back the results mpi_send(Result, 0, 1). %% %% This is the entry point %% start:- mpi_open(Rank, NumProc, ProcName), format('Rank: ~q NumProc: ~q, ProcName: ~q~n', [Rank,NumProc,ProcName]), do(Rank, NumProc), format( 'Rank ~q finished!~n', [Rank] ), mpi_close.