/* $Id$ Part of SWI-Prolog Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: J.Wielemaker@uva.nl WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org Copyright (C): 1985-2009, University of Amsterdam This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA As a special exception, if you link this library with other files, compiled with a Free Software compiler, to produce an executable, this library does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */ :- module(http_header, [ http_read_request/2, % +Stream, -Request http_read_reply_header/2, % +Stream, -Reply http_reply/2, % +What, +Stream http_reply/3, % +What, +Stream, +HdrExtra http_reply/4, % +What, +Stream, +HdrExtra, -Code http_reply_header/3, % +Stream, +What, +HdrExtra http_timestamp/2, % +Time, -HTTP string http_post_data/3, % +Stream, +Data, +HdrExtra http_read_header/2, % +Fd, -Header http_parse_header/2, % +Codes, -Header http_join_headers/3, % +Default, +InHdr, -OutHdr http_update_encoding/3, % +HeaderIn, -Encoding, -HeaderOut http_update_connection/4, % +HeaderIn, +Request, -Connection, -HeaderOut http_update_transfer/4 % +HeaderIn, +Request, -Transfer, -HeaderOut ]). :- use_module(library(readutil)). :- use_module(library(debug)). :- use_module(library(lists)). :- use_module(library(url)). :- use_module(library(memfile)). :- use_module(library(settings)). :- use_module(library(error)). :- use_module(dcg_basics). :- use_module(html_write). :- use_module(http_exception). :- use_module(mimetype). :- use_module(mimepack). % see http_update_transfer/4. :- setting(http:chunked_transfer, oneof([never,on_request,if_possible]), on_request, 'When to use Transfer-Encoding: Chunked'). /******************************* * READ REQUEST * *******************************/ %% http_read_request(+FdIn:stream, -Request) is det. % % Read an HTTP request-header from FdIn and return the broken-down % request fields as +Name(+Value) pairs in a list. Request is % unified to =end_of_file= if FdIn is at the end of input. http_read_request(In, Request) :- read_line_to_codes(In, Codes), ( Codes == end_of_file -> debug(http(header), 'end-of-file', []), Request = end_of_file ; debug(http(header), 'First line: ~s~n', [Codes]), Request = [input(In)|Request1], phrase(request(In, Request1), Codes), ( Request1 = [unknown(Text)|_] -> atom_codes(S, Text), syntax_error(http_request(S)) ; true ) ). %% http_read_reply_header(+FdIn, -Reply) % % Read the HTTP reply header. Throws an exception if the current % input does not contain a valid reply header. http_read_reply_header(In, [input(In)|Reply]) :- read_line_to_codes(In, Codes), ( Codes == end_of_file -> debug(http(header), 'end-of-file', []), throw(error(syntax(http_reply_header, end_of_file), _)) ; debug(http(header), 'First line: ~s~n', [Codes]), ( phrase(reply(In, Reply), Codes) -> true ; atom_codes(Header, Codes), syntax_error(http_reply_header(Header)) ) ). /******************************* * FORMULATE REPLY * *******************************/ %% http_reply(+Data, +Out:stream) is det. %% http_reply(+Data, +Out:stream, +HdrExtra) is det. % % Data is one of % % * html(HTML) % HTML tokens as produced by html//1 from html_write.pl % % * file(+MimeType, +FileName) % Reply content of FileName using MimeType % % * file(+MimeType, +FileName, +Range) % Reply partial content of FileName with given MimeType % % * tmp_file(+MimeType, +FileName) % Same as =file=, but do not include modification time % % * stream(+In, +Len) % Reply content of stream. % % * cgi_stream(+In, +Len) % Reply content of stream, which should start with an % HTTP header, followed by a blank line. This is the % typical output from a CGI script. % % * Status % HTTP status report and defined by http_status_reply/3. % % @param HdrExtra provides additional reply-header fields, encoded % as Name(Value). It can also contain a field % content_length(-Len) to _retrieve_ the % value of the Content-length header that is replied. % % @tbd Complete documentation http_reply(What, Out) :- http_reply(What, Out, [connection(close)], _). http_reply(Data, Out, HdrExtra) :- http_reply(Data, Out, HdrExtra, _Code). http_reply(Data, Out, HdrExtra, Code) :- byte_count(Out, C0), catch(http_reply_data(Data, Out, HdrExtra, Code), E, true), !, ( var(E) -> true ; E = error(io_error(write, _), _) -> byte_count(Out, C1), Sent is C1 - C0, throw(error(http_write_short(Data, Sent), _)) ; map_exception_to_http_status(E, Status, NewHdr), http_status_reply(Status, Out, NewHdr, Code) ). http_reply(Status, Out, HdrExtra, Code) :- http_status_reply(Status, Out, HdrExtra, Code). %% http_reply_data(+Data, +Out, +HdrExtra, -Code) is semidet. % % Fails if Data is not a defined reply-data format, but a status % term. See http_reply/3 and http_status_reply/3. % % @error Various I/O errors. http_reply_data(html(HTML), Out, HrdExtra, Code) :- !, phrase(reply_header(html(HTML), HrdExtra, Code), Header), format(Out, '~s', [Header]), print_html(Out, HTML). http_reply_data(file(Type, File), Out, HrdExtra, Code) :- !, phrase(reply_header(file(Type, File), HrdExtra, Code), Header), reply_file(Out, File, Header). http_reply_data(file(Type, File, Range), Out, HrdExtra, Code) :- !, phrase(reply_header(file(Type, File, Range), HrdExtra, Code), Header), reply_file_range(Out, File, Header, Range). http_reply_data(tmp_file(Type, File), Out, HrdExtra, Code) :- !, phrase(reply_header(tmp_file(Type, File), HrdExtra, Code), Header), reply_file(Out, File, Header). http_reply_data(stream(In, Len), Out, HdrExtra, Code) :- !, phrase(reply_header(cgi_data(Len), HdrExtra, Code), Header), copy_stream(Out, In, Header, 0, end). http_reply_data(cgi_stream(In, Len), Out, HrdExtra, Code) :- !, http_read_header(In, CgiHeader), seek(In, 0, current, Pos), Size is Len - Pos, http_join_headers(HrdExtra, CgiHeader, Hdr2), phrase(reply_header(cgi_data(Size), Hdr2, Code), Header), copy_stream(Out, In, Header, 0, end). reply_file(Out, File, Header) :- setup_call_cleanup(open(File, read, In, [type(binary)]), copy_stream(Out, In, Header, 0, end), close(In)). reply_file_range(Out, File, Header, bytes(From, To)) :- !, setup_call_cleanup(open(File, read, In, [type(binary)]), copy_stream(Out, In, Header, From, To), close(In)). copy_stream(Out, In, Header, From, To) :- ( From == 0 -> true ; seek(In, From, bof, _) ), peek_byte(In, _), format(Out, '~s', [Header]), ( To == end -> copy_stream_data(In, Out) ; Len is To - From, copy_stream_data(In, Out, Len) ), flush_output(Out). %% http_status_reply(+Status, +Out, +HdrExtra, -Code) is det. % % Emit HTML non-200 status reports. Such requests are always sent % as UTF-8 documents. http_status_reply(Status, Out, HdrExtra, Code) :- setup_call_cleanup(set_stream(Out, encoding(utf8)), status_reply(Status, Out, HdrExtra, Code), set_stream(Out, encoding(octet))), !. status_reply(no_content, Out, HrdExtra, Code) :- !, phrase(reply_header(status(no_content), HrdExtra, Code), Header), format(Out, '~s', [Header]), flush_output(Out). status_reply(created(Location), Out, HrdExtra, Code) :- !, phrase(page([ title('201 Created') ], [ h1('Created'), p(['The document was created ', a(href(Location), ' Here') ]), \address ]), HTML), phrase(reply_header(created(Location, HTML), HrdExtra, Code), Header), format(Out, '~s', [Header]), print_html(Out, HTML). status_reply(moved(To), Out, HrdExtra, Code) :- !, phrase(page([ title('301 Moved Permanently') ], [ h1('Moved Permanently'), p(['The document has moved ', a(href(To), ' Here') ]), \address ]), HTML), phrase(reply_header(moved(To, HTML), HrdExtra, Code), Header), format(Out, '~s', [Header]), print_html(Out, HTML). status_reply(moved_temporary(To), Out, HrdExtra, Code) :- !, phrase(page([ title('302 Moved Temporary') ], [ h1('Moved Temporary'), p(['The document is currently ', a(href(To), ' Here') ]), \address ]), HTML), phrase(reply_header(moved_temporary(To, HTML), HrdExtra, Code), Header), format(Out, '~s', [Header]), print_html(Out, HTML). status_reply(see_other(To),Out,HdrExtra, Code) :- !, phrase(page([ title('303 See Other') ], [ h1('See Other'), p(['See other document ', a(href(To), ' Here') ]), \address ]), HTML), phrase(reply_header(see_other(To, HTML), HdrExtra, Code), Header), format(Out, '~s', [Header]), print_html(Out, HTML). status_reply(bad_request(ErrorTerm), Out, HdrExtra, Code) :- !, '$messages':translate_message(ErrorTerm, Lines, []), phrase(page([ title('400 Bad Request') ], [ h1('Bad Request'), p(\html_message_lines(Lines)), \address ]), HTML), phrase(reply_header(status(bad_request, HTML), HdrExtra, Code), Header), format(Out, '~s', [Header]), print_html(Out, HTML). status_reply(not_found(URL), Out, HrdExtra, Code) :- !, phrase(page([ title('404 Not Found') ], [ h1('Not Found'), p(['The requested URL ', tt(URL), ' was not found on this server' ]), \address ]), HTML), phrase(reply_header(status(not_found, HTML), HrdExtra, Code), Header), format(Out, '~s', [Header]), print_html(Out, HTML). status_reply(forbidden(URL), Out, HrdExtra, Code) :- !, phrase(page([ title('403 Forbidden') ], [ h1('Forbidden'), p(['You don\'t have permission to access ', URL, ' on this server' ]), \address ]), HTML), phrase(reply_header(status(forbidden, HTML), HrdExtra, Code), Header), format(Out, '~s', [Header]), print_html(Out, HTML). status_reply(authorise(Method, Realm), Out, HrdExtra, Code) :- !, phrase(page([ title('401 Authorization Required') ], [ h1('Authorization Required'), p(['This server could not verify that you ', 'are authorized to access the document ', 'requested. Either you supplied the wrong ', 'credentials (e.g., bad password), or your ', 'browser doesn\'t understand how to supply ', 'the credentials required.' ]), \address ]), HTML), phrase(reply_header(authorise(Method, Realm, HTML), HrdExtra, Code), Header), format(Out, '~s', [Header]), print_html(Out, HTML). status_reply(not_modified, Out, HrdExtra, Code) :- !, phrase(reply_header(status(not_modified), HrdExtra, Code), Header), format(Out, '~s', [Header]), flush_output(Out). status_reply(server_error(ErrorTerm), Out, HrdExtra, Code) :- '$messages':translate_message(ErrorTerm, Lines, []), phrase(page([ title('500 Internal server error') ], [ h1('Internal server error'), p(\html_message_lines(Lines)), \address ]), HTML), phrase(reply_header(status(server_error, HTML), HrdExtra, Code), Header), format(Out, '~s', [Header]), print_html(Out, HTML). status_reply(not_acceptable(WhyHTML), Out, HdrExtra, Code) :- !, phrase(page([ title('406 Not Acceptable') ], [ h1('Not Acceptable'), WhyHTML, \address ]), HTML), phrase(reply_header(status(not_acceptable, HTML), HdrExtra, Code), Header), format(Out, '~s', [Header]), print_html(Out, HTML). status_reply(unavailable(WhyHTML), Out, HdrExtra, Code) :- !, phrase(page([ title('503 Service Unavailable') ], [ h1('Service Unavailable'), WhyHTML, \address ]), HTML), phrase(reply_header(status(service_unavailable, HTML), HdrExtra, Code), Header), format(Out, '~s', [Header]), print_html(Out, HTML). status_reply(resource_error(ErrorTerm), Out, HdrExtra, Code) :- !, '$messages':translate_message(ErrorTerm, Lines, []), status_reply(unavailable(p(\html_message_lines(Lines))), Out, HdrExtra, Code). status_reply(busy, Out, HdrExtra, Code) :- !, HTML = p(['The server is temporarily out of resources, ', 'please try again later']), http_status_reply(unavailable(HTML), Out, HdrExtra, Code). html_message_lines([]) --> []. html_message_lines([nl|T]) --> !, html([br([])]), html_message_lines(T). html_message_lines([flush]) --> []. html_message_lines([Fmt-Args|T]) --> !, { format(string(S), Fmt, Args) }, html([S]), html_message_lines(T). html_message_lines([Fmt|T]) --> !, { format(string(S), Fmt, []) }, html([S]), html_message_lines(T). %% http_join_headers(+Default, +Header, -Out) % % Append headers from Default to Header if they are not % already part of it. http_join_headers([], H, H). http_join_headers([H|T], Hdr0, Hdr) :- functor(H, N, A), functor(H2, N, A), member(H2, Hdr0), !, http_join_headers(T, Hdr0, Hdr). http_join_headers([H|T], Hdr0, [H|Hdr]) :- http_join_headers(T, Hdr0, Hdr). %% http_update_encoding(+HeaderIn, -Encoding, -HeaderOut) % % Allow for rewrite of the header, adjusting the encoding. We % distinguish three options. If the user announces `text', we % always use UTF-8 encoding. If the user announces charset=utf-8 % we use UTF-8 and otherwise we use octet (raw) encoding. % Alternatively we could dynamically choose for ASCII, ISO-Latin-1 % or UTF-8. http_update_encoding(Header0, utf8, [content_type(Type)|Header]) :- select(content_type(Type0), Header0, Header), sub_atom(Type0, 0, _, _, 'text/'), !, ( sub_atom(Type0, S, _, _, ';') -> sub_atom(Type0, 0, S, _, B) ; B = Type0 ), atom_concat(B, '; charset=UTF-8', Type). http_update_encoding(Header, Encoding, Header) :- memberchk(content_type(Type), Header), ( ( sub_atom(Type, _, _, _, 'UTF-8') ; sub_atom(Type, _, _, _, 'utf-8') ) -> Encoding = utf8 ; mime_type_encoding(Type, Encoding) ). http_update_encoding(Header, octet, Header). %% mime_type_encoding(+MimeType, -Encoding) is semidet. % % Encoding is the (default) character encoding for MimeType. mime_type_encoding('application/json', utf8). mime_type_encoding('application/jsonrequest', utf8). %% http_update_connection(+CGIHeader, +Request, -Connection, -Header) % % Merge keep-alive information from Request and CGIHeader into % Header. http_update_connection(CgiHeader, Request, Connect, [connection(Connect)|Rest]) :- select(connection(CgiConn), CgiHeader, Rest), !, connection(Request, ReqConnection), join_connection(ReqConnection, CgiConn, Connect). http_update_connection(CgiHeader, Request, Connect, [connection(Connect)|CgiHeader]) :- connection(Request, Connect). join_connection(Keep1, Keep2, Connection) :- ( downcase_atom(Keep1, 'keep-alive'), downcase_atom(Keep2, 'keep-alive') -> Connection = 'Keep-Alive' ; Connection = close ). %% connection(+Header, -Connection) % % Extract the desired connection from a header. connection(Header, Close) :- ( memberchk(connection(Connection), Header) -> Close = Connection ; memberchk(http_version(1-X), Header), X >= 1 -> Close = 'Keep-Alive' ; Close = close ). %% http_update_transfer(+Request, +CGIHeader, -Transfer, -Header) % % Decide on the transfer encoding from the Request and the CGI % header. The behaviour depends on the setting % http:chunked_transfer. If =never=, even explitic requests are % ignored. If =on_request=, chunked encoding is used if requested % through the CGI header and allowed by the client. If % =if_possible=, chunked encoding is used whenever the client % allows for it, which is interpreted as the client supporting % HTTP 1.1 or higher. % % Chunked encoding is more space efficient and allows the client % to start processing partial results. The drawback is that errors % lead to incomplete pages instead of a nicely formatted complete % page. http_update_transfer(Request, CgiHeader, Transfer, Header) :- setting(http:chunked_transfer, When), http_update_transfer(When, Request, CgiHeader, Transfer, Header). http_update_transfer(never, _, CgiHeader, none, Header) :- !, delete(CgiHeader, transfer_encoding(_), Header). http_update_transfer(_, Request, CgiHeader, Transfer, Header) :- select(transfer_encoding(CgiTransfer), CgiHeader, Rest), !, transfer(Request, ReqConnection), join_transfer(ReqConnection, CgiTransfer, Transfer), ( Transfer == none -> Header = Rest ; Header = [transfer_encoding(Transfer)|Rest] ). http_update_transfer(if_possible, Request, CgiHeader, Transfer, Header) :- transfer(Request, Transfer), Transfer \== none, !, Header = [transfer_encoding(Transfer)|CgiHeader]. http_update_transfer(_, _, CgiHeader, none, CgiHeader). join_transfer(chunked, chunked, chunked) :- !. join_transfer(_, _, none). %% transfer(+Header, -Connection) % % Extract the desired connection from a header. transfer(Header, Transfer) :- ( memberchk(transfer_encoding(Transfer0), Header) -> Transfer = Transfer0 ; memberchk(http_version(1-X), Header), X >= 1 -> Transfer = chunked ; Transfer = none ). %% content_length_in_encoding(+Encoding, +In, -Bytes) % % Determine hom much bytes are required to represent the data from % stream In using the given encoding. Fails if the data cannot be % represented with the given encoding. content_length_in_encoding(Enc, Stream, Bytes) :- open_null_stream(Out), set_stream(Out, encoding(Enc)), stream_property(Stream, position(Here)), ( catch((copy_stream_data(Stream, Out), flush_output(Out)), _, fail) -> byte_count(Out, Bytes0) ; true ), close(Out), set_stream_position(Stream, Here), ( var(Bytes0) -> fail ; Bytes = Bytes0 ). /******************************* * POST SUPPORT * *******************************/ %% http_post_data(+Data, +Out:stream, +HdrExtra) is det. % % Send data on behalf on an HTTP POST request. This predicate is % normally called by http_post/4 from http_client.pl to send the % POST data to the server. Data is one of: % % * html(+Tokens) % Result of html//1 from html_write.pl % % * file(+File) % Send contents of a file. Mime-type is determined by % file_mime_type/2. % % * file(+Type, +File) % Send file with content of indicated mime-type. % % * codes(+Codes) % As string(text/plain, Codes). % % * codes(+Type, +Codes) % Send Codes using the indicated MIME-type. % % * cgi_stream(+Stream, +Len) % Read the input from Stream which, like CGI data starts with a partial % HTTP header. The fields of this header are merged with the provided % HdrExtra fields. The first Len characters of Stream are used. % % * form(+ListOfParameter) % Send data of the MIME type application/x-www-form-urlencoded as % produced by browsers issuing a POST request from an HTML form. % ListOfParameter is a list of Name=Value or Name(Value). % % * form_data(+ListOfData) % Send data of the MIME type multipart/form-data. ListOfData is the same % as for the List alternative described below. % % * List % If the argument is a plain list, it is sent using the MIME type % multipart/mixed and packed using mime_pack/3. See mime_pack/3 % for details on the argument format. :- multifile http_client:post_data_hook/3. http_post_data(Data, Out, HdrExtra) :- http_client:post_data_hook(Data, Out, HdrExtra), !. http_post_data(html(HTML), Out, HdrExtra) :- phrase(post_header(html(HTML), HdrExtra), Header), format(Out, '~s', [Header]), print_html(Out, HTML). http_post_data(file(File), Out, HdrExtra) :- !, ( file_mime_type(File, Type) -> true ; Type = text/plain ), http_post_data(file(Type, File), Out, HdrExtra). http_post_data(file(Type, File), Out, HdrExtra) :- !, phrase(post_header(file(Type, File), HdrExtra), Header), format(Out, '~s', [Header]), open(File, read, In, [type(binary)]), call_cleanup(copy_stream_data(In, Out), close(In)). http_post_data(codes(Codes), Out, HdrExtra) :- !, http_post_data(codes(text/plain, Codes), Out, HdrExtra). http_post_data(codes(Type, Codes), Out, HdrExtra) :- !, phrase(post_header(codes(Type, Codes), HdrExtra), Header), format(Out, '~s~s', [Header, Codes]). http_post_data(cgi_stream(In, _Len), Out, HdrExtra) :- !, debug(obsolete, 'Obsolete 2nd argument in cgi_stream(In,Len)', []), http_post_data(cgi_stream(In), Out, HdrExtra). http_post_data(cgi_stream(In), Out, HdrExtra) :- !, http_read_header(In, Header0), http_update_encoding(Header0, Encoding, Header), content_length_in_encoding(Encoding, In, Size), http_join_headers(HdrExtra, Header, Hdr2), phrase(post_header(cgi_data(Size), Hdr2), HeaderText), format(Out, '~s', [HeaderText]), set_stream(Out, encoding(Encoding)), call_cleanup(copy_stream_data(In, Out), set_stream(Out, encoding(octet))). http_post_data(form(Fields), Out, HdrExtra) :- !, parse_url_search(Codes, Fields), length(Codes, Size), http_join_headers(HdrExtra, [ content_type('application/x-www-form-urlencoded') ], Header), phrase(post_header(cgi_data(Size), Header), HeaderChars), format(Out, '~s', [HeaderChars]), format(Out, '~s', [Codes]). http_post_data(form_data(Data), Out, HdrExtra) :- !, new_memory_file(MemFile), open_memory_file(MemFile, write, MimeOut), mime_pack(Data, MimeOut, Boundary), close(MimeOut), size_memory_file(MemFile, Size), format(string(ContentType), 'multipart/form-data; boundary=~w', [Boundary]), http_join_headers(HdrExtra, [ mime_version('1.0'), content_type(ContentType) ], Header), phrase(post_header(cgi_data(Size), Header), HeaderChars), format(Out, '~s', [HeaderChars]), open_memory_file(MemFile, read, In), copy_stream_data(In, Out), close(In), free_memory_file(MemFile). http_post_data(List, Out, HdrExtra) :- % multipart-mixed is_list(List), !, new_memory_file(MemFile), open_memory_file(MemFile, write, MimeOut), mime_pack(List, MimeOut, Boundary), close(MimeOut), size_memory_file(MemFile, Size), format(string(ContentType), 'multipart/mixed; boundary=~w', [Boundary]), http_join_headers(HdrExtra, [ mime_version('1.0'), content_type(ContentType) ], Header), phrase(post_header(cgi_data(Size), Header), HeaderChars), format(Out, '~s', [HeaderChars]), open_memory_file(MemFile, read, In), copy_stream_data(In, Out), close(In), free_memory_file(MemFile). %% post_header(+Data, +HeaderExtra)// % % Generate the POST header, emitting HeaderExtra, followed by the % HTTP Content-length and Content-type fields. post_header(html(Tokens), HdrExtra) --> header_fields(HdrExtra, Len), content_length(html(Tokens), Len), content_type(text/html), "\r\n". post_header(file(Type, File), HdrExtra) --> header_fields(HdrExtra, Len), content_length(file(File), Len), content_type(Type), "\r\n". post_header(cgi_data(Size), HdrExtra) --> header_fields(HdrExtra, Len), content_length(Size, Len), "\r\n". post_header(codes(Type, Codes), HdrExtra) --> header_fields(HdrExtra, Len), content_length(ascii_string(Codes), Len), content_type(Type), "\r\n". /******************************* * OUTPUT HEADER DCG * *******************************/ %% http_reply_header(+Out:stream, +What, +HdrExtra) is det. % % Create a reply header using reply_header//2 and send it to % Stream. http_reply_header(Out, What, HdrExtra) :- phrase(reply_header(What, HdrExtra, _Code), String), !, format(Out, '~s', [String]). reply_header(string(String), HdrExtra, Code) --> reply_header(string(text/plain, String), HdrExtra, Code). reply_header(string(Type, String), HdrExtra, Code) --> vstatus(ok, Code), date(now), header_fields(HdrExtra, CLen), content_length(ascii_string(String), CLen), content_type(Type), "\r\n". reply_header(html(Tokens), HdrExtra, Code) --> vstatus(ok, Code), date(now), header_fields(HdrExtra, CLen), content_length(html(Tokens), CLen), content_type(text/html), "\r\n". reply_header(file(Type, File), HdrExtra, Code) --> vstatus(ok, Code), date(now), modified(file(File)), header_fields(HdrExtra, CLen), content_length(file(File), CLen), content_type(Type), "\r\n". reply_header(file(Type, File, Range), HdrExtra, Code) --> vstatus(partial_content, Code), date(now), modified(file(File)), header_fields(HdrExtra, CLen), content_length(file(File, Range), CLen), content_type(Type), "\r\n". reply_header(tmp_file(Type, File), HdrExtra, Code) --> vstatus(ok, Code), date(now), header_fields(HdrExtra, CLen), content_length(file(File), CLen), content_type(Type), "\r\n". reply_header(cgi_data(Size), HdrExtra, Code) --> vstatus(ok, Code), date(now), header_fields(HdrExtra, CLen), content_length(Size, CLen), "\r\n". reply_header(chunked_data, HdrExtra, Code) --> vstatus(ok, Code), date(now), header_fields(HdrExtra, _), ( {memberchk(transfer_encoding(_), HdrExtra)} -> "" ; transfer_encoding(chunked) ), "\r\n". reply_header(moved(To, Tokens), HdrExtra, Code) --> vstatus(moved, Code), date(now), header_field('Location', To), header_fields(HdrExtra, CLen), content_length(html(Tokens), CLen), content_type(text/html, utf8), "\r\n". reply_header(created(Location, Tokens), HdrExtra, Code) --> vstatus(moved, Code), date(now), header_field('Location', Location), header_fields(HdrExtra, CLen), content_length(html(Tokens), CLen), content_type(text/html, utf8), "\r\n". reply_header(moved_temporary(To, Tokens), HdrExtra, Code) --> vstatus(moved_temporary, Code), date(now), header_field('Location', To), header_fields(HdrExtra, CLen), content_length(html(Tokens), CLen), content_type(text/html, utf8), "\r\n". reply_header(see_other(To,Tokens),HdrExtra, Code) --> vstatus(see_other, Code), date(now), header_field('Location',To), header_fields(HdrExtra, CLen), content_length(html(Tokens), CLen), content_type(text/html, utf8), "\r\n". reply_header(status(Status), HdrExtra, Code) --> % Empty messages: 1xx, 204 and 304 vstatus(Status, Code), header_fields(HdrExtra, Clen), { Clen = 0 }, "\r\n". reply_header(status(Status, Tokens), HdrExtra, Code) --> vstatus(Status, Code), date(now), header_fields(HdrExtra, CLen), content_length(html(Tokens), CLen), content_type(text/html, utf8), "\r\n". reply_header(authorise(Method, Realm, Tokens), HdrExtra, Code) --> vstatus(authorise, Code), date(now), authenticate(Method, Realm), header_fields(HdrExtra, CLen), content_length(html(Tokens), CLen), content_type(text/html, utf8), "\r\n". vstatus(Status, Code) --> "HTTP/1.1 ", status_number(Status, Code), " ", status_comment(Status), "\r\n". %% status_number(?Status, ?Code)// is semidet. % % Parse/generate the HTTP status numbers and return them as a code % (atom). status_number(Status, Code) --> { var(Status) }, !, integer(Code), { status_number(Status, Code) }, !. status_number(Status, Code) --> { status_number(Status, Code) }, integer(Code). status_number(continue, 100). status_number(ok, 200). status_number(created, 201). status_number(accepted, 202). status_number(no_content, 204). status_number(partial_content, 206). status_number(moved, 301). status_number(moved_temporary, 302). status_number(see_other, 303). status_number(not_modified, 304). status_number(bad_request, 400). status_number(authorise, 401). status_number(forbidden, 403). status_number(not_found, 404). status_number(not_acceptable, 406). status_number(server_error, 500). status_number(service_unavailable, 503). %% status_comment(+Code:atom)// is det. % % Emit standard HTTP human-readable comment on the reply-status. status_comment(continue) --> "Continue". status_comment(ok) --> "OK". status_comment(created) --> "Created". status_comment(accepted) --> "Accepted". status_comment(no_content) --> "No Content". status_comment(created) --> "Created". status_comment(partial_content) --> "Partial content". status_comment(moved) --> "Moved Permanently". status_comment(moved_temporary) --> "Moved Temporary". status_comment(see_other) --> "See Other". status_comment(not_modified) --> "Not Modified". status_comment(bad_request) --> "Bad Request". status_comment(not_found) --> "Not Found". status_comment(forbidden) --> "Forbidden". status_comment(authorise) --> "Authorization Required". status_comment(server_error) --> "Internal Server Error". status_comment(service_unavailable) --> "Service Unavailable". status_comment(not_acceptable) --> "Not Acceptable". authenticate(Method, '') --> !, "WWW-Authenticate: ", atom(Method). authenticate(Method, Realm) --> authenticate(Method, ''), " Realm=\"", atom(Realm), "\"\r\n". date(Time) --> "Date: ", ( { Time == now } -> now ; rfc_date(Time) ), "\r\n". modified(file(File)) --> !, { time_file(File, Time) }, modified(Time). modified(Time) --> "Last-modified: ", ( { Time == now } -> now ; rfc_date(Time) ), "\r\n". %% content_length(+Object, ?Len)// is det. % % Emit the content-length field and (optionally) the content-range % field. % % @param Len Number of bytes specified content_length(file(File, bytes(From, To)), Len) --> !, { size_file(File, Size), ( To == end -> Len is Size - From, RangeEnd is Size - 1 ; Len is To+1 - From, % To is index of last byte RangeEnd = To ) }, content_range(bytes, From, RangeEnd, Size), content_length(Len, Len). content_length(Reply, Len) --> { length_of(Reply, Len) }, "Content-Length: ", integer(Len), "\r\n". length_of(_, Len) :- nonvar(Len), !. length_of(ascii_string(String), Len) :- !, length(String, Len). length_of(file(File), Len) :- !, size_file(File, Len). length_of(html(Tokens), Len) :- !, html_print_length(Tokens, Len). length_of(Len, Len). %% content_range(+Unit:atom, +From:int, +RangeEnd:int, +Size:int)// is det % % Emit the =|Content-Range|= header for partial content (206) % replies. content_range(Unit, From, RangeEnd, Size) --> "Content-Range: ", atom(Unit), " ", integer(From), "-", integer(RangeEnd), "/", integer(Size), "\r\n". transfer_encoding(Encoding) --> "Transfer-Encoding: ", atom(Encoding), "\r\n". content_type(Type) --> content_type(Type, _). content_type(Type, Charset) --> ctype(Type), charset(Charset), "\r\n". ctype(Main/Sub) --> !, "Content-Type: ", atom(Main), "/", atom(Sub). ctype(Type) --> !, "Content-Type: ", atom(Type). charset(Var) --> { var(Var) }, !. charset(utf8) --> !, "; charset=UTF-8". charset(CharSet) --> "; charset=", atom(CharSet). %% header_field(-Name, -Value)// is det. %% header_field(+Name, +Value) is det. % % Process an HTTP request property. Request properties appear as a % single line in an HTTP header. header_field(Name, Value) --> { var(Name) }, !, % parsing field_name(Name), ":", whites, read_field_value(ValueChars), blanks_to_nl, !, { field_to_prolog(Name, ValueChars, Value) -> true ; atom_codes(Value, ValueChars), domain_error(Name, Value) }. header_field(Name, Value) --> field_name(Name), ": ", field_value(Value), "\r\n". %% read_field_value(-Codes)// % % Read a field eagerly upto the next whitespace read_field_value([H|T]) --> [H], { \+ code_type(H, space) }, !, read_field_value(T). read_field_value([]) --> "". read_field_value([H|T]) --> [H], read_field_value(T). field_to_prolog(content_length, ValueChars, ContentLength) :- !, number_codes(ContentLength, ValueChars). field_to_prolog(cookie, ValueChars, Cookies) :- !, debug(cookie, 'Cookie: ~s', [ValueChars]), phrase(cookies(Cookies), ValueChars). field_to_prolog(set_cookie, ValueChars, SetCookie) :- !, debug(cookie, 'SetCookie: ~s', [ValueChars]), phrase(set_cookie(SetCookie), ValueChars). field_to_prolog(host, ValueChars, Host) :- !, ( append(HostChars, [0':|PortChars], ValueChars), % 0' catch(number_codes(Port, PortChars), _, fail) -> atom_codes(HostName, HostChars), Host = HostName:Port ; atom_codes(Host, ValueChars) ). field_to_prolog(range, ValueChars, Range) :- phrase(range(Range), ValueChars), !. field_to_prolog(_, ValueChars, Atom) :- atom_codes(Atom, ValueChars). field_value(set_cookie(Name, Value, Options)) --> !, atom(Name), "=", atom(Value), set_cookie_options(Options). field_value(Atomic) --> atom(Atomic). set_cookie_options([]) --> []. set_cookie_options([secure=true|T]) --> !, " ; secure", set_cookie_options(T). set_cookie_options([Name=Value|T]) --> " ; ", field_name(Name), "=", atom(Value), set_cookie_options(T). %% header_fields(+Fields, ?ContentLength)// is det. % % Process a sequence of [Name(Value), ...] attributes for the % header. A term content_length(Len) is special. If instantiated % it emits the header. If not it just unifies ContentLength with % the argument of the content_length(Len) term. This allows for % both sending and retrieving the content-length. header_fields([], _) --> []. header_fields([content_length(CLen)|T], CLen) --> !, ( { var(CLen) } -> "" ; header_field(content_length, CLen) ), header_fields(T, CLen). % Continue or return first only? header_fields([H|T], CLen) --> { H =.. [Name, Value] }, header_field(Name, Value), header_fields(T, CLen). %% field_name(?PrologName) % % Convert between prolog_name and HttpName. Field names are, % aoording to RFC 2616, considered tokens and covered by the % following definition: % % == % token = 1* % separators = "(" | ")" | "<" | ">" | "@" % | "," | ";" | ":" | "\" | <"> % | "/" | "[" | "]" | "?" | "=" % | "{" | "}" | SP | HT % == field_name(Name) --> { var(Name) }, !, rd_field_chars(Chars), { atom_codes(Name, Chars) }. field_name(mime_version) --> !, "MIME-Version". field_name(Name) --> { atom_codes(Name, Chars) }, wr_field_chars(Chars). rd_field_chars([C0|T]) --> [C], { rd_field_char(C, C0) }, !, rd_field_chars(T). rd_field_chars([]) --> []. %% separators(-CharCodes) is det. % % CharCodes is a list of separators according to RFC2616 separators("()<>@,;:\\\"/[]?={} \t"). % \" term_expansion(rd_field_char(_,_), Clauses) :- Clauses = [ rd_field_char(0'-, 0'_) | Cls ], separators(Seps), findall(rd_field_char(In, Out), ( between(32, 127, In), \+ memberchk(In, Seps), In \== 0'-, % 0' code_type(Out, to_lower(In))), Cls). rd_field_char(_, _). wr_field_chars([C|T]) --> [C2], !, { to_lower(C2, C) }, wr_field_chars2(T). wr_field_chars([]) --> []. wr_field_chars2([0'_|T]) --> !, % 0' "-", wr_field_chars(T). wr_field_chars2([C|T]) --> !, [C], wr_field_chars2(T). wr_field_chars2([]) --> []. % now %% rfc_date(+Time) now --> { get_time(Time) }, rfc_date(Time). %% rfc_date(+Time)// is det. % % Write time according to RFC1123 specification as required by the % RFC2616 HTTP protocol specs. rfc_date(Time, String, Tail) :- stamp_date_time(Time, Date, 'UTC'), format_time(codes(String, Tail), '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT', Date, posix). %% http_timestamp(+Time:timestamp, -Text:atom) is det. % % Generate a description of a Time in HTTP format (RFC1123) http_timestamp(Time, Atom) :- stamp_date_time(Time, Date, 'UTC'), format_time(atom(Atom), '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT', Date, posix). /******************************* * REQUEST DCG * *******************************/ request(Fd, [method(Method),request_uri(ReqURI)|Header]) --> method(Method), blanks, nonblanks(Query), { atom_codes(ReqURI, Query), http_location(Parts, Query), append(Parts, Header0, Header) }, request_header(Fd, Header0), !. request(Fd, [unknown(What)|Header]) --> string(What), eos, !, { http_read_header(Fd, Header) -> true ; Header = "" }. method(get) --> "GET", !. method(put) --> "PUT", !. method(head) --> "HEAD", !. method(post) --> "POST", !. method(delete) --> "DELETE", !. method(options) --> "OPTIONS", !. method(trace) --> "TRACE", !. request_header(_, []) --> % Old-style non-version header blanks, eos, !. request_header(Fd, [http_version(Version)|Header]) --> http_version(Version), blanks, eos, !, { Version = 1-_ -> http_read_header(Fd, Header) ; Header = [] }. http_version(Version) --> blanks, "HTTP/", http_version_number(Version). http_version_number(Major-Minor) --> integer(Major), ".", integer(Minor). /******************************* * COOKIES * *******************************/ %% cookies(-List) is semidet. % % Translate a cookie description into a list Name=Value. cookies([Name=Value|T]) --> blanks, cookie(Name, Value), !, blanks, ( ";" -> cookies(T) ; { T = [] } ). cookies([]) --> blanks. cookie(Name, Value) --> cookie_name(Name), "=", cookie_value(Value). cookie_name(Name) --> { var(Name) }, !, rd_field_chars(Chars), { atom_codes(Name, Chars) }. cookie_value(Value) --> chars_to_semicolon_or_blank(Chars), { atom_codes(Value, Chars) }. chars_to_semicolon_or_blank([]) --> peek(0';), !. % 0' chars_to_semicolon_or_blank([]) --> blank, !. chars_to_semicolon_or_blank([H|T]) --> [H], !, chars_to_semicolon_or_blank(T). chars_to_semicolon_or_blank([]) --> []. peek(C, L, L) :- L = [C|_]. set_cookie(set_cookie(Name, Value, Options)) --> blanks, cookie(Name, Value), cookie_options(Options). cookie_options([H|T]) --> blanks, ";", blanks, cookie_option(H), !, cookie_options(T). cookie_options([]) --> blanks. %% cookie_option(-Option)// is semidet. % % True if input represents a valid Cookie option. Officially, all % cookie options use the syntax =, except for % =secure=. M$ decided to extend this to include at least % =httponly= (only the Gods know what it means). % % @param Option Term of the form Name=Value % @bug Incorrectly accepts options without = for M$ compatibility. cookie_option(Name=Value) --> rd_field_chars(NameChars), whites, { atom_codes(Name, NameChars) }, ( "=" -> blanks, chars_to_semicolon(ValueChars), { atom_codes(Value, ValueChars) } ; { Value = true } ). chars_to_semicolon([]) --> blanks, peek(0';), !. % 0' chars_to_semicolon([H|T]) --> [H], !, chars_to_semicolon(T). chars_to_semicolon([]) --> []. %% range(-Range)// is semidet. % % Process the range header value. Range is currently defined as: % % * bytes(From, To) % Where From is an integer and To is either an integer or % the atom =end=. range(bytes(From, To)) --> "bytes", whites, "=", whites, integer(From), "-", ( integer(To) -> "" ; { To = end } ). /******************************* * REPLY DCG * *******************************/ %% reply(+In, -Reply:list)// is semidet. % % Process the first line of an HTTP reply. After that, read the % remainder of the header and parse it. After successful % completion, Reply contains the following fields, followed by the % fields produced by http_read_header/2. % % * http_version(Major-Minor) % * status(StatusCode, Comment) % % StatusCode is one of the values provided by status_number//1. reply(Fd, [http_version(HttpVersion), status(Status, Comment)|Header]) --> http_version(HttpVersion), blanks, ( status_number(Status, _Code) -> [] ; integer(Status) ), blanks, string(CommentCodes), blanks_to_nl, !, blanks, { atom_codes(Comment, CommentCodes), http_read_header(Fd, Header) }. /******************************* * READ HEADER * *******************************/ %% http_read_header(+Fd, -Header) is det. % % Read Name: Value lines from FD until an empty line is encountered. % Field-name are converted to Prolog conventions (all lower, _ instead % of -): Content-Type: text/html --> content_type(text/html) http_read_header(Fd, Header) :- read_header_data(Fd, Text), http_parse_header(Text, Header). read_header_data(Fd, Header) :- read_line_to_codes(Fd, Header, Tail), read_header_data(Header, Fd, Tail), debug(http(header), 'Header = ~n~s~n', [Header]). read_header_data("\r\n", _, _) :- !. read_header_data("\n", _, _) :- !. read_header_data("", _, _) :- !. read_header_data(_, Fd, Tail) :- read_line_to_codes(Fd, Tail, NewTail), read_header_data(Tail, Fd, NewTail). %% http_parse_header(+Text:codes, -Header:list) is det. % % Header is a list of Name(Value)-terms representing the structure % of the HTTP header in Text. % % @error domain_error(http_request_line, Line) http_parse_header(Text, Header) :- phrase(header(Header), Text), debug(http(header), 'Fields: ~w~n', [Header]). header(List) --> header_field(Name, Value), !, { mkfield(Name, Value, List, Tail) }, blanks, header(Tail). header([]) --> blanks, eos, !. header(_) --> string(S), blanks_to_nl, !, { atom_codes(Line, S), syntax_error(http_request_line(Line)) }. %% address// % % Emit the HTML for the server address on behalve of error and % status messages (non-200 replies). Default is % % == % SWI-Prolog httpd at % == % % The address can be modified by providing a definition for the % multifile predicate http:http_address//0. :- multifile http:http_address//0. address --> http:http_address, !. address --> { gethostname(Host) }, html(address([ a(href('http://www.swi-prolog.org'), 'SWI-Prolog'), ' httpd at ', Host ])). mkfield(host, Host:Port, [host(Host),port(Port)|Tail], Tail) :- !. mkfield(Name, Value, [Att|Tail], Tail) :- Att =.. [Name, Value]. /******************************* * MESSAGES * *******************************/ :- multifile prolog:message//1. prolog:message(error(http_write_short(Data, Sent), _)) --> [ '~p: remote hangup after ~D bytes'-[Data, Sent] ].