/************************************************************************* * * * YAP Prolog * * * * Yap Prolog was developed at NCCUP - Universidade do Porto * * * * Copyright L.Damas, V.S.Costa and Universidade do Porto 1985-1997 * * * ************************************************************************** * * * File: tabling.yap * * Last rev: 8/2/88 * * mods: * * comments: support tabling predicates * * * *************************************************************************/ table(X) :- current_module(M), '$table'(X, M). '$table'(X, _) :- var(X), !, write(user_error, '[ Error: argument to table/1 should be a predicate ]'), nl(user_error), fail. '$table'(M:A, _) :- !, '$table'(A, M). '$table'((A,B), M) :- !, '$table'(A, M), '$table'(B, M). '$table'(A/N, M) :- integer(N), atom(A), !, functor(T,A,N), '$flags'(T,M,F,F), ( X is F /\ 8'000100, X =\= 0, !, write(user_error, '[ Warning: '), write(user_error, M:A/N), write(user_error, ' is already declared as table ]'), nl(user_error) ; X is F /\ 8'170000, X =:= 0, !, '$table'(T) ; write(user_error, '[ Error: '), write(user_error, M:A/N), write(user_error, ' cannot be declared as table ]'), nl(user_error), fail ). '$table'(X, _) :- write(user_error, '[ Error: '), write(user_error, X), write(user_error, ' is an invalid argument to table/1 ]'), nl(user_error), fail. show_trie(X) :- '$current_module'(M), '$show_trie'(X, M). '$show_trie'(X, M) :- var(X), !, write(user_error, '[ Error: argument to trie/1 should be a predicate ]'), nl(user_error), fail. '$show_trie'((A,B), _) :- !, '$show_trie'(A, M), '$show_trie'(B, M). '$show_trie'(M:A, _) :- !, '$show_trie'(A, M). '$show_trie'(A/N, M) :- integer(N), atom(A), !, functor(T,A,N), '$flags'(T,M,F,F), ( X is F /\ 8'000100, X =\= 0, !, '$show_trie'(T,M,_) ; write(user_error, '[ Error: '), write(user_error, M:A/N), write(user_error, ' is not declared as table ]'), nl(user_error), fail ). '$show_trie'(X, M) :- write(user_error, '[ Error: '), write(user_error, X), write(user_error, ' is an invalid argument to trie/1 ]'), nl(user_error), fail. abolish_trie(X) :- '$current_module'(M), '$abolish_trie'(X, M). '$abolish_trie'(X, M) :- var(X), !, write(user_error, '[ Error: argument to abolish_trie/1 should be a predicate ]'), nl(user_error), fail. '$abolish_trie'((A,B), _) :- !, '$abolish_trie'(A, M), '$abolish_trie'(B, M). '$abolish_trie'(M:A, _) :- !, '$abolish_trie'(A, M). '$abolish_trie'(A/N, M) :- integer(N), atom(A), !, functor(T,A,N), '$flags'(T,M,F,F), ( X is F /\ 8'000100, X =\= 0, !, '$do_abolish_trie'(T,M) ; write(user_error, '[ Error: '), write(user_error, M:A/N), write(user_error, ' is not declared as table ]'), nl(user_error), fail ). '$abolish_trie'(X,M) :- write(user_error, '[ Error: '), write(user_error, X), write(user_error, ' is an invalid argument to abolish_trie/1 ]'), nl(user_error), fail.