/* $Id$ Part of SWI-Prolog Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: wielemak@science.uva.nl WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org Copyright (C): 2007, University of Amsterdam This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA As a special exception, if you link this library with other files, compiled with a Free Software compiler, to produce an executable, this library does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */ :- module(authenticate, [ http_authenticate/3 % +Check, +Header, -User ]). :- use_module(library(base64)). :- use_module(library('http/dcg_basics')). :- use_module(library(readutil)). :- use_module(library(crypt)). :- use_module(library(debug)). /** Authenticate HTTP connections using 401 headers This module provides the basics to validate an HTTP =Authorization= error. User and password information are read from a Unix/Apache compatible password file. This information, as well as the validation process is cached to achieve optimal performance. @author Jan Wielemaker */ %% http_authenticate(+Type, +Request, -Fields) % % True if Request contains the information to continue according % to Type. Type identifies the required authentication technique: % % * basic(+PasswordFile) % Use HTTP =Basic= authetication and verify the password % from PasswordFile. PasswordFile is a file holding % usernames and passwords in a format compatible to % Unix and Apache. Each line is record with =|:|= % separated fields. The first field is the username and % the second the password _hash_. Password hashes are % validated using crypt/2. % % Successful authorization is cached for 60 seconds to avoid % overhead of decoding and lookup of the user and password data. % % http_authenticate/3 just validates the header. If authorization % is not provided the browser must be challenged, in response to % which it normally opens a user-password dialogue. Example code % realising this is below. The exception causes the HTTP wrapper % code to generate an HTTP 401 reply. % % == % ( http_authenticate(basic(passwd), Request, Fields) % -> true % ; throw(http_reply(authorise(basic, Realm))) % ). % == % % @tbd Should we also cache failures to reduce the risc of % DoS attacks? http_authenticate(basic(File), Request, [user(User)]) :- memberchk(authorization(Text), Request), debug(http_authenticate, 'Authorization: ~w', [Text]), ( cached_authenticated(Text, File, User) -> true ; user_and_passwd(Text, Method, UserChars, Password), downcase_atom(Method, basic), debug(http_authenticate, 'User: ~s, Password: ~s', [UserChars, Password]), atom_codes(User, UserChars), validate(File, User, Password), get_time(Now), assert(authenticated(Text, File, User, Now)), debug(http_authenticate, 'Authenticated ~w~n', [User]) ). %% user_and_passwd(+AuthorizeText, -Method, -User, -Password) is det. % % Decode the HTTP =Authorization= header. user_and_passwd(Text, Method, User, Password) :- atom_codes(Text, Codes), phrase(authorization(Method, Cookie), Codes), phrase(base64(UserPwd), Cookie), phrase(ident(User, Password), UserPwd). authorization(Method, Cookie) --> nonblanks(MethodChars), { atom_codes(Method, MethodChars) }, blanks, nonblanks(Cookie), blanks. ident(User, Password) --> string(User), ":", string(Password). %% cached_authenticated(+Authorization, +File, -User) % % Validate using the cache. If the entry is not in the cache, we % also remove all outdated entries from the cache. :- dynamic authenticated/4. % Authorization, File, User, Time cached_authenticated(Authorization, File, User) :- authenticated(Authorization, File, User, Time), get_time(Now), Now-Time =< 60, !. % 60-second timeout cached_authenticated(_, _, _) :- get_time(Now), ( clause(authenticated(_, _, _, Time), true, Ref), Now-Time > 60, erase(Ref), fail ). %% validate(+File, +User, +Passwd) % % True if User and Passwd combination appears in File. File uses % the same format as .htaccess files from Apache or Unix password % files. I.e. it consists of one line per entry with fields % separated by =|:|=. The first field is the User field, The % second contains the Passwd in DES or MD5 encrypted format. See % crypt/2 for details. validate(File, User, Password) :- update_passwd(File, Path), passwd(User, Path, Hash), crypt(Password, Hash). %% update_passwd(+File, -Path) is det. % % Update passwd/3 to reflect the correct passwords for File. Path % is the absolute path for File. :- dynamic passwd/3, % User, File, Encrypted last_modified/2. % File, Stamp update_passwd(File, Path) :- absolute_file_name(File, Path, [access(read)]), time_file(Path, Stamp), ( last_modified(Path, Stamp) -> true ; with_mutex(http_passwd, reload_passwd_file(Path, Stamp)) ). reload_passwd_file(Path, Stamp) :- last_modified(Path, Stamp), !. % another thread did the work reload_passwd_file(Path, Stamp) :- retractall(last_modified(Path, _)), retractall(passwd(_, Path, _)), open(Path, read, Fd), read_line_to_codes(Fd, Line), read_passwd_file(Line, Fd, Path), close(Fd), assert(last_modified(Path, Stamp)). read_passwd_file(end_of_file, _, _) :- !. read_passwd_file(Line, Fd, Path) :- ( phrase(password_line(User, Hash), Line, _) -> assert(passwd(User, Path, Hash)) ; true % TBD: warning ), read_line_to_codes(Fd, Line2), read_passwd_file(Line2, Fd, Path). password_line(User, Hash) --> string(UserCodes), ":", string(HashCodes), ( ":" ; eos ), !, { atom_codes(User, UserCodes), atom_codes(Hash, HashCodes) }. /******************************* * PLUGIN FOR HTTP_DISPATCH * *******************************/ :- multifile http:authenticate/3. http:authenticate(basic(File, Realm), Request, User) :- ( http_authenticate(basic(File), Request, User) -> true ; throw(http_reply(authorise(basic, Realm))) ).