/* $Id$ Part of SWI-Prolog Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: jan@swi.psy.uva.nl WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org Copyright (C): 1985-2002, University of Amsterdam This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #define _ISOC99_SOURCE 1 /* fwprintf(), etc prototypes */ #include <stdio.h> #include <wchar.h> #include <assert.h> #include <string.h> #include <wctype.h> #include <time.h> #include "dtd.h" #include "util.h" #include "prolog.h" static int errors; /******************************* * PROLOG SYNTAX * *******************************/ typedef enum { AT_LOWER, AT_QUOTE, AT_FULLSTOP, AT_SYMBOL, AT_SOLO, AT_SPECIAL } atomtype; /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Contributed by Richard O'Keefe. Thanks! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ static int atomType(ichar const *s, int len) { static ichar const symbols[] = L"#$&*+-./:<=>?@\\^`~"; unsigned char const *u = (unsigned char const *)s; switch (len) { case 0: return AT_QUOTE; case 1: return iswlower(u[0]) ? AT_LOWER : u[0] == '.' ? AT_FULLSTOP : u[0] == '!' ? AT_SOLO : u[0] == ';' ? AT_SOLO : u[0] == ',' ? AT_SOLO : AT_QUOTE; case 2: if (u[0] == '[' && u[1] == ']') return AT_SPECIAL; if (u[0] == '{' && u[1] == '}') return AT_SPECIAL; break; default: break; } if (iswlower(u[0])) { do ++u; while (--len > 0 && (iswalnum(*u) || *u == '_')); return len == 0 ? AT_LOWER : AT_QUOTE; } else if (wcschr(symbols, *u) != NULL) { do ++u; while (--len > 0 && wcschr(symbols, *u) != 0); return len == 0 ? AT_SYMBOL : AT_QUOTE; } else { return AT_QUOTE; } } static const ichar * atom(const ichar *text) { int len = wcslen(text); switch(atomType(text, len)) { case AT_QUOTE: case AT_FULLSTOP: { ichar *tmp = ringallo((len*2+1)*sizeof(ichar)); ichar *o = tmp; *o++ = '\''; for( ; --len >= 0; text++) { switch( *text ) { case '\n': *o++ = '\\'; *o++ = 'n'; break; case '\r': *o++ = '\\'; *o++ = 'r'; break; case '\t': *o++ = '\\'; *o++ = 't'; break; case '\'': *o++ = '\\'; default: *o++ = *text; } } *o++ = '\''; *o = '\0'; return tmp; } default: return text; } } static const char * bool(int val) { return val ? "true" : "false"; } static void prolog_print_entity(const char *which, dtd_entity *e) { switch( e->type ) { case ET_LITERAL: wprintf(L"%s(%ls, %ls).\n", which, atom(e->name->name), atom(e->value)); break; case ET_SYSTEM: wprintf(L"%s(%ls, system(%ls)).\n", which, atom(e->name->name), atom(e->exturl)); break; case ET_PUBLIC: wprintf(L"%s(%ls, public(%ls, %ls)).\n", which, atom(e->name->name), atom(e->extid), atom(e->exturl)); break; } } static void prolog_print_model(dtd_model *m) { dtd_model *sub; int n = 0; const char *sep; switch(m->type) { case MT_PCDATA: printf("'#pcdata'"); goto card; case MT_ELEMENT: wprintf(L"%ls", atom(m->content.element->name->name)); goto card; case MT_AND: sep = " & "; break; case MT_SEQ: sep = ", "; break; case MT_OR: sep = "|"; break; case MT_UNDEF: default: assert(0); sep = NULL; /* should not be used */ break; } printf("("); for(sub = m->content.group; sub; sub=sub->next) { if ( n++ > 0 ) printf("%s", sep); prolog_print_model(sub); } printf(")"); card: switch(m->cardinality) { case MC_ONE: break; case MC_OPT: printf("?"); break; case MC_REP: printf("*"); break; case MC_PLUS: printf("+"); break; } } static void prolog_print_content(dtd_element *e) { dtd_edef *def = e->structure; switch( def->type ) { case C_EMPTY: printf("empty"); break; case C_CDATA: printf("cdata"); break; case C_RCDATA: printf("rcdata"); break; case C_ANY: printf("any"); break; default: if ( def->content ) { printf("model("); prolog_print_model(def->content); printf(")"); } else { printf("[]"); fwprintf(stderr, L"Warning: element %s has no content model\n", e->name->name); errors++; } break; } } static ichar * istrblank(const ichar *s) { for( ; *s; s++ ) { if ( iswspace(*s) ) return (ichar *)s; } return NULL; } static void print_listval(attrtype type, int len, const ichar *text) { ichar *t = sgml_malloc((len+1)*sizeof(ichar)); istrncpy(t, text, len); t[len] = '\0'; if ( type == AT_NUMBERS ) wprintf(L"%ls", t); else wprintf(L"%ls", atom(t)); sgml_free(t); } static void prolog_print_attribute(dtd_element *e, dtd_attr *at) { wprintf(L" attribute(%ls, %ls, ", atom(e->name->name), atom(at->name->name)); switch(at->type) /* print type */ { case AT_CDATA: printf("cdata"); break; case AT_ENTITY: printf("entity"); break; case AT_ENTITIES: printf("entities"); break; case AT_ID: printf("id"); break; case AT_IDREF: printf("idref"); break; case AT_IDREFS: printf("list(idref)"); break; case AT_NAME: printf("name"); break; case AT_NAMES: printf("list(name)"); break; case AT_NMTOKEN: printf("nmtoken"); break; case AT_NMTOKENS: printf("list(nmtoken)"); break; case AT_NOTATION: printf("notation"); break; case AT_NUMBER: printf("number"); break; case AT_NUMBERS: printf("list(number)"); break; case AT_NAMEOF: { dtd_name_list *nl; int n = 0; printf("nameof(["); for(nl = at->typeex.nameof; nl; nl = nl->next) { if ( n++ > 0 ) printf(", "); wprintf(L"%ls", atom(nl->value->name)); } printf("])"); } break; case AT_NUTOKEN: printf("nutoken"); break; case AT_NUTOKENS: printf("list(nutoken)"); break; } printf(", "); /* print default */ switch(at->def) { case AT_REQUIRED: printf("required"); break; case AT_CURRENT: printf("current"); break; case AT_CONREF: printf("conref"); break; case AT_IMPLIED: printf("implied"); break; case AT_DEFAULT: case AT_FIXED: { char *f = (at->def == AT_DEFAULT ? "default" : "fixed"); printf("%s(", f); switch( at->type ) { case AT_CDATA: wprintf(L"%ls", atom(at->att_def.cdata)); break; case AT_NUMBER: printf("%ld", at->att_def.number); break; case AT_NAME: case AT_NUTOKEN: case AT_NMTOKEN: wprintf(L"%ls", atom(at->att_def.name->name)); break; default: if ( at->islist ) { const ichar *val = at->att_def.list; const ichar *e; int an = 0; printf("["); for(e=istrblank(val); e; val = e+1, e=istrblank(val)) { if ( e == val ) continue; /* skip spaces */ if ( an++ > 0 ) printf(", "); print_listval(at->type, e-val, val); } if ( an++ > 0 ) printf(", "); print_listval(at->type, istrlen(val), val); printf("]"); break; } assert(0); } printf(")"); } } printf(").\n"); } static void prolog_print_element(dtd_element *e, unsigned int flags) { ichar nbuf[MAXNMLEN]; istrcpy(nbuf, e->name->name); istrupper(nbuf); wprintf(L"\n%% Element <%s>\n", nbuf); if ( e->structure ) { dtd_edef *def = e->structure; wprintf(L"element(%ls, omit(%s, %s), ", atom(e->name->name), bool(def->omit_open), bool(def->omit_close)); prolog_print_content(e); printf(").\n"); if ( def->excluded ) { dtd_element_list *el; for(el = def->excluded; el; el=el->next) wprintf(L"exclude(%ls, %ls).\n", atom(e->name->name), atom(el->value->name->name)); } if ( def->included ) { dtd_element_list *el; for(el = def->included; el; el=el->next) wprintf(L"include(%ls, %ls).\n", atom(e->name->name), atom(el->value->name->name)); } if ( flags & PL_PRINT_ATTRIBUTES ) { dtd_attr_list *al; for(al=e->attributes; al; al=al->next) prolog_print_attribute(e, al->attribute); } } else { fwprintf(stderr, L"Warning: element %s has no definition\n", e->name->name); errors++; } } int prolog_print_dtd(dtd *dtd, unsigned int flags) { dtd_entity *et; dtd_element *e; time_t now; if ( !dtd->doctype ) fprintf(stderr, "DTD has no document type\n"); time(&now); if ( !flags ) flags = PL_PRINT_ALL; errors = 0; wprintf(L"/* This file represents the SGML DOCTYPE \"%s\"\n", dtd->doctype); printf(" converted using dtd2pl version %s\n", DTD2PL_VERSION); printf(" Conversion date: %s\n\n", ctime(&now)); printf(" dtd2pl is written by Jan Wielemaker\n"); printf(" E-mail: jan@swi.psy.uva.nl\n"); printf("*/\n\n"); wprintf(L":- module(%s_dtd, []).\n\n", dtd->doctype); printf(":- op(100, xf, ?).\n"); printf(":- op(100, xf, +).\n"); printf(":- op(100, xf, *).\n"); printf(":- op(200, xfy, &).\n"); printf("\n"); printf(":- discontiguous\n"); printf("\tattribute/4,\n"); printf("\telement/3,\n"); printf("\texclude/2,\n"); printf("\tinclude/2.\n"); if ( flags & PL_PRINT_PENTITIES ) { printf("\n"); for( et=dtd->pentities; et; et=et->next ) prolog_print_entity("parameter_entity", et); } if ( flags & PL_PRINT_ENTITIES ) { printf("\n"); for( et=dtd->entities; et; et=et->next ) prolog_print_entity("entity", et); } if ( flags & PL_PRINT_ELEMENTS ) { printf("\n"); for( e=dtd->elements; e; e=e->next ) prolog_print_element(e, flags); } if ( errors ) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: DTD contained %d errors\n", errors); return FALSE; } return TRUE; }