Changes in YAP-6
- NEW: support div/2 as per WG17.
- FIXED: restore from / file should just try that file.
- FIXED: bad things can happen to P when user code is called (obs
from Ingo Thon).
- NEW: coinduction.yap.
- FIXED: remove leftover files including two lib*.a (obs from
Bernd Gutmann).
- FIXED: Make clean should result in recompiling all *.o (obs from
Bernd Gutmann).
- NEW: Ulrich Neumerkel's lambda library.
- DELETE: ^/2 and ^/3 as grammar built-ins.
- FIXED: make install in clpqr was broken if we used local install_sh .
- DELETE: atan/2 arithmetic function, use atan2/2 instead (WG17).
- FIXED: compilation in Solaris was broken because of conflict in
declaration of gethostname.
- FIXED: acyclic_term/1 is now built-in (WG17).
- NEW: subsumes_term/2 (WG17).
- FIXED: fix problems in indexing compiled bignums (obs from Jos de
Roo), center hash computing code in TermExt.h.
- FIXED: similar problem in unify_dbterm.
- FIXED: bug in implementation of unify_bigint instruction (obs
from Jos de Roo).
- FIXED: get rid of L constants (use cast).
- FIXED: outputing inf and nan in WIN32/64 (obs from Paulo Moura).
- NEW: WIN64 port.
- FIXED: improve SWI frame handling.
- FIXED: stack expansion could rewrite doubles and big ints.
- FIXED: unsafe test for attvar could crash.
- FIXED: rbtree doc (from Jan Wielemaker).
- FIXED: trail marking should be careful to reset attvars to attvars.
- FIXED: pl_function_t not function_t.
- NEW: update sgml package to latest SWI.
- FIXED: automatic generation of SWI atoms.
- IMPROVEMENT: better emulation of SWI atom_t and functor_t. Now
they can be defined to be a constant.
- FIXED: 64 bit complaints in Matlab interface.