/*============================================================================== * LPAD and CP-Logic reasoning suite * File best.pl * Goal oriented interpreter for LPADs based on SLDNF * Copyright (c) 2009, Stefano Bragaglia *============================================================================*/ /* DA MODIFICARE AFFINCHE' USI IL NUOVO CPLINT_INT */ /* PARTE BDD IN UN FILE SEPARATO? */ :- dynamic rule/4, def_rule/2. /* EXTERNAL FILE * ------------- * The following libraries are required by the program to work fine. */ :- use_module(library(lists)). :- use_module(library(ugraphs)). :- use_module(params). :- use_module(utility). % :- source. % :- yap_flag(single_var_warnings, on). /* INITIALIZATION * -------------- * The following predicate enables the cplint specific features for the program. */ :- load_foreign_files(['cplint'], [], init_my_predicates). /* SOLVING PREDICATES * ------------------ * The predicates in this section solve any given problem with several class of * algorithms. * * Note: the original predicates (no more need and eligible to be deleted) have * been moved to the end of the file. */ /* solve(GoalsList, Prob, ResTime, BddTime) * ---------------------------------------- * This predicate computes the probability of a given list of goals using an * exact algorithm. It also returns the number of handled BDDs (trivial but * present for simmetry with other solving predicates), CPUTime spent in * performing resolution and in handling the BDDs. * * INPUT * - GoalsList: given list of goal to work on. * * OUTPUT * - Prob: the resulting exact probability for the given list of goals. * - Count: number of BDDs handled by the algorithm (trivial, since it's always 1). * - ResTime: cpu time spent on performing resolution. * - BddTime: cpu time spent on handling BDDs. */ solve(GoalsList, Prob, ResTime, BddTime) :- % Resetting the clocks... statistics(walltime, [_, _]), % Performing resolution... findall(Deriv, exact(GoalsList, Deriv), List), % Taking elapsed times... statistics(walltime, [_, ElapResTime]), ResTime is ElapResTime/1000, % Building and solving equivalent bdds... build_formula(List, Formula, [], Var), var2numbers(Var, 0, NewVar), (setting(save_dot, true) -> format("Variables: ~p~n", [Var]), compute_prob(NewVar, Formula, Prob, 1); compute_prob(NewVar, Formula, Prob, 0)), % Taking elapsed times statistics(walltime, [_, ElapBddTime]), BddTime is ElapBddTime/1000. /* exact(GoalsList, CIn, COut) takes a list of goals and an input C set and returns an output C set The C set is a list of triple (N, R, S) where - N is the index of the head atom used, starting from 0 - R is the index of the non ground rule used, starting from 1 - S is the substitution of rule R, in the form of a list whose elements are of the form 'VarName'=value */ exact(GoalsList, Deriv) :- exact(GoalsList, [], Deriv). exact([], C, C) :- !. exact([bagof(V, EV^G, L)|T], CIn, COut) :- !, list2and(GL, G), bagof((V, C), EV^exact(GL, CIn, C), LD), length(LD, N), build_initial_graph(N, GrIn), build_graph(LD, 0, GrIn, Gr), clique(Gr, Clique), build_Cset(LD, Clique, L, [], C1), remove_duplicates_eq(C1, C2), exact(T, C2, COut). exact([bagof(V, G, L)|T], CIn, COut) :- !, list2and(GL, G), bagof((V, C), exact(GL, CIn, C), LD), length(LD, N), build_initial_graph(N, GrIn), build_graph(LD, 0, GrIn, Gr), clique(Gr, Clique), build_Cset(LD, Clique, L, [], C1), remove_duplicates_eq(C1, C2), exact(T, C2, COut). exact([setof(V, EV^G, L)|T], CIn, COut) :- !, list2and(GL, G), setof((V, C), EV^exact(GL, CIn, C), LD), length(LD, N), build_initial_graph(N, GrIn), build_graph(LD, 0, GrIn, Gr), clique(Gr, Clique), build_Cset(LD, Clique, L1, [], C1), remove_duplicates(L1, L), exact(T, C1, COut). exact([setof(V, G, L)|T], CIn, COut) :- !, list2and(GL, G), setof((V, C), exact(GL, CIn, C), LD), length(LD, N), build_initial_graph(N, GrIn), build_graph(LD, 0, GrIn, Gr), clique(Gr, Clique), build_Cset(LD, Clique, L1, [], C1), remove_duplicates(L1, L), exact(T, C1, COut). exact([\+ H|T], CIn, COut) :- builtin(H), !, call((\+ H)), exact(T, CIn, COut). exact([\+ H |T], CIn, COut) :- !, list2and(HL, H), findall(D, find_deriv(HL, D), L), choose_clauses(CIn, L, C1), exact(T, C1, COut). exact([H|T], CIn, COut) :- builtin(H), !, call(H), exact(T, CIn, COut). exact([H|T], CIn, COut) :- def_rule(H, B), append(B, T, NG), exact(NG, CIn, COut). exact([H|T], CIn, COut) :- find_rule(H, (R, S, N), B, CIn), solve_pres(R, S, N, B, T, CIn, COut). solve_pres(R, S, N, B, T, CIn, COut) :- member_eq((N, R, S), CIn), !, append(B, T, NG), exact(NG, CIn, COut). solve_pres(R, S, N, B, T, CIn, COut) :- append(CIn, [(N, R, S)], C1), append(B, T, NG), exact(NG, C1, COut). /* find_rule(G, (R, S, N), Body, C) * -------------------------------- * This predicate takes a goal G and the current C set and returns the index R * of a disjunctive rule resolving with G together with the index N of the * resolving head, the substitution S and the Body of the rule. */ find_rule(H, (R, S, N), Body, C) :- rule(H, _P, N, R, S, _NH, _Head, Body), not_already_present_with_a_different_head(N, R, S, C).