/*! * @file complete.yap * * @brief Prolog completer. */ %% %% :- module( completer, %% %% [completions/2 ]). :- use_module(library(lists)). :- use_module(library(maplist)). :- use_module(library(python)). %% completions( +Text, +PythonCell ) % % Tries to complete the current text. The list with the set of completions % is stored in the % `matches` field of the python object. % completions(S, Self) :- open_mem_read_stream(S, St), scan_to_list(St, Tokens), close(St), reverse(Tokens, RTokens), strip_final_tokens(RTokens, MyTokens), setof( Completion, complete(MyTokens, Completion), Cs), Self.matches := Cs. strip_final_tokens(['EOT'|Ts], Ts) :- !. strip_final_tokens( Ts, Ts ). complete([E,l,C,l,A|More], isconsult(A), %B = l, library(C,Lib), %D=l, E=atom(Prefix), \+ arg( Rest ), check_library( Prefix, Lib, C). complete([E,l,C,l,-,'['|More], isconsult(A), %B = l, library(C,Lib), %D=l, E=atom(Prefix), \+ arg( Rest ), check_library( Prefix, Lib, C). complete([C,l,A|More], isconsult(A), %B = l, C=atom(Prefix), \+ arg( Rest ), file_or_library( Prefix, C). complete([C,l,-,'['|More], isconsult(A), %B = l, C=atom(Prefix), \+ arg( Rest ), file_or_library( Prefix, C). complete( [atom(F)|Rest], C) :- \+ arg( Rest ), predicate( F, Pred, Arity ), cont( Arity, F, Pred, C). isconsult( atom(use_module) ). isconsult( atom(ensure_loaded) ). isconsult( atom(compile) ). isconsult( atom(consult) ). isconsult( atom(reconsult) ). isconsult( atom(load_files) ). isconsult( '[' ). arg([']'|_]). arg([l|_]). file_or_library(F,C) :- libsym(C0), atom_cooncat(F,C,C0). file_or_library(F,C) :- check_file(F,C). check_file(F0,C) :- atom_concat('\'',F,F0), !, absolute_file_name( F, FF, [access(none)] ), atom_concat( FF, '*' , Pat), absolute_file_name( Pat, C0, [glob(true)] ), atom_concat(Pat,C00,C0), atom_conct(C00,'\'',C). check_file(F0,C) :- atom_concat( F0, '*' , Pat), absolute_file_name( Pat, C0, [glob(true)] ), atom_concat(Pat,C,C0). check_library( Lib, F, C) :- atom_concat( F, '*' , Pat), LibF =.. [Lib(Pat)], absolute_file_name( LibF, Lib, [glob(true)] ), file_directory_name( Lib, Name), ( atom_concat(C, '.yap', Name) -> true ; atom_concat(C, '.ypp', Name) -> true ; atom_concat(C, '.prolog', Name) -> true ). predicate(N,P,A) :- system_predicate(P0/A), atom_concat(N,P,P0). predicate(N,P,A) :- current_predicate(P0/A), atom_concat(N,P,P0). cont(0, F, P, P0) :- atom_concat( F, P, P0 ). cont( _, F, P, PB ):- atom_concat( [F, P, '( )'], PB ).