comment: "This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain" fileTypes: [ "yap" "yss" "prolog" "pl" "pro" ] firstLineMatch: "^(#!/.*\\byap|\\%.*prolog.*)" foldingStartMarker: "^(([a-z]\\w*|\\'\\$\\w\\')\\(|\\s*\\(|\\s*\\/\\*)" foldingStopMarker: "(\\)|\\.|\\*\\/)\\s*$" name: "YAP-Prolog" patterns: [ { include: "#comments" } { begin: "^(:-)\\s*(([a-z]\\w*:)?([a-z]\\w*|\\'\\$\\w*\\'))(?=(\\(|\\s))" beginCaptures: "1": name: "keyword.control.directive.begin.prolog" "2": name: "entity.directivesss.prolog" end: "(\\.)(\\s|$)" endCaptures: "2": name: "keyword.control.directive.end.prolog" name: "meta.directive.prolog" patterns: [ { include: "#functor" } { include: "#atom" } { include: "#variable" } { include: "#constants" } { match: "." } ] } { begin: "^\\s*(([a-z]\\w*)(:))?([a-z]\\w*|\\'\\$\\w*\\')\\(" beginCaptures: "0": name: "meta.clause.prolog.head" "2": name: "" "3": name: "keyword.control.module.prolog" "4": name: "" end: "((\\.)(\\s|$))" endCaptures: "2": name: 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"(@defgroup)\\s+(\\w+)\\s+(.*$)" } { captures: "1": name: "keyword.language.doxygen.prolog" "2": name: "string.unquoted.text.prolog" match: "(@pred)(.*$)" } { captures: "1": name: "keyword.language.doxygen.prolog" match: "(@\\w+\\b|\\\\w*)" } ] eot: captures: "1": name: "keyword.control.eot.prolog" match: "(\\.\\s*(\\s|$))" functor: captures: "1": name: "constant.functor.prolog" "2": name: "" "3": name: "constant.functor.arity.prolog" match: "(([a-z]\\w*|\\'\\$\\w*\\')/\\d+)" "in-line-comment": captures: "1": name: "punctuation.definition.comment.line.double-slash.prolog" comment: "In-line comment" match: "\\%.*" name: "comment.line.percentage.prolog" "in-line-documentation": captures: "1": name: "punctuation.definition.comment.line.percent.prolog" comment: "In-line comment" match: "\\%\\%\\s.*" name: "comment.line.percentage.documentation.prolog" patterns: [ { include: "#dox" } { match: "." } ] op_infix: match: "(same|\\^|\\*\\*|rem|mod|\\>\\>| \\<\\<|\\/\\/|\\/|\\*|xor|div|rdiv|\\#| ><|\\\\\\/|\\/\\\\|\\\\-|\\\\+|:|as|>=|=<| >|<|=\\\\=|=:=|\\\\=@=|=@=|@>=|@=<|@>|@<| \\\\==|==|=\\.\\.|is|\\\\=|=|->|\\;|\\,|\\||-->|\\?-)" name: "keyword.control.op.infix.prolog" op_prefix: match: "(spy|nospy|block|\\\\|\\-|\\+|not|\\\\\\+|uncutable| table|discontiguous|module_transparent|meta_predicate|multifile| public|mode|volatile|initialization|thread_local| dynamic|\\?-|\\?-)" name: "keyword.control.op.prefix.prolog" protected_term: begin: "\\b" beginCaptures: "1": name: "meta.term.prolog" end: "\\b" name: "" patterns: [ { include: "#term" } ] "shebang-line": captures: "1": name: "punctuation.definition.comment.line.shebang.prolog" comment: "Shebang line" match: "^(#!).*$" name: "comment.line.shebang.prolog" sqrbrackets: begin: "(\\[)" end: "(\\])" name: "sqr.brackets" patterns: [ { include: "#comments" } { match: "\\s*(\\,|\\|)\\s*" } { include: "#term" } ] term: name: "meta.term.prolog" patterns: [ { include: "#comments" } { include: "#op_infix" } { include: "#op_prefix" } { 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