*									 *
*	 YAP Prolog 							 *
*									 *
*	Yap Prolog was developed at NCCUP - Universidade do Porto	 *
*									 *
* Copyright L.Damas, V.S.Costa and Universidade do Porto 1985-1997	 *
*									 *
*									 *
* File:		callcount.yap						 *
* Last rev:	8/2/02							 *
* mods:									 *
* comments:	Some profiling predicates available in yap		 *
*									 *

%% @{

/** @defgroup Profiling Profiling Prolog Programs
@ingroup extensions
YAP includes two profilers. The count profiler keeps information on the
number of times a predicate was called. This information can be used to
detect what are the most commonly called predicates in the program.  The
count profiler can be compiled by setting YAP's flag profiling
to `on`. The time-profiler is a `gprof` profiler, and counts
how many ticks are being spent on specific predicates, or on other
system functions such as internal data-base accesses or garbage collects.

The YAP profiling sub-system is currently under
development. Functionality for this sub-system will increase with newer


%% @{  

/** @defgroup Call_Counting Counting Calls
@ingroup Profiling
Predicates compiled with YAP's flag call_counting set to
`on` update counters on the numbers of calls and of
retries. Counters are actually decreasing counters, so that they can be
used as timers.  Three counters are available:

+ `calls`: number of predicate calls since execution started or since
system was reset; 
+ `retries`: number of retries for predicates called since
execution started or since counters were reset;
+ `calls_and_retries`: count both on predicate calls and

These counters can be used to find out how many calls a certain
goal takes to execute. They can also be used as timers.

The code for the call counters piggybacks on the profiling
code. Therefore, activating the call counters also activates the profiling

These are  the predicates that access and manipulate the call counters. 

:- system_module( '$_callcount', [call_count/3,
        call_count_reset/0], []).

:- use_system_module( '$_errors', ['$do_error'/2]).

/** @pred  call_count_data(- _Calls_, - _Retries_, - _CallsAndRetries_) 

Give current call count data. The first argument gives the current value
for the  _Calls_ counter, next the  _Retries_ counter, and last
the  _CallsAndRetries_ counter.
call_count_data(Calls, Retries, Both) :-
	'$call_count_info'(Calls, Retries, Both).

/** @pred  call_count_reset 

Reset call count counters. All timers are also reset.

call_count_reset :-

/** @pred  call_count(? _CallsMax_, ? _RetriesMax_, ? _CallsAndRetriesMax_) 

Set call counters as timers. YAP will generate an exception
if one of the instantiated call counters decreases to 0:

+ _CallsMax_

    throw the exception `call_counter` when the
counter `calls` reaches 0;

+ _RetriesMax_

    throw the exception `retry_counter` when the
counter `retries` reaches 0;

+ _CallsAndRetriesMax_

    throw the exception
`call_and_retry_counter` when the counter `calls_and_retries`
reaches 0.

 YAP will ignore counters that are called with unbound arguments.

Next, we show a simple example of how to use call counters:

   ?- yap_flag(call_counting,on), [-user]. l :- l. end_of_file. yap_flag(call_counting,off).


   ?- catch((call_count(10000,_,_),l),call_counter,format("limit_exceeded.~n",[])).


Notice that we first compile the looping predicate `l/0` with
call_counting `on`. Next, we catch/3 to handle an
exception when `l/0` performs more than 10000 reductions.

call_count(Calls, Retries, Both) :-
	'$check_if_call_count_on'(Calls, CallsOn),
	'$check_if_call_count_on'(Retries, RetriesOn),
	'$check_if_call_count_on'(Both, BothOn),
	'$call_count_set'(Calls, CallsOn, Retries, RetriesOn, Both, BothOn).

'$check_if_call_count_on'(Calls, 1) :- integer(Calls), !.
'$check_if_call_count_on'(Calls, 0) :- var(Calls), !.
'$check_if_call_count_on'(Calls, A) :-

%% @}
