/* $Id$ Part of SWI-Prolog Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: wielemak@science.uva.nl WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org Copyright (C): 1985-2007, University of Amsterdam This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA As a special exception, if you link this library with other files, compiled with a Free Software compiler, to produce an executable, this library does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */ :- module(test_rdf_db, [ test_rdf_db/0 ]). :- asserta(user:file_search_path(foreign, '../sgml')). :- asserta(user:file_search_path(library, '../sgml')). :- asserta(user:file_search_path(library, '../plunit')). :- asserta(user:file_search_path(foreign, '../clib')). :- asserta(user:file_search_path(library, '../clib')). :- asserta(user:file_search_path(library, '../RDF')). :- asserta(user:file_search_path(foreign, '.')). :- use_module(rdf_db). :- use_module(rdfs). :- use_module(library(xsdp_types)). :- use_module(library(lists)). :- use_module(library(plunit)). /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - RDF-DB test file. A test is a clause of the form: (-) :- Body. If the body fails, an appropriate error message is printed. So, all goals are supposed to succeed. The predicate testset/1 defines the available test sets. The public goals are: ?- runtest(+TestSet). ?- test. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ test_rdf_db :- test, run_tests([ lang_matches ]). /******************************* * TEST DATA * *******************************/ data(string, ''). data(string, 'This is a nice string'). data(string, '\u0411\u0435\u0441\u043f\u043b\u0430\u0442\u043d\u0430\u044f'). data(int, 0). data(int, -67). data(int, 327848). data(float, 0.0). data(float, 48.25). data(term, [let, us, test, a, list]). data(term, [let, us, test, another, list]). /******************************* * LOAD/SAVE * *******************************/ save_reload_db :- tmp_file(rdf, File), rdf_save_db(File), rdf_reset_db, rdf_load_db(File), delete_file(File). save_reload :- tmp_file(rdf, File), rdf_save(File), rdf_reset_db, rdf_load(File, [ base_uri([]), % do not qualify convert_typed_literal(convert_typed), format(xml) ]), delete_file(File). save_reload(Encoding) :- tmp_file(rdf, File), rdf_save(File, [encoding(Encoding)]), rdf_reset_db, rdf_load(File, [ base_uri([]), % do not qualify convert_typed_literal(convert_typed), format(xml) ]), delete_file(File). % convert_typed(+Type, +Content, -Object) % % Convert to type(Type, PrologValue), providing the inverse of % the default RDF as produced by rdf_db.pl convert_typed(Type, Content, type(Type, Value)) :- xsdp_convert(Type, Content, Value). /******************************* * RESOURCE * *******************************/ resource(1) :- rdf_assert(x, a, aap), rdf_assert(x, a, noot), findall(X, rdf(x, a, X), L), L == [aap, noot]. /******************************* * SIMPLE LITERAL * *******************************/ literal(1) :- findall(V, data(_, V), Vs), forall(member(Value, Vs), rdf_assert(x, a, literal(Value))), findall(V, (rdf(x, a, X), X = literal(V)), V2), V2 == Vs. /******************************* * UNIFYING ARGS * *******************************/ same(1) :- rdf_assert(a,b,c), rdf_assert(x,x,x), rdf(X,X,X), X == x. /******************************* * TYPED LITERALS * *******************************/ typed(1) :- findall(type(T,V), data(T, V), TVs), forall(member(Value, TVs), rdf_assert(x, a, literal(Value))), findall(V, (rdf(x, a, X), X = literal(V)), V2), V2 == TVs. typed(2) :- findall(type(T,V), data(T, V), TVs), forall(member(Value, TVs), rdf_assert(x, a, literal(Value))), findall(V, rdf(x, a, literal(V)), V2), V2 == TVs. typed(3) :- findall(type(T,V), data(T, V), TVs), forall(member(Value, TVs), rdf_assert(x, a, literal(Value))), X = type(T,V), findall(X, rdf(x, a, literal(X)), TV2), TV2 == TVs. typed(save_db) :- findall(type(T,V), data(T, V), TVs), forall(member(Value, TVs), rdf_assert(x, a, literal(Value))), save_reload_db, X = type(T,V), findall(X, rdf(x, a, literal(X)), TV2), TV2 == TVs. typed(save) :- findall(type(T,V), ( data(T, V), T \== term, V \== '' ), TVs), forall(member(Value, TVs), rdf_assert(x, a, literal(Value))), save_reload, findall(X, rdf(x, a, literal(X)), TV2), ( same_set(TV2, TVs) -> true ; format('TV2 = ~q~n', [TV2]), fail ). typed(match) :- rdf_assert(x, a, literal(c)), \+ rdf(x, a, literal(type(t, c))), \+ rdf(x, a, literal(type(t, _))). /******************************* * XML:LANG HANDLING * *******************************/ lang_data :- lang_data(x, a). lang_data(S, A) :- rdf_assert(S, A, literal(lang(nl, 'Jan'))), rdf_assert(S, A, literal(lang(en, 'John'))), rdf_assert(S, A, literal(lang(en, ''))), rdf_assert(S, A, literal('Johannes')). same_set(S1, S2) :- sort(S1, Sorted1), sort(S2, Sorted2), Sorted1 =@= Sorted2. lang(1) :- lang_data, findall(X, rdf(x, a, literal(X)), Xs), Xs == [ lang(nl, 'Jan'), lang(en, 'John'), lang(en, ''), 'Johannes' ]. lang(2) :- lang_data, findall(X, rdf(x, a, literal(lang(nl, X))), Xs), Xs == [ 'Jan' ]. lang(3) :- lang_data, X = lang(_,_), findall(X, rdf(x, a, literal(X)), Xs), Xs =@= [ lang(nl, 'Jan'), lang(en, 'John'), lang(en, ''), lang(_, 'Johannes') ]. lang(4) :- lang_data, rdf(S, P, literal('Jan')), S == x, P == a, rdf(S, P, literal('Johannes')), S == x, P == a. lang(save_db) :- lang_data, save_reload_db, X = lang(_,_), findall(X, rdf(x, a, literal(X)), Xs), ( Xs =@= [ lang(nl, 'Jan'), lang(en, 'John'), lang(en, ''), lang(_, 'Johannes') ] -> true ; format(user_error, 'Xs = ~w~n', [Xs]), fail ). lang(save) :- lang_data, save_reload, findall(X, rdf(x, a, literal(X)), Xs), ( same_set(Xs, [ lang(nl, 'Jan'), lang(en, 'John'), lang(en, ''), 'Johannes' ]) -> true ; format(user_error, 'Xs = ~q~n', [Xs]), fail ). /******************************* * NAMESPACES * *******************************/ term_expansion(ns_data(S0,P0,O0), ns_data(S,P,O)) :- rdf_global_id(S0, S), rdf_global_id(P0, P), rdf_global_id(O0, O). :- rdf_register_ns(dynamic, 'http://www.dynamic.org/'). ns_data(x, rdf:type, rdf:is). ns_data(y, rdf:type, rdf:(dynamic)). ns_data(z, rdf:type, (dynamic):rdf). ns_data(z, (dynamic):attr1, literal(dynamic)). ns_data(z, (dynamic):attr2, (dynamic):rdf). namespace(save) :- findall(rdf(S,P,O), ns_data(S,P,O), Triples), forall(member(rdf(S,P,O), Triples), rdf_assert(S,P,O)), save_reload, findall(rdf(S,P,O), rdf(S,P,O), NewTriples), ( same_set(Triples, NewTriples) -> true ; format(user_error, 'NewTriples = ~q~n', [NewTriples]), fail ). /******************************* * LITERAL SHARING * *******************************/ lshare(1) :- rdf_assert(a,b,literal(aap)), rdf_statistics(literals(1)). lshare(2) :- rdf_assert(a,b,literal(aap)), rdf_retractall(a,b,literal(aap)), rdf_statistics(literals(X)), X == 0. lshare(3) :- rdf_assert(a,b,literal(aap)), rdf_assert(a,c,literal(aap)), % shared rdf_statistics(literals(1)). lshare(4) :- rdf_assert(a,b,literal(aap)), rdf_assert(a,c,literal(aap)), rdf_retractall(a,b,literal(aap)), rdf_retractall(a,c,literal(aap)), rdf_statistics(literals(X)), X == 0. lshare(5) :- rdf_assert(a,b,literal(aap)), rdf_assert(a,b,literal(aap)), rdf_retractall(a,b,literal(aap)), rdf_statistics(literals(X)), X == 0. /******************************* * WIDE CHARACTERS * *******************************/ wide_atom(A) :- atom_codes(A, [97, 1080, 1081]). wide(iso-object-resource) :- wide_atom(A), rdf_assert(aap, noot, A), save_reload(iso_latin_1). wide(utf8-object-resource) :- wide_atom(A), rdf_assert(aap, noot, A), save_reload(utf8). wide(iso-object-literal) :- wide_atom(A), rdf_assert(aap, noot, literal(A)), save_reload(iso_latin_1). wide(utf8-object-literal) :- wide_atom(A), rdf_assert(aap, noot, literal(A)), save_reload(utf8). %wide(iso-predicate) :- Requires XML UTF-8 names. % wide_atom(A), % rdf_assert(aap, A, noot), % save_reload(iso_latin_1). %wide(utf8-predicate) :- % wide_atom(A), % rdf_assert(aap, A, noot), % save_reload(utf8). wide(iso-subject) :- wide_atom(A), rdf_assert(A, aap, noot), save_reload(iso_latin_1). wide(utf8-subject) :- wide_atom(A), rdf_assert(A, aap, noot), save_reload(utf8). wide(db-object-literal) :- wide_atom(A), rdf_assert(aap, noot, literal(A)), save_reload_db. /******************************* * UPDATE * *******************************/ update(subject) :- rdf_assert(x, a, v), rdf_update(x, a, v, subject(y)), rdf(y, a, v). update(predicate) :- rdf_assert(x, a, v), rdf_update(x, a, v, predicate(b)), rdf(x, b, v). update(object-1) :- rdf_assert(x, a, v), rdf_update(x, a, v, object(w)), rdf(x, a, w). update(object-2) :- rdf_assert(x, a, v), rdf_update(x, a, v, object(literal(hello))), rdf(x, a, literal(hello)). update(object-3) :- rdf_assert(x, a, v), rdf_update(x, a, v, object(literal(lang(nl, hallo)))), rdf(x, a, literal(lang(nl, hallo))). update(object-4) :- % add lang rdf_assert(x, a, literal(hallo)), rdf_update(x, a, literal(hallo), object(literal(lang(nl, hallo)))), rdf(x, a, literal(lang(nl, hallo))). update(object-5) :- % only change lang rdf_assert(x, a, literal(lang(en, hallo))), rdf_update(x, a, literal(lang(en, hallo)), object(literal(lang(nl, hallo)))), rdf(x, a, literal(lang(nl, hallo))). update(object-6) :- % drop lang rdf_assert(x, a, literal(lang(en, hallo))), rdf_update(x, a, literal(lang(en, hallo)), object(literal(hallo))), rdf(x, a, literal(hallo)). update(object-7) :- % transaction update rdf_assert(x, a, literal(lang(en, hallo))), rdf_transaction(rdf_update(x, a, literal(lang(en, hallo)), object(literal(hallo)))), rdf(x, a, literal(hallo)). /******************************* * TRANSACTIONS * *******************************/ transaction(empty-1) :- rdf_transaction(true), findall(rdf(S,P,O), rdf(S,P,O), L), L == []. transaction(assert-1) :- rdf_transaction(rdf_assert(x, a, v)), findall(rdf(S,P,O), rdf(S,P,O), L), L == [ rdf(x, a, v) ]. transaction(assert-2) :- \+ rdf_transaction((rdf_assert(x, a, v), fail)), findall(rdf(S,P,O), rdf(S,P,O), L), L == []. transaction(nest-1) :- rdf_transaction( ( rdf_assert(x, a, v), rdf_transaction(rdf_assert(x, a, v2)))), findall(rdf(S,P,O), rdf(S,P,O), L), L == [ rdf(x, a, v), rdf(x, a, v2) ]. transaction(nest-2) :- rdf_transaction( ( rdf_assert(x, a, v), \+ rdf_transaction((rdf_assert(x, a, v2),fail)))), findall(rdf(S,P,O), rdf(S,P,O), L), L == [ rdf(x, a, v) ]. transaction(deadlock-1) :- rdf_assert(x,y,z,g), rdf_assert(x,y,z,g), rdf_transaction(rdf(_S, _P, _O, _G)). transaction(deadlock-2) :- tmp_file(rdf, F1), tmp_file(rdf, F2), rdf_assert(a, b, c, f1), rdf_assert(x, y, z, f2), rdf_save_db(F1, f1), rdf_save_db(F2, f2), rdf_reset_db, rdf_assert(l, f, F1), rdf_assert(l, f, F2), rdf_transaction(forall(rdf(l, f, F), rdf_load_db(F))), findall(rdf(S,P,O), rdf(S,P,O), L), L == [ rdf(l,f,F1), rdf(l,f,F2), rdf(a,b,c), rdf(x,y,z) ], delete_file(F1), delete_file(F2). transaction(active-1) :- \+ rdf_active_transaction(_). transaction(active-2) :- rdf_transaction(rdf_active_transaction(x), x). transaction(active-3) :- rdf_transaction(findall(X, rdf_active_transaction(X), Xs), x), Xs == [x]. transaction(active-4) :- rdf_transaction(rdf_active_transaction(Y), X), X == Y. transaction(active-5) :- rdf_transaction(rdf_active_transaction(x), X), X == x. /******************************* * LABELS * *******************************/ label(1) :- rdf_global_id(rdfs:label, Label), lang_data(x, Label), findall(L, rdfs_label(x, L), Ls), Ls = ['Jan', 'John', '', 'Johannes']. label(2) :- rdf_global_id(rdfs:label, Label), lang_data(x, Label), findall(L, rdfs_label(x, en, L), Ls), Ls = ['John', '']. /******************************* * MATCH * *******************************/ match(1) :- rdf_assert(a,b,literal('hello there world!')), rdf(a,b,literal(substring('llo'), _)). match(2) :- rdf_assert(a,b,literal('hello there world!')), rdf(a,b,literal(word('there'), _)). match(3) :- rdf_assert(a,b,literal('hello there world!')), rdf(a,b,literal(word('hello'), _)). match(4) :- rdf_assert(a,b,literal('hello there world!')), rdf(a,b,literal(word('world'), _)). match(5) :- rdf_assert(a,b,literal('hello there world!')), rdf(a,b,literal(like('*there*'), _)). match(6) :- rdf_assert(a,b,literal('hello there world!')), rdf(a,b,literal(like('*world!*'), _)). match(7) :- % test backtracking rdf_assert(a,b,literal('hello there world there universe!')), rdf(a,b,literal(like('*th*uni*'), _)). /******************************* * PREFIX * *******************************/ prefix_data(s, p1, aaaaa). prefix_data(s, p1, aaaab). prefix_data(s, p1, aaabb). prefix_data(s, p1, aaacc). prefix_data(s, p1, aaccc). prefix_data(s, p1, adddd). prefix_data(s, p2, 'BBBBB'). prefix_data(s, p2, 'bbbbb'). prefix_data(s, p2, 'bbbcc'). prefix_data(s, p2, 'BBBcc'). mkprefix_db(P) :- forall(prefix_data(S,P,O), rdf_assert(S, P, literal(O))). tprefix(P, Prefix) :- mkprefix_db(P), findall(rdf(A,P,L), rdf(A,P,literal(prefix(Prefix), L)), List), findall(rdf(A,P,L), ( prefix_data(A,P,L), case_prefix(Prefix, L) ), L2), % writeln(List), L2 == List. case_prefix(Prefix, Atom) :- atom_codes(Prefix, PC), atom_codes(Atom, AC), prefix_codes(PC, AC). prefix_codes([], _). prefix_codes([H0|T0], [H|T]) :- code_type(L, to_lower(H0)), code_type(L, to_lower(H)), prefix_codes(T0, T). prefix(1) :- tprefix(p1, ''). prefix(2) :- tprefix(p1, a). prefix(3) :- tprefix(p1, aa). prefix(4) :- tprefix(p1, aaa). prefix(5) :- tprefix(p1, aaaa). prefix(6) :- tprefix(p1, aaaaa). prefix(7) :- tprefix(p2, bbbb). prefix(8) :- tprefix(p2, bbbbb). prefix(9) :- tprefix(p2, 'Bbbbb'). prefix(10) :- tprefix(p2, 'BBBBB'). prefix(like-1) :- mkprefix_db(_), findall(L, rdf(_,_,literal(like('a*b'), L)), Ls), Ls = [aaaab, aaabb]. /******************************* * RETRACTALL * *******************************/ rdf_retractall(nopred-1) :- rdf_retractall(aap, noot, mies). rdf_retractall(term) :- rdf_assert(a, b, literal(x)), rdf_assert(a, b, literal(x(1))), rdf_retractall(a, b, literal(x(_))), findall(V, rdf(a,b,V), [literal(x)]). /******************************* * MONITOR * *******************************/ do_monitor(assert(S, P, O, DB)) :- atom(O), ip(P, IP), rdf_transaction(rdf_assert(O, IP, S, DB)). do_monitor(retract(S, P, O, DB)) :- atom(O), ip(P, IP), rdf_transaction(rdf_retractall(O, IP, S, DB)). ip(a, ia). ip(b, ib). monitor(transaction-1) :- rdf_reset_db, rdf_monitor(do_monitor, []), rdf_transaction(rdf_assert(x, a, y, db)), rdf_monitor(do_monitor, [-all]), findall(rdf(S,P,O), rdf(S,P,O), DB), DB == [ rdf(x, a, y), rdf(y, ia, x) ]. /******************************* * SUB-PROPERTY * *******************************/ subproperty(1) :- rdf_assert(a, p, b), \+ rdf_has(_, p2, b, _). /******************************* * PROPERTY HIERACHY * *******************************/ %% ptree/1 % % Property hierarchy handling for rdf_has/3. The routines maintain % clouds of connected properties and for each cloud a bitmatrix % filled with the closure of the rdfs:subPropertyOf relation. ptree(1) :- rdf_assert(a, rdfs:subPropertyOf, b), rdf_assert(x, a, y), rdf_has(x, b, y). ptree(2) :- % simple cycle rdf_assert(a, rdfs:subPropertyOf, b), rdf_assert(b, rdfs:subPropertyOf, a), rdf_assert(x, a, y), rdf_has(x, b, y). ptree(3) :- % self-cycle rdf_assert(a, rdfs:subPropertyOf, a), rdf_assert(x, a, y), rdf_has(x, a, y). ptree(4) :- % two roots rdf_assert(c, rdfs:subPropertyOf, b), rdf_assert(c, rdfs:subPropertyOf, d), rdf_assert(x, c, y), rdf_has(x, b, y), rdf_has(x, d, y). ptree(5) :- % two roots, 2nd leg rdf_assert(c, rdfs:subPropertyOf, b), rdf_assert(c, rdfs:subPropertyOf, d), rdf_assert(a, rdfs:subPropertyOf, b), rdf_assert(x, c, y), rdf_assert(x, a, z), rdf_has(x, b, y), rdf_has(x, d, y), rdf_has(x, b, z), \+ rdf_has(x, d, z). ptree(6) :- % two root cycles rdf_assert(c, rdfs:subPropertyOf, b), rdf_assert(c, rdfs:subPropertyOf, d), rdf_assert(b, rdfs:subPropertyOf, bc), rdf_assert(bc, rdfs:subPropertyOf, b), rdf_assert(d, rdfs:subPropertyOf, dc), rdf_assert(dc, rdfs:subPropertyOf, d), rdf_assert(x, c, y), rdf_has(x, b, y), rdf_has(x, d, y), rdf_has(x, dc, y), rdf_has(x, bc, y). ptree(7) :- % create and break the cycles rdf_assert(x, a, y), rdf_assert(a, rdfs:subPropertyOf, b), rdf_retractall(a, rdfs:subPropertyOf, b), \+ rdf_has(x, b, y). /******************************* * REACHABLE * *******************************/ graph(a, p, b). graph(b, p, c). graph(c, p, d). graph(b, p, d). graph :- forall(graph(S,P,O), rdf_assert(S,P,O)). reachable(1) :- rdf_reachable(a, x, a). reachable(2) :- graph, rdf_reachable(a, p, d). reachable(3) :- graph, rdf_reachable(a, p, X), X == c, !. reachable(4) :- graph, findall(O, rdf_reachable(a, p, O), Os), Os = [a,b,c,d]. /******************************* * DUPLICATES * *******************************/ duplicates(1) :- rdf_assert(a, b, literal(lang(en, l))), rdf_assert(a, b, literal(l)), rdf_retractall(a, b, literal(lang(en, l))). /******************************* * SOURCE * *******************************/ source(1) :- rdf_assert(a,b,c,test), get_time(Now), rdf_db:rdf_set_graph_source(test, 'test.rdf', Now), rdf_source(test, X), X == 'test.rdf'. /******************************* * UNLOAD * *******************************/ unload(1) :- rdf_load(dc), rdf_statistics(triples(T0)), rdf_unload(dc), rdf_statistics(triples(T1)), rdf_load(dc), rdf_statistics(triples(T2)), T0 == T2, T1 == 0. /******************************* * SCRIPTS * *******************************/ :- dynamic script_dir/1. set_script_dir :- script_dir(_), !. set_script_dir :- find_script_dir(Dir), assert(script_dir(Dir)). find_script_dir(Dir) :- prolog_load_context(file, File), follow_links(File, RealFile), file_directory_name(RealFile, Dir). follow_links(File, RealFile) :- read_link(File, _, RealFile), !. follow_links(File, File). :- set_script_dir. run_test_script(Script) :- file_base_name(Script, Base), file_name_extension(Pred, _, Base), load_files(Script, [silent(true)]), Pred. run_test_scripts(Directory) :- ( script_dir(ScriptDir), atomic_list_concat([ScriptDir, /, Directory], Dir), exists_directory(Dir) -> true ; Dir = Directory ), atom_concat(Dir, '/*.pl', Pattern), expand_file_name(Pattern, Files), file_base_name(Dir, BaseDir), format('Running scripts from ~w ', [BaseDir]), flush, run_scripts(Files), format(' done~n'). run_scripts([]). run_scripts([H|T]) :- ( catch(run_test_script(H), Except, true) -> ( var(Except) -> put(.), flush ; Except = blocked(Reason) -> assert(blocked(H, Reason)), put(!), flush ; script_failed(H, Except) ) ; script_failed(H, fail) ), run_scripts(T). script_failed(File, fail) :- format('~NScript ~w failed~n', [File]), assert(failed(script(File))). script_failed(File, Except) :- message_to_string(Except, Error), format('~NScript ~w failed: ~w~n', [File, Error]), assert(failed(script(File))). /******************************* * TEST MAIN-LOOP * *******************************/ testset(resource). testset(literal). testset(lshare). testset(same). testset(typed). testset(lang). testset(wide). testset(namespace). testset(update). testset(transaction). testset(label). testset(match). testset(prefix). testset(rdf_retractall). testset(monitor). testset(subproperty). testset(ptree). testset(reachable). testset(duplicates). testset(source). testset(unload). % testdir(Dir) % % Enumerate directories holding tests. testdir('Tests'). :- dynamic failed/1, blocked/2. watch(_). test :- retractall(failed(_)), retractall(blocked(_,_)), rdf_monitor(watch, []), % check consistency forall(testset(Set), runtest(Set)), scripts, % statistics, report_blocked, report_failed. scripts :- forall(testdir(Dir), run_test_scripts(Dir)). report_blocked :- findall(Head-Reason, blocked(Head, Reason), L), ( L \== [] -> format('~nThe following tests are blocked:~n', []), ( member(Head-Reason, L), format(' ~p~t~40|~w~n', [Head, Reason]), fail ; true ) ; true ). report_failed :- findall(X, failed(X), L), length(L, Len), ( Len > 0 -> format('~n*** ~w tests failed ***~n', [Len]), fail ; format('~nAll tests passed~n', []) ). runtest(Name) :- format('Running test set "~w" ', [Name]), flush, functor(Head, Name, 1), nth_clause(Head, _N, R), clause(Head, _, R), rdf_reset_db, % reset before each script ( catch(Head, Except, true) -> ( var(Except) -> put(.), flush ; Except = blocked(Reason) -> assert(blocked(Head, Reason)), put(!), flush ; test_failed(R, Except) ) ; test_failed(R, fail) ), fail. runtest(_) :- format(' done.~n'). test_failed(R, Except) :- clause(Head, _, R), functor(Head, Name, 1), arg(1, Head, TestName), clause_property(R, line_count(Line)), clause_property(R, file(File)), ( Except == fail -> format('~N~w:~d: Test ~w(~w) failed~n', [File, Line, Name, TestName]) ; message_to_string(Except, Error), format('~N~w:~d: Test ~w(~w):~n~t~8|ERROR: ~w~n', [File, Line, Name, TestName, Error]) ), assert(failed(Head)). blocked(Reason) :- throw(blocked(Reason)). /******************************* * UNIT TESTS * *******************************/ :- begin_tests(lang_matches). test(lang_matches, true) :- lang_matches('EN', en). test(lang_matches, true) :- lang_matches(en, 'EN'). test(lang_matches, fail) :- lang_matches(nl, 'EN'). test(lang_matches, true) :- lang_matches('en-GB', en). test(lang_matches, fail) :- lang_matches('en-GB', 'en-*-x'). test(lang_matches, true) :- lang_matches('en-GB-x', 'en-*-x'). test(lang_matches, true) :- lang_matches('en-GB-x-y', 'en-*-x-*'). test(lang_matches, true) :- lang_matches('en-GB-x-y', 'en-*-y'). :- end_tests(lang_matches).