/* $Id$ Part of SWI-Prolog Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: J.Wielemaker@cs.vu.nl WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org Copyright (C): 1985-2009, University of Amsterdam This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif #define _ISOC99_SOURCE #define USE_SHA256 1 #include <SWI-Prolog.h> #include "error.h" #include "sha1/sha1.h" #include "sha1/sha2.h" #include "sha1/hmac.h" #include <assert.h> static atom_t ATOM_sha1; static atom_t ATOM_sha224; static atom_t ATOM_sha256; static atom_t ATOM_sha384; static atom_t ATOM_sha512; static atom_t ATOM_algorithm; typedef enum { ALGORITHM_SHA1, ALGORITHM_SHA224, ALGORITHM_SHA256, ALGORITHM_SHA384, ALGORITHM_SHA512 } sha_algorithm; typedef struct { sha_algorithm algorithm; size_t digest_size; term_t algorithm_term; } optval; #define CONTEXT_MAGIC (~ 0x53484163L) struct context { int magic; optval opts; union { sha1_ctx sha1; sha2_ctx sha2; } context; }; static int sha_options(term_t options, optval *result) { term_t opts = PL_copy_term_ref(options); term_t opt = PL_new_term_ref(); /* defaults */ memset(result, 0, sizeof(*result)); result->algorithm = ALGORITHM_SHA1; result->digest_size = SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE; while(PL_get_list(opts, opt, opts)) { atom_t aname; int arity; if ( PL_get_name_arity(opt, &aname, &arity) && arity == 1 ) { term_t a = PL_new_term_ref(); _PL_get_arg(1, opt, a); if ( aname == ATOM_algorithm ) { atom_t a_algorithm; result->algorithm_term = a; if ( !PL_get_atom(a, &a_algorithm) ) return pl_error(NULL, 0, NULL, ERR_TYPE, a, "algorithm"); if ( a_algorithm == ATOM_sha1 ) { result->algorithm = ALGORITHM_SHA1; result->digest_size = SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE; } else if ( a_algorithm == ATOM_sha224 ) { result->algorithm = ALGORITHM_SHA224; result->digest_size = SHA224_DIGEST_SIZE; } else if ( a_algorithm == ATOM_sha256 ) { result->algorithm = ALGORITHM_SHA256; result->digest_size = SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE; } else if ( a_algorithm == ATOM_sha384 ) { result->algorithm = ALGORITHM_SHA384; result->digest_size = SHA384_DIGEST_SIZE; } else if ( a_algorithm == ATOM_sha512 ) { result->algorithm = ALGORITHM_SHA512; result->digest_size = SHA512_DIGEST_SIZE; } else return pl_error(NULL, 0, NULL, ERR_DOMAIN, a, "algorithm"); } } else { return pl_error(NULL, 0, NULL, ERR_TYPE, opt, "option"); } } if ( !PL_get_nil(opts) ) return pl_error("sha_hash", 1, NULL, ERR_TYPE, opts, "list"); return TRUE; } static foreign_t pl_sha_hash(term_t from, term_t hash, term_t options) { char *data; size_t datalen; optval opts; unsigned char hval[SHA2_MAX_DIGEST_SIZE]; if ( !sha_options(options, &opts) ) return FALSE; if ( !PL_get_nchars(from, &datalen, &data, CVT_ATOM|CVT_STRING|CVT_LIST|CVT_EXCEPTION) ) return FALSE; if ( opts.algorithm == ALGORITHM_SHA1 ) { sha1((unsigned char*)hval, (unsigned char*)data, (unsigned long)datalen); } else { sha2((unsigned char*)hval, (unsigned long) opts.digest_size, (unsigned char*)data, (unsigned long)datalen); } return PL_unify_list_ncodes(hash, opts.digest_size, (char*)hval); } static foreign_t pl_sha_new_ctx(term_t ctx, term_t options) { struct context c; optval *op = &(c.opts); if ( !sha_options(options, op) ) return FALSE; c.magic = CONTEXT_MAGIC; if ( op->algorithm == ALGORITHM_SHA1 ) { sha1_begin(&(c.context.sha1)); } else { sha2_begin((unsigned long) op->digest_size, &(c.context.sha2)); } /* NB: the context size depends on the digest size */ /* (e. g., sha512_ctx is twice as long as sha256_ctx) */ /* so there're extra data. It will do no harm, though. */ /* . */ return PL_unify_string_nchars(ctx, sizeof(c), (char*)&c); } static foreign_t pl_sha_hash_ctx(term_t old_ctx, term_t from, term_t new_ctx, term_t hash) { char *data; size_t datalen; struct context *cp; size_t clen; unsigned char hval[SHA2_MAX_DIGEST_SIZE]; if ( !PL_get_nchars(from, &datalen, &data, CVT_ATOM|CVT_STRING|CVT_LIST|CVT_EXCEPTION) ) return FALSE; if ( !PL_get_string_chars(old_ctx, (char **)&cp, &clen) ) return FALSE; if ( clen != sizeof (*cp) || cp->magic != CONTEXT_MAGIC ) { return pl_error(NULL, 0, "Invalid OldContext passed", ERR_DOMAIN, old_ctx, "algorithm"); } if ( cp->opts.algorithm == ALGORITHM_SHA1 ) { sha1_ctx *c1p = &(cp->context.sha1); sha1_hash((unsigned char*)data, (unsigned long)datalen, c1p); if ( !PL_unify_string_nchars(new_ctx, sizeof(*cp), (char*)cp) ) return FALSE; sha1_end((unsigned char *)hval, c1p); } else { sha2_ctx *c1p = &(cp->context.sha2); sha2_hash((unsigned char*)data, (unsigned long)datalen, c1p); if ( !PL_unify_string_nchars(new_ctx, sizeof(*cp), (char*)cp) ) return FALSE; sha2_end((unsigned char *)hval, c1p); } /* . */ return PL_unify_list_ncodes(hash, cp->opts.digest_size, (char*)hval); } static foreign_t pl_hmac_sha(term_t key, term_t data, term_t mac, term_t options) { char *sdata, *skey; size_t datalen, keylen; optval opts; unsigned char digest[SHA2_MAX_DIGEST_SIZE]; if ( !PL_get_nchars(key, &keylen, &skey, CVT_ATOM|CVT_STRING|CVT_LIST|CVT_EXCEPTION) ) return FALSE; if ( !PL_get_nchars(data, &datalen, &sdata, CVT_ATOM|CVT_STRING|CVT_LIST|CVT_EXCEPTION) ) return FALSE; if ( !sha_options(options, &opts) ) return FALSE; switch(opts.algorithm) { case ALGORITHM_SHA1: hmac_sha1((unsigned char*)skey, (unsigned long)keylen, (unsigned char*)sdata, (unsigned long)datalen, digest, (unsigned long)opts.digest_size); break; case ALGORITHM_SHA256: hmac_sha256((unsigned char*)skey, (unsigned long)keylen, (unsigned char*)sdata, (unsigned long)datalen, digest, (unsigned long)opts.digest_size); break; default: return pl_error(NULL, 0, "HMAC-SHA only for SHA-1 and SHA-256", ERR_DOMAIN, opts.algorithm_term, "algorithm"); } return PL_unify_list_ncodes(mac, opts.digest_size, (char*)digest); } #define MKATOM(n) ATOM_ ## n = PL_new_atom(#n); install_t install_sha4pl() { MKATOM(sha1); /* =160 */ MKATOM(sha224); MKATOM(sha256); MKATOM(sha384); MKATOM(sha512); MKATOM(algorithm); PL_register_foreign("sha_hash", 3, pl_sha_hash, 0); PL_register_foreign("sha_new_ctx", 2, pl_sha_new_ctx, 0); PL_register_foreign("sha_hash_ctx", 4, pl_sha_hash_ctx, 0); PL_register_foreign("hmac_sha", 4, pl_hmac_sha, 0); }