:- yap_flag( double_quotes, string ). :- yap_flag( write_strings, on ). :- style_check( all ). :- use_module(library(lists)). :- use_module(library(readutil)). :- initialization(main). :- dynamic val/2, item/2, last_node/2, indent/1. get_arg( Inp, Out ) :- unix( argv( [Inp, Out] ) ), !. get_arg( Inp, 'yap.md' ) :- unix( argv( [Inp] ) ), !. get_arg( 'yap.tex', 'yap.md' ) :- unix( argv( [] ) ). main :- abolish( line/3 ), get_arg( Inp, Out ), scan_file( Inp ), open( Out, write, S , [encoding(utf8)] ), out( S ), close( S ). :- dynamic buffer/2. scan_file( Inp ) :- open( Inp , read, S , [encoding(utf8)] ), repeat, line_count( S, Lines ), read_line_to_string(S, Line0), assert_static( source( Inp, Lines, Line0 ) ), ( Line0 == end_of_file -> !, % done ( retract( buffer( Pos, BLine ) ) -> % flush assert_static( line( Inp, Pos, BLine ) ) ; true ), retractall( item( _, _ ) ), close( S ) ; % fetch sub-file jmp_blanks( Line0, Line ), sub_string(Line, 0, _, Left, "@include "), sub_string(Line, _, Left, 0, CLeft), jmp_blanks(CLeft, NewString), assert_static( line( Inp, Lines, "@include" ) ), atom_string( NewFile, NewString ) -> scan_file( NewFile ), fail ; % look for indices % with all predicates first_text(Line0, "@findex", Rest) -> first_text(Rest, Pred, _), atom_string( A1, Pred ), item( Item0 , ItLines ), atom_string(A2, Item0), cvt_slash( Pred, Key ), assert_static( pred( A1, Key, A2, Inp:ItLines ) ), fail ; % look for predicates first_word(Line0, "@item", _Rest), retractall( item( _ , _ ) ), jmp_blanks( Line0, Line ), assert( item( Line, Lines ) ), fail ; % output a line jmp_blanks( Line0, Line ), % pack all lines in a buffer. ( % blank or @... and we have a buffer singleton_line( Line ) -> ( retract( buffer( Pos, BLine ) ) -> % flush and dump assert_static( line( Inp, Pos, BLine ) ) ; true ), assert_static( line( Inp, Lines, Line ) ), fail ; % blank or @... and we have a buffer separating_line( Line ), retract( buffer( Pos, BLine ) ) -> % store it away and flush assert( buffer( Lines, Line ) ), assert_static( line( Inp, Pos, BLine ) ), fail ; % expand buffer with extra text. retract( buffer( Pos, BLine ) ) -> string_concat( [BLine, " ", Line], ELine ), assert( buffer( Pos, ELine ) ), fail ; % stash initial buffer assert( buffer( Lines, Line ) ), fail ) ). out( _S ) :- % init nb_setval(old_line, "here I go"), nb_setval(level, 0), nb_setval(item, indent(0,0)), retractall( stack(_, _) ), assert( indent( 0 ) ), nb_setval(do_buffer, true), nb_setval( min, 0 ), fail. out( S ) :- line( F, Pos, Line0), %( Pos = 5770 -> trace ; true ), jmp_blanks( Line0, Line), b_setval( line, F:Pos:Line ), process( Line , NewLine, F:Pos), offset( N ), ( NewLine == no -> fail ; NewLine == "" -> nb_getval( old_line, OldLine ), OldLine \= "", format(string(SN), '~n', []) ; NewLine == force -> format(string(SN), '~n', []) ; ( speek( list, it(_Env, _, Level, _) ), Level \= 0 -> format( string(SN), '~*c~s~n', [N, 0' , NewLine]) % ' ; format( string(SN), '~*c~s~n', [N, 0' , NewLine]) % ' ) ), format(S, '~s', [SN]), nb_setval( old_line, Line ), fail. out( _ ). separating_line( "" ) :- !. separating_line( First ) :- get_string_code(1, First, 0'@). %' % :- dynamic singletons/0. singleton_line(L) :- string_concat("@item",_,L), \+ speek(list,it("@table",_,_,_)), !. singleton_line(L) :- string_concat("@c",_,L), !. singleton_line(L) :- string_concat("@comment",_,L), !. singleton_line(L) :- string_concat("@findex",_,L), !. singleton_line(L) :- string_concat("@cindex",_,L), !. singleton_line(L) :- string_concat("@cnindex",_,L), !. singleton_line(L) :- string_concat("@cyindex",_,L), !. singleton_line(L) :- string_concat("@cindex",_,L), !. singleton_line(L) :- string_concat("@defindex",_,L), !. singleton_line(L) :- string_concat("@caindex",_,L), !. singleton_line(L) :- string_concat("@printindex",_,L), !. singleton_line(L) :- string_concat("@vskip",_,L), !. singleton_line(L) :- string_concat("@itemize",_R,L), !. singleton_line(L) :- string_concat("@enumerate",_R,L), !. singleton_line(L) :- string_concat("@table",_R,L), !. singleton_line(L) :- string_concat("@example",_R,L), !, assert( singletons ). singleton_line(L) :- string_concat("@ifplaintext",_R,L), !, assert( singletons ). singleton_line(L) :- string_concat("@pl_example",_R,L), !, assert( singletons ). singleton_line(L) :- string_concat("@c_example",_R,L), !, assert( singletons ). singleton_line(L) :- string_concat("@simpleexample",_R,L), !, assert( singletons ). singleton_line(L) :- string_concat("@end",R,L), !, ( sub_string(R, _, _, _, "example") -> retract( singletons ) ; true ). singleton_line(_L) :- singletons. % blank line, flush and return empty process( "" , NewLine , _Pos) :- !, NewLine = "" . % skip mode: fails or end of skip mode? process( Line , S, F:Pos ) :- speek(skip, verbatim ), !, ( first_word(Line, "@end", Rest) -> ( first_word(Rest, Env1, _Rest2), sub_string( Env1, _, _, 0, "example" ) -> ( S = "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" ; pop( skip, verbatim ), fail ) ; first_word(Rest, Env1, _Rest2), sub_string( Env1, _, _, 0, "plaintext" ) -> ( S = "" ; pop( skip, verbatim ), fail ) ) ; first_word(Line, "@cartouche", Rest) -> fail ; source(F, Pos, Line0), escapes( S, Line0 ) ). process( Line , "", _Pos ) :- speek(skip, W2 ), !, first_word(Line, Word, Rest), Word == "@end", first_word(Rest, Word2, _Rest), ( W2 = Word2 -> pop( skip, W2 ) ; true ). % command: flush and continue process( Command , NewLine , Pos) :- do_buffer(Command, NewLine, Pos ). % found command word do_buffer(Line, NewLine, Pos ) :- command( Line, Word, Rest ), !, process( Word, Line, Rest, NewLine, Pos). do_buffer( List, NewList, _Pos ) :- jmp_blanks( List, First ), run( NewList, First). command(Line) :- command( Line, _Word, _Rest ). command( Line, Word, Rest ) :- first_word(Line, Word, Rest), % ensure it is not an inline command ( get_string_code(1, Rest, '{' ) -> once((sub_string(Word,_,_,"ection") ;sub_string(Word,_,_,"apter") ; (sub_string(Word,_,_,"parag") ))) ; true ), % check for a legit keyword by looking for handlers clause( process( Word, _, _, _, _ ), _), !. process("@item", _Line, _Rest, NewLine , _FilePos) :- speek( list, it(_Env, _Item, _Pos, Numb)), Numb > 1, NewLine = "". process("@item", Line, Rest, NewLine , FilePos) :- pop( list, it(Env, Item, Pos, Numb)), !, NNumb is Numb+1, run( Text, Rest ), jmp_blanks( Text, First ), Pos1 is Pos, % item_type(Item, Numb, Marker ), Marker = "", ( Env = "@table", atom_string( A, Line ), pred( _Pred, _Key, A, FilePos ) -> push( list, it(Env, Item, Pos, NNumb) ), ( % sendout the comand format(string(NewLine), '~t~s ~*+
  • ~s @anchor ~a', [Marker, Pos1, First, _Key]), push( indent, done ) ; NewLine = force ) ; format(string(NewLine), '~t~s ~*+
  • ~s', [ Marker, Pos, First]), push( list, it(Env, Item, Pos, NNumb) ), push( indent, done ) ). %, writeln(+FilePos:Line), listing(stack). process("@end", _Line, _Rest, "
  • " , _Pos) :- once( speek(list,it(_Env,_,_LL,_)) ). process("@end", _Line, Rest, NewLine , _Pos) :- speek(list,it(Env,_,_LL,_)), ( Env = "@enumerate" -> NewLine = "" ; NewLine = "" ), sub_string( Env, 1, _, 0, Env1 ), sub_string( Rest, _, _, _, Env1), !, % check % writeln(_Pos:_Line), listing(stack), pop( list, it(Env, _, _, _) ). process("@end", Line, _Rest, NewLine , _Pos) :- sub_string(Line, _, _, 0, "ifnottex"), !, % check NewLine = "\\endhtmlonly". process("@end", _Line, Rest, "" , _Pos) :- sub_string(Rest, _, _, _, "cartouche"), !. % check process("@end", _Line, Rest, "" , _Pos) :- sub_string(Rest, _, _, _, "format"), !. % check process("@end", _Line, Rest, "" , _Pos ) :- sub_string(Rest, _, _, _, "group"), !. % check process("@end", Line, _Rest, NewLine , _Pos ) :- pop( match, End ), sub_string(Line, _, _, 0, End), !, % check gen_comment( Line, NewLine ). process("@end", Line, _Rest, NewLine , _Pos) :- pop( language, End ), sub_string(Line, _, _, 0, End), !, % check gen_comment( Line, NewLine ). process("@author", _Line, Rest, NewLine , _Pos) :- !, jmp_blanks( Rest, Firs ), format( string( NewLine), '\\author ~s', [ Firs ] ). process("@*", _Line, _Rest, "" , _Pos). process("@*", _Line, Rest, Line , _Pos) :- !, jmp_blanks( Rest, Firs ), run( Line, Firs ). process("@c", _Line, Rest, NewLine , _Pos) :- !, gen_comment( Rest, NewLine ). process("@comment", _Line, Rest, NewLine , _Pos) :- !, gen_comment( Rest, NewLine ). process("@cartouche", _Line, _Rest, "" , _Pos) :- !. process("@group", _Line, _Rest, "" , _Pos) :- !. process("@printindex", _Line, _Rest, "" , _Pos) :- !. process("@bye", _Line, _Rest, "" , _Pos) :- !. process("@cnindex", _Line, _Rest, no, _Pos ) :- !. process("@cyindex", _Line, _Rest, no, _Pos) :- !. process("@chapter", _Line, Rest, NewLine, _Pos ) :- !, jmp_blanks( Rest, Firs ), run( Title, Firs ), nb_setval( level, 1 ), title_from_words(Firs, Id, _Pos), title( '@chapter', _, TitleDox ), format(string(NewLine), '~a ~s ~s', [TitleDox, Id,Title]). % ( format( string(NewLine), '~s', [Title] ) ; NewLine = "======" ). process("@cindex", _Line, _Rest, no , _Pos) :- !. process("@caindex", _Line, _Rest, no, _Pos ) :- !. process("@defindex", Line, _Rest, NewLine , _Pos) :- !, gen_blank( Line, NewLine ). process("@direntry", Line, _Rest, NewLine, _Pos ) :- !, gen_comment( Line, NewLine ), push(skip, "direntry" ). process("@texinfo", Line, _Rest, NewLine, _Pos ) :- !, gen_comment( Line, NewLine ), push(skip, "texinfo" ). process("@documentencoding", _Line, _Rest, "" , _Pos) :- !. % jmp_blanks( Rest, NewString ), % format( string( NewLine), '', [ NewString ] ). % unbalanced end process("@end", Line, _Rest, NewLine , _Pos) :- !, gen_comment( Line, NewLine ). process("@enumerate", _Line, _Rest, NewLine , _Pos) :- list( "@enumerate", "@enumerate", NewLine, _Pos). process("@example", _Line, _Rest, "" , _Pos). process("@example", _Line, _Rest, "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" , _Pos) :- !, push( skip, verbatim). process("@ifplaintext", _Line, _Rest, "" , _Pos) :- !, push( skip, verbatim). process("@pl_example", _Line, _Rest, "" , _Pos). process("@pl_example", _Line, _Rest, "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{.prolog}" , _Pos) :- !, push( skip, verbatim). process("@c_example", _Line, _Rest, "" , _Pos). process("@c_example", _Line, _Rest, "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{.c}" , _Pos) :- !, push( skip, verbatim). process("@format", _Line, _Rest, "", _Pos ) :- !. process("@alias", _Line, _Rest, "", _Pos ) :- !. process("@dircategory", _Line, _Rest, "", _Pos ) :- !. process("@smallexample", _Line, _Rest, "" , _Pos). process("@smallexample", _Line, _Rest, "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" , _Pos) :- !, push( skip, verbatim). process("@findexx", _Line, _Rest, "" , _Pos) :- !. process("@ifnottex", _Line, _Rest, "\\htmlonly" , _Pos) :- !. process("@itemize", _Line, Rest, NewLine , _Pos) :- !, jmp_blanks( Rest, First ), list( "@itemize", First, NewLine, _Pos). process("@menu", _Line, _Rest, "" , _Pos) :- !, push(skip, "menu" ). process("@node", Line, Rest, NewLine, Pos ) :- !, jmp_blanks( Rest, First ), string_codes( First, S ), argument(AL, 0', , 0', , S, _), string_codes(SF, AL), retractall(last_node(_,_)), assert( last_node( SF, Pos ) ), gen_blank( Line, NewLine ). process("@page", _Line, _Rest, "", _Pos ) :- !. process("@contents", _Line, _Rest, "" , _Pos) :- !. process("@itemx", _Line, Rest, NewLine, _Pos ) :- !, process("@item", _Line, Rest, NewLine, _Pos ). process("@saindex", _Line, Rest, NewLine, _Pos ) :- !, get_second( Rest, NewLine ). process("@snindex", _Line, _Rest, "", _Pos ) :- !. process("@syindex", _Line, _Rest, "" , _Pos) :- !. process("@section", _Line, Rest, NewLine, Pos ) :- !, jmp_blanks( Rest, Title ), run( NewTitle, Title ), nb_setval( level, 2 ), % format(string(NewLine), '# ~s #', [NewTitle]). title( '@section', _, TitleDox ), title_from_words(NewTitle, Id, Pos), format(string(NewLine), '~a ~s ~s', [TitleDox,Id,NewTitle]). % format(string(NewLine), '# ~s #', [NewTitle]). process("@appendix", _Line, Rest, NewLine, _Pos ) :- !, jmp_blanks( Rest, Title ), run( NewTitle, Title ), format(string(NewLine), '~n~n~s~n-------------------------~n~n', [NewTitle]). process("@subsection", _Line, Rest, NewLine, _Pos ) :- !, jmp_blanks( Rest, Title ), run( NewTitle, Title ), nb_setval( level, 3 ), title( '@subsection', _, TitleDox ), title_from_words(NewTitle, Id, _Pos), format(string(NewLine), '~a ~s ~s', [TitleDox,Id,NewTitle]). % format(string(NewLine), '## ~s ##', [NewTitle]). process("@unnumberedsubsubsec", _Line, Rest, NewLine, _Pos ) :- !, nb_setval( level, 4 ), process("@subsubsection", _Line, Rest, NewLine, _Pos ). process("@subsubsection", _Line, Rest, NewLine, _Pos ) :- !, nb_setval( level, 4 ), jmp_blanks( Rest, Title ), run( NewTitle, Title ), title( '@subsubsection', _, TitleDox ), title_from_words(NewTitle, Id, _Pos), format(string(NewLine), '~a ~s', [TitleDox,Id,NewTitle]). % format(string(NewLine), '### ~s ###', [NewTitle]). process("@set", _Line, Rest, NewLine , _Pos) :- !, first_word( Rest, V, SecC), jmp_blanks( SecC, Valu ), assert( val( V, Valu ) ), format(string(Assign), '~s=~s', [V, Valu]), gen_comment( Assign, NewLine ). process("@noindent", _Line, Rest, NewLine, _Pos ) :- !, ( Rest = "" -> NewLine = no ; run(NewLine, Rest ) ). process("@setcontentsaftertitlepage", Line, _Rest, NewLine, _Pos ) :- !, gen_comment( Line, NewLine ). process("@setchapternewpage", Line, _Rest, NewLine, _Pos ) :- !, gen_comment( Line, NewLine ). process("@setfilename", Line, _Rest, NewLine, _Pos ) :- !, gen_comment( Line, NewLine ). process("@settitle", _Line, _Rest, "" , _Pos) :- !. process("@subtitle", _Line, _Rest, "", _Pos ) :- !. process("@include", _Line, _Rest, "", _Pos ) :- !. process("@table", _Line, Rest, NewLine , _Pos) :- !, jmp_blanks( Rest, First ), nb_getval( level, N1 ), N is N1+1, nb_setval( level, N ), list( "@table", First, NewLine, _Pos). process("@title", _Line, _Rest, "" , _Pos) :- !. process("@titlepage", _Line, _Rest, "", _Pos ) :- !. process("@top", _Line, _Rest, "" , _Pos) :- !. process("@unnumbered", _Line, Rest, NewLine , _Pos) :- !, jmp_blanks( Rest, Title ), run( NewTitle, Title ), format(string(NewLine), '## ~s ##', [NewTitle]). process("@vskip", _Line, _Rest, "" , _Pos) :- !. process("\\input", Line, _Rest, NewLine , _Pos) :- !, gen_comment( Line, NewLine ). % html style comments % pandoc compatible. gen_comment( _Line, "" ). %NewLine ) :- % format( string( NewLine ) , '', [_Line] ). get_second( Rest, Title ) :- first_word( Rest, _V, Rest2 ), jmp_blanks( Rest2, First2 ), run( Title, First2 ). % % clear the buffer first. % list( Env, Line, New, _Pos) :- first_word( Line, V, Rest), jmp_blanks( Rest, End ), ( speek( list, it(_, _, _Pos, _) ) -> Pos1 is 0 % Pos + 4 ; Pos1 = 0 %4 ), push( list, it( Env, V, Pos1, 1 ) ), % b_getval( pos, _Pos ), % writeln(add:_Pos:Env:Pos1:End), % listing(stack), run( New, End). list( Env, _Line, NewLine, _Pos) :- ( Env = "@enumerate" -> NewLine = "
      " ; NewLine = "