:- use_package(pillow). :- use_module(library(streams)). main :- icon_address(dot,Dot), open_output('html_demo.html', IO), output_html([ start, comment("This document was generated from Prolog"), title('Sample HTML document generated from Prolog'), h1('Sample HTML document'), --, h2('Miscellaneous'), "This is a ",ref('#label',it(reference))," to ", bf(["another ",it(point)])," in this document.",$, 'Let''s be ', image('http://localhost/images/smile.happy.gif',[alt=':-)']), '!', preformatted(['These lines', ['are ',b(preformatted),'.'], 'See?']), 'We have left here a ',strong(free),' variable:',X,$, 'This is in verbatim: ', samp(verbatim('<NOTE> write "&" to insert an &')),\\, 'But this is not:', samp('<NOTE> write "&" to insert an &'),$, label(label,['This is the point referenced ',it('above.')]), h2("Lists"), h3(tt(itemize)), itemize([one,two,['and ','3']]), h3(tt(enumerate)), enumerate([b(red),i(green),tt(blue)]), h3(tt(description)), description([ (one,b(two),'Description of one and two'), (three,'Idem of three'), ['This ',b(also)]]), h3('Nice itemize'), nice_itemize(Dot,['Pretty',bf('Fancy'),'Nice']), --, ref('mailto:clip@dia.fi.upm.es',address('clip@dia.fi.upm.es')), end ]), close_output(IO).