:- style_check(all). :- use_module(library(readutil)). :- use_module(library(lineutils)). :- use_module(library(lists)). :- use_module(library(maplist)). :- use_module(library(system)). :- initialization(main). :- yap_flag( double_quotes, string ). %:- yap_flag( dollar_as_lower_case, on ). :- dynamic edge/1, public/2, private/2, module_on/3, exported/1, dir/2, consulted/2, op_export/3. library/1. % @short node(?Module:module, ?Predicate:pred_indicator, ?File:file, ?Generator:atom) is nondet % inline( !/0 ). inline( (\+)/1 ). inline( (fail)/0 ). inline( (false)/0 ). inline( (repeat)/0 ). inline( (true)/0 ). inline( []/0 ). % @short edge(+SourceModule:module, +SourcePredicate:pred_indicator, +TargetPredicate:pred_indicator, +InFile:file) is nondet % main :- init, fail. main :- unix(argv([D])), working_directory(_, D), fail. main :- % from libraries outside the current directories assert( node( attributes, woken_att_do/4, 'library/atts.yap', prolog ) ), fail. main :- Dirs = ['C'-prolog, 'os'-prolog, 'pl'-prolog, 'OPTYap'-prolog, 'library'-user, 'swi/console'-prolog, 'swi/library'-user, 'packages'-user], dirs( Dirs ), %%% phase 2: find C-code predicates maplist( c_preds, Dirs ), %%% phase 1: find modules nb_setval( current_module, user ), nb_setval( private, false ), nb_setval( file_entry, user:user ), init_loop( Dirs ), maplist( pl_interfs, Dirs ), %%% phase 4: construct graph retractall( consulted(_,_) ), % maplist( pl_graphs, Dirs ), undefs, doubles, % pl_exported(pl). c_links. dirs( Roots ) :- member( Root-_, Roots ), directory_files( Root , Files), member( File, Files ), atom_concat( [Root,'/',File], New ), ( file_property( New, type(directory) ), File \= '.', File \= '..', File \= '.git', subdir( New ) ; absolute_file_name( Root, FRoot ), assert_new( dir( FRoot, File )) ), fail. dirs(_). subdir( Root ) :- directory_files( Root , Files), member( File, Files ), atom_concat( [Root,'/',File], New ), ( file_property( New, type(directory) ), File \= '.', File \= '..', File \= '.git', subdir( New ) ; absolute_file_name( Root, ARoot), assert_new( dir( ARoot, File )) ), fail. init :- retractall(dir(_)), retractall(edge(_)), retractall(private(_,_)), retractall(public(_,_)), retractall(consulted(_,_)), retractall(module_on(_,_,_)), retractall(op_export(_,_,_)), retractall(exported(_)). init_loop( _Dirs ). c_preds(Dir - Mod) :- atom( Dir ), atom_concat([Dir,'/*'], Pattern), expand_file_name( Pattern, Files ), member( File, Files ), ( ( sub_atom(File,_,_,0,'.c') ; sub_atom(File,_,_,0,'.cpp') ) -> c_file( File , Mod ) ; exists_directory( File ), \+ atom_concat(_, '/.', File), \+ atom_concat(_, '/..', File), 'packages/prism' \= File, 'packages/RDF' \= File, 'packages/semweb' \= File, c_preds( File - Mod ) ), fail. c_preds(_). c_file(F, Mod) :- % wrixbteln(F), nb_setval( current_module, Mod ), open(F, read, S, [alias(c_file)]), repeat, read_line_to_string( S, String ), ( String == end_of_file -> !, close(S) ; split_string(String, ",; ()\t\"\'", Fields), %writeln(Fields), line_count(S, Lines), c_line(Fields , Mod, F:Lines), fail ). c_line(["}"], Mod, _) :- !, nb_setval( current_module, Mod ). c_line(Line, _Mod, _) :- append( _, [ "CurrentModule", "=", M|_], Line), system_mod(M, _Mod, Mod), nb_setval( current_module, Mod ). c_line(Line, Mod, F:_Line) :- break_line( Line, N/A, Fu), handle_pred( Mod, N, A, F ), assert( foreign( Mod:N/A, Fu ) ). break_line( Line, N/A, c(Fu)) :- take_line( Line, NS, AS, FS ), !, atom_string(N,NS), atom_string(Fu,FS), number_string(A, AS). break_line( Line, N/A, swi(Fu)) :- take_line( Line, NS, AS, FS ), !, atom_string(N,NS), number_string(A, AS), atomic_concat(["pl_",FS,"_",A,"_va"], Fu). break_line( Line, N/A, bp(Fu)) :- take_line( Line, NS, AS, FS ), !, atom_string(N,NS), number_string(A, AS), atomic_concat(["pc_",FS,"_",A], Fu). break_line( Line, N/A, c(FuE, FuB)) :- take_line( Line, NS, AS, FSE, FSB ), !, atom_string(N,NS), atom_string(FuE,FSE), atom_string(FuB,FSB), number_string(A, AS). take_line( Line, NS, AS, FS ) :- append( _, [ "Yap_InitCPred", NS, AS, FS|_], Line), !. take_line( Line, NS, AS, FS ) :- append( _, [ "Yap_InitAsmPred", NS, AS, _, FS|_], Line), !. take_line( Line, NS, AS, FS ) :- append( _, [ "Yap_InitCmpPred", NS, AS, FS|_], Line), !. take_line( Line, NS, AS, FS ) :- append( _, [ "Yap_InitCmpPred", NS, AS, FS|_], Line), !. take_line( Line, NS, AS, FS ) :- append( _, [ "YAP_UserCPredicate", NS, FS, AS|_], Line), !. take_line( Line, NS, AS, FS ) :- append( _, [ "PRED", NS, AS, FS|_], Line), !. take_line( Line, NS, AS, FS ) :- append( _, [ "PRED_IMPL", NS, AS, FS|_], Line), !. take_line( Line, NS, AS, FS ) :- append( _, [ "PRED_DEF", NS, AS, FS|_], Line), !. take_line( Line, NS, AS, FS ) :- append( _, [ "FRG", NS, AS, FS|_], Line), !. take_line( Line, AS, FS ) :- append( _, [ "REGISTER_CPRED", FS, AS], Line), !. take_line( Line, NS, AS, FSE, FSB ) :- append( _, [ "Yap_InitCPredBack", NS, AS, _, FSE, FSB|_], Line), !. system_mod("ATTRIBUTES_MODULE", _, attributes ). system_mod("HACKS_MODULE", _, '$hacks' ). system_mod("USER_MODULE", _, user ). system_mod("DBLOAD_MODULE", _, '$db_load' ). system_mod("GLOBALS_MODULE", _, globals ). system_mod("ARG_MODULE", _, arg ). system_mod("PROLOG_MODULE", _ , prolog ). system_mod("RANGE_MODULE", _, range ). system_mod("SWI_MODULE", _, swi ). system_mod("OPERATING_SYSTEM_MODULE", _, operating_system_support ). system_mod("TERMS_MODULE", _, terms ). system_mod("SYSTEM_MODULE", _, system ). system_mod("IDB_MODULE", _, idb ). system_mod("CHARSIO_MODULE", _, charsio ). system_mod("cm", M, M ). pl_interfs(Dir - Mod) :- format(' ************* MOD: ~a ***********************\n', [Dir]), nb_setval( current_module, Mod ), atom( Dir ), directory_files( Dir , Files), member( File, Files ), atom_concat([Dir,'/',File], Path), ( ( sub_atom(File,_,_,0,'.yap') ; sub_atom(File,_,_,0,'.pl') ) -> ops_restore, pl_interf( Path , Mod ) ; exists_directory( Path ), \+ atom_concat(_, '/.', Path), \+ atom_concat(_, '/..', Path), \+ atom_concat(_, '/.git', Path), 'packages/prism' \= Path, 'packages/R' \= Path, 'packages/RDF' \= Path, 'packages/semweb' \= Path, 'packages/sgml' \= Path, absolute_file_name( Path, APath ), pl_interfs( APath - Mod ) ), fail. pl_interfs(_). %% % pl_interf( File, Mod) % adds a node to the file graph and marks which files are modules % % main side-effect facts like edge( F0-Mod:File ) % exported( ( FMNATarget :- FMNASource ) ) ou exported(F-M, Op ), % module_on ( M, File ) % pl_interf(F, _Mod) :- module_on( F , _M, _Is), !. pl_interf(F, Mod) :- consulted(F, Mod ), !. pl_interf(F, Mod) :- F\='/Users/vsc/git/yap-6.3/packages/RDF/rdf_diagram.pl', writeln(F), % ( sub_atom(F,_,_,_,'matrix.yap') -> spy get_interf ; true ), % ( sub_atom( F, _, _, 0, 'chr.yap' ) -> spy get_interf; true ), assert_new(consulted(F, Mod ) ), nb_getval( private, Default ), nb_setval( private, false ), nb_getval( file_entry, OF:OMod ), nb_setval( file_entry, F:Mod ), catch( open(F, read, S, [scripting(true)]) , _, fail ), repeat, nb_getval( current_module, MR ), %( sub_atom(F,_,_,_,'examples/matrix.yap') -> spy get_interf ; nospyall ), catch( read_term( S, T, [module( MR )] ), Throw, (writeln(F:MR:Throw), break, fail)), ( T == end_of_file -> !, close(S), build_graph( F, Mod ), % also, close ops defined in the module M, if M \= Mod generate_interface( F, Mod ), nb_setval( current_module, Mod ), nb_setval( private, Default ), nb_setval( file_entry, OF:OMod ) ; nb_getval( current_module, MC0 ), ( Mod == prolog -> MC = prolog ; MC = MC0 ), get_interf( T, F, MC ), fail ). get_interf( T, _F, _M0 ) :- var(T), !. get_interf( T, _F, _M0 ) :- % ( T = (:- op(_,_,_)) -> trace ; true ), var(T), !. get_interf( M:T, F, _M0 ) :- !, get_interf( T, F, M ). get_interf( ( M:H :- _B), F, _M ) :- !, get_interf( H, F, M ). get_interf( ( M:H --> _B), F, _ ) :- !, get_interf( ( H --> _B), F, M ). get_interf( ( A, _ --> _B), F, M ) :- get_interf( ( A --> _B), F, M ). get_interf( (H --> _B), F, M ) :- !, functor( H, N, Ar), Ar2 is Ar+2, functor( H2, N, Ar2), get_interf( H2, F, M ). get_interf( (H :- _B), F, M ) :- !, get_interf( H, F, M ). %% switches to new file n get_interf( (:- V ), _F, _M ) :- var( V ), !. get_interf( (:- module( NM, Is ) ), F, _M ) :- !, nb_setval( current_module, NM ), assert( module_on( F , NM, Is) ), maplist( public(F, NM), Is ), nb_setval( private, true ). get_interf( (:- reexport( Loc, Is ) ), F, M ) :- !, % find the file search_file( Loc, F, NF ), include_files( F, M, Is, NF ), % extend the interface.rg retract( module_on( F , M, Is0) ), append( Is0, Is, NIs ), assert( module_on( F , M, NIs) ), maplist( public(F, M), NIs ). get_interf( (:- use_module( Loc, Is ) ), F, M ) :- !, !, include_files( F, M, Is, Loc ). get_interf( (:- use_module( Loc ) ), F, M ) :- !, !, include_files( F, M, Loc ). % nb_getval(current_module,MM), writeln(NM:MM:M). get_interf( (:- use_module( Loc, Is, _ ) ), F, M ) :- !, !, include_files( F, M, Is, Loc ). get_interf( (:- consult( Files ) ), F, M ) :- !, include_files( F, M, Files ). get_interf( (:- reconsult( Files ) ), F, M ) :- !, include_files( F, M, Files ). get_interf( (:- ensure_loaded( Files ) ), F, M ) :- !, include_files( F, M, Files ). get_interf( (:- include( Files ) ), F, M ) :- !, include_files( F, M, Files ). get_interf( (:- load_files( Files , [_|_] ) ), F, M ) :- !, include_files( F, M, Files ). get_interf( (:- [F1|Fs] ), F, M ) :- !, include_files( F, M, [F1|Fs] ). % don't actually use this one. get_interf( (:- system_module( _NM, _Publics, _Hiddens) ), _F, _M ) :- !. get_interf( (:- style_checker( _ ) ), _F, _M ) :- !. get_interf( (:- dynamic T), F, M ) :- !, declare_functors( T, F, M ). get_interf( (:- multifile T), F, M ) :- % public? !, declare_functors( T, F, M ). get_interf( (:- meta_predicate T), F, M ) :-!, declare_terms( T, F, M ), % public? !. get_interf( (:- '$install_meta_predicate'( H, M) ), F, __M ) :- !, declare_functors( H, F, M ). get_interf( (:- thread_local _Bs), _F, _M ) :- !. get_interf( (:- op( X, Y, Z) ), F, M ) :- !, always_strip_module(M:Z, M1, Z1), handle_op( F, M1, op( X, Y, Z1) ). get_interf( (:- _ ), _F, _M ) :- !. get_interf( (?- _ ), _F, _M ) :- !. get_interf( V , _F, _M ) :- var( V ), !, error( instantiation_error ). get_interf( G , F, M ) :- functor( G, N, A), handle_pred( M, N, A, F ), !. handle_pred( M, N, A, F ) :- ( system_mod( _, _, M ) -> ( atom_concat('$',_,N) -> private( F, M, N/A ) ; public( F, M, N/A ) ) ; ( nb_getval( private, false ) -> public( F, M, N/A ) ; private( F, M, N/A ) ) ). handle_op( F, M, Op ) :- ( nb_getval( private, false ) -> public( F, M, Op ) ; private( F, M, Op ) ), Op = op(X, Y, Z ), ( ( M == user ; M == prolog ) -> op( X, Y, prolog:Z ) ; op( X, Y, M:Z ) ). exported( NF, F, NM, M, op(X,Y,Z)) :- !, public( NF , NM:op(X,Y,Z) ), handle_op( F, M , op(X,Y,Z) ). exported( NF, F, NM, M, N/A) :- !, assert_new( exported( (F-M:N/A :- NF-NM:N/A )) ). exported( NF, F, NM, M, N/A as NN) :- !, assert_new( exported( ( F-M:NN/A :- NF-NM:N/A ) ) ). exported( NF, F, NM, M, N//A) :- !, A2 is A+2, assert_new( exported( (F-M:N/A2 :- NF-NM:N/A2) ) ). exported( NF, F, NM, M, N//A as NN) :- !, A2 is A+2, assert_new( exported( ( F-M:NN/A2 :- NF-NM:N/A2 )) ). import_publics( F, ProducerMod, ConsumerMod ) :- public(F, ProducerMod:op(X,Y,Z) ), handle_op( F, ConsumerMod, op(X,Y,Z) ), fail. import_publics( _F, _ProducerMod, _ConsumerMod ). all_imported( ProducerFile, ConsumerFile, ProducerMod, ConsumerMod ) :- public(ProducerFile, ProducerMod:op(X,Y,Z) ), handle_op( ConsumerFile, ConsumerMod, op(X,Y,Z) ), fail. all_imported( ProducerFile, ConsumerFile, ProducerMod, ConsumerMod ) :- public(ProducerFile, ProducerMod:N/A ), exported( ProducerFile, ConsumerFile, ProducerMod, ConsumerMod, N/A ), fail. all_imported( _ProducerFile, _ConsumerFile, _ProducerMod, _ConsumerMod ). include_files( F, M, Files ) :- include_files( F, M, _Is, Files ). include_files( F, M, Is, Files ) :- maplist( include_files( F, M, Is ), Files ), !. include_files( F, M, Is, -Files ) :- !, include_files( F, M, Is, Files). include_files( F, M, Is, Files ) :- !, always_strip_module(M:Files, M1, NFiles), include_file( F, M1, Is, NFiles ). include_files( F, M, Is, Loc ) :- include_file( F, M, Is, Loc ). include_file( F, M, Is, Loc ) :- is_list( Loc ), !, maplist( include_file( F, M, Is), Loc ). include_file( F, M, Is0, Loc ) :- nb_getval( private, Private ), % find the file once( search_file( Loc, F, NF ) ), % depth visit pl_interf(NF, M), % should verify Is in _Is % link b ( module_on(NF, NM, Is) -> ( var(Is0) -> Is = Is0 ; true ), maplist( exported( NF, F, NM, M) , Is ) ; all_imported( NF, F, NM, M) ), nb_setval( private, Private ). declare_functors( T, _F, _M1) :- var(T), !, error( unbound_variable ). declare_functors( M:T, F, _M1) :- !, declare_functors( T, F, M). declare_functors( (T1,T2), F, M1) :- !, declare_functors( T1, F, M1), declare_functors( T2, F, M1). declare_functors( Ts, F, M1) :- maplist( declare_functor( F, M1), Ts ), !. declare_functors( T, F, M1) :- declare_functor( F, M1, T). declare_functor(File, M, N/A) :- handle_pred( M, N, A, File ). declare_terms( T, _F, _M1) :- var(T), !, error( unbound_variable ). declare_terms( M:T, F, _M1) :- !, declare_functors( T, F, M). declare_terms( (N1,N2), F, M) :- number(N1), number(N2), !, declare_term( F, M, (N1,N2)). declare_terms( (T1,T2), F, M1) :- !, declare_terms( T1, F, M1), declare_terms( T2, F, M1). declare_terms( Ts, F, M1) :- maplist( declare_term( F, M1), Ts ), !. declare_terms( T, F, M1) :- declare_term( F, M1, T). declare_term(F, M, S) :- functor(S, N, A), handle_pred( M, N, A, F ). % clean operators generate_interface( _F, _M ) :- fail, public( _, prolog:op(_X,Y,Z) ), op(0,Y,Z), fail. generate_interface( _F, _M ) :- fail, private( _, prolog:op(_X,Y,Z) ), op(0,Y,Z), fail. generate_interface( _F, Mod ) :- nb_setval( current_module, Mod ). pl_graphs(Dir - Mod) :- format(' ************* GRAPH: ~a ***********************~n', [Dir]), atom( Dir ), atom_concat([Dir,'/*'], Pattern), expand_file_name( Pattern, Files ), member( File, Files ), ( ( sub_atom(File,_,_,0,'.yap') ; sub_atom(File,_,_,0,'.pl') ) -> pl_graph( File , Mod ) ; exists_directory( File ), \+ atom_concat(_, '/.', File), \+ atom_concat(_, '/..', File), \+ atom_concat(_, '/.git', File), pl_graphs( File - Mod ) ), fail. pl_graphs(_). %% % pl_graph( File, Mod) % adds a node to the file graph and marks which files are modules % % main side-effect facts like edge( F0-Mod:File ) % exported( F-M , N/A ) ou exported(F- M. Op ), % module_on ( M, File ) % pred ( M :N/A ) % build_graph(F, Mod) :- % writeln(F), catch( open(F, read, S, [scripting(true)]), _, fail ), repeat, nb_getval( current_module, MR ), catch( read_term( S, T, [term_position(Pos),module(MR)] ), Throw, (writeln(Throw))), ( T == end_of_file -> !, % also, clo ops defined in the module M, if M \= Mod % ( sub_atom(F,_,_,_,'/matrix.yap') -> start_low_level_trace ; nospyall ), close(S) ; nb_getval( current_module, MC0 ), ( Mod == prolog -> MC = prolog ; MC = MC0 ), get_graph( T, F, Pos, MC ), fail ). get_graph( V , _F, _Pos, _M ) :- var( V ), !, error( instantiation_error ). get_graph( T, _F, _Pos, _M0 ) :- var(T), !. get_graph( M:T, F, _Pos, _M0 ) :- !, get_graph( T, F, _Pos, M ). get_graph( ( M:H :- B), F, _Pos, M0 ) :- !, get_graph( (H :- M0:B), F, _Pos, M ). get_graph( ( M:H --> B), F, _Pos, M0 ) :- !, get_graph( ( H --> M0:B), F, _Pos, M ). get_graph( ( A, _ --> B), F, _Pos, M ) :- get_graph( ( A --> B), F, _Pos, M ). get_graph( (H --> B), F, _Pos, M ) :- !, functor( H, N, Ar), Ar2 is Ar+2, add_deps( B, M, M:N/Ar2, F, _Pos, 2 ). get_graph( (H :- B), F, _Pos, M ) :- !, functor( H, N, Ar), add_deps( B, M, M:N/Ar, F, _Pos, 0 ). %% switches to new file n get_graph( (:- _ ), _F, _Pos, _M ) :- !. get_graph( (?- _ ), _F, _Pos, _M ) :- !. add_deps(V, _M, _P, _F, _Pos, _) :- var(V), !. add_deps(M1:G, _M, _P, _F, _Pos,L) :- !, always_strip_module(M1:G, M2, G2), add_deps(G2, M2, _P, _F, _Pos, L). add_deps((A,B), M, P, F, _Pos, L) :- !, add_deps(A, M, P, F, _Pos, L), add_deps(B, M, P, F, _Pos, L). add_deps((A;B), M, P, F, _Pos, L) :- !, add_deps(A, M, P, F, _Pos, L), add_deps(B, M, P, F, _Pos, L). add_deps((A|B), M, P, F, _Pos, L) :- !, add_deps(A, M, P, F, _Pos, L), add_deps(B, M, P, F, _Pos, L). add_deps((A->B), M, P, F, _Pos, L) :- !, add_deps(A, M, P, F, _Pos, L), add_deps(B, M, P, F, _Pos, L). add_deps((A*->B), M, P, F, _Pos, L) :- !, add_deps(A, M, P, F, _Pos, L), add_deps(B, M, P, F, _Pos, L). add_deps(once(A), M, P, F, _Pos, L) :- !, add_deps(A, M, P, F, _Pos, L). add_deps({A}, M, P, F, _Pos, 2) :- !, add_deps(A, M, P, F, _Pos, 0). add_deps([_|_], M, P, F, Pos, 2) :- !, put_dep( (F-M:P :- prolog:'C'/3 ), Pos ). add_deps(String, _M, _P, _F, _Pos, _) :- string(String), !. add_deps([], _M, _P, _F, _Pos, 2) :- !. add_deps(!, _M, _P, _F, _Pos, _) :- !. add_deps(true, _M, _P, _F, _Pos, 0) :- !. add_deps(false, _M, _P, _F, _Pos, 0) :- !. add_deps(fail, _M, _P, _F, _Pos, 0) :- !. add_deps(repeat, _M, _P, _F, _Pos, 0) :- !. add_deps(A, M, P, F, Pos, L) :- % we're home, M:N/Ar -> P=M1:N1/A1 functor(A, N, Ar0), Ar is Ar0+L, put_dep( ( F-M:P :- F-M:N/Ar ), Pos ). put_dep( (Target :- F0-M:Goal ), _ ) :- exported( ( F0-M:Goal :- F1-M1:N/Ar ) ), !, %follow ancestor chain ancestor( ( F1-M1:N/Ar :- F0-M0:N0/Ar ) ), assert_new( edge( ( Target :- F0-M0:N0/Ar ) ) ). % the base case, copying from the same module ( but maybe not same file 0. put_dep( ( Target :- _F-M:N/Ar ) , _ ) :- m_exists(M:N/Ar, F0), !, assert_new( edge( ( Target :- F0-M:N/Ar ) ) ). % prolog is visi ( but maybe not same file 0. put_dep( ( Target :- _F-_prolog:N/Ar ), _ ) :- m_exists(prolog:N/Ar, F0), !, assert_new( edge( ( Target :- F0-prolog:N/Ar ) ) ). put_dep( ( _ :- F-Mod:N/Ar ), Pos) :- stream_position_data( line_count, Pos, Line ), format( 'UNDEF in file ~w, line ~d :- ~w:~w~n',[ F, Line, Mod, N/Ar]) . ancestor( ( Younger :- Older) ) :- exported( ( Mid :- Older ) ), !, ancestor( ( Younger :- Mid) ). ancestor( (Older :- Older) ). m_exists(P, F) :- private( F, P ), !. m_exists(P, F) :- public( F, P ). doubles :- node(M, P, _F, _), node(M1, P, _F1, _), M @< M1, is_public( P, M, _F), is_public( P, M1, _F1), format('~w vs ~w~n', [M:P,M1:P]), fail. doubles. undefs :- edge(_M:P,_,F), \+ node(_, P, _, _), format('UNDEFINED procedure call ~q at ~w~n',[P, F]), fail. undefs. out_list([]) :- format('[]', []). out_list([El]) :- format('[~q]', [El]). out_list([E1,E2|Es]) :- format('[~q', [E1]), maplist(out_el, [E2|Es]), format(']', []). out_el( El ) :- format(',~n ~q',[El]). pub(M, P) :- node(M, P, _, _), P = N/_A, \+ sub_atom(N,0,1,_,'$'). has_edge(M1, P1, M, F) :- edge(M1:P1, _P, F:_), node(M1, P1, _, _), M1 \= prolog, M1 \= M, \+ is_public(P1, M1, _). mod_priv(M, P) :- node(M, P, _, _), node(M, P, _, _), \+ is_public(P, M, _), edge(M1:P, _P0, _), M1 \= M. priv(M, P) :- node(M, P, F:_, _), \+ is_public(P, M, _), edge(_:P, _P1, F1:_), F1 \= F. % utilities split_string( S , Cs, N) :- string_codes(S, S1), string_codes(Cs, NCs), split(S1, NCs, Ncs0), maplist(remove_escapes, Ncs0, Ncs), maplist(string_codes, N, Ncs). remove_escapes([0'\\ ,A|Cs], [A|NCs]) :- !, %' remove_escapes(Cs, NCs). remove_escapes([A|Cs], [A|NCs]) :- remove_escapes(Cs, NCs). remove_escapes( [], [] ). always_strip_module(V, M, V1) :- var(V), !, V = M:call(V1). always_strip_module(M0:A, M0, call(A)) :- var(A), !. always_strip_module(_:M0:A, M1, B) :- !, always_strip_module(M0:A, M1, B). always_strip_module(M0:A, M0, call(A)) :- var(A),!. always_strip_module(M0:A, M0, A). c_location( matrix, 'library/matrix'). c_location( lammpi, 'library/lammpi'). c_location( matlab, 'library/matlab'). c_location( matlab, 'library/matlab'). c_location( matlab, 'library/random'). c_location( regex, 'library/regex'). c_location( rltree, 'library/rltree'). c_location( tries, 'library/tries'). c_location( operating_system_support, 'library/system'). c_links :- node( M, P, _, c(F)), format( ':- implements( ~q , ~q ).~n', [M:P, F] ), fail. c_links. warn_singletons(_Vars, _Pos). %% % comment( +Comment ) % % Handle documentation comments % comment( _Pos - Comment) :- skip_blanks(1, Comment, N), doc( Comment, N ), !, format( "%s\n", [Comment] ). comment( _Pos - _Comment). skip_blanks(I, Comment, N) :- get_string_code( I, Comment, Code ), code_type( Code, space ), I1 is I+1, skip_blanks(I1, Comment, N). skip_blanks(N, _Comment, N). doc( Comment , N ) :- N1 is N+1, sub_string( Comment, N1, 3, _, Header ), ( Header == "/**" -> true ; Header == "/*!" ), !, N4 is N+4, get_string_code( N4, Comment, Code ), code_type( Code, space ). doc( Comment, N ) :- N1 is N+1, sub_string( Comment, N1, 2, _, Header ), ( Header == "%%" -> true ; Header == "%!" ), N3 is N+3, get_string_code( N3, Comment, Code ), code_type( Code, space ). %% % search_file( +Target, +Location, -File ) % % % Directories into atoms search_file( Loc , F, FN ) :- search_file0( Loc , F, FN ), !. search_file( Loc , F, _FN ) :- format('~n~n~n###############~n~n FAILED TO FIND ~w when at ~a~n~n###############~n~n~n', [Loc, F ]), fail. % % handle some special cases. % search_file0( library(gecode), _, FN) :- absolute_file_name( 'packages/gecode/gecode4_yap_hand_written.yap', FN ). search_file0( 'clpbn/learning/em', _, FN) :- absolute_file_name( 'packages/CLPBN/clpbn/learning/em.yap', FN ). search_file0( 'cplint/slipcover', _, FN) :- absolute_file_name( 'packages/cplint/slipcover/slipcover.pl', FN ). search_file0( A/B, F, FN ) :- !, term_to_atom(A/B, AB), search_file0( AB, F, FN ). % libraries can be anywhere in the source. search_file0( LibLoc, F, FN ) :- LibLoc =.. [Dir,File], !, ( term_to_atom( Dir/File, Full ) ; Full = File ), search_file0( Full, F, FN ). %try to use your base search_file0( Loc , F, FN ) :- file_directory_name( F, FD), check_suffix( Loc , LocS ), atom_concat( [ FD, '/', LocS], NLoc), absolute_file_name( NLoc, FN), file_base_name( FN, LocNam), file_directory_name( FN, D), dir( D, LocNam). search_file0( Loc , _F, FN ) :- file_base_name( Loc, Loc0), file_directory_name( Loc, LocD), check_suffix( Loc0 , LocS ), dir( D, LocS), sub_dir( D, DD), atom_concat( [ DD, '/', LocD], NLoc), absolute_file_name( NLoc, D), atom_concat( [D,'/', LocS], FN). % you try using the parent sub_dir( D, D ). sub_dir( D, DD) :- D \= '/', atom_concat( D, '/..', DD0), absolute_file_name( DD0, DDA), sub_dir( DDA, DD). % files must be called .yap or .pl % if it is .yap... check_suffix( Loc , Loc ) :- atom_concat( _, '.yap', Loc ), !. %, otherwise, .pl check_suffix( Loc , Loc ) :- atom_concat( _, '.pl', Loc ), !. %, otherwise, .prolog check_suffix( Loc , Loc ) :- atom_concat( _, '.prolog', Loc ), !. %, otherwise, .P % try adding suffix check_suffix( Loc0 , Loc ) :- member( Suf , ['.yap', '.pl' , '.prolog']), atom_concat( Loc0, Suf, Loc ). match_file( LocD, Loc0, FN ) :- var(LocD), !, dir( LocD, Loc0 ), atom_concat( [LocD, '/', Loc0], F ), absolute_file_name( F, FN ), exists( FN ). match_file( SufLocD, Loc0, FN ) :- dir( LocD, Loc0 ), atom_concat(_, SufLocD, LocD ), atom_concat( [LocD, '/', Loc0], FN ). new_op( F, M, op(X,Y,Z) ) :- nb_getval( private, true ), !, private( F, M, op(X,Y,Z) ), op( X, Y, Z). new_op( F, M, op( X, Y, Z) ) :- public( F, M, op( X, Y, Z) ). %%%%%%% %% declare a concept exportable public( F, M, op(X,Y,Z) ) :- retract( private( F, M:op(X,Y,Z) ) ), fail. public( F, M, op(X,Y,Z) ) :- !, assert( op_export(F, _M, op(X,Y,Z) ) ), assert_new( public( F, M:op(X,Y,Z) ) ), ( ( M == user ; M == prolog ) -> op( X, Y, prolog:Z ) ; op( X, Y, M:Z ) ). public( F, M, M:N/Ar ) :- retract( private( F, M:N/Ar ) ), fail. public( F, M, N/Ar ) :- !, assert_new( public( F, M:N/Ar ) ). public( F, M, M:N//Ar ) :- Ar2 is Ar+2, retract( private( F, M:N/Ar2 ) ), fail. public( F, M, N//Ar ) :- Ar2 is Ar+2, assert_new( public( F, M:N/Ar2 ) ). private( F, M, op(X,Y,Z) ) :- !, assert_new( private( F, M:op(X,Y,Z) ) ), ( ( M == user ; M == prolog ) -> op( X, Y, prolog:Z ) ; op( X, Y, M:Z ) ). private( F, M, N/Ar ) :- assert_new( private( F, M:N/Ar ) ). is_public( F, M, OP ) :- public( F, M:OP ). is_private( F, M, OP ) :- private( F, M :OP ). assert_new( G ) :- G, !. assert_new( G ) :- assert( G ). error( Error ) :- throw(Error ). ops_default :- abolish( default_ops/1 ), A = (_,_), functor(A,Comma,2), findall(op(X,Y,prolog:Z), ( current_op(X,Y,prolog:Z), Z\= Comma ), L), assert_static( default_ops(L) ). :- initialization(ops_default, now). ops_restore :- A = (_,_), functor(A,Comma,2), current_op(_X,Y,prolog:Z), Z\= Comma, op(0,Y,prolog:Z), fail. ops_restore :- default_ops(L), maplist( call, L ).