*									 *
*	 YAP Prolog 							 *
*									 *
*	Yap Prolog was developed at NCCUP - Universidade do Porto	 *
*									 *
* Copyright L.Damas, V.S.Costa and Universidade do Porto 1985-1997	 *
*									 *
*									 *
* File:		debug.pl						 *
* Last rev:								 *
* mods:									 *
* comments:	YAP's debugger						 *
*									 *


			Debugging / creating spy points


:- op(900,fx,[spy,nospy]).

% First part : setting and reseting spy points

% $suspy does most of the work
'$suspy'(V,S,M) :- var(V) , !,
'$suspy'((M:S),P,_) :- !,
'$suspy'([],_,_) :- !.
'$suspy'([F|L],S,M) :- !, ( '$suspy'(F,S,M) ; '$suspy'(L,S,M) ).
'$suspy'(F/N,S,M) :- !, functor(T,F,N),
    ( '$system_predicate'(T) ->
	'$undefined'(T,M) ->
	 '$suspy2'(S,F,N,T,M) ).
'$suspy'(A,S,_) :- \+ atom(A) , !, 
'$suspy'(A,spy,M) :- '$noclausesfor'(A,M), !,
'$suspy'(A,nospy,M) :- '$noclausesfor'(A,M), !,
'$suspy'(A,S,M) :- current_predicate(A,M:T),
	\+ '$undefined'(T,M), \+ '$system_predicate'(T),

'$noclausesfor'(A,M) :- current_predicate(A,M:T),
	\+ '$undefined'(T,M) , \+ '$system_predicate'(T) ,
	!, fail .

'$suspy2'(spy,F,N,T,M) :- 
	'$recorded'('$spy','$spy'(T,M),_), !,
	'$format'(user_error, "[ Warning: there is already a spy point on ~w:~w/~w ]~n",[M,F,N]).
'$suspy2'(spy,F,N,T,M) :- !,
	'$set_value'('$spypoint_added', true), 
	'$format'(user_error,"[ Spy point set on ~w:~w/~w ]~n", [M,F,N]).
'$suspy2'(nospy,F,N,T,M) :- 
	'$recorded'('$spy','$spy'(T,M),R), !,
	'$format'(user_error,"[ Spy point on ~w:~w/~w removed ]~n", [M,F,N]).
'$suspy2'(nospy,F,N,_,M) :-
	'$format'(user_error,"[ Warning: there is no spy point on ~w:~w/~w ]~n", [M,F,N]).

'$warn_if_undef'(T,F,N,M) :-  '$undefined'(T,M), !,
	write(user_error,'[ Warning: you have no clauses for '),
	write(user_error,M:F/N), write(user_error,' ]'), nl(user_error).

'$pred_being_spied'(G, M) :-
	'$recorded'('$spy','$spy'(G,M),_), !.

spy _ :- '$set_value'('$spypoint_added', false), fail.
spy L :-
	'$suspy'(L, spy, M), fail.
spy _ :- '$get_value'('$spypoint_added', false), !.
spy _ :- debug.

nospy L :-
	'$suspy'(L, nospy, M), fail.
nospy _.

nospyall :-
	'$recorded'('$spy','$spy'(T,M),_), functor(T,F,N), '$suspy'(F/N,nospy,M), fail.

% debug mode -> debug flag = 1

debug :- '$get_value'(debug,1), !.
debug :- '$set_value'(debug,1), write(user_error,'[ Debug mode on ]'), nl(user_error).

nodebug :- nospyall,
	'$format'(user_error,"[ Debug mode off ]~n",[]).

trace :- '$get_value'('$trace',1), !.
trace :-
	'$format'(user_error,"[ Trace mode on ]~n",[]),
	% start creep,

notrace :- 
	'$format'(user_error,"[ Trace and Debug mode off ]",[]).




leash(X) :- var(X),
leash(X) :- '$leashcode'(X,Code),
	'$show_leash'(Code), !.
leash(X) :-

'$show_leash'(0) :- write(user_error,'[ No leashing ]'), nl(user_error).
'$show_leash'(L) :-
	write(user_error,'[ Leashing set to '), write(user_error,Code),
	write(user_error,' ('),
	write(user_error,') ]'), nl(user_error).

'$show_leash_bit'(_,Bit,Code,_) :- Bit /\ Code =:= 0, !.
'$show_leash_bit'(Was,_,_,Name) :- var(Was), !,
	Was = yes, write(user_error,Name).
'$show_leash_bit'(_,_,_,Name) :-
	write(user_error,','), write(user_error,Name).

'$leashcode'(full,2'1111) :- !.
'$leashcode'(on,2'1111) :- !.
'$leashcode'(half,2'1010) :- !.
'$leashcode'(loose,2'1000) :- !.
'$leashcode'(off,2'0000) :- !.
%'$leashcode'([L|M],Code) :- !, '$leashcode_list'([L|M],Code).
'$leashcode'([L|M],Code) :- !, ( var(Code) -> '$list2Code'([L|M],Code)
					    ; '$code2List'(Code,[L|M]) ).
'$leashcode'(N,N) :- integer(N), N >= 0, N =< 2'1111.

'$list2Code'(V,_) :- var(V), !,
'$list2Code'([],0) :- !.
'$list2Code'([V|L],_) :- var(V), !,
'$list2Code'([call|L],N) :- '$list2Code'(L,N1), N is 2'1000 + N1.
'$list2Code'([exit|L],N) :- '$list2Code'(L,N1), N is 2'0100 + N1.
'$list2Code'([redo|L],N) :- '$list2Code'(L,N1), N is 2'0010 + N1.
'$list2Code'([fail|L],N) :- '$list2Code'(L,N1), N is 2'0001 + N1.

'$code2List'(0,[]) :- !.
'$code2List'(N,[call|L]) :- X is N /\ 2'1000, X \= 0, !,
	M is N-X, '$code2List'(M,L).
'$code2List'(N,[exit|L]) :- X is N /\ 2'0100, X \= 0, !,
	M is N-X, '$code2List'(M,L).
'$code2List'(N,[redo|L]) :- X is N /\ 2'0010, X \= 0, !,
	M is N-X, '$code2List'(M,L).
'$code2List'(N,[fail|L]) :- X is N /\ 2'0001, X \= 0, !,
	M is N-X, '$code2List'(M,L).




debugging :-
	'$get_value'(debug,1) ->
		write(user_error,'[ Debug mode is switched on ]') ,
		write(user_error,'[ Debug mode is switched off ]') ,
'$debugging_mode' :-
	( '$recorded'('$spy',_,_) -> '$show_spies' ;
		   write(user_error,'[ Warning: there are no spy-points set ]') ,
		   nl(user_error) ),

'$show_spies' :-
	write(user_error,'[ Spy points set on :'), nl(user_error),
	( '$recorded'('$spy','$spy'(T,M),_), functor(T,F,N),
		write(user_error,'        '),write(user_error,M:F/N),nl(user_error),
		fail ;
	  write(user_error,' ]'), nl(user_error) ).




% This is executed before from the abstract
% machine when the spy_flag is on

% these flags are used

%	flag		description	initial/possible values

%	spy_gn		goal number	1	1...
%	spy_creep	creep		0	0, 1
%	spy_sl  	skip level	0	0...
%	spy_sp		skip port	0	0, call, fail, redo, exit
%	spy_leap	leap		0	0...
%	spy_cl		clause number	1	1...
%	spy_fs		fast skip	0	0, 1
%	spy_trace	trace		0	0, 1
% a flip-flop is also used
%	when 1 spying is enabled
%'$spy'(G) :- write(user_error,'$spy'(G)), nl, fail.
% handle suspended goals
% take care with hidden goals.
% $spy may be called from user code, so be careful.
'$spy'(G) :-
	'$awoken_goals'(LG), !,
	'$wake_up_goal'(G, LG).
'$spy'([_|Mod:G]) :- !,
'$spy'([Module|G]) :-
%    '$format'(user_error,"$spym(~w,~w)~n",[Module,G]),
         ( '$hidden'(G)
	 /* called from prolog module   */
'$spy'([Mod|G]) :-

'$direct_spy'(G) :-
	'$awoken_goals'(LG), !,
	'$wake_up_goal'(G, LG).
'$direct_spy'([M|G]) :-
	 /* called from prolog module   */
'$direct_spy'([Mod|G]) :-
	'$do_spy'(G, Mod).

'$do_spy'(true, _) :- !, '$creep'.
'$do_spy'('$cut_by'(M), _) :- !, '$cut_by'(M).
'$do_spy'(G, Module) :-
%   write(user_error,$spy(G)), nl,
    '$get_value'(debug,1),		/* ditto if debug off		*/
    '$get_value'(spy_fs,0),		/* ditto if fast skipping	*/
    ( '$access_yap_flags'(10,0) ->	/* if not creeping ...		*/
	      '$pred_being_spied'(G,M)  /* ... spy only if at a spy-point */
	; true
%    ( \+ '$undefined'(user_error_spy(_), user) -> user_error_spy(G) ;
%	true );
    !,					/* you sure want to spy this ... */
    '$get_value'(spy_gn,L),		/* get goal no.			*/
    L1 is L+1,				/* bump it			*/
    '$set_value'(spy_gn,L1),		/* and save it globaly		*/
    '$set_yap_flags'(10,1),		/* set creep on			*/
    '$get_value'(spy_cl,CL),		/* save global clause no.	*/
    repeat,		/* we need this to be able to implement retry	*/
	'$trace'(call,G,Module,L),	/* inform about call port	*/
	/* the following choice point is where the predicate is  called */
	( '$get_value'(spy_sp,0),	/* make sure we are not skipping*/
	  '$spycalls'(G,Module,Res)	/* go execute the predicate	*/
	   ;	/* we get here when the predicate fails */
	  	'$trace'(fail,G,Module,L), /* inform at fail port		*/
		'$get_value'(spy_sl,L2),/* make sure we are not ...	*/
		L2 \= L,		/* ... skiping to this level	*/
		!,			/* if not prepare to exit spy	*/
	        '$set_value'(spy_cl,CL),/* restore global value of clause no */
		'$set_creep'(SC),	/* restore creep value		*/
		'$cont_creep', fail ),	/* and exit			*/
	'$get_value'(spy_cl,Cla),	/* save no. of clause to try	*/
	( var(Res),			/* check not redoing		*/
	  '$trace'(exit,G,Module,L),	/* output message at exit	*/
	  '$get_value'(spy_sp,0),	/* check not skipping		*/
	  '$set_creep'(SC),		/* restore creep value		*/
	  '$set_value'(spy_cl,CL),	/* restore clause no.		*/
	  '$cont_creep';		/* exit				*/
		/* we get here when we want to redo a goal		*/
		'$set_value'(spy_cl,Cla),/* restore clause no. to try	*/
		'$trace'(redo,G,Module,L), /* inform user_error		*/
		fail			/* to backtrack to spycalls	*/
'$do_spy'(G,Mod) :-
	'$execute0'(G,Mod).	/* this clause applies when we do not want
				   to spy the goal			*/

'$cont_creep' :-  '$get_value'('$trace',1), '$set_yap_flags'(10,1), fail.
'$cont_creep' :- '$access_yap_flags'(10,1), !, '$creep'.

'$set_creep'(0) :- !, '$set_yap_flags'(10,0).

%'$spycalls'(G,_) :- write(user_error,'$spycalls'(G)), nl(user_error), fail.
'$spycalls'([_|_],_,_) :- !, fail.
'$spycalls'('!'(CP),Mod,_) :-
	'$call'(!, CP, !,Mod).
'$spycalls'(Mod:G,_,Res) :-
'$spycalls'(repeat,_,_) :-
'$spycalls'(fail,_,_) :-
'$spycalls'(false,_,_) :-
'$spycalls'(true,_,_) :-
'$spycalls'(otherwise,_,_) :-
'$spycalls'(\+ G,Mod,Res) :-
	CP is '$last_choice_pt',
	'$spycalls'('$call'((\+ G), CP, (\+ G),Mod),Mod,Res).
'$spycalls'(not(G),Mod,Res) :-
	CP is '$last_choice_pt',
	'$spycalls'('$call'(not(G), CP, not(G),Mod),Mod,Res).
'$spycalls'(G,M,Res) :-                                % undefined predicate
	'$undefined'(G, M), !,
	( '$recorded'('$import','$import'(S,M,F,N),_) ->
	  '$spycalls'(G,S,Res) ;
'$spycalls'(G,M,_) :-
	'$flags'(G,M,F,_), F /\ 8'50000 =\= 0,		% Standard and C pred
		'$get_value'(spy_sp,P), P \= 0, !, fail),
	( true;
		'$get_value'(spy_sp,P1), P1 \= 0, !, fail)
'$spycalls'(G,M,Res) :-		% asserts and retracts can complicate live
	( '$get_value'(spy_sp,0) -> true ; !, fail ),
	F /\ 16'2000 =\= 0, !, % dynamic procedure, immediate semantics
		Maxx is Max+1,
		( Cl > Max -> !, fail ; true ),
		( '$spycall_dynamic'(G,M,Cl) ;
			('$get_value'(spy_gn,L) -> '$leave_creep', fail ;
			  Res = redo )
		( true ;
		  '$get_value'(spy_sp,P), P \= 0, !, fail )
'$spycalls'(G,M,Res) :-
	( '$get_value'(spy_sp,0) -> true ; !, fail ),
	F /\ 16'8 =\= 0, !, % dynamic procedure, logical update semantics
	'$hold_index'(M:G, Index, Max), % hold an index on the procedure state when we called this goal
		Maxx is Max+1,
		( Cl > Max -> !, fail ; true),
		( '$log_upd_spycall'(G,M,Cl,Index) ;
			('$get_value'(spy_gn,L) ->
				'$leave_creep', fail ; % to backtrack to repeat
				Res = redo )
		( true ;
		  '$get_value'(spy_sp,P), P \= 0, !, fail
'$spycalls'(G,M,Res) :-
	( '$get_value'(spy_sp,0) -> true ; !, fail ),
		Maxx is Max+1,
		( Cl > Max -> !, fail ; true),
		( '$spycall'(G,M,Cl) ;
			('$get_value'(spy_gn,L) ->
				'$leave_creep', fail ; % to backtrack to repeat
				Res = redo )
		( true ;
		  '$get_value'(spy_sp,P), P \= 0, !, fail )

'$spycall'(G,M,Cl) :-
'$spycall'(G,M,Cl) :-

'$log_upd_spycall'(G,M,Cl,Index) :-
'$log_upd_spycall'(G,M,Cl,Index) :-

% this is to be used only for dynamic predicates
'$spycall_dynamic'(G,M,Cl) :-
'$spycall_dynamic'(G,M,Cl) :-

'$catch_spycall_stdpred'(G,M) :-
	'$system_catch'('$spycall_stdpred'(G,M), Error, user:'$DebugError'(Error)).

'$spycall_stdpred'(G,M) :-
	    user:'$meta_predicate'(F,M,N,_) ->

'$call_clause'(G,M,Cl) :-

'$do_execute_clause'(G,M,Cl) :-
	'$some_recordedp'(M:G), !,
	('$undefined'('$set_depth_limit'(_),prolog) -> true ; '$set_depth_limit'(D)),
        CP is '$last_choice_pt',
	    (Clause = true -> true ; '$debug_catch_call'(Clause,M,CP) )
	     Next is Cl+1, '$set_value'(spy_cl,Next), fail
'$do_execute_clause'(G,M,Cl) :-
	'$execute'(G,M,Cl) ; Next is Cl+1, '$set_value'(spy_cl,Next), fail.

'$call_log_updclause'(G,M,Cl,Index) :-

'$do_execute_log_upd_clause'(G,M,Cl,Index) :-
	('$undefined'('$set_depth_limit'(_),prolog) -> true ; '$set_depth_limit'(D)),
        CP is '$last_choice_pt',
	    (Index = [] ->
               /* We have a single clause */
	       Cl = 1,
               '$clause'(G, M, Clause)
	      Cl1 is Cl-1,
	      '$fetch_reference_from_index'(Index, Cl1, Ref),
              instance(Ref, (G :- Clause))
	    (Clause = true -> true ; '$debug_catch_call'(Clause,M,CP) )
	     Next is Cl+1, '$set_value'(spy_cl,Next), fail

'$check_depth_for_interpreter'(10000000) :-
	'$undefined'(get_depth_limit(_), prolog), !.
'$check_depth_for_interpreter'(D1) :-
	D0 =\= 0,
	D1 is D0-1.

'$debug_catch_call'(Clause,M,CP) :-

'$call_dynamic_clause'(G,M,Cl) :-

'$do_execute_dynamic_clause'(G,M,Cl) :-
	('$undefined'('$set_depth_limit'(_),prolog) -> true ; '$set_depth_limit'(D)),
        CP is '$last_choice_pt',
	    instance(Ref, (G :- Clause)),
	    (Clause = true -> true ; '$debug_catch_call'(Clause,M,CP) )
	    Next is Cl+1, '$set_value'(spy_cl,Next), fail

'$creepcallclause'(G,M,Cl) :-

'$do_creep_execute'(G,M,Cl) :-
	 % fast skip should ignore source mode
	('$undefined'('$set_depth_limit'(_),prolog) -> true ; '$set_depth_limit'(D)),
        CP is '$last_choice_pt',
	    (Clause = true -> true ;
	    Next is Cl+1, '$set_value'(spy_cl,Next), fail
'$do_creep_execute'(G,M,Cl) :-
	'$creep_execute'(G,M,Cl) ;
	Next is Cl+1, '$set_value'(spy_cl,Next), fail.

'$creepcall_log_upd_clause'(G,M,Cl,Index) :-

'$do_creep_log_upd_execute'(G,M,Cl,Index) :-
	('$undefined'('$set_depth_limit'(_),prolog) -> true ; '$set_depth_limit'(D)),
        ( CP is '$last_choice_pt',
	  (Index = [] ->
             /* We have a single clause */
	     Cl = 1,
             '$clause'(G, M, Clause)
	    Cl1 is Cl-1,
	    '$fetch_reference_from_index'(Index, Cl1, Ref),
	    instance(Ref, (G :- Clause))
          (Clause = true -> true ;
		% otherwise fast skip may try to interpret assembly builtins.
             '$get_value'(spy_fs,1) -> '$debug_catch_call'(Clause,M,CP) ;
	    Next is Cl+1, '$set_value'(spy_cl,Next), fail

'$catch_creep_call'(Clause,M,CP) :-

'$creepcall_dynamic_clause'(G,M,Cl) :-

'$do_creep_execute_dynamic'(G,M,Cl) :-
	('$undefined'('$set_depth_limit'(_),prolog) -> true ; '$set_depth_limit'(D)),
        CP is '$last_choice_pt',
	    instance(Ref, (G :- Clause)),
	    (Clause = true -> true ;
	     % otherwise fast skip may try to interpret assembly builtins.
             '$get_value'(spy_fs,1) -> '$debug_catch_call'(Clause,M,CP) ;
	     Next is Cl+1, '$set_value'(spy_cl,Next), fail


'$creep_execute'(G,M,Cl) :-

'$fetch_clause'(G,M,ClNum,Body) :-
	% I'd like an easier way to keep a counter
	( Num = ClNum ->
	    Clause = (G :- Body)
	    Num1 is Num+1,

%'$creep_call'(G,_) :- write(user_error,'$creepcall'(G)), nl(user_error), fail.
'$creep_call'(V,M,_) :- var(V), !,
'$creep_call'(A,M,_) :- number(A), !,
'$creep_call'(R,M,_) :- db_reference(R), !,
'$creep_call'(M:G,_,CP) :- !,
'$creep_call'(fail,Module,_) :- !,
'$creep_call'(false,Module,_) :- !,
'$creep_call'(true,Module,_) :- !,
'$creep_call'(otherwise,Module,_) :- !,
'$creep_call'((A,B),Module,CP) :- !,
	'$creep_call'(A,Module,CP), '$creep_call'(B,Module,CP).
'$creep_call'((X->Y; Z),Module,CP) :- !,
	( '$creep_call'(X,Module,CP), !, '$creep_call'(Y,Module,CP); '$creep_call'(Z,Module,CP)).
'$creep_call'((A;B),Module,CP) :- !,
	('$creep_call'(A,Module,CP) ; '$creep_call'(B,Module,CP)).
'$creep_call'((A|B),Module,CP) :- !,
	('$creep_call'(A,Module,CP) ; '$creep_call'(B,Module,CP)).
'$creep_call'(atom(A),Module,_) :- !,
'$creep_call'(atomic(A),Module,_) :- !,
'$creep_call'(integer(A),Module,_) :- !,
'$creep_call'(nonvar(A),Module,_) :- !,
'$creep_call'(var(A),Module,_) :- !,
'$creep_call'(number(A),Module,_) :- !,
'$creep_call'(prismitive(A),Module,_) :- !,
'$creep_call'(compound(A),Module,_) :- !,
'$creep_call'(float(A),Module,_) :- !,
'$creep_call'(db_reference(A),Module,_) :- !,
'$creep_call'(\+ X,Module,_) :- !,
	'$direct_spy'([Module|(\+ X)]).
'$creep_call'(not X,Module,_) :- !,
'$creep_call'(X=Y,Module,_) :- !,
'$creep_call'(X\=Y,Module,_) :- !,
'$creep_call'(X==Y,Module,_) :- !,
'$creep_call'(X>Y,Module,_) :- !,
'$creep_call'(X>=Y,Module,_) :- !,
'$creep_call'(X<Y,Module,_) :- !,
'$creep_call'(X=<Y,Module,_) :- !,
'$creep_call'(X=:=Y,Module,_) :- !,
'$creep_call'(X=\=Y,Module,_) :- !,
'$creep_call'(arg(X,Y,Z),Module,_) :- !,
'$creep_call'(functor(X,Y,Z),Module,_) :- !,
'$creep_call'((X->Y),Module,CP) :- !,
	CP1 is '$last_choice_pt',
'$creep_call'(!,Module,CP) :- !,
	% clean up any garbage left here by the debugger.
'$creep_call'('$cut_by'(X),Module,_) :- !,
'$creep_call'(repeat,Module,_) :- !,
'$creep_call'([A|B],Module,_) :- !,
'$creep_call'(A,Module,CP) :-
	'$recorded'('$import','$import'(S,Module,F,N),_), !, 
'$creep_call'(A,Module,_) :-

%'$creep'(G) :- $current_module(M),write(user_error,[creep,M,G]),nl(user_error),fail.
'$creep'(G) :-
	'$get_value'('$alarm', true), !,
	'$set_value'('$alarm', []),
	( '$recorded'('$alarm_handler',A,_) ->
'$creep'(_) :-
	'$get_value'('$throw', true), !,
	'$set_value'('$throw', false),
'$creep'([_|'$trace'(P,G,Module,L)]) :- !,
'$creep'([_|'$creep_call'(G,Mod,CP)]) :- !,
'$creep'([_|'$leave_creep']) :- !.
'$creep'(G) :- '$direct_spy'(G).

'$trace'(P,'!'(_),Mod,L) :- !,
'$trace'(P,G,Mod,L) :-

		('$pred_being_spied'(G,Module) -> write(user_error,'*') ; write(user_error,' ')),
		( SL = L -> write(user_error,'>') ; write(user_error,' ')),
		write(user_error,' ('), write(user_error,L), write(user_error,') '),
		write(user_error,P), write(user_error,': '),
		( Module\=prolog,
		  Module\=user -> write(user_error,Module),write(user_error,':');
		  write(user_error,' ? '), get0(user_input,C),
		) ,
		!, fail.

'$unleashed'(call) :- '$get_value'('$leash',L), L /\ 2'1000 =:= 0.
'$unleashed'(exit) :- '$get_value'('$leash',L), L /\ 2'0100 =:= 0.
'$unleashed'(redo) :- '$get_value'('$leash',L), L /\ 2'0010 =:= 0.
'$unleashed'(fail) :- '$get_value'('$leash',L), L /\ 2'0001 =:= 0.

'$debugger_write'(Stream,G) :-
	'$recorded'('$debug_depth',D,_), !,
'$debugger_write'(Stream,G) :- '$write_deb2'(Stream,G).

'$write_deb2'(Stream, G) :-
	'$recorded'('$print_options','$debugger'(OUT),_), !,
	write_term(Stream, G, OUT).
'$write_deb2'(Stream, G) :-
	writeq(Stream, G).

'$chk'(P,L,G,_) :-
	write(user_error,[chk,L,P,Leap,SP,SC,SL,FS,CL,G]), nl(user_error),
'$chk'(_,_,[_|_],_,_) :- !, fail.
'$chk'(P,L,G,Mod,SL) :-
	(Leap = 0 -> true;			      % not leaping
		('$pred_being_spied'(G,Mod) ; Leap = L),  % leaping or quasileaping
		'$set_value'(spy_leap,0) ),
	(SP = 0; SP = P),		% the current skipport or no skipport
	(SC = 1; '$pred_being_spied'(G,Mod)),
	(SL = 0; SL = L, '$set_value'(spy_sl,0), '$set_value'(spy_fs,0)),
	'$set_value'(spy_sp,0), !.

'$skipeol'(10) :- !.
'$skipeol'(_) :- get0(user,C), '$skipeol'(C).

'$action'(10,_,_,_) :- !,		% newline 	creep
'$action'(33,_,_,_) :- !,		% ! g		execute
	% don't allow yourself to be caught by creep.
	'$access_yap_flags'(10, CL),
	'$set_yap_flags'(10, 0),
	( '$execute'(G) -> true ; true),
	'$set_yap_flags'(10, CL),
	!, fail.
'$action'(60,_,_,_) :- !,		% <Depth
'$action'(94,_,_,G) :- !,
	'$print_deb_sterm'(G), fail.
'$action'(97,_,_,_) :- !, abort.	% a		abort
'$action'(98,_,_,_) :- !, break,	% b		break
'$action'(99,call,_,_) :- !,		% c		creep
'$action'(101,_,_,_) :- !,		% e		exit
'$action'(102,P,L,_) :- !,		% f		fail
	( \+ P = fail, !; '$ilgl'(102) ),
'$action'(104,_,_,_) :- !,		% h		help
	write(user_error,'newline  creep       a   abort'), nl(user_error),
	write(user_error,'c        creep       e   exit'), nl(user_error),
	write(user_error,'f        fail        h   help'), nl(user_error),
	write(user_error,'l        leap        r   retry'), nl(user_error),
	write(user_error,'s        skip        t   fastskip'), nl(user_error),
	write(user_error,'q        quasiskip   k   quasileap'), nl(user_error),
	write(user_error,'b        break       n   no debug'), nl(user_error),
	write(user_error,'p        print       d   display'), nl(user_error),
	write(user_error,'<D       depth D     <   full term'), nl(user_error),
	write(user_error,'+        spy this    -   nospy this'), nl(user_error),
	write(user_error,'^        view subg   ^^  view using'), nl(user_error),
	write(user_error,'! g execute goal'), nl(user_error),
	'$skipeol'(104), fail.
'$action'(63,_,_,_) :- !,		% ?		help
	write(user_error,'newline  creep       a   abort'), nl(user_error),
	write(user_error,'c        creep       e   exit'), nl(user_error),
	write(user_error,'f        fail        h   help'), nl(user_error),
	write(user_error,'l        leap        r   retry'), nl(user_error),
	write(user_error,'s        skip        t   fastskip'), nl(user_error),
	write(user_error,'q        quasiskip   k   quasileap'), nl(user_error),
	write(user_error,'b        break       n   no debug'), nl(user_error),
	write(user_error,'p        print       d   display'), nl(user_error),
	write(user_error,'<D       depth D     <   full term'), nl(user_error),
	write(user_error,'+        spy this    -   nospy this'), nl(user_error),
	write(user_error,'^        view subg   ^^  view using'), nl(user_error),
	write(user_error,'! g execute goal'), nl(user_error),
	'$skipeol'(104), fail.
'$action'(112,_,_,G) :- !,		% p		print
	print(user_error,G), nl(user_error),
	'$skipeol'(112), fail.
'$action'(100,_,_,G) :- !,		% d		display
	display(user_error,G), nl(user_error),
	'$skipeol'(100), fail.
'$action'(113,_,L,_) :- !,		% k		quasi skip
'$action'(108,_,_,_) :- !,		% l		leap
'$action'(110,_,_,_) :- !,		% n		nodebug
'$action'(107,_,_,_) :- !,		% k		quasi leap
'$action'(114,P,L,_) :- !,		% r		retry
	( P=call, !, '$ilgl'(114); true),
	write(user_error,'[ retry ]'), nl(user_error).
'$action'(115,P,L,_) :- !,		% s		skip
	( P=call; P=redo; '$ilgl'(115) ), !,
'$action'(116,P,L,_) :- !,		% t		fast skip
	( P=call; P=redo; '$ilgl'(116) ), !,
	'$set_value'(spy_sl,L), '$set_value'(spy_fs,1).
'$action'(43,_,_,G) :- !,		% +		spy this
	functor(G,F,N), spy(F/N),
	'$skipeol'(43), fail.
'$action'(45,_,_,G) :- !,		% -		nospy this
	functor(G,F,N), nospy(F/N),
	'$skipeol'(45), fail.
'$action'(C,_,_,_) :- '$ilgl'(C).

'$ilgl'(C) :- '$skipeol'(C), write(user_error,'[ Illegal option. Use h for help. ]'),
	nl(user_error), fail.

'$print_deb_sterm'(G) :-
	'$get_sterm_list'(L), !,
	nl(user_error), write(user_error,A), nl(user_error), nl(user_error).
'$print_deb_sterm'(_) :- '$skipeol'(94).

'$get_sterm_list'(L) :-

'$deb_inc_in_sterm_oldie'(94,L0,CN) :- !,
	( '$recorded'('$debug_sub_skel',L0,_) -> true ;
	  CN = [] ).

'$get_sterm_list'(L0,C,N,L) :-
	( C =:= "^", N \== 0 -> get0(CN),
				'$get_sterm_list'([N|L0],CN,0,L) ;
	  C >= "0", C =< "9" -> NN is 10*N+C-"0", get0(CN),
	  C =:= 10 -> (N =:= 0 -> L = L0 ; L=[N|L0]) ).

'$deb_get_sterm_in_g'([H|T],G,A) :-

'$new_deb_depth' :- '$get_deb_depth'(0,D),
	( '$recorded'('$debug_depth',_,R) -> erase(R) ; true ),
	( D \= 0 -> recorda('$debug_depth',D,_) ),

'$get_deb_depth'(X0,XF) :-

'$get_depth_handle_char'(10,X,X) :- !.
'$get_depth_handle_char'(C,X0,XF) :-
	 C >= "0", C =< "9", !,
	XI is X0*10+C-"0",
'$get_depth_handle_char'(C,X,X) :- '$skipeol'(C).

'$DebugError'(error(Msg, Where )) :- !,
	'$output_error_message'(Msg, Where), !,
% do not try to handle other throws or aborts.
'$DebugError'(T) :- !,

'$init_spy_cl'(G,M) :-
	% dynamic, immediate update procedure.
	'$flags'(G,M,F,F), F /\ 16'2000 =\= 0, !,
	( '$db_first_age'(M:G,A) ->
	  '$set_value'(spy_cl, A) ;
% no clauses for pred.
	  '$set_value'(spy_cl, 1) ).
'$init_spy_cl'(_,_) :-
	'$set_value'(spy_cl, 1).