Logtalk reference manual
Built-in predicate: threaded_call/2



threaded_call(Goal, Options)
threaded_call((Goal1, Goal2, ...), Options)
threaded_call((Goal1; Goal2; ...), Options)

Prove Goal using a new thread. By default, the proof is done asynchronously. The argument can be a message sending. The result (success, failure, or exception) is sent back to the thread of the object containing the call (this). The option noreply may be used when no reply with the proof results is necessary. The option atomic may be used if the goal has side-effects such as dynamic database updates or input-output operations; this option is only safe if the side-effects are confined to the object where the goal is proved (or to the object receiving the asynchronous message).

When the argument is a conjunction of goals, the call is equivalent the conjunction of calls of the individual goals. However, when the argument is a disjunction of goals, the call is equivalent to the competing calls of the individual goals: when one of the goals complete, the other ones are aborted (i.e. their threads are terminated). In this case, the corresponding threaded_exit/1-2 goal must match all the goals in the disjunction. This is useful when you have a set of different methods to solve a problem without knowing a priori which one will lead to the fastest result.

Template and modes

threaded_call(+callable, +list)


Prove Goal asynchronously in a new thread:
threaded_call(Goal, Options)
Send an asynchronous message to self:
threaded_call(::Message, Options)
Send an asynchronous message to an object:
threaded_call(Object::Message, Options)