/************************************************************************* * * * YAP Prolog * * * * Yap Prolog was developed at NCCUP - Universidade do Porto * * * * Copyright L.Damas, V.S.Costa and Universidade do Porto 1985-1997 * * * ************************************************************************** * * * File: system.yap * * Last rev: * * mods: * * comments: Operating System Access built-ins * * * *************************************************************************/ :- module(system, [ chmod/2, datime/1, delete_file/1, delete_file/2, directory_files/2, environ/2, exec/3, file_exists/1, file_exists/2, file_property/2, fmode/2, host_id/1, host_name/1, pid/1, kill/2, mktemp/2, make_directory/1, popen/3, rename_file/2, shell/0, shell/1, shell/2, sleep/1, system/0, system/1, system/2, time/1, tmpnam/1, wait/2, working_directory/2 ]). :- use_module(library(lists), [append/3]). :- load_foreign_files([sys], [], init_sys). % time builtins datime(X) :- datime(X, Error), handle_system_error(Error, off, datime(X)). % file operations delete_file(File) :- delete_file(File, off, on, off). delete_file(File, Opts) :- process_delete_file_opts(Opts, Dir, Recurse, Ignore, delete_file(File,Opts)), delete_file(File, Dir, Recurse, Ignore). process_delete_file_opts(V, _, _, _, T) :- var(V), !, throw(error(instantiation_error,T)). process_delete_file_opts([], off, off, off, _) :- !. process_delete_file_opts([V|_], _, _, _, T) :- var(V), !, throw(error(instantiation_error,T)). process_delete_file_opts([directory|Opts], on, Recurse, Ignore, T) :- !, process_delete_file_opts(Opts, _, Recurse, Ignore, T). process_delete_file_opts([recursive|Opts], Dir, on, Ignore, T) :- !, process_delete_file_opts(Opts, Dir, _, Ignore, T). process_delete_file_opts([ignore|Opts], Dir, Recurse, on, T) :- !, process_delete_file_opts(Opts, Dir, Recurse, _, T). process_delete_file_opts(Opts, _, _, _, T) :- throw(error(domain_error(delete_file_option,Opts),T)). delete_file(File, Dir, Recurse, Ignore) :- file_property(File, Type, _, _, _Permissions, Ignore), delete_file(Type, File, Dir, Recurse, Ignore). delete_file(N, File, _Dir, _Recurse, Ignore) :- number(N), !, % error. handle_system_error(N, Ignore, delete_file(File)). delete_file(directory, File, Dir, Recurse, Ignore) :- delete_directory(Dir, File, Recurse, Ignore). delete_file(_, File, _Dir, _Recurse, Ignore) :- unlink_file(File, Ignore). unlink_file(File, Ignore) :- unlink(File, N), handle_system_error(N, Ignore, delete_file(File)). delete_directory(on, File, _Recurse, Ignore) :- rm_directory(File, Ignore). delete_directory(off, File, Recurse, Ignore) :- delete_directory(Recurse, File, Ignore). rm_directory(File, Ignore) :- rmdir(File, Error), handle_system_error(Error, Ignore, delete_file(File)). delete_directory(on, File, Ignore) :- directory_files(File, FileList, Ignore), dir_separator(D), atom_concat(File, D, FileP), delete_dirfiles(FileList, FileP, Ignore), rmdir(File, Ignore). delete_dirfiles([], _, _). delete_dirfiles(['.'|Fs], File, Ignore) :- !, delete_dirfiles(Fs, File, Ignore). delete_dirfiles(['..'|Fs], File, Ignore) :- !, delete_dirfiles(Fs, File, Ignore). delete_dirfiles([F|Fs], File, Ignore) :- atom_concat(File,F,TrueF), delete_file(TrueF, off, on, Ignore), delete_dirfiles(Fs, File, Ignore). directory_files(File, FileList) :- directory_files(File, FileList, off). directory_files(File, FileList, Ignore) :- list_directory(File, FileList, Error), handle_system_error(Error, Ignore, directory_files(File, FileList)). handle_system_error(Error, _Ignore, _G) :- var(Error), !. handle_system_error(Error, off, G) :- atom(Error), !, throw(error(system_error(Error),G)). handle_system_error(Error, off, G) :- error_message(Error, Message), throw(error(system_error(Message),G)). file_property(File, type(Type)) :- file_property(File, Type, _Size, _Date). file_property(File, size(Size)) :- file_property(File, _Type, Size, _Date). file_property(File, mod_time(Date)) :- file_property(File, _Type, _Size, Date). file_property(File, Type, Size, Date) :- file_property(File, Type, Size, Date, _Permissions, Error), handle_system_error(Error, off, file_property(File)). file_exists(File) :- var(File), !, throw(error(instantiation_error,file_exists(File))). file_exists(File) :- \+ atom(File), !, throw(error(type_error(atom,File),file_exists(File))). file_exists(File) :- file_property(File, _Type, _Size, _Date, _Permissions, Error), var(Error). file_exists(File, Permissions) :- var(File), !, throw(error(instantiation_error,file_exists(File, Permissions))). file_exists(File, Permissions) :- \+ atom(File), !, throw(error(type_error(atom,File),file_exists(File, Permissions))). file_exists(File, Permissions) :- file_property(File, _Type, _Size, _Date, FPermissions, Error), var(Error), process_permissions(Permissions, Perms), FPermissions /\ Perms =:= Perms. process_permissions(Number, Number) :- integer(Number). make_directory(Dir) :- var(Dir), !, throw(error(instantiation_error,mkdir(Dir))). make_directory(Dir) :- atom(Dir), !, mkdir(Dir,Error), handle_system_error(Error, off, mkdir(Dir)). make_directory(Dir) :- throw(error(type_error(atom,Dir),make_directory(Dir))). rename_file(Old, New) :- atom(Old), atom(New), !, rename_file(Old, New, Error), handle_system_error(Error, off, rename_file(Old, New)). rename_file(X,Y) :- (var(X) ; var(Y)), !, throw(error(instantiation_error,rename_file(X,Y))). rename_file(X,Y) :- atom(X), !, throw(error(type_error(atom,Y),rename_file(X,Y))). rename_file(X,Y) :- throw(error(type_error(atom,X),rename_file(X,Y))). % % environment manipulation. % environ(Na,Val) :- var(Na), !, environ_enum(0,I), ( p_environ(I,S) -> environ_split(S,SNa,SVal) ; !, fail ), atom_codes(Na, SNa), atom_codes(Val, SVal). environ(Na,Val) :- atom(Na), !, bound_environ(Na, Val). environ(Na,Val) :- throw(type_error(atom,Na),environ(Na,Val)). bound_environ(Na, Val) :- var(Val), !, getenv(Na,Val). bound_environ(Na, Val) :- atom(Val), !, putenv(Na,Val). bound_environ(Na, Val) :- throw(type_error(atom,Val),environ(Na,Val)). environ_enum(X,X). environ_enum(X,X1) :- Xi is X+1, environ_enum(Xi,X1). environ_split([61|SVal], [], SVal) :- !. environ_split([C|S],[C|SNa],SVal) :- environ_split(S,SNa,SVal). working_directory(OLD, NEW) :- getcwd(OLD), cd(NEW). % % process execution % exec(Command, [StdIn, StdOut, StdErr], PID) :- G = exec(Command, [StdIn, StdOut, StdErr], PID), check_command_with_default_shell(Command, TrueCommand, G), process_inp_stream_for_exec(StdIn, In, G, [], L1), process_out_stream_for_exec(StdOut, Out, G, L1, L2), process_err_stream_for_exec(StdErr, Err, G, L2, L3), ( exec_command(TrueCommand, In, Out, Err, PID, Error) -> true ; true ), close_temp_streams(L3), handle_system_error(Error, off, G). process_inp_stream_for_exec(Error, _, G, L, L) :- var(Error), !, throw(error(instantiation_error,G)). process_inp_stream_for_exec(null, null, _, L, L) :- !. process_inp_stream_for_exec(std, 0, _, L, L) :- !. process_inp_stream_for_exec(pipe(ForWriting), ForReading, _, L, [ForReading|L]) :- !, open_pipe_streams(ForReading, ForWriting). process_inp_stream_for_exec(Stream, Stream, _, L, L) :- stream_property(Stream, input). process_out_stream_for_exec(Error, _, G, L, L) :- var(Error), !, throw(error(instantiation_error,G)). process_out_stream_for_exec(null, null, _, L, L) :- !. process_out_stream_for_exec(std, 1, _, L, L) :- !. process_out_stream_for_exec(pipe(ForReading), ForWriting, _, L, [ForWriting|L]) :- !, open_pipe_streams(ForReading, ForWriting). process_out_stream_for_exec(Stream, Stream, _, L, L) :- stream_property(Stream, output). process_err_stream_for_exec(Error, _, G, L, L) :- var(Error), !, throw(error(instantiation_error,G)). process_err_stream_for_exec(null, null, _, L, L) :- !. process_err_stream_for_exec(std, 2, _, L, L) :- !. process_err_stream_for_exec(pipe(ForReading), ForWriting, _, L, [ForWriting|L]) :- !, open_pipe_streams(ForReading, ForWriting). process_err_stream_for_exec(Stream, Stream, _, L, L) :- stream_property(Stream, output). close_temp_streams([]). close_temp_streams([S|Ss]) :- close(S), close_temp_streams(Ss). popen(Command, Mode, Stream) :- G = popen(Command, Mode, Stream), check_command_with_default_shell(Command, TrueCommand, G), check_mode(Mode, M, G), do_popen(TrueCommand, M, Stream, Result), handle_system_error(Result, off, G). do_popen(Command, M, Stream, Result) :- win, !, win_popen(M, Command, Stream, Result). do_popen(Command, M, Stream, Result) :- popen(Command, M, Stream, Result). win_popen(0, Command, ForReading, Result) :- open_pipe_streams(ForReading, ForWriting), exec_command(Command, 0, ForWriting, 2, _, Result), close(ForWriting). win_popen(1, Command, ForWriting, Result) :- open_pipe_streams(Stream, ForWriting), exec_command(Command, ForReading, 1, 2, _, Result), close(ForReading). check_command_with_default_shell(Com, ComF, G) :- check_command(Com, G), os_command_postprocess(Com, ComF). % % make sure that Windows executes the command from $COMSPEC. % os_command_postprocess(Com, ComF) :- win, !, atom_codes(Com, SC), append(" /c ", SC, SC1), getenv('COMSPEC', Shell0), atom_codes(Shell0, Codes), append(Codes, SC1, SCF), atom_codes(ComF, SCF). os_command_postprocess(Com, Com). check_command(Com, G) :- var(Com), !, throw(error(instantiation_error,G)). check_command(Com, _) :- atom(Com), !. check_command(Com, G) :- throw(type_error(atom,Com),G). check_mode(Mode, _, G) :- var(Mode), !, throw(error(instantiation_error,G)). check_mode(read, 0, _) :- !. check_mode(write,1, _) :- !. check_mode(Mode, G) :- throw(domain_error(io_mode,Mode),G). shell :- G = shell, get_shell0(FullCommand), exec_command(FullCommand, 0, 1, 2, PID, Error), handle_system_error(Error, off, G), wait(PID, _Status, Error), handle_system_error(Error, off, G). shell(Command) :- G = shell(Command), check_command(Command, G), get_shell(Shell), atom_codes(Command, SC), append(Shell, SC, ShellCommand), atom_codes(FullCommand, ShellCommand), exec_command(FullCommand, 0, 1, 2, PID, Error), handle_system_error(Error, off, G), wait(PID, _Status, Error), handle_system_error(Error, off, G). shell(Command, Status) :- G = shell(Command, Status), check_command(Command, G), get_shell(Shell), atom_codes(Command, SC), append(Shell, SC, ShellCommand), atom_codes(FullCommand, ShellCommand), exec_command(FullCommand, 0, 1, 2, PID, Error), handle_system_error(Error, off, G), wait(PID, Status,Error), handle_system_error(Error, off, G). get_shell0(Shell) :- getenv('SHELL', Shell), !. get_shell0(Shell) :- win, !, getenv('COMSPEC', Shell0). get_shell0('/bin/sh'). get_shell(Shell) :- getenv('SHELL', Shell0), !, atom_codes(Shell0, Codes), append(Codes," -c ", Shell). get_shell(Shell) :- win, !, getenv('COMSPEC', Shell0), atom_codes(Shell0, Codes), append(Codes," /c ", Shell). get_shell("/bin/sh -c"). system :- default_shell(Command), do_system(Command, _Status, Error), handle_system_error(Error, off, system). default_shell(Shell) :- win, !, getenv('COMSPEC', Shell). default_shell('/bin/sh'). system(Command, Status) :- G = system(Command, Status), check_command(Command, G), do_system(Command, Status, Error), handle_system_error(Error, off, G). sleep(Interval) :- var(Interval), !, throw(error(instantiation_error,sleep(Interval))). sleep(Interval) :- number(Interval), !, ( Interval =< 0 -> throw(error(domain_error(not_less_than_zero,Interval), sleep(Interval))) ; sleep(Interval, _Remainder) ). sleep(Interval) :- throw(error(type_error(number,Interval),sleep(Interval))). wait(PID,STATUS) :- var(PID), !, throw(error(instantiation_error,wait(PID,STATUS))). wait(PID,STATUS) :- integer(PID), !, wait(PID, STATUS, Error), handle_system_error(Error, off, wait(PID,STATUS)). wait(PID,STATUS) :- throw(error(type_error(integer,PID),wait(PID,STATUS))). % % host info % host_name(X) :- host_name(X, Error), handle_system_error(Error, off, host_name(X)). host_id(X) :- host_id(X0, Error), handle_system_error(Error, off, host_id(X)), number_codes(X0, S), atom_codes(X, S). pid(X) :- pid(X, Error), handle_system_error(Error, off, pid(X)). kill(X,Y) :- integer(X), integer(Y), !, kill(X, Y, Error), handle_system_error(Error, off, kill(X,Y)). kill(X,Y) :- (var(X) ; var(Y)), !, throw(error(instantiation_error,kill(X,Y))). kill(X,Y) :- integer(X), !, throw(error(type_error(integer,Y),kill(X,Y))). kill(X,Y) :- throw(error(type_error(integer,X),kill(X,Y))). mktemp(X,Y) :- var(X), !, throw(error(instantiation_error,mktemp(X,Y))). mktemp(X,Y) :- atom(X), !, mktemp(X, Y, Error), handle_system_error(Error, off, mktemp(X,Y)). mktemp(X,Y) :- throw(error(type_error(atom,X),mktemp(X,Y))). tmpnam(X) :- tmpnam(X, Error), handle_system_error(Error, off, tmpnam(X)).