/************************************************************************* * * * YAP Prolog * * * * Yap Prolog was developed at NCCUP - Universidade do Porto * * * * Copyright L.Damas, V.S.Costa and Universidade do Porto 1985-1997 * * * ************************************************************************** * * * File: regexp.yap * * Last rev: 5/15/2000 * * mods: * * comments: AVL trees in YAP (from code by M. van Emden, P. Vasey) * * * *************************************************************************/ :- module(avl, [ avl_insert/4, avl_lookup/3 ]). avl_insert(Key, Value, T0, TF) :- insert(T0, Key, Value, TF, _). insert([], Key, Value, avl([],Key,Value,-,[]), yes). insert(avl(L,Root,RVal,Bl,R), E, Value, NewTree, WhatHasChanged) :- E @< Root, !, insert(L, E, Value, NewL, LeftHasChanged), adjust(avl(NewL,Root,RVal,Bl,R), LeftHasChanged, left, NewTree, WhatHasChanged). insert(avl(L,Root,RVal,Bl,R), E, Val, NewTree, WhatHasChanged) :- % E @>= Root, currently we allow duplicated values, although % lookup will only fetch the first. insert(R, E, Val,NewR, RightHasChanged), adjust(avl(L,Root,RVal,Bl,NewR), RightHasChanged, right, NewTree, WhatHasChanged). adjust(Oldtree, no, _, Oldtree, no). adjust(avl(L,Root,RVal,Bl,R), yes, Lor, NewTree, WhatHasChanged) :- table(Bl, Lor, Bl1, WhatHasChanged, ToBeRebalanced), rebalance(avl(L, Root, RVal, Bl, R), Bl1, ToBeRebalanced, NewTree). % balance where balance whole tree to be % before inserted after increased rebalanced table(- , left , < , yes , no ). table(- , right , > , yes , no ). table(< , left , - , no , yes ). table(< , right , - , no , no ). table(> , left , - , no , no ). table(> , right , - , no , yes ). rebalance(avl(Lst, Root, RVal, _Bl, Rst), Bl1, no, avl(Lst, Root, RVal, Bl1,Rst)). rebalance(OldTree, _, yes, NewTree) :- avl_geq(OldTree,NewTree). avl_geq(avl(Alpha,A,VA,>,avl(Beta,B,VB,>,Gamma)), avl(avl(Alpha,A,VA,-,Beta),B,VB,-,Gamma)). avl_geq(avl(avl(Alpha,A,VA,<,Beta),B,VB,<,Gamma), avl(Alpha,A,VA,-,avl(Beta,B,VB,-,Gamma))). avl_geq(avl(Alpha,A,VA,>,avl(avl(Beta,X,VX,Bl1,Gamma),B,VB,<,Delta)), avl(avl(Alpha,A,VA,Bl2,Beta),X,VX,-,avl(Gamma,B,VB,Bl3,Delta))) :- table2(Bl1,Bl2,Bl3). avl_geq(avl(avl(Alpha,A,VA,>,avl(Beta,X,VX,Bl1,Gamma)),B,VB,<,Delta), avl(avl(Alpha,A,VA,Bl2,Beta),X,VX,-,avl(Gamma,B,VB,Bl3,Delta))) :- table2(Bl1,Bl2,Bl3). table2(< ,- ,> ). table2(> ,< ,- ). table2(- ,- ,- ). avl_lookup(Key, Value, avl(L,Key0,KVal,_,R)) :- compare(Cmp, Key, Key0), avl_lookup(Cmp, Value, L, R, Key, KVal). avl_lookup(=, Value, _, _, _, Value). avl_lookup(<, Value, L, _, Key, _) :- avl_lookup(Key, Value, L). avl_lookup(>, Value, _, R, Key, _) :- avl_lookup(Key, Value, R).