:- module(clpbn_connected, [influences/3, init_influences/3, influences/4]). :- use_module(library(dgraphs), [dgraph_new/1, dgraph_add_edges/3, dgraph_add_vertex/3, dgraph_neighbors/3, dgraph_edge/3, dgraph_transpose/2]). :- use_module(library(rbtrees), [rb_new/1, rb_lookup/3, rb_insert/4, rb_visit/2]). influences(Vs, QVars, LV) :- init_influences(Vs, G, RG), influences(QVars, G, RG, LV). init_influences(Vs, G, RG) :- dgraph_new(G0), to_dgraph(Vs, G0, G), dgraph_transpose(G, RG). to_dgraph([], G, G). to_dgraph([V|Vs], G0, G) :- clpbn:get_atts(V, [dist(_,Parents)]), !, dgraph_add_vertex(G0, V, G00), build_edges(Parents, V, Edges), dgraph_add_edges(G00, Edges, G1), to_dgraph(Vs, G1, G). build_edges([], _, []). build_edges([P|Parents], V, [P-V|Edges]) :- build_edges(Parents, V, Edges). % search for the set of variables that influence V influences(Vs, G, RG, Vars) :- rb_new(Visited0), influences(Vs, G, RG, Visited0, Visited), all_top(Visited, Vars), length(Vars,Leng), writeln(done:Leng). influences([], _, _, Visited, Visited). influences([V|LV], G, RG, Vs, NVs) :- rb_lookup(V, T.B, Vs), T == t, B == b, !, influences(LV, G, RG, Vs, NVs). influences([V|LV], G, RG, Vs0, Vs3) :- rb_insert(Vs0, V, t.b, Vs1), process_new_variable(V, G, RG, Vs1, Vs2), influences(LV, G, RG, Vs2, Vs3). process_new_variable(V, _G, _RG, _Vs0, _Vs1) :- clpbn:get_atts(V,[evidence(Ev)]), !, throw(error(bound_to_evidence(V/Ev))). process_new_variable(V, G, RG, Vs0, Vs2) :- dgraph_neighbors(V, G, Children), throw_all_below(Children, G, RG, Vs0, Vs1), dgraph_neighbors(V, RG, Parents), throw_all_above(Parents, G, RG, Vs1, Vs2). throw_all_below([], _, _, Vs, Vs). throw_all_below(Child.Children, G, RG, Vs0, Vs2) :- % clpbn:get_atts(Child,[key(K)]), rb_visit(Vs0, Pairs), writeln(down:Child:K:Pairs), throw_below(Child, G, RG, Vs0, Vs1), throw_all_below(Children, G, RG, Vs1, Vs2). % visited throw_below(Child, G, RG, Vs0, Vs1) :- rb_lookup(Child, _.B, Vs0), !, ( B == b -> Vs0 = Vs1 % been there before ; B = b, % mark it handle_ball_from_above(Child, G, RG, Vs0, Vs1) ). throw_below(Child, G, RG, Vs0, Vs2) :- rb_insert(Vs0, Child, _.b, Vs1), handle_ball_from_above(Child, G, RG, Vs1, Vs2). % share this with parents, if we have evidence handle_ball_from_above(V, G, RG, Vs0, Vs1) :- clpbn:get_atts(V,[evidence(_)]), !, dgraph_neighbors(V, RG, Parents), throw_all_above(Parents, G, RG, Vs0, Vs1). % propagate to kids, if we do not handle_ball_from_above(V, G, RG, Vs0, Vs1) :- dgraph_neighbors(V, G, Children), throw_all_below(Children, G, RG, Vs0, Vs1). throw_all_above([], _, _, Vs, Vs). throw_all_above(Parent.Parentren, G, RG, Vs0, Vs2) :- % clpbn:get_atts(Parent,[key(K)]), rb_visit(Vs0, Pairs), writeln(up:Parent:K:Pairs), throw_above(Parent, G, RG, Vs0, Vs1), throw_all_above(Parentren, G, RG, Vs1, Vs2). % visited throw_above(Parent, G, RG, Vs0, Vs1) :- rb_lookup(Parent, T._, Vs0), !, ( T == t -> Vs1 = Vs0 % been there before ; T = t, % mark it handle_ball_from_below(Parent, G, RG, Vs0, Vs1) ). throw_above(Parent, G, RG, Vs0, Vs2) :- rb_insert(Vs0, Parent, t._, Vs1), handle_ball_from_below(Parent, G, RG, Vs1, Vs2). % share this with parents, if we have evidence handle_ball_from_below(V, _, _, Vs, Vs) :- clpbn:get_atts(V,[evidence(_)]), !. % propagate to kids, if we do not handle_ball_from_below(V, G, RG, Vs0, Vs1) :- dgraph_neighbors(V, RG, Parents), propagate_ball_from_below(Parents, V, G, RG, Vs0, Vs1). propagate_ball_from_below([], V, G, RG, Vs0, Vs1) :- !, dgraph_neighbors(V, G, Children), throw_all_below(Children, G, RG, Vs0, Vs1). propagate_ball_from_below(Parents, _V, G, RG, Vs0, Vs1) :- throw_all_above(Parents, G, RG, Vs0, Vs1). all_top(T, Vs) :- rb_visit(T, Pairs), get_tops(Pairs, Vs). get_tops([], []). get_tops([V-(T._)|Pairs], V.Vs) :- T == t, !, get_tops(Pairs, Vs). get_tops([V-_|Pairs], V.Vs) :- clpbn:get_atts(V,[evidence(_)]), !, get_tops(Pairs, Vs). get_tops(_.Pairs, Vs) :- get_tops(Pairs, Vs).