/* Part of SWI-Prolog Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: J.Wielemaker@vu.nl WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org Copyright (C): 1985-2013, University of Amsterdam VU University Amsterdam This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /** * @defgroup Format Formatted Output * @ingroup InputOutput * @{ */ /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Formatted output (Prolog predicates format/[1,2,3]). One day, the C source should also use format() to produce error messages, etc. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ #include "pl-incl.h" #include "pl-ctype.h" #include "pl-utf8.h" #include <ctype.h> static char * formatInteger(PL_locale *locale, int div, int radix, bool smll, Number n, Buffer out); static char * formatFloat(PL_locale *locale, int how, int arg, Number f, Buffer out); #define MAXRUBBER 100 struct rubber { size_t where; /* where is rubber in output */ size_t size; /* how big should it be */ pl_wchar_t pad; /* padding character */ }; typedef struct { IOSTREAM *out; /* our output stream */ int column; /* current column */ tmp_buffer buffer; /* bin for characters with tabs */ size_t buffered; /* characters in buffer */ int pending_rubber; /* number of not-filled ~t's */ struct rubber rub[MAXRUBBER]; } format_state; #define BUFSIZE 1024 #define DEFAULT (-1) #define SHIFT { argc--; argv++; } #define NEED_ARG { if ( argc <= 0 ) \ { FMT_ERROR("not enough arguments"); \ } \ } #define FMT_ERROR(fmt) return (void)Sunlock(fd), \ PL_error(NULL, 0, NULL, ERR_FORMAT, fmt) #define FMT_ARG(c, a) return (void)Sunlock(fd), \ PL_error(NULL, 0, NULL, \ ERR_FORMAT_ARG, c, a) #define FMT_EXEPTION() return (void)Sunlock(fd), FALSE static PL_locale prolog_locale = { 0,0,LOCALE_MAGIC,1, L".", NULL }; static int update_column(int col, int c) { switch(c) { case '\n': return 0; case '\r': return 0; case '\t': return (col + 1) | 0x7; case '\b': return (col <= 0 ? 0 : col - 1); default: return col + 1; } } /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Low-level output. If there is pending rubber the output is stored in UTF-8 format in the state's `buffer'. The `buffered' field represents the number of UTF-8 characters in the buffer. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ static int outchr(format_state *state, int chr) { if ( state->pending_rubber ) { if ( chr > 0x7f ) { char buf[8]; char *s, *e; e = utf8_put_char(buf, chr); for(s=buf; s<e; s++) addBuffer((Buffer)&state->buffer, *s, char); } else { char c = chr; addBuffer((Buffer)&state->buffer, c, char); } state->buffered++; } else { if ( Sputcode(chr, state->out) < 0 ) return FALSE; } state->column = update_column(state->column, chr); return TRUE; } /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Emit ASCII 0-terminated strings resulting from sprintf() on numeric arguments. No fuzz with wide characters here. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ static int outstring(format_state *state, const char *s, size_t len) { const char *q; const char *e = &s[len]; if ( state->pending_rubber ) { addMultipleBuffer(&state->buffer, s, len, char); state->buffered += len; } else { for(q=s; q < e; q++) { if ( Sputcode(*q&0xff, state->out) < 0 ) return FALSE; } } for(q=s; q < e; q++) state->column = update_column(state->column, *q&0xff); return TRUE; } static int oututf8(format_state *state, const char *s, size_t len) { const char *e = &s[len]; while(s<e) { int chr; s = utf8_get_char(s, &chr); if ( !outchr(state, chr) ) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static int oututf80(format_state *state, const char *s) { return oututf8(state, s, strlen(s)); } static int outtext(format_state *state, PL_chars_t *txt) { switch(txt->encoding) { case ENC_ISO_LATIN_1: return outstring(state, txt->text.t, txt->length); case ENC_UTF8: return oututf8(state, txt->text.t, txt->length); case ENC_WCHAR: { const pl_wchar_t *s = txt->text.w; const pl_wchar_t *e = &s[txt->length]; while(s<e) { if ( !outchr(state, *s++) ) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } default: { assert(0); return FALSE; } } } #define format_predicates (GD->format.predicates) static int update_column(int, Char); static bool do_format(IOSTREAM *fd, PL_chars_t *fmt, int ac, term_t av, Module m); static void distribute_rubber(struct rubber *, int, int); static int emit_rubber(format_state *state); /******************************** * PROLOG CONNECTION * ********************************/ word pl_format_predicate(term_t chr, term_t descr) { int c; predicate_t proc = NULL; Symbol s; int arity; if ( !PL_get_char_ex(chr, &c, FALSE) ) fail; if ( !get_procedure(descr, &proc, 0, GP_CREATE) ) fail; PL_predicate_info(proc, NULL, &arity, NULL); if ( arity == 0 ) return PL_error(NULL, 0, "arity must be > 0", ERR_DOMAIN, PL_new_atom("format_predicate"), descr); if ( !format_predicates ) format_predicates = newHTable(8); if ( (s = lookupHTable(format_predicates, (void *)(intptr_t)c)) ) s->value = proc; else addHTable(format_predicates, (void *)(intptr_t)c, proc); succeed; } word pl_current_format_predicate(term_t chr, term_t descr, control_t h) { GET_LD Symbol s = NULL; TableEnum e; fid_t fid; switch( ForeignControl(h) ) { case FRG_FIRST_CALL: if ( !format_predicates ) fail; e = newTableEnum(format_predicates); break; case FRG_REDO: e = ForeignContextPtr(h); break; case FRG_CUTTED: e = ForeignContextPtr(h); freeTableEnum(e); default: succeed; } if ( !(fid = PL_open_foreign_frame()) ) { freeTableEnum(e); return FALSE; } while( (s=advanceTableEnum(e)) ) { if ( PL_unify_integer(chr, (intptr_t)s->name) && PL_unify_predicate(descr, (predicate_t)s->value, 0) ) { PL_close_foreign_frame(fid); ForeignRedoPtr(e); } PL_rewind_foreign_frame(fid); } PL_close_foreign_frame(fid); freeTableEnum(e); fail; } static word format_impl(IOSTREAM *out, term_t format, term_t Args, Module m) { GET_LD term_t argv; int argc = 0; term_t args = PL_copy_term_ref(Args); int rval; PL_chars_t fmt; if ( !PL_get_text(format, &fmt, CVT_ALL|BUF_RING) ) return PL_error("format", 3, NULL, ERR_TYPE, ATOM_text, format); if ( (argc = (int)lengthList(args, FALSE)) >= 0 ) { term_t head = PL_new_term_ref(); int n = 0; argv = PL_new_term_refs(argc); while( PL_get_list(args, head, args) ) PL_put_term(argv+n++, head); } else { argc = 1; argv = PL_new_term_refs(argc); PL_put_term(argv, args); } startCritical; switch(fmt.storage) /* format can do call-back! */ { case PL_CHARS_RING: case PL_CHARS_STACK: PL_save_text(&fmt, BUF_MALLOC); break; default: break; } rval = do_format(out, &fmt, argc, argv, m); PL_free_text(&fmt); if ( !endCritical ) return FALSE; return rval; } /** @pred format(+ _S_,+ _T_,+ _L_) Print formatted output to stream _S_. */ word pl_format3(term_t out, term_t format, term_t args) { GET_LD redir_context ctx; word rc; Module m = NULL; term_t list = PL_new_term_ref(); if ( !PL_strip_module(args, &m, list) ) return FALSE; if ( (rc=setupOutputRedirect(out, &ctx, FALSE)) ) { if ( (rc = format_impl(ctx.stream, format, list, m)) ) rc = closeOutputRedirect(&ctx); else discardOutputRedirect(&ctx); } return rc; } /** @pred format(+ _T_,+ _L_) Print formatted output to the current output stream. The arguments in list _L_ are output according to the string or atom _T_. A control sequence is introduced by a `w`. The following control sequences are available in YAP: + `~~` Print a single tilde. + `~a` The next argument must be an atom, that will be printed as if by `write`. + `~Nc` The next argument must be an integer, that will be printed as a character code. The number _N_ is the number of times to print the character (default 1). + `~Ne` + `~NE` + `~Nf` + `~Ng` + `~NG` The next argument must be a floating point number. The float _F_, the number _N_ and the control code `c` will be passed to `printf` as: ~~~~~{.prolog} printf("%s.Nc", F) ~~~~~ As an example: ~~~~~{.prolog} ?- format("~8e, ~8E, ~8f, ~8g, ~8G~w", [3.14,3.14,3.14,3.14,3.14,3.14]). 3.140000e+00, 3.140000E+00, 3.140000, 3.14, 3.143.14 ~~~~~ + `~Nd` The next argument must be an integer, and _N_ is the number of digits after the decimal point. If _N_ is `0` no decimal points will be printed. The default is _N = 0_. ~~~~~{.prolog} ?- format("~2d, ~d",[15000, 15000]). 150.00, 15000 ~~~~~ + `~ND` Identical to `~Nd`, except that commas are used to separate groups of three digits. ~~~~~{.prolog} ?- format("~2D, ~D",[150000, 150000]). 1,500.00, 150,000 ~~~~~ + `~i` Ignore the next argument in the list of arguments: ~~~~~{.prolog} ?- format('The ~i met the boregrove',[mimsy]). The met the boregrove ~~~~~ + `~k` Print the next argument with `write_canonical`: ~~~~~{.prolog} ?- format("Good night ~k",a+[1,2]). Good night +(a,[1,2]) ~~~~~ + `~Nn` Print _N_ newlines (where _N_ defaults to 1). + `~NN` Print _N_ newlines if at the beginning of the line (where _N_ defaults to 1). + `~Nr` The next argument must be an integer, and _N_ is interpreted as a radix, such that `2 <= N <= 36` (the default is 8). ~~~~~{.prolog} ?- format("~2r, 0x~16r, ~r", [150000, 150000, 150000]). 100100100111110000, 0x249f0, 444760 ~~~~~ Note that the letters `a-z` denote digits larger than 9. + `~NR` Similar to `~NR`. The next argument must be an integer, and _N_ is interpreted as a radix, such that `2 <= N <= 36` (the default is 8). ~~~~~{.prolog} ?- format("~2r, 0x~16r, ~r", [150000, 150000, 150000]). 100100100111110000, 0x249F0, 444760 ~~~~~ The only difference is that letters `A-Z` denote digits larger than 9. + `~p` Print the next argument with print/1: ~~~~~{.prolog} ?- format("Good night ~p",a+[1,2]). Good night a+[1,2] ~~~~~ + `~q` Print the next argument with writeq/1: ~~~~~{.prolog} ?- format("Good night ~q",'Hello'+[1,2]). Good night 'Hello'+[1,2] ~~~~~ + `~Ns` The next argument must be a list of character codes. The system then outputs their representation as a string, where _N_ is the maximum number of characters for the string ( _N_ defaults to the length of the string). ~~~~~{.prolog} ?- format("The ~s are ~4s",["woods","lovely"]). The woods are love ~~~~~ + `~w` Print the next argument with write/1: ~~~~~ ?- format("Good night ~w",'Hello'+[1,2]). Good night Hello+[1,2] ~~~~~ The number of arguments, `N`, may be given as an integer, or it may be given as an extra argument. The next example shows a small procedure to write a variable number of `a` characters: ~~~~~ write_many_as(N) :- format("~*c",[N,0'a]). ~~~~~ The format/2 built-in also allows for formatted output. One can specify column boundaries and fill the intermediate space by a padding character: + `~N|` Set a column boundary at position _N_, where _N_ defaults to the current position. + `~N+` Set a column boundary at _N_ characters past the current position, where _N_ defaults to `8`. + `~Nt` Set padding for a column, where _N_ is the fill code (default is `SPC`). The next example shows how to align columns and padding. We first show left-alignment: ~~~~~ ?- format("~n*Hello~16+*~n",[]). *Hello * ~~~~~ Note that we reserve 16 characters for the column. The following example shows how to do right-alignment: ~~~~~ ?- format("*~tHello~16+*~n",[]). * Hello* ~~~~~ The `~t` escape sequence forces filling before `Hello`. We next show how to do centering: ~~~~~ ?- format("*~tHello~t~16+*~n",[]). * Hello * ~~~~~ The two `~t` escape sequence force filling both before and after `Hello`. Space is then evenly divided between the right and the left sides. */ word pl_format(term_t fmt, term_t args) { return pl_format3(0, fmt, args); } static inline int get_chr_from_text(const PL_chars_t *t, int index) { switch(t->encoding) { case ENC_ISO_LATIN_1: return t->text.t[index]&0xff; case ENC_WCHAR: return t->text.w[index]; case ENC_UTF8: return t->text.w[index]; default: assert(0); return 0; /* not reached */ } } /******************************** * ACTUAL FORMATTING * ********************************/ static bool do_format(IOSTREAM *fd, PL_chars_t *fmt, int argc, term_t argv, Module m) { GET_LD format_state state; /* complete state */ int tab_stop = 0; /* padded tab stop */ Symbol s; unsigned int here = 0; int rc = TRUE; Slock(fd); /* buffer locally */ state.out = fd; state.pending_rubber = 0; initBuffer(&state.buffer); state.buffered = 0; if ( fd->position ) state.column = fd->position->linepos; else state.column = 0; while(here < fmt->length) { int c = get_chr_from_text(fmt, here); switch(c) { case '~': { int arg = DEFAULT; /* Numeric argument */ int mod_colon = FALSE; /* Used colon modifier */ /* Get the numeric argument */ c = get_chr_from_text(fmt, ++here); if ( isDigitW(c) ) { arg = c - '0'; here++; while(here < fmt->length) { c = get_chr_from_text(fmt, here); if ( isDigitW(c) ) { int dw = c - '0'; int arg2 = arg*10 + dw; if ( (arg2 - dw)/10 != arg ) /* see mul64() in pl-arith.c */ { FMT_ERROR("argument overflow"); } arg = arg2; here++; } else break; } } else if ( c == '*' ) { NEED_ARG; if ( PL_get_integer(argv, &arg) ) { SHIFT; } else FMT_ERROR("no or negative integer for `*' argument"); c = get_chr_from_text(fmt, ++here); } else if ( c == '`' && here < fmt->length ) { arg = get_chr_from_text(fmt, ++here); c = get_chr_from_text(fmt, ++here); } if ( c == ':' ) { mod_colon = TRUE; c = get_chr_from_text(fmt, ++here); } /* Check for user defined format */ if ( format_predicates && (s = lookupHTable(format_predicates, (void*)((intptr_t)c))) ) { predicate_t proc = (predicate_t) s->value; int arity; term_t av; char buf[BUFSIZE]; char *str = buf; size_t bufsize = BUFSIZE; int i; PL_predicate_info(proc, NULL, &arity, NULL); av = PL_new_term_refs(arity); if ( arg == DEFAULT ) PL_put_atom(av+0, ATOM_default); else PL_put_integer(av+0, arg); for(i=1; i < arity; i++) { NEED_ARG; PL_put_term(av+i, argv); SHIFT; } tellString(&str, &bufsize, ENC_UTF8); rc = PL_call_predicate(NULL, PL_Q_PASS_EXCEPTION, proc, av); toldString(); if ( !rc ) { if ( str != buf ) free(str); goto out; } oututf8(&state, str, bufsize); if ( str != buf ) free(str); here++; } else { switch(c) /* Build in formatting */ { case 'a': /* atomic */ { PL_chars_t txt; NEED_ARG; if ( !PL_get_text(argv, &txt, CVT_ATOMIC) ) FMT_ARG("a", argv); SHIFT; rc = outtext(&state, &txt); if ( !rc ) goto out; here++; break; } case 'c': /* ~c: character code */ { int chr; NEED_ARG; if ( PL_get_integer(argv, &chr) && chr >= 0 ) { int times = (arg == DEFAULT ? 1 : arg); SHIFT; while(times-- > 0) { rc = outchr(&state, chr); if ( !rc ) goto out; } } else FMT_ARG("c", argv); here++; break; } case 'e': /* exponential float */ case 'E': /* Exponential float */ case 'f': /* float */ case 'g': /* shortest of 'f' and 'e' */ case 'G': /* shortest of 'f' and 'E' */ { number n; union { tmp_buffer b; buffer b1; } u; PL_locale *l; NEED_ARG; if ( !valueExpression(argv, &n PASS_LD) ) { char f[2]; f[0] = c; f[1] = EOS; FMT_ARG(f, argv); } SHIFT; if ( c == 'f' && mod_colon ) l = fd->locale; else l = &prolog_locale; initBuffer(&u.b); rc = formatFloat(l, c, arg, &n, &u.b1) != NULL; clearNumber(&n); if ( rc ) rc = oututf80(&state, baseBuffer(&u.b, char)); discardBuffer(&u.b); if ( !rc ) goto out; here++; break; } case 'd': /* integer */ case 'D': /* grouped integer */ case 'r': /* radix number */ case 'R': /* Radix number */ case 'I': /* Prolog 1_000_000 */ { number i; tmp_buffer b; NEED_ARG; if ( !valueExpression(argv, &i PASS_LD) || !toIntegerNumber(&i, 0) ) { char f[2]; f[0] = c; f[1] = EOS; FMT_ARG(f, argv); } SHIFT; initBuffer(&b); if ( c == 'd' || c == 'D' ) { PL_locale ltmp; PL_locale *l; static char grouping[] = {3,0}; if ( c == 'D' ) { ltmp.thousands_sep = L","; ltmp.decimal_point = L"."; ltmp.grouping = grouping; l = <mp; } else if ( mod_colon ) { l = fd->locale; } else { l = NULL; } if ( arg == DEFAULT ) arg = 0; if ( !formatInteger(l, arg, 10, TRUE, &i, (Buffer)&b) ) FMT_EXEPTION(); } else if ( c == 'I' ) { PL_locale ltmp; char grouping[2]; grouping[0] = (arg == DEFAULT ? 3 : arg); grouping[1] = '\0'; ltmp.thousands_sep = L"_"; ltmp.grouping = grouping; if ( !formatInteger(<mp, 0, 10, TRUE, &i, (Buffer)&b) ) FMT_EXEPTION(); } else /* r,R */ { if ( arg == DEFAULT ) FMT_ERROR("r,R requires radix specifier"); if ( arg < 1 || arg > 36 ) { term_t r = PL_new_term_ref(); PL_put_integer(r, arg); Sunlock(fd); return PL_error(NULL, 0, NULL, ERR_DOMAIN, ATOM_radix, r); } if ( !formatInteger(NULL, 0, arg, c == 'r', &i, (Buffer)&b) ) FMT_EXEPTION(); } clearNumber(&i); rc = oututf80(&state, baseBuffer(&b, char)); discardBuffer(&b); if ( !rc ) goto out; here++; break; } case 's': /* string */ { PL_chars_t txt; NEED_ARG; if ( !PL_get_text(argv, &txt, CVT_LIST|CVT_STRING) && !PL_get_text(argv, &txt, CVT_ATOM) ) /* SICStus compat */ FMT_ARG("s", argv); rc = outtext(&state, &txt); SHIFT; if ( !rc ) goto out; here++; break; } case 'i': /* ignore */ { NEED_ARG; SHIFT; here++; break; } { Func f; char buf[BUFSIZE]; char *str; case 'k': /* write_canonical */ f = pl_write_canonical; goto pl_common; case 'p': /* print */ f = pl_print; goto pl_common; case 'q': /* writeq */ f = pl_writeq; goto pl_common; case 'w': /* write */ f = pl_write; pl_common: NEED_ARG; if ( state.pending_rubber ) { size_t bufsize = BUFSIZE; str = buf; tellString(&str, &bufsize, ENC_UTF8); rc = (*f)(argv); toldString(); if ( !rc ) goto out; oututf8(&state, str, bufsize); if ( str != buf ) free(str); } else { if ( fd->position && fd->position->linepos == state.column ) { IOSTREAM *old = Scurout; Scurout = fd; rc = (int)(*f)(argv); Scurout = old; if ( !rc ) goto out; state.column = fd->position->linepos; } else { size_t bufsize = BUFSIZE; str = buf; tellString(&str, &bufsize, ENC_UTF8); rc = (*f)(argv); toldString(); if ( !rc ) goto out; oututf8(&state, str, bufsize); if ( str != buf ) free(str); } } SHIFT; here++; break; } case 'W': /* write_term(Value, Options) */ { char buf[BUFSIZE]; char *str; if ( argc < 2 ) { FMT_ERROR("not enough arguments"); } if ( state.pending_rubber ) { size_t bufsize = BUFSIZE; str = buf; tellString(&str, &bufsize, ENC_UTF8); rc = (int)pl_write_term(argv, argv+1); toldString(); if ( !rc ) goto out; oututf8(&state, str, bufsize); if ( str != buf ) free(str); } else { if ( fd->position && fd->position->linepos == state.column ) { IOSTREAM *old = Scurout; Scurout = fd; rc = (int)pl_write_term(argv, argv+1); Scurout = old; if ( !rc ) goto out; state.column = fd->position->linepos; } else { size_t bufsize = BUFSIZE; str = buf; tellString(&str, &bufsize, ENC_UTF8); rc = (int)pl_write_term(argv, argv+1); if ( !rc ) goto out; toldString(); oututf8(&state, str, bufsize); if ( str != buf ) free(str); } } SHIFT; SHIFT; here++; break; } case '@': { char buf[BUFSIZE]; char *str = buf; size_t bufsize = BUFSIZE; term_t ex = 0; int rval; if ( argc < 1 ) { FMT_ERROR("not enough arguments"); } tellString(&str, &bufsize, ENC_UTF8); rval = callProlog(m, argv, PL_Q_CATCH_EXCEPTION, &ex); toldString(); oututf8(&state, str, bufsize); if ( str != buf ) free(str); if ( !rval ) { Sunlock(fd); if ( ex ) return PL_raise_exception(ex); else fail; } SHIFT; here++; break; } case '~': /* ~ */ { rc = outchr(&state, '~'); if ( !rc ) goto out; here++; break; } case 'n': /* \n */ case 'N': /* \n if not on newline */ { if ( arg == DEFAULT ) arg = 1; if ( c == 'N' && state.column == 0 ) arg--; while( arg-- > 0 ) { rc = outchr(&state, '\n'); if ( !rc ) goto out; } here++; break; } case 't': /* insert tab */ { if ( state.pending_rubber >= MAXRUBBER ) FMT_ERROR("Too many tab stops"); state.rub[state.pending_rubber].where = state.buffered; state.rub[state.pending_rubber].pad = (arg == DEFAULT ? (pl_wchar_t)' ' : (pl_wchar_t)arg); state.rub[state.pending_rubber].size = 0; state.pending_rubber++; here++; break; } case '|': /* set tab */ { int stop; if ( arg == DEFAULT ) arg = state.column; case '+': /* tab relative */ if ( arg == DEFAULT ) arg = 8; stop = (c == '+' ? tab_stop + arg : arg); if ( state.pending_rubber == 0 ) /* nothing to distribute */ { state.rub[0].where = state.buffered; state.rub[0].pad = ' '; state.pending_rubber++; } distribute_rubber(state.rub, state.pending_rubber, stop - state.column); emit_rubber(&state); state.column = tab_stop = stop; here++; break; } default: { term_t ex = PL_new_term_ref(); Sunlock(fd); PL_put_atom(ex, codeToAtom(c)); return PL_error("format", 2, NULL, ERR_EXISTENCE, PL_new_atom("format_character"), ex); } } } break; /* the '~' switch */ } default: { rc = outchr(&state, c); if ( !rc ) goto out; here++; break; } } } if ( state.pending_rubber ) /* not closed ~t: flush out */ emit_rubber(&state); out: Sunlock(fd); return rc; } static void distribute_rubber(struct rubber *r, int rn, int space) { if ( space > 0 ) { int s = space / rn; int n, m; for(n=0; n < rn; n++) /* give them equal size */ r[n].size = s; /* distribute from the center */ space -= s*rn; for(m = rn / 2, n = 0; space; n++, space--) { r[m + (n % 2 ? n : -n)].size++; } } else { int n; for(n=0; n < rn; n++) /* set all rubber to 0 */ r[n].size = 0; } } static int emit_rubber(format_state *state) { const char *s = baseBuffer(&state->buffer, char); const char *e = &s[entriesBuffer(&state->buffer, char)]; struct rubber *r = state->rub; int rn = state->pending_rubber; size_t j; for(j = 0; s <= e; j++) { int chr; if ( rn && r->where == j ) { size_t n; for(n=0; n<r->size; n++) { if ( Sputcode(r->pad, state->out) < 0 ) return FALSE; } r++; rn--; } if ( s < e ) { s = utf8_get_char(s, &chr); if ( Sputcode(chr, state->out) < 0 ) return FALSE; } else break; } discardBuffer(&state->buffer); initBuffer(&state->buffer); state->buffered = 0; state->pending_rubber = 0; return TRUE; } /* format an integer according to a number of modifiers at various radius. `split' is a boolean asking to put ',' between each group of three digits (e.g. 67,567,288). `div' askes to divide the number by radix^`div' before printing. `radix' is the radix used for conversion. `n' is the number to be converted. ** Fri Aug 19 22:26:41 1988 jan@swivax.UUCP (Jan Wielemaker) */ static void lappend(const wchar_t *l, int def, Buffer out) { if ( l ) { const wchar_t *e = l+wcslen(l); while (--e >= l) { int c = *e; if ( c < 128 ) { addBuffer(out, c, char); } else { char buf[6]; char *e8, *s; e8=utf8_put_char(buf, c); for(s=e8; --s>=buf; ) /* must be reversed as we reverse */ { addBuffer(out, *s, char); /* in the end */ } } } } else { addBuffer(out, def, char); } } static void revert_string(char *s, size_t len) { char *e = &s[len-1]; for(; e>s; s++,e--) { int c = *e; *e = *s; *s = c; } } static char * formatInteger(PL_locale *locale, int div, int radix, bool smll, Number i, Buffer out) { const char *grouping = NULL; if ( !locale ) { locale = &prolog_locale; } else { if ( locale->grouping && locale->grouping[0] && locale->thousands_sep && locale->thousands_sep[0] ) grouping = locale->grouping; } switch(i->type) { case V_INTEGER: { int64_t n = i->value.i; if ( n == 0 && div == 0 ) { addBuffer(out, '0', char); } else { int before = FALSE; /* before decimal point */ int negative = FALSE; int gsize = 0; int dweight; negative = (n < 0); while( n != 0 || div >= 0 ) { if ( div-- == 0 && !before ) { if ( !isEmptyBuffer(out) ) lappend(locale->decimal_point, '.', out); before = TRUE; if ( grouping ) gsize = grouping[0]; } if ( !negative ) dweight = (int)(n % radix); else dweight = -(int)(n % -radix); addBuffer(out, digitName(dweight, smll), char); n /= radix; if ( --gsize == 0 && n != 0 ) { lappend(locale->thousands_sep, ',', out); if ( grouping[1] == 0 ) gsize = grouping[0]; else if ( grouping[1] == CHAR_MAX ) gsize = 0; else gsize = *++grouping; } } if ( negative ) addBuffer(out, '-', char); } revert_string(baseBuffer(out, char), entriesBuffer(out, char)); addBuffer(out, EOS, char); return baseBuffer(out, char); } #ifdef O_GMP case V_MPZ: { GET_LD size_t len = mpz_sizeinbase(i->value.mpz, radix); char tmp[256]; char *buf; int rc = TRUE; if ( len+2 > sizeof(tmp) ) buf = PL_malloc(len+2); else buf = tmp; EXCEPTION_GUARDED({ LD->gmp.persistent++; mpz_get_str(buf, radix, i->value.mpz); LD->gmp.persistent--; }, { LD->gmp.persistent--; rc = PL_rethrow(); }); if ( !rc ) return NULL; if ( !smll && radix > 10 ) { char *s; for(s=buf; *s; s++) *s = toupper(*s); } if ( grouping || div > 0 ) { int before = FALSE; /* before decimal point */ int gsize = 0; char *e = buf+strlen(buf)-1; while(e >= buf || div >= 0) { if ( div-- == 0 && !before ) { if ( !isEmptyBuffer(out) ) lappend(locale->decimal_point, '.', out); before = TRUE; if ( grouping ) gsize = grouping[0]; } addBuffer(out, *e, char); e--; if ( --gsize == 0 && e >= buf && *e != '-' ) { lappend(locale->thousands_sep, ',', out); if ( grouping[1] == 0 ) gsize = grouping[0]; else if ( grouping[1] == CHAR_MAX ) gsize = 0; else gsize = *++grouping; } } revert_string(baseBuffer(out, char), entriesBuffer(out, char)); } else { addMultipleBuffer(out, buf, strlen(buf), char); } if ( buf != tmp ) PL_free(buf); addBuffer(out, EOS, char); return baseBuffer(out, char); } #endif /*O_GMP*/ default: assert(0); return NULL; } } #if O_LOCALE static int countGroups(const char *grouping, int len) { int groups = 0; int gsize = grouping[0]; while(len>0) { len -= gsize; if ( len > 0 ) groups++; if ( grouping[1] == 0 ) { if ( len > 1 ) groups += (len-1)/grouping[0]; return groups; } else if ( grouping[1] == CHAR_MAX ) { return groups; } else { gsize = *++grouping; } } return groups; } static int ths_to_utf8(char *u8, const wchar_t *s, size_t len) { char *e = u8+len-7; for( ; u8<e && *s; s++) u8 = utf8_put_char(u8,*s); *u8 = EOS; return *s == 0; } static int same_decimal_point(PL_locale *l1, PL_locale *l2) { if ( l1->decimal_point && l2->decimal_point && wcscmp(l1->decimal_point, l2->decimal_point) == 0 ) return TRUE; if ( !l1->decimal_point && !l2->decimal_point ) return TRUE; return FALSE; } static int utf8_dp(PL_locale *l, char *s, int *len) { if ( l->decimal_point ) { if ( !ths_to_utf8(s, l->decimal_point, 20) ) return FALSE; *len = strlen(s); } else { *s++ = '.'; *s = EOS; *len = 1; } return TRUE; } /* localizeDecimalPoint() replaces the decimal point as entered by the local sensitive print functions by the one in the specified locale. This is overly complicated. Needs more testing, in particular for locales with (in UTF-8) multibyte decimal points. */ static int localizeDecimalPoint(PL_locale *locale, Buffer b) { if ( locale == GD->locale.default_locale || same_decimal_point(GD->locale.default_locale, locale) ) return TRUE; if ( locale->decimal_point && locale->decimal_point[0] ) { char *s = baseBuffer(b, char); char *e; char dp[20]; int dplen; char ddp[20]; int ddplen; if ( !utf8_dp(locale, dp, &dplen) || !utf8_dp(GD->locale.default_locale, ddp, &ddplen) ) return FALSE; if ( *s == '-' ) s++; for(e=s; *e && isDigit(*e); e++) ; if ( strncmp(e, ddp, ddplen) == 0 ) { if ( dplen == ddplen ) { memcpy(e, dp, dplen); } else { char *ob = baseBuffer(b, char); if ( dplen > ddplen && !growBuffer(b, dplen-ddplen) ) return PL_no_memory(); e += baseBuffer(b, char) - ob; memmove(&e[dplen-ddplen], e, strlen(e)+1); memcpy(e, dp, dplen); } } } return TRUE; } static int groupDigits(PL_locale *locale, Buffer b) { if ( locale->thousands_sep && locale->thousands_sep[0] && locale->grouping && locale->grouping[0] ) { char *s = baseBuffer(b, char); char *e; int groups; if ( *s == '-' ) s++; for(e=s; *e && isDigit(*e); e++) ; groups = countGroups(locale->grouping, (int)(e-s)); if ( groups > 0 ) { char *o; char *grouping = locale->grouping; int gsize = grouping[0]; char ths[20]; int thslen; if ( !ths_to_utf8(ths, locale->thousands_sep, sizeof(ths)) ) return FALSE; thslen = strlen(ths); if ( !growBuffer(b, thslen*groups) ) return PL_no_memory(); memmove(&e[groups*thslen], e, strlen(e)+1); e--; for(o=e+groups*thslen; e>=s; ) { *o-- = *e--; if ( --gsize == 0 && e>=s ) { o -= thslen-1; memcpy(o, ths, thslen); o--; if ( grouping[1] == 0 ) gsize = grouping[0]; else if ( grouping[1] == CHAR_MAX ) gsize = 0; else gsize = *++grouping; } } } } return TRUE; } #endif /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - formatFloat(PL_locale *locale, int how, int arg, Number f, Buffer out) formats a floating point number to a buffer. `How' is the format specifier ([eEfgG]), `arg' the argument. MPZ/MPQ numbers printed using the format specifier `f' are written using the following algorithm, courtesy of Jan Burse: Given: A rational n/m Seeked: The ration rounded to d fractional digits. Algorithm: Compute (n*10^d+m//2)//m, and place period at d. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ static char * formatFloat(PL_locale *locale, int how, int arg, Number f, Buffer out) { if ( arg == DEFAULT ) arg = 6; switch(f->type) { #ifdef O_GMP mpf_t mpf; mpz_t t1, t2; int neg; case V_MPZ: { switch(how) { case 'f': { mpz_init(t1); mpz_init(t2); mpz_ui_pow_ui(t1, 10, arg); mpz_mul(t1, f->value.mpz, t1); neg = (mpz_cmp_ui(t1, 0) < 0) ? 1 : 0; mpz_abs(t1, t1); goto print_mpz; } case 'e': case 'E': case 'g': case 'G': { mpf_init2(mpf, arg*4); mpf_set_z(mpf, f->value.mpz); goto print_mpf; } } } case V_MPQ: { char tmp[12]; int size; int written = 0; int fbits; int digits = 0; int padding; switch(how) { case 'f': { mpz_init(t1); mpz_init(t2); mpz_ui_pow_ui(t1, 10, arg); mpz_mul(t1, mpq_numref(f->value.mpq), t1); mpz_tdiv_q_ui(t2, mpq_denref(f->value.mpq), 2); if (mpq_cmp_ui(f->value.mpq, 0, 1) < 0) { mpz_sub(t1, t1, t2); neg=1; } else { mpz_add(t1, t1, t2); neg=0; } mpz_tdiv_q(t1, t1, mpq_denref(f->value.mpq)); mpz_abs(t1, t1); print_mpz: if (mpz_cmp_ui(t1, 0) != 0) { size = mpz_sizeinbase(t1, 10) + 1; /* reserve for <null> */ if ( !growBuffer(out, size) ) { PL_no_memory(); return NULL; } digits = written = gmp_snprintf(baseBuffer(out, char), size, "%Zd", t1); } size = digits; if (neg) size++; /* leading - */ if (arg) size++; /* decimal point */ if (digits <= arg) /* leading '0's */ { padding = (arg-digits+1); size += padding; } else { padding = 0; } size++; /* NULL terminator */ if ( !growBuffer(out, size) ) { PL_no_memory(); return NULL; } if (!digits) { memset(out->base, '\0', 1); } if (neg) { memmove(out->base+1, out->base, digits+1); memset(out->base, '-', 1); written++; } if (padding) { memmove(out->base+neg+padding, out->base+neg, written-neg+1); memset(out->base+neg, '0', padding); written += padding; } if (arg) { memmove(out->base+written-(arg-1), out->base+written-arg, arg+1); if ( locale->decimal_point && locale->decimal_point[0] ) *(out->base+written-arg) = locale->decimal_point[0]; else *(out->base+written-arg) = '.'; written++; } out->top = out->base + written; mpz_clear(t1); mpz_clear(t2); break; } case 'e': case 'E': case 'g': case 'G': { switch(how) { case 'g': case 'G': { mpz_t iv; mpz_init(iv); mpz_set_q(iv, f->value.mpq); fbits = (int)mpz_sizeinbase(iv, 2) + 4*arg; mpz_clear(iv); break; } default: fbits = 4*arg; } mpf_init2(mpf, fbits); mpf_set_q(mpf, f->value.mpq); print_mpf: Ssprintf(tmp, "%%.%dF%c", arg, how); size = 0; written = arg+4; while(written >= size) { size = written+1; if ( !growBuffer(out, size) ) /* reserve for -.e<null> */ { PL_no_memory(); return NULL; } written = gmp_snprintf(baseBuffer(out, char), size, tmp, mpf); } mpf_clear(mpf); out->top = out->base + written; break; } } break; } #endif case V_INTEGER: promoteToFloatNumber(f); /*FALLTHROUGH*/ case V_FLOAT: { char tmp[12]; int written = arg+20; int size = 0; Ssprintf(tmp, "%%.%d%c", arg, how); while(written >= size) { size = written+1; if ( !growBuffer(out, size) ) { PL_no_memory(); return NULL; } written = snprintf(baseBuffer(out, char), size, tmp, f->value.f); } out->top = out->base + written; break; } default: assert(0); return NULL; } #if O_LOCALE if ( locale ) { if ( !localizeDecimalPoint(locale, out) || !groupDigits(locale, out) ) return NULL; } #endif return baseBuffer(out, char); } //! @}