:- object(event_dbg, implements(event_dbgp, monitoring), imports(monitor)). :- info([ version is 1.1, date is 2006/12/15, author is 'Paulo Moura', comment is 'Debugging facilities similar to those found in most Prolog compilers.']). :- initialization(::init). :- protected(port_output/4). :- mode(port_output(+atom, +object, @callable, +object), one). :- info(port_output/4, [ comment is 'Outputs current port information.', argnames is ['Port', 'Object', 'Message', 'Sender']]). :- protected(execute_option/1). :- mode(execute_option(+atom), one). :- info(execute_option/1, [ comment is 'Executes a user option at a debugger port.', argnames is ['Option']]). :- protected(query_user/1). :- mode(query_user(-atom), one). :- info(query_user/1, [ comment is 'Query a user about an option at a debugger port.', argnames is ['Option']]). :- private(stream_/2). :- dynamic(stream_/2). :- mode(stream_(?atom, ?stream), zero_or_more). :- info(stream/2, [ comment is 'Stores the current debugger input and ouput streams.', argnames is ['Kind', 'Stream']]). stream(Name, Stream) :- ::stream_(Name, Stream). set_stream(Name, Stream) :- ::retractall(stream_(Name, _)), ::assertz(stream_(Name, Stream)). trace :- self(Self), abolish_events(before, _, _, _, Self), abolish_events(after, _, _, _, Self), define_events(before, _, _, _, Self), define_events(after, _, _, _, Self). notrace :- self(Self), abolish_events(before, _, _, _, Self), abolish_events(after, _, _, _, Self). debugging :- ::monitor_activated. debug :- ::activate_monitor. nodebug :- ::suspend_monitor. port_output(Port, Object, Message, Sender) :- ::stream(output, Output), write(Output, Port), write(Output, ': '), writeq(Output, Object), write(Output, ' <- '), writeq(Output, Message), write(Output, ' from '), writeq(Output, Sender), nl(Output). query_user(Option) :- ::stream(output, Output), ::stream(input, Input), repeat, write(Output, ' >> '), read(Input, Option), nl(Output), (valid_option(Option) -> true ; ::execute_option(h), fail), !. execute_option(c). execute_option(f) :- !, fail. execute_option(n) :- ::nodebug. execute_option(b) :- ::stream(output,Output), ::stream(input, Input), repeat, write(Output, ' :- '), read(Input, Goal), writeq(Output, Goal), nl(Output), (once(Goal) -> write(Output, ' answer: '), writeq(Output, Goal), nl(Output) ; write(Output, ' no'), nl(Output)), Goal = true, !. execute_option(a) :- throw(error(logtalk_execution_aborted)). execute_option(h) :- ::stream(output, Output), write(Output, ' Available options are:'), nl(Output), write(Output, ' c - creep (go on)'), nl(Output), write(Output, ' f - fail (force failure or backtracking)'), nl(Output), write(Output, ' n - nodebug (turn off debug)'), nl(Output), write(Output, ' b - break (submit queries to the interpreter, type true to terminate)'), nl(Output), write(Output, ' a - abort (return to top level interpreter)'), nl(Output), write(Output, ' h - help (prints this list of options)'), nl(Output), nl(Output). valid_option(c). valid_option(f). valid_option(n). valid_option(b). valid_option(a). before(Object, Message, Sender) :- ::port_output(call, Object, Message, Sender), ::query_user(Option), ::execute_option(Option). after(Object, Message, Sender) :- ::port_output(exit, Object, Message, Sender), ::query_user(Option), ::execute_option(Option). init :- ::reset_monitor, current_input(Input), ::set_stream(input, Input), current_output(Output), ::set_stream(output, Output). :- end_object.