
| ?- use_module(library('clpqr/monash')).
{compiling /freyung/christian/sicstus2.1.9.clp/library/clpqr/monash.pl...}
{loading /freyung/christian/sicstus2.1.9.clp/library/clpqr/printf.ql...}
{loaded /freyung/christian/sicstus2.1.9.clp/library/clpqr/printf.ql in module printf, 30 msec 27216 bytes}
{loading /freyung/christian/sicstus2.1.9.clp/library/clpqr/expand.ql...}
{loaded /freyung/christian/sicstus2.1.9.clp/library/clpqr/expand.ql in module expand, 40 msec 26832 bytes}
{/freyung/christian/sicstus2.1.9.clp/library/clpqr/monash.pl compiled, 120 msec 54848 bytes}

| ?- expand, [library('clpqr/examples/monash/pictures')], noexpand.
{consulting /freyung/christian/sicstus2.1.9.clp/library/clpqr/examples/monash/pictures...}
{Warning: [DotDashInvis,Text] - singleton variables in box/3 in lines 66-73}

>>> Sample goals: go1/0, go2/0
{/freyung/christian/sicstus2.1.9.clp/library/clpqr/examples/monash/pictures consulted, 110 msec 12768 bytes}

| ?- go1.
.PS 2i
line from 3.2,1.8 to 0.688979,1.17224 
line from 0.688979,1.17224 to 2.30239,4.19362 
line from 2.30239,4.19362 to 3.2,1.8 
line from 0,1 to 4,2 dashed
line from 3.5,1 to 2,5 dashed
line from 0.33,0.5 to 3,5.5 dashed
 " c1 " at 0,1 rjust 
 " c2 " at 3.5,1 rjust 
 " c3 " at 0.33,0.5 rjust 

| ?- go2.
.PS 3i
line from 0,0 to 8,10 
line from 8,10 to 10,10 
line from 10,10 to 10,1 
line from 10,1 to 0,0 
line from 4,5 to 9,10 dashed
line from 9,10 to 10,5.5 dashed
line from 10,5.5 to 5,0.5 dashed
line from 5,0.5 to 4,5 dashed
line from 0,20 to 0,15 
line from 0,15 to 10,15 
line from 10,15 to 10,20 
line from 10,20 to 0,20 
line from 0,17.5 to 5,15 dashed
line from 5,15 to 10,17.5 dashed
line from 10,17.5 to 5,20 dashed
line from 5,20 to 0,17.5 dashed
line from 5,30 to 10,23 
line from 10,23 to 15,30 
line from 15,30 to 10,25 
line from 10,25 to 5,30 
line from 7.5,26.5 to 12.5,26.5 dashed
line from 12.5,26.5 to 12.5,27.5 dashed
line from 12.5,27.5 to 7.5,27.5 dashed
line from 7.5,27.5 to 7.5,26.5 dashed

| ?- ^D