Prolog Unit Tests ================= ---++ TBD * Add options to test units - Condition, setup, cleanup, blocked [OK] * Run the tests on make, etc. [OK] * Report generation options ---++ What to do with loaded tests? * Keep them around * Remove them * Flag module as `volatile', so it is not saved. ---++ Distinguish user/system/library tests ---++ Deal with seperate test-files: * load_test_files(+Options) ---++ Volatile modules? ---++ Conversion of system tests: - internals [OK] - scripts called from [OK] - tests for packages ---++ Run tests concurrently? + Tests applications for concurrent execution + Saves time, notably on tests doing networking, timeout, etc. - Might be more complicated to understand ---++ Test wizard * Write tests to .plt files * Merge with existing content of .plt files - Read with comments and write back? ---++ Coverage analysis * See