:- object(timer). :- info([ version is 1.3, author is 'Paulo Moura', date is 2006/9/17, comment is 'Call executing time profiler.']). :- uses(time, [cpu_time/1]). :- uses(loop, [forto/3]). :- public(timer/2). :- meta_predicate(timer(::, *)). :- mode(timer(+callable, -number), one). :- info(timer/2, [comment is 'Returns time to execute a call.', argnames is ['Call', 'Time']]). :- public(timer/3). :- meta_predicate(timer(::, *, *)). :- mode(timer(+callable, +integer, -float), one). :- info(timer/3, [comment is 'Returns the average time needed to to execute a call.', argnames is ['Call', 'Times', 'Time']]). timer(Call, Time) :- cpu_time(Start), (call(Call) -> true; true), cpu_time(End), Time is End - Start. timer(Call, Times, Time) :- cpu_time(Start), forto(1, Times, Call), cpu_time(End), cpu_time(Start2), forto(1, 0, true), cpu_time(End2), Overhead is End2 - Start2, Time is (End - Start - Overhead) / Times. :- end_object.