******************************* /** @page SWIhYProlog_Emulation SWI-Prolog Emulation This library provides a number of SWI-Prolog builtins that are not by default in YAP. This support is loaded with the `expects_dialect(swi)` command. */ ******************************* /** @page SWIhYProlog_Global_Variables SWI Global variables SWI-Prolog global variables are associations between names (atoms) and terms. They differ in various ways from storing information using assert/1 or recorda/3. + The value lives on the Prolog (global) stack. This implies that lookup time is independent from the size of the term. This is particulary interesting for large data structures such as parsed XML documents or the CHR global constraint store. They support both global assignment using nb_setval/2 and backtrackable assignment using b_setval/2. + Only one value (which can be an arbitrary complex Prolog term) can be associated to a variable at a time. + Their value cannot be shared among threads. Each thread has its own namespace and values for global variables. + Currently global variables are scoped globally. We may consider module scoping in future versions. Both b_setval/2 and nb_setval/2 implicitly create a variable if the referenced name does not already refer to a variable. Global variables may be initialised from directives to make them available during the program lifetime, but some considerations are necessary for saved-states and threads. Saved-states to not store global variables, which implies they have to be declared with initialization/1 to recreate them after loading the saved state. Each thread has its own set of global variables, starting with an empty set. Using `thread_inititialization/1` to define a global variable it will be defined, restored after reloading a saved state and created in all threads that are created <em>after</em> the registration. */ ******************************* /** @page Extensions Extensions to Prolog YAP includes a number of extensions over the original Prolog language. Next, we discuss support to the most important ones. */ ******************************* /** @page Efficiency Efficiency Considerations We next discuss several issues on trying to make Prolog programs run fast in YAP. We assume two different programming styles: + Execution of <em>deterministic</em> programs often boils down to a recursive loop of the form: ~~~~~ loop(Env) :- do_something(Env,NewEnv), loop(NewEnv). ~~~~~ */ ******************************* /** @page ChYInterface C Language interface to YAP YAP provides the user with three facilities for writing predicates in a language other than Prolog. Under Unix systems, most language implementations were linkable to `C`, and the first interface exported the YAP machinery to the C language. YAP also implements most of the SWI-Prolog foreign language interface. This gives portability with a number of SWI-Prolog packages. Last, a new C++ based interface is being designed to work with the swig (@url(www.swig.org}) interface compiler. + The @ref c-interface YAP C-interface exports the YAP engine. + The @ref swi-c-interface emulates Jan Wielemaker's SWI foreign language interface. + The @ref yap-cplus-interface is desiged to interface with Object-Oriented systems. */