/************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Now some examples of using the above definitions ... */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ run :- banner, points, ellipse, lines, circle. setup_points(P45, P66, AnotherP45, Pm4m3, P00) :- P45 = point(4, 5), P66 = point(6, 6), AnotherP45 = P45, Pm4m3 = point(-4, -3), P00 = point(0, 0). setup_lines(L1, L2, L3, L4) :- setup_points(P45, P66, _, Pm4m3, P00), L1 = line(P00, P45), L2 = line(Pm4m3, P66), L3 = line(Pm4m3, P45), L4 = line(P00, P66). banner :- write('Logtalk adaptation of a Ben Staveley-Taylor POEM example.'), nl, write('Original banner:'), nl, nl, nl, write('POEM demonstration file.'), nl, nl, write('The example output that follows is produced by Prolog code'), nl, write('using the object language enhancement POEM. Please look'), nl, write('through the code file "shapes.pl" provided to understand how'), nl, write('the class facilities are being used.'), nl. points :- nl, write('(1) point manipulation:'), nl, setup_points(P45, P66, AnotherP45, _, P00), write('distance from (4,5) to (6,6) is '), P45::distance(P66, D), write(D), nl, P45::identical(AnotherP45), write('P45 and AnotherP45 are identical points'), nl, \+ P00::identical(P66), write('P00 and P66 are different points'), nl. ellipse :- nl, write('(2) ellipse manipulation:'), nl, P56 = point(5, 6), E = ellipse(P56, 3, 5), write('Area of ellipse of semi-axes 3 and 5 is '), E::area(A), write(A), nl. lines :- nl, write('(3) line manipulation:'), nl, setup_lines( L1, L2, L3, L4 ), P33 = point(3, 3), write('distance from '),write(L2),write(' to '),write(P33),write(' is '), L2::distance(P33, D), write(D), nl, L1::intersects(L2), write(L1), write(' intesects '), write(L2), nl, \+ L3::intersects(L4), write(L3), write(' does not intersect '), write(L4), nl. circle :- nl, write('(4) circle manipulation:'), nl, write(' Circles are subsets of ellipses, so the "area" function'), nl, write(' is available, and a new "circumference" function.'), nl, P22 = point(2, 2), C = circle(P22, 3), write('Area of circle radius 3 is '), C::area(A), write(A), nl, write('Circumference of circle radius 3 is '), C::circumference(Circ), write(Circ), nl, nl.