package jpl.test; import java.util.Map; import jpl.Atom; import jpl.Compound; import jpl.Integer; import jpl.JPL; import jpl.PrologException; import jpl.Query; import jpl.Term; import jpl.Util; import jpl.Variable; import jpl.fli.Prolog; // This class is nearly obsolete; most of its tests have been migrated to TestJUnit. public class TestOLD { private static void test10() { System.err.println("test10:"); System.err.println(" java_lib_version = " + JPL.version_string()); System.err.println(" c_lib_version = " + jpl.fli.Prolog.get_c_lib_version()); System.err.println(" pl_lib_version = " + new Query(new Compound("jpl_pl_lib_version", new Term[] { new Variable("V") })).oneSolution().get("V")); System.err.println(" java.version = " + System.getProperty("java.version")); System.err.println(" = " + System.getProperty("")); System.err.println(" os.arch = " + System.getProperty("os.arch")); System.err.println(" os.version = " + System.getProperty("os.version")); System.err.println(); } private static void test10j() { Term l2 = Util.termArrayToList(new Term[] { new Atom("a"), new Atom("b"), new Atom("c"), new Atom("d"), new Atom("e") }); Query q9 = new Query(new Compound("append", new Term[] { new Variable("Xs"), new Variable("Ys"), l2 })); Map[] s9s = q9.allSolutions(); System.err.println("test10j:"); for (int i = 0; i < s9s.length; i++) { System.err.println(" append(Xs,Ys,[a,b,c,d,e]) -> " + Util.toString(s9s[i])); } System.err.println(); } private static void test10k() { String[] args = jpl.fli.Prolog.get_default_init_args(); String which; String s = ""; System.err.println("test10k:"); if (args == null) { args = jpl.fli.Prolog.get_actual_init_args(); which = "actual"; } else { which = "default"; } for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { s = s + args[i] + " "; } System.err.println(" " + which + "_init_args = " + s + '\n'); } private static void test10l() { Query q5 = new Query(new Compound("length", new Term[] { new Variable("Zs"), new jpl.Integer(5) })); Map s5 = q5.oneSolution(); System.err.println("test10l:"); System.err.println(" length(Zs,5)"); System.err.println(" " + Util.toString(s5)); System.err.println(" Zs = " + (Term) s5.get("Zs")); System.err.println(); } private static void test10m() { String text = "append(Xs,Ys,[_,_,_,_,_])"; Query q = new Query(text); Map[] ss = q.allSolutions(); System.err.println("test10m:"); System.err.println(" all solutions of " + text); for (int i = 0; i < ss.length; i++) { System.err.println(" " + Util.toString(ss[i])); } System.err.println(); } private static void test10o() { System.err.println("test10o:"); Term l2b = Util.termArrayToList(new Term[] { new Variable("A"), new Variable("B"), new Variable("C"), new Variable("D"), new Variable("E") }); Query q9b = new Query(new Compound("append", new Term[] { new Variable("Xs"), new Variable("Ys"), l2b })); Map[] s9bs = q9b.allSolutions(); for (int i = 0; i < s9bs.length; i++) { System.err.println(" append(Xs,Ys,[A,B,C,D,E]) -> " + Util.toString(s9bs[i])); } System.err.println(); } private static void test10q() { System.err.println("test10q:"); System.err.println((new Compound("Bad Name", new Term[] { new Atom("3 3") })).toString()); System.err.println(); } private static void test10s() { final Query q = new Query("jpl_slow_goal"); // 10 successive sleep(1) System.err.println("test10s:"); Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { System.err.println("q.hasSolution() ... "); System.err.println(q.hasSolution() ? "finished" : "failed"); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("q.hasSolution() threw " + e); } } }); t.start(); // call the query in a separate thread System.err.println("pausing for 2 secs..."); try { Thread.sleep(2000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { ; } // wait a coupla seconds for it to get started // (new Query("set_prolog_flag(abort_with_exception, true)")).hasSolution(); System.err.println("calling q.abort()..."); q.abort(); System.err.println(); } public static void main(String argv[]) { Prolog.set_default_init_args(new String[] { "libpl.dll", "-f", "none", "-g", "set_prolog_flag(debug_on_error,false)", "-q" }); System.err.println("tag = " + Prolog.object_to_tag(new Query("hello"))); test10k(); test10(); // test10h(); // test10i(); test10j(); test10k(); test10l(); test10m(); // test10n(); test10o(); //test10p(); test10q(); // test10r(); // test10s(); // test10t(); // test10u(); // test10v(); String s = new String("" + '\0' + '\377'); System.err.println("s.length = " + s.length()); for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { System.err.print((new Integer(s.charAt(i))).toString() + " "); } System.err.println(); System.err.println(new Query("atom_codes(A,[127,128,255,0])").oneSolution().toString()); } }