/* xml_diagnosis.pl : XML exception diagnosis.


 * Copyright (C) 2001-2005 Binding Time Limited

 * Copyright (C) 2005-2011 John Fletcher


 * Current Release: $Revision: 3.3 $




 * This program is offered free of charge, as unsupported source code. You may

 * use it, copy it, distribute it, modify it or sell it without restriction,

 * but entirely at your own risk.


:- ensure_loaded( xml_generation ).

/* xml_fault( +Term, +Indentation, ?SubTerm, ?Path, ?Message ) identifies SubTerm

 * as a sub-term of Term which cannot be serialized after Indentation.

 * Message is an atom naming the type of error; Path is a string encoding a

 * list of SubTerm's ancestor elements in the form <tag>{(id)}* where <tag> is the

 * element tag and <id> is the value of any attribute _named_ id.


xml_fault( Term, _Indent, Term, [], "Illegal Variable" ) :-

	var( Term ).

xml_fault( xml(Attributes,_Content), _Indent, Term, [], Message ) :-

	member( Attribute, Attributes ),

	attribute_fault( Attribute, Term, Message ).

xml_fault( xml(_Attributes,Content), Indent, Culprit, Path, Message ) :-

	xml_content_fault( Content, Indent, Culprit, Path, Message ).

xml_fault( Term, _Indent, Term, [], "Illegal Term" ).

xml_content_fault( Term, _Indent, Term, [], "Illegal Variable" ) :-

	var( Term ).

xml_content_fault( pcdata(Chars), _Indent, Chars, [], "Invalid Character Data" ) :-

	\+ is_chars( Chars ).

xml_content_fault( cdata(Chars), _Indent, Chars, [], "Invalid Character Data" ) :-

	\+ is_chars( Chars ).

xml_content_fault( [H|_T], Indent, Culprit, Path, Message ) :-

	xml_content_fault( H, Indent, Culprit, Path, Message ).

xml_content_fault( [_H|T], Indent, Culprit, Path, Message ) :-

	xml_content_fault( T, Indent, Culprit, Path, Message ).

xml_content_fault( namespace(_URI,_Prefix,Element), Indent, Culprit, Path, Message ) :-

	element_fault( Element, [0' |Indent], Culprit, Path, Message ).

xml_content_fault( Element, Indent, Culprit, Path, Message ) :-

	element_fault( Element, [0' |Indent], Culprit, Path, Message ).

xml_content_fault( Term, Indent, Term, [], "Illegal Term" ) :-

	\+ generation(Term, "", false, Indent, _Format, _Plus, _Minus ).

element_fault( element(Tag, _Attributes, _Contents), _Indent, Tag, [], "Tag must be an atom" ) :-

	\+ atom( Tag ).

element_fault( element(Tag, Attributes, _Contents), _Indent, Tag, [], "Attributes must be instantiated" ) :-

	var( Attributes ).

element_fault( element(Tag, Attributes, _Contents), _Indent, Faulty, Path, Message ) :-

	fault_path( Tag, Attributes, Path, [] ),

	member( Attribute, Attributes ),

	attribute_fault( Attribute, Faulty, Message ).

element_fault( element(Tag, Attributes, Contents), Indent, Culprit, Path, Message ) :-

	fault_path( Tag, Attributes, Path, Path1 ),

	xml_content_fault( Contents, Indent, Culprit, Path1, Message ).

attribute_fault( Attribute, Attribute, "Illegal Variable" ) :-

	var( Attribute ).

attribute_fault( Name=Value, Name=Value, "Attribute Name must be atom" ) :-

	\+ atom(Name).

attribute_fault( Name=Value, Name=Value, "Attribute Value must be chars" ) :-

	\+ is_chars( Value ).

attribute_fault( Attribute, Attribute, "Malformed Attribute" ) :-

	\+ Attribute = (_Name=_Value).

is_chars( Chars ) :-

	is_list( Chars ),

	\+ (member( Char, Chars ), \+ (integer(Char), Char >=0, Char =< 255)).

fault_path( Tag, Attributes ) -->

	{atom_codes( Tag, Chars )},

	chars( Chars ),

	fault_id( Attributes ),

	" ".

fault_id( Attributes ) -->

	{member( id=Chars, Attributes ), is_chars( Chars )},


	"(", chars(Chars), ")".

fault_id( _Attributes ) --> "".