Logtalk - Object oriented extension to Prolog
Release 2.25.1

Copyright (c) 1998-2005 Paulo Moura.  All Rights Reserved.

This directory contains a file that provides code folding and syntax 
highlighting for editing Logtalk source files with the text editor 
Vim 6.1 or later version (http://www.vim.org).

Recent versions of Vim already contain support for Logtalk. However, 
this directory may contain an updated syntax file. If that is the 
case, install the syntax file by performing the following steps:

1.	Copy the file logtalk.vim to the "syntax" sub-directory in your 
	VIM installation directory (replacing any existing older file).

2.	Add the following entries to the "filetype.vim" configuration 
	file (only if not already present):

" Logtalk source files
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.lgt                     setf logtalk

" Logtalk config files
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.config                  setf logtalk