%%%%  Another hypothesis on ABO blood type inheritance --- bloodAaBb.psm
%%%%  Copyright (C) 2007,2008
%%%%    Sato Laboratory, Dept. of Computer Science,
%%%%    Tokyo Institute of Technology

%%  ABO blood type consists of A, B, O and AB. They are observable
%%  (phenotypes) and determined by a pair of blood type genes (geneotypes).
%%  At present, it is known that there are three ABO genes, namely a, b and
%%  o located on the 9th chromosome of a human being, but in early 20th
%%  century, there was another hypothesis that we have two loci for ABO
%%  blood type with dominant alleles A/a and B/b.  That is, genotypes aabb,
%%  A*bb, aaB* and A*B* correspond to the blood types (phenotypes) O, A, B
%%  and AB, respectively, where * stands for a don't care symbol.  We call
%%  this hypothesis the AaBb gene model, and assume random mating.

%%  Quick start : sample session -- the same as that of bloodABO.psm
%%  ?- prism(bloodAaBb),go,print_blood.
%%                              % Learn parameters from randomly generated
%%                              % 100 samples with A:B:O:AB = 38:22:31:9
%%  ?- probf(bloodtype(ab),E),print_graph(E).
%%  ?- prob(bloodtype(ab),P).
%%  ?- viterbif(bloodtype(ab),P,E),print_graph(E).
%%  ?- viterbi(bloodtype(ab),P).
%%                              % P is the probability of a most likely
%%                              % explanation E for bloodtype(ab).

go:- learn_bloodtype(100).

%%  Session for model selection:
%%  -- we try to evaluate the plausibilities of the correct model (ABO
%%     gene model) and this AaBb gene model according to the data in
%%     `bloodtype.dat'.  The data file `bloodtype.dat' contains 38
%%     persons of blood type A, 22 persons of blood type B, 31 persons
%%     of blood type O, and 9 persons of blood type AB (the ratio is
%%     almost the same as that in Japanese people).
%%  1. Modify bloodABO.psm and bloodAaBb.psm:  
%%     - Use learn/0 instead of learn/1.
%%  2. Get the BIC value for the ABO gene model (bloodABO.psm)
%%     ?- prism(bloodABO).
%%     ?- learn.
%%     ?- learn_statistics(bic,BIC).
%%  3. Get the BIC value for the AaBb gene model (this file)
%%     ?- prism(bloodAaBb).
%%     ?- learn.
%%     ?- learn_statistics(bic,BIC).

:- set_prism_flag(data_source,file('bloodtype.dat')).
                             % When we run learn/0, the data are supplied
                             % by `bloodtype.dat'.


%%  Modeling part:

bloodtype(P) :-
   ( X1=a, Y1=a, X2=b, Y2=b -> P=o 
   ; ( X1='A' ; Y1='A' ), X2=b, Y2=b -> P=a
   ; X1=a, Y1=a, ( X2='B' ; Y2='B')  -> P=b
   ; P=ab

genotype(L,X,Y) :- msw(L,X),msw(L,Y).

%%  Utility part:
%%   (the same as that in bloodABO.psm)

learn_bloodtype(N) :-           % Learn parameters from N observations
   random_set_seed(214857),     %   Set seed of the random number generator
   gen_bloodtype(N,Gs),!,       %   Sample bloodtype/1 of size N
   learn(Gs).                   %   Perform search and graphical EM learning
%  learn.                       % <= when using the file `bloodtype.dat'

gen_bloodtype(N,Gs) :-
   N > 0,
   Gs = [bloodtype(X)|Gs1],     % Sample a blood type with an empirical
   N1 is N-1,!,                 % ratio for Japanese people.

print_blood :-
   format("P(A)  = ~6f~n",[PA]),
   format("P(B)  = ~6f~n",[PB]),
   format("P(O)  = ~6f~n",[PO]),
   format("P(AB) = ~6f~n",[PAB]).

print_gene :-
   format("P(A) = ~6f~n",[GA]),
   format("P(a) = ~6f~n",[Ga]),
   format("P(B) = ~6f~n",[GB]),
   format("P(b) = ~6f~n",[Gb]).