%%% -*- Mode: Prolog; -*-

% ProbLog program describing modelling a simplified version of the ALARM network
% (running example used in the paper [Gutmann et. al, ECML 2011])
% $Id: alarm.pl 6416 2011-06-10 14:38:44Z bernd $

% example for parameter learning with LFI-ProbLog
% training examples are included at the end of the file
% query ?- do_learning(20).
% will run 20 iterations of learning with default settings

:- use_module('../problog').
:- use_module('../problog_lfi').

% uncomment to see what is happening
:- set_problog_flag(verbosity_learning,5).

%%%   Probabilistic Facts  %
% the t(_) identifies them as tunable, that is,
% the probabilities are to be learned

t(_) :: burglary.
t(_) :: earthquake.
t(_) :: hears_alarm(_Person).

%%%   Background Knowledge %
% the background knowledge, read as myclause(Head,Body)
% clauses are assumed to be range-restricted

myclause(person(mary), true).
myclause(person(john), true).
myclause(alarm, burglary).
myclause(alarm, earthquake).
myclause(calls(Person), (person(Person),alarm,hears_alarm(Person))).

%%%   Training examples    %


%%%% Example 1

%%%% Example 2