/** @defgroup pathconf Configuration of the Prolog file search path @ingroup AbsoluteFileName Prolog systems search follow a complex search on order to track down files. @{ **/ /** @pred library_directory(?Directory:atom) is nondet, dynamic Dynamic, multi-file predicate that succeeds when _Directory_ is a current library directory name. Asserted in the user module. Library directories are the places where files specified in the form `library( _File_ )` are searched by the predicates consult/1, reconsult/1, use_module/1, ensure_loaded/1, and load_files/2. This directory is initialized by a rule that calls the system predicate system_library/1. */ :- multifile library_directory/1. :- dynamic library_directory/1. %% Specifies the set of directories where % one can find Prolog libraries. % % 1. honor YAPSHAREDIR library_directory( Dir ) :- getenv( 'YAPSHAREDIR', Dir). %% 2. honor user-library library_directory( '~/share/Yap' ). %% 3. honor current directory library_directory( '.' ). %% 4. honor default location. library_directory( Dir ) :- system_library( Dir ). /** @pred commons_directory(? _Directory_:atom) is nondet, dynamic State the location of the Commons Prolog Initiative. This directory is initialized as a rule that calls the system predicate library_directories/2. :- dynamic commons_directory/1. commons_directory( Path ):- system_commons( Path ). /** @pred foreign_directory(? _Directory_:atom) is nondet, dynamic State the location of the Foreign Prolog Initiative. This directory is initialized as a rule that calls the system predicate library_directories/2. */ :- multifile foreign_directory/1. :- dynamic foreign_directory/1. foreign_directory( Path ):- system_foreign( Path ). /** @pred prolog_file_type(?Suffix:atom, ?Handler:atom) is nondet, dynamic This multifile/dynamic predicate relates a file extension _Suffix_ to a language or file type _Handler_. By default, it supports the extensions yap, pl, and prolog for prolog files and uses one of dll, so, or dylib for shared objects. Initial definition is: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~prolog prolog_file_type(yap, prolog). prolog_file_type(pl, prolog). prolog_file_type(prolog, prolog). prolog_file_type(qly, prolog). prolog_file_type(qly, qly). prolog_file_type(A, prolog) :- current_prolog_flag(associate, A), A \== prolog, A \==pl, A \== yap. prolog_file_type(A, executable) :- current_prolog_flag(shared_object_extension, A). prolog_file_type(pyd, executable). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ :- dynamic prolog_file_type/2. prolog_file_type(yap, prolog). prolog_file_type(pl, prolog). prolog_file_type(prolog, prolog). prolog_file_type(A, prolog) :- current_prolog_flag(associate, A), A \== prolog, A \== pl, A \== yap. prolog_file_type(qly, qly). prolog_file_type(A, executable) :- current_prolog_flag(shared_object_extension, A). prolog_file_type(pyd, executable). /** @pred file_search_path(+Name:atom, -Directory:atom) is nondet Allows writing file names as compound terms. The _Name_ and _DIRECTORY_ must be atoms. The predicate may generate multiple solutions. The predicate is originally defined as follows: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~prolog file_search_path(library, Dir) :- library_directory(Dir). file_search_path(commons, Dir) :- commons_directory(Dir). file_search_path(swi, Home) :- current_prolog_flag(home, Home). file_search_path(yap, Home) :- current_prolog_flag(home, Home). file_search_path(system, Dir) :- prolog_flag(host_type, Dir). file_search_path(foreign, Dir) :- foreign_directory(Dir). file_search_path(path, C) :- ( getenv('PATH', A), ( current_prolog_flag(windows, true) -> atomic_list_concat(B, ;, A) ; atomic_list_concat(B, :, A) ), lists:member(C, B) ). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thus, `compile(library(A))` will search for a file using library_directory/1 to obtain the prefix, whereas 'compile(system(A))` would look at the `host_type` flag. */ :- module(user). :- multifile file_search_path/2. :- dynamic file_search_path/2. file_search_path(library, Dir) :- library_directory(Dir). file_search_path(commons, Dir) :- commons_directory(Dir). file_search_path(swi, Home) :- current_prolog_flag(home, Home). file_search_path(yap, Home) :- current_prolog_flag(home, Home). file_search_path(system, Dir) :- prolog_flag(host_type, Dir). file_search_path(foreign, '.'). file_search_path(foreign, yap('lib/Yap')). file_search_path(path, C) :- ( getenv('PATH', A), ( current_prolog_flag(windows, true) -> atomic_list_concat(B, ;, A) ; atomic_list_concat(B, :, A) ), lists:member(C, B) ). %% @}