/*  $Id$

    Part of SWI-Prolog

    Author:        Jan Wielemaker
    E-mail:        J.Wielemaker@cs.vu.nl
    WWW:           http://www.swi-prolog.org
    Copyright (C): 1985-2009, University of Amsterdam

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
    as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
    of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

    As a special exception, if you link this library with other files,
    compiled with a Free Software compiler, to produce an executable, this
    library does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered
    by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however
    invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
    the GNU General Public License.

:- module(shlib,
	  [ load_foreign_library/1,	% :LibFile
	    load_foreign_library/2,	% :LibFile, +InstallFunc
	    unload_foreign_library/1,	% +LibFile
	    unload_foreign_library/2,	% +LibFile, +UninstallFunc
	    current_foreign_library/2,	% ?LibFile, ?Public
					% Directives
	    use_foreign_library/1,	% :LibFile
	    use_foreign_library/2	% :LibFile, +InstallFunc
:- use_module(library(lists), [reverse/2]).
:- set_prolog_flag(generate_debug_info, false).

/** <module> Utility library for loading foreign objects (DLLs, shared objects)
@ingroup swi

This   section   discusses   the   functionality   of   the   (autoload)
library(shlib), providing an interface to   manage  shared libraries. We
describe the procedure for using a foreign  resource (DLL in Windows and
shared object in Unix) called =mylib=.

First, one must  assemble  the  resource   and  make  it  compatible  to
SWI-Prolog. The details for this  vary   between  platforms. The plld(1)
utility can be used to deal with this in a portable manner.  The typical
commandline is:

	plld -o mylib file.{c,o,cc,C} ...

Make  sure  that  one  of   the    files   provides  a  global  function
=|install_mylib()|=  that  initialises  the  module    using   calls  to
PL_register_foreign(). Here is a  simple   example  file  mylib.c, which
creates a Windows MessageBox:

    #include <windows.h>
    #include <SWI-Prolog.h>

    static foreign_t
    pl_say_hello(term_t to)
    { char *a;

      if ( PL_get_atom_chars(to, &a) )
      { MessageBox(NULL, a, "DLL test", MB_OK|MB_TASKMODAL);



    { PL_register_foreign("say_hello", 1, pl_say_hello, 0);

Now write a file mylib.pl:

    :- module(mylib, [ say_hello/1 ]).
    :- use_foreign_library(foreign(mylib)).

The file mylib.pl can be loaded as a normal Prolog file and provides the
predicate defined in C.

:- meta_predicate
	load_foreign_library(:, +),
	use_foreign_library(:, +).

:- dynamic
	loading/1,			% Lib
	error/2,			% File, Error
	foreign_predicate/2,		% Lib, Pred
	current_library/5.		% Lib, Entry, Path, Module, Handle

:- volatile				% Do not store in state

:- (   current_prolog_flag(open_shared_object, true)
   ->  true
   ;   print_message(warning, shlib(not_supported)) % error?

		 *	     DISPATCHING	*

/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Windows: If libpl.dll is compiled for debugging, prefer loading <lib>D.dll
to allow for debugging.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */

find_library(Spec, Lib) :-
	current_prolog_flag(windows, true),
	current_prolog_flag(kernel_compile_mode, debug),
	libd_spec(Spec, SpecD),
	catch(find_library2(SpecD, Lib), _, fail).
find_library(Spec, Lib) :-
	find_library2(Spec, Lib).

find_library2(Spec, Lib) :-
			   [ file_type(executable),
			   ], Lib), !.
find_library2(Spec, Spec) :-
	atom(Spec), !.			% use machines finding schema
find_library2(foreign(Spec), Spec) :-
	atom(Spec), !.			% use machines finding schema
find_library2(Spec, _) :-
	throw(error(existence_error(source_sink, Spec), _)).

libd_spec(Name, NameD) :-
	file_name_extension(Base, Ext, Name),
	atom_concat(Base, 'D', BaseD),
	file_name_extension(BaseD, Ext, NameD).
libd_spec(Spec, SpecD) :-
	Spec =.. [Alias,Name],
	libd_spec(Name, NameD),
	SpecD =.. [Alias,NameD].
libd_spec(Spec, Spec).			% delay errors

base(Path, Base) :-
	atomic(Path), !,
	file_base_name(Path, File), 
	file_name_extension(Base, _Ext, File).
base(Path, Base) :-
	Path =.. [_,Arg],
	base(Arg, Base).

entry(_, Function, Function) :-
	Function \= default(_), !.
entry(Spec, default(FuncBase), Function) :-
	base(Spec, Base),
	atomic_list_concat([FuncBase, Base], '_', Function).
entry(_, default(Function), Function).

		 *	    (UN)LOADING		*

%%	load_foreign_library(:FileSpec) is det.
%%	load_foreign_library(:FileSpec, +Entry:atom) is det.
%	Load a _|shared object|_  or  _DLL_.   After  loading  the Entry
%	function is called without arguments. The default entry function
%	is composed from =install_=,  followed   by  the file base-name.
%	E.g.,    the    load-call    below      calls    the    function
%	=|install_mylib()|=. If the platform   prefixes extern functions
%	with =_=, this prefix is added before calling.
%	  ==
%	  	...
%	  	load_foreign_library(foreign(mylib)),
%	  	...
%	  ==
%	@param	FileSpec is a specification for absolute_file_name/3.  If searching
%		the file fails, the plain name is passed to the OS to try the default
%		method of the OS for locating foreign objects.  The default definition
%		of file_search_path/2 searches <prolog home>/lib/<arch> on Unix and
%		<prolog home>/bin on Windows.
%	@see	use_foreign_library/1,2 are intended for use in directives.

load_foreign_library(Library) :-
	load_foreign_library(Library, default(install)).

load_foreign_library(Module:LibFile, Entry) :-
		   load_foreign_library(LibFile, Module, Entry)).

load_foreign_library(LibFile, _Module, _) :-
	current_library(LibFile, _, _, _, _), !.
load_foreign_library(LibFile, Module, DefEntry) :-
	retractall(error(_, _)),
	find_library(LibFile, Path),
	catch(Module:open_shared_object(Path, Handle), E, true),
	(   nonvar(E)
	->  assert(error(Path, E)),
	;   true
	), !,
	(   (	entry(LibFile, DefEntry, Entry),
		Module:call_shared_object_function(Handle, Entry)
	    ->	true
	    ;	DefEntry == default(install)
	->  retractall(loading(LibFile)),
	    assert_shlib(LibFile, Entry, Path, Module, Handle)
	;   retractall(loading(LibFile)),
	    print_message(error, shlib(LibFile, call_entry(DefEntry))),
load_foreign_library(LibFile, _, _) :-
	(   error(_Path, E)
	->  retractall(error(_, _)),
	;   throw(error(existence_error(foreign_library, LibFile), _))

%%	use_foreign_library(+FileSpec) is det.
%%	use_foreign_library(+FileSpec, +Entry:atom) is det.
%	Load and install a foreign   library as load_foreign_library/1,2
%	and register the installation using   initialization/2  with the
%	option =now=. This is similar to using:
%	  ==
%	  :- initialization(load_foreign_library(foreign(mylib))).
%	  ==
%	but using the initialization/1 wrapper causes  the library to be
%	loaded _after_ loading of  the  file   in  which  it  appears is
%	completed,  while  use_foreign_library/1  loads    the   library
%	_immediately_. I.e. the  difference  is   only  relevant  if the
%	remainder of the file uses functionality of the C-library.

use_foreign_library(FileSpec) :-
	initialization(load_foreign_library(FileSpec), now).

use_foreign_library(FileSpec, Entry) :-
	initialization(load_foreign_library(FileSpec, Entry), now).

%%	unload_foreign_library(+FileSpec) is det.
%%	unload_foreign_library(+FileSpec, +Exit:atom) is det.
%	Unload a _|shared object|_ or  _DLL_.   After  calling  the Exit
%	function, the shared object is  removed   from  the process. The
%	default exit function is composed from =uninstall_=, followed by
%	the file base-name.

unload_foreign_library(LibFile) :-
	unload_foreign_library(LibFile, default(uninstall)).

unload_foreign_library(LibFile, DefUninstall) :-
	with_mutex('$foreign', do_unload(LibFile, DefUninstall)).

do_unload(LibFile, DefUninstall) :-
	current_library(LibFile, _, _, Module, Handle),
	retractall(current_library(LibFile, _, _, _, _)),
	(   entry(LibFile, DefUninstall, Uninstall),
	    Module:call_shared_object_function(Handle, Uninstall)
	->  true
	;   true

abolish_foreign(LibFile) :-
	(   retract(foreign_predicate(LibFile, Module:Head)),
	    functor(Head, Name, Arity),
	    abolish(Module:Name, Arity),
	;   true

system:'$foreign_registered'(M, H) :-
	(   loading(Lib)
	->  true
	;   Lib = '<spontaneous>'
	assert(foreign_predicate(Lib, M:H)).

assert_shlib(File, Entry, Path, Module, Handle) :-
	retractall(current_library(File, _, _, _, _)),
	asserta(current_library(File, Entry, Path, Module, Handle)).


%%	current_foreign_library(?File, ?Public)
%	Query currently loaded shared libraries.

current_foreign_library(File, Public) :-
	current_library(File, _Entry, _Path, _Module, _Handle),
	findall(Pred, foreign_predicate(File, Pred), Public).

		 *	      RELOAD		*

%%	reload_foreign_libraries
%	Reload all foreign libraries loaded (after restore of a state
%	created using qsave_program/2.

reload_foreign_libraries :-
	findall(lib(File, Entry, Module),
		(   retract(current_library(File, Entry, _, Module, _)),
		    File \== -
	reverse(Libs, Reversed),

reload_libraries([lib(File, Entry, Module)|T]) :-
	(   load_foreign_library(File, Module, Entry)
	->  true
	;   print_message(error, shlib(File, load_failed))

		 *     CLEANUP (WINDOWS ...)	*

/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Called from Halt() in pl-os.c (if it  is defined), *after* all at_halt/1
hooks have been executed, and after   dieIO(),  closing and flushing all
files has been called.

On Unix, this is not very useful, and can only lead to conflicts.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */

unload_all_foreign_libraries :-
	current_prolog_flag(unix, true), !.
unload_all_foreign_libraries :-
	forall(current_library(File, _, _, _, _),

%%	unload_foreign(+File)
%	Unload the given foreign file and all `spontaneous' foreign
%	predicates created afterwards. Handling these spontaneous
%	predicates is a bit hard, as we do not know who created them and
%	on which library they depend.

unload_foreign(File) :-
	(   clause(foreign_predicate(Lib, M:H), true, Ref),
	    (	Lib == '<spontaneous>'
	    ->	functor(H, Name, Arity),
		abolish(M:Name, Arity),
	    ;	!
	->  true
	;   true

		 *	      MESSAGES		*

:- multifile

prolog:message(shlib(LibFile, call_entry(DefEntry))) -->
	[ '~w: Failed to call entry-point ~w'-[LibFile, DefEntry] ].
prolog:message(shlib(LibFile, load_failed)) -->
	[ '~w: Failed to load file'-[LibFile] ].
prolog:message(shlib(not_supported)) -->
	[ 'Emulator does not support foreign libraries' ].