%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Logtalk - Object oriented extension to Prolog % Release 2.26.2 % % Copyright (c) 1998-2005 Paulo Moura. All Rights Reserved. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % operators % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % message sending operators :- op(600, xfy, ::). % send to object :- op(600, fy, ::). % send to self :- op(600, fy, ^^). % super call % mode operators :- op(200, fy, +). % input argument (instantiated) :- op(200, fy, ?). % input/output argument :- op(200, fy, @). % input argument (not modified by the call) :- op(200, fy, -). % output argument (not instantiated) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % runtime directives (bookkeeping tables) % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % tables of defined events and monitors :- dynamic('$lgt_before_'/5). % '$lgt_before_'(Obj, Msg, Sender, Monitor, Call) :- dynamic('$lgt_after_'/5). % '$lgt_after_'(Obj, Msg, Sender, Monitor, Call) % tables of loaded entities and respective relationships :- dynamic('$lgt_current_protocol_'/3). % '$lgt_current_protocol_'(Ptc, Prefix, Type) :- dynamic('$lgt_current_category_'/3). % '$lgt_current_category_'(Ctg, Prefix, Type) :- dynamic('$lgt_current_object_'/6). % '$lgt_current_object_'(Obj, Prefix, Dcl, Def, Super, Type) :- dynamic('$lgt_implements_protocol_'/3). % '$lgt_implements_protocol_'(ObjOrCtg, Ptc, Scope) :- dynamic('$lgt_imports_category_'/3). % '$lgt_imports_category_'(ObjOrCtg, Ctg, Scope) :- dynamic('$lgt_instantiates_class_'/3). % '$lgt_instantiates_class_'(Instance, Class, Scope) :- dynamic('$lgt_specializes_class_'/3). % '$lgt_specializes_class_'(Class, Superclass, Scope) :- dynamic('$lgt_extends_protocol_'/3). % '$lgt_extends_protocol_'(Ptc1, Ptc2, Scope) :- dynamic('$lgt_extends_object_'/3). % '$lgt_extends_object_'(Prototype, Parent, Scope) % debugger status and tables :- dynamic('$lgt_debugging_'/1). % '$lgt_debugging_'(Entity) :- dynamic('$lgt_dbg_debugging_'/0). % '$lgt_dbg_debugging_' :- dynamic('$lgt_dbg_tracing_'/0). % '$lgt_dbg_tracing_' :- dynamic('$lgt_dbg_skipping_'/0). % '$lgt_dbg_skipping_' :- dynamic('$lgt_dbg_spying_'/2). % '$lgt_dbg_spying_'(Functor, Arity) :- dynamic('$lgt_dbg_spying_'/4). % '$lgt_dbg_spying_'(Sender, This, Self, Goal) :- dynamic('$lgt_dbg_leashing_'/1). % '$lgt_dbg_leashing_'(Port) % runtime flags :- dynamic('$lgt_current_flag_'/2). % '$lgt_current_flag_'(Option, Value) % lookup caches for messages to an object, messages to self, and super calls :- dynamic('$lgt_obj_lookup_cache_'/4). % '$lgt_obj_lookup_cache_'(Obj, Pred, Sender, Call) :- dynamic('$lgt_self_lookup_cache_'/4). % '$lgt_self_lookup_cache_'(Obj, Pred, Sender, Call) :- dynamic('$lgt_super_lookup_cache_'/5). % '$lgt_super_lookup_cache_'(Self, Pred, This, Sender, Call) % lookup cache for asserting and retracting dynamic facts :- dynamic('$lgt_db_lookup_cache_'/6). % '$lgt_db_lookup_cache_'(Obj, Pred, Sender, Scope, Call, UpdateGoal) % table of library paths :- dynamic(logtalk_library_path/2). % logtalk_library_path(Library, Path) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % pre-processor directives (used for source file compilation) % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% :- dynamic('$lgt_pp_compiler_flag_'/2). % '$lgt_pp_compiler_flag_'(Option, Value) :- dynamic('$lgt_pp_dcl_'/1). % '$lgt_pp_dcl_'(Clause) :- dynamic('$lgt_pp_ddcl_'/1). % '$lgt_pp_ddcl_'(Clause) :- dynamic('$lgt_pp_def_'/1). % '$lgt_pp_def_'(Clause) :- dynamic('$lgt_pp_ddef_'/1). % '$lgt_pp_ddef_'(Clause) :- dynamic('$lgt_pp_super_'/1). % '$lgt_pp_super_'(Clause) :- dynamic('$lgt_pp_dynamic_'/2). % '$lgt_pp_dynamic_'(Functor, Arity) :- dynamic('$lgt_pp_discontiguous_'/2). % '$lgt_pp_discontiguous_'(Functor, Arity) :- dynamic('$lgt_pp_mode_'/2). % '$lgt_pp_mode_'(Mode, Determinism) :- dynamic('$lgt_pp_public_'/2). % '$lgt_pp_public_'(Functor, Arity) :- dynamic('$lgt_pp_protected_'/2). % '$lgt_pp_protected_'(Functor, Arity) :- dynamic('$lgt_pp_private_'/2). % '$lgt_pp_private_'(Functor, Arity) :- dynamic('$lgt_pp_metapredicate_'/1). % '$lgt_pp_metapredicate_'(Pred) :- dynamic('$lgt_pp_alias_'/3). % '$lgt_pp_alias_'(Entity, Pred, Alias) :- dynamic('$lgt_pp_non_terminal_'/3). % '$lgt_pp_non_terminal_'(Functor, Args, Arity) :- dynamic('$lgt_pp_object_'/11). % '$lgt_pp_object_'(Obj, Prefix, Dcl, Def, Super, IDcl, IDef, DDcl, DDef, Rnm, Mode) :- dynamic('$lgt_pp_category_'/6). % '$lgt_pp_category_'(Ctg, Prefix, Dcl, Def, Rnm, Mode) :- dynamic('$lgt_pp_protocol_'/5). % '$lgt_pp_protocol_'(Ptc, Prefix, Dcl, Rnm, Mode) :- dynamic('$lgt_pp_module_'/1). % '$lgt_pp_module_'(Module) :- dynamic('$lgt_pp_uses_'/1). % '$lgt_pp_uses_'(Obj) :- dynamic('$lgt_pp_uses_'/3). % '$lgt_pp_uses_'(Obj, Predicate, Alias) :- dynamic('$lgt_pp_calls_'/1). % '$lgt_pp_calls_'(Entity) :- dynamic('$lgt_pp_info_'/1). % '$lgt_pp_info_'(List) :- dynamic('$lgt_pp_info_'/2). % '$lgt_pp_info_'(Functor/Arity, List) or '$lgt_pp_info_'(Functor//Args, List) :- dynamic('$lgt_pp_implemented_protocol_'/4). % '$lgt_pp_implemented_protocol_'(Ptc, Prefix, Dcl, Scope) :- dynamic('$lgt_pp_imported_category_'/5). % '$lgt_pp_imported_category_'(Ctg, Prefix, Dcl, Def, Scope) :- dynamic('$lgt_pp_extended_object_'/10). % '$lgt_pp_extended_object_'(Parent, Prefix, Dcl, Def, Super, IDcl, IDef, DDcl, DDef, Scope) :- dynamic('$lgt_pp_instantiated_class_'/10). % '$lgt_pp_instantiated_class_'(Class, Prefix, Dcl, Def, Super, IDcl, IDef, DDcl, DDef, Scope) :- dynamic('$lgt_pp_specialized_class_'/10). % '$lgt_pp_specialized_class_'(Superclass, Prefix, Dcl, Def, Super, IDcl, IDef, DDcl, DDef, Scope) :- dynamic('$lgt_pp_extended_protocol_'/4). % '$lgt_pp_extended_protocol_'(Ptc, Prefix, Dcl, Scope) :- dynamic('$lgt_pp_file_init_'/1). % '$lgt_pp_file_init_'(Goal) :- dynamic('$lgt_pp_entity_init_'/2). % '$lgt_pp_entity_init_'(Entity, Goal) :- dynamic('$lgt_pp_entity_init_'/1). % '$lgt_pp_entity_init_'(Goal) :- dynamic('$lgt_pp_fentity_init_'/1). % '$lgt_pp_fentity_init_'(Goal) :- dynamic('$lgt_pp_redefined_built_in_'/3). % '$lgt_pp_redefined_built_in_'(Head, Context, THead) :- dynamic('$lgt_pp_directive_'/1). % '$lgt_pp_directive_'(Dir) :- dynamic('$lgt_pp_ppclause_'/1). % '$lgt_pp_ppclause_'(Clause) :- dynamic('$lgt_pp_rclause_'/1). % '$lgt_pp_rclause_'(Clause) :- dynamic('$lgt_pp_eclause_'/1). % '$lgt_pp_eclause_'(Clause) :- dynamic('$lgt_pp_feclause_'/1). % '$lgt_pp_feclause_'(Clause) :- dynamic('$lgt_pp_defs_pred_'/2). % '$lgt_pp_defs_pred_'(Functor, Arity) :- dynamic('$lgt_pp_calls_pred_'/2). % '$lgt_pp_calls_pred_'(Functor, Arity) :- dynamic('$lgt_non_portable_call_'/2). % '$lgt_non_portable_call_'(Functor, Arity) :- dynamic('$lgt_pp_referenced_object_'/1). % '$lgt_pp_referenced_object_'(Object) :- dynamic('$lgt_pp_referenced_protocol_'/1). % '$lgt_pp_referenced_protocol_'(Protocol) :- dynamic('$lgt_pp_referenced_category_'/1). % '$lgt_pp_referenced_category_'(Category) :- dynamic('$lgt_pp_global_op_'/3). % '$lgt_pp_global_op_'(Priority, Specifier, Operator) :- dynamic('$lgt_pp_file_op_'/3). % '$lgt_pp_file_op_'(Priority, Specifier, Operator) :- dynamic('$lgt_pp_entity_op_'/3). % '$lgt_pp_entity_op_'(Priority, Specifier, Operator) :- dynamic('$lgt_pp_warnings_top_argument_'/1). % '$lgt_pp_warnings_top_argument_'(Term) :- dynamic('$lgt_pp_comp_warnings_counter_'/1). % '$lgt_pp_comp_warnings_counter_'(Counter) :- dynamic('$lgt_pp_load_warnings_counter_'/1). % '$lgt_pp_load_warnings_counter_'(Counter) :- dynamic('$lgt_pp_entity_warnings_flag_'/0). % '$lgt_pp_entity_warnings_flag_' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % top level runtime predicate for message sending: ::/2 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Obj::Pred :- '$lgt_tr_msg'(Pred, Obj, Call, user), % compile the message (('$lgt_dbg_debugging_', '$lgt_debugging_'(Obj)) -> % check if we're debugging the target object '$lgt_ctx_ctx'(Ctx, user, user, Obj, '$lgt_po_user0_', []), catch('$lgt_dbg_goal'(Obj::Pred, Call, Ctx), Error, '$lgt_runtime_error_handler'(Error)) ; catch(Call, Error, '$lgt_runtime_error_handler'(Error))). % '$lgt_runtime_error_handler'(@term) % % top-level runtime error handler '$lgt_runtime_error_handler'(error(existence_error(procedure, TFunctor1/TArity1), context(TFunctor2/TArity2, _))) :- % SWI-Prolog '$lgt_reverse_predicate_functor'(TFunctor1, TArity1, Entity, Type, Functor1, Arity1), '$lgt_reverse_predicate_functor'(TFunctor2, TArity2, Entity, Type, Functor2, Arity2), throw(error(existence_error(procedure, Functor1/Arity1), context(Type, Entity, Functor2/Arity2))). '$lgt_runtime_error_handler'(error(existence_error(procedure, TFunctor1/TArity1), TFunctor2/TArity2)) :- % GNU Prolog '$lgt_reverse_predicate_functor'(TFunctor1, TArity1, Entity, Type, Functor1, Arity1), '$lgt_reverse_predicate_functor'(TFunctor2, TArity2, Entity, Type, Functor2, Arity2), throw(error(existence_error(procedure, Functor1/Arity1), context(Type, Entity, Functor2/Arity2))). '$lgt_runtime_error_handler'(error(existence_error(procedure, ModTFunctor/TArity), _)) :- % CIAO atom_concat('user:', TFunctor, ModTFunctor), '$lgt_reverse_predicate_functor'(TFunctor, TArity, Entity, Type, Functor, Arity), throw(error(existence_error(procedure, Functor/Arity), context(Type, Entity, _))). '$lgt_runtime_error_handler'(error(existence_error(procedure, TFunctor/TArity), _)) :- % YAP 5.1 or later '$lgt_reverse_predicate_functor'(TFunctor, TArity, Entity, Type, Functor, Arity), throw(error(existence_error(procedure, Functor/Arity), context(Type, Entity, _))). '$lgt_runtime_error_handler'(error(existence_error(procedure, ':'(_, TFunctor/TArity)), _)) :- '$lgt_reverse_predicate_functor'(TFunctor, TArity, Entity, Type, Functor, Arity), throw(error(existence_error(procedure, Functor/Arity), context(Type, Entity, _))). '$lgt_runtime_error_handler'(error(existence_error(_, _, procedure, ':'(_, TFunctor/TArity), _), _)) :- % Quintus, SICStus Prolog '$lgt_reverse_predicate_functor'(TFunctor, TArity, Entity, Type, Functor, Arity), throw(error(existence_error(procedure, Functor/Arity), context(Type, Entity, _))). '$lgt_runtime_error_handler'(error(undefined_predicate(TFunctor, TArity, _), _, _)) :- % XSB '$lgt_reverse_predicate_functor'(TFunctor, TArity, Entity, Type, Functor, Arity), throw(error(existence_error(procedure, Functor/Arity), context(Type, Entity, _))). '$lgt_runtime_error_handler'(undefined_predicate(TFunctor/TArity)) :- % B-Prolog '$lgt_reverse_predicate_functor'(TFunctor, TArity, Entity, Type, Functor, Arity), throw(error(existence_error(procedure, Functor/Arity), context(Type, Entity, _))). '$lgt_runtime_error_handler'(error(logtalk_debugger_aborted)) :- nl, write(' Debugging session aborted by user. Debugger still on.'), nl, !, fail. '$lgt_runtime_error_handler'(Error) :- throw(Error). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % built-in predicates % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % current_object(?object_identifier) current_object(Obj) :- nonvar(Obj), \+ callable(Obj), throw(error(type_error(object_identifier, Obj), current_object(Obj))). current_object(Obj) :- '$lgt_current_object_'(Obj, _, _, _, _, _). % current_protocol(?protocol_identifier) current_protocol(Ptc) :- nonvar(Ptc), \+ atom(Ptc), throw(error(type_error(protocol_identifier, Ptc), current_protocol(Ptc))). current_protocol(Ptc) :- '$lgt_current_protocol_'(Ptc, _, _). % current_category(?category_identifier) current_category(Ctg) :- nonvar(Ctg), \+ atom(Ctg), throw(error(type_error(category_identifier, Ctg), current_category(Ctg))). current_category(Ctg) :- '$lgt_current_category_'(Ctg, _, _). % object_property(?object_identifier, ?object_property) object_property(Obj, Prop) :- nonvar(Obj), \+ callable(Obj), throw(error(type_error(object_identifier, Obj), object_property(Obj, Prop))). object_property(Obj, Prop) :- nonvar(Prop), \+ '$lgt_valid_entity_property'(Prop), throw(error(domain_error(object_property, Prop), object_property(Obj, Prop))). object_property(user, built_in). object_property(debugger, built_in). object_property(Obj, Prop) :- '$lgt_current_object_'(Obj, _, _, _, _, Prop). % category_property(?category_identifier, ?category_property) category_property(Ctg, Prop) :- nonvar(Ctg), \+ atom(Ctg), throw(error(type_error(category_identifier, Ctg), category_property(Ctg, Prop))). category_property(Ctg, Prop) :- nonvar(Prop), \+ '$lgt_valid_entity_property'(Prop), throw(error(domain_error(category_property, Prop), category_property(Ctg, Prop))). category_property(Ctg, Prop) :- '$lgt_current_category_'(Ctg, _, Prop). % protocol_property(?protocol_identifier, ?protocol_property) protocol_property(Ptc, Prop) :- nonvar(Ptc), \+ atom(Ptc), throw(error(type_error(protocol_identifier, Ptc), protocol_property(Ptc, Prop))). protocol_property(Ptc, Prop) :- nonvar(Prop), \+ '$lgt_valid_entity_property'(Prop), throw(error(domain_error(protocol_property, Prop), protocol_property(Ptc, Prop))). protocol_property(Ptc, Prop) :- '$lgt_current_protocol_'(Ptc, _, Prop). % create_object(+object_identifier, +list, +list, +list) create_object(Obj, Rels, Dirs, Clauses) :- (var(Obj); var(Rels); var(Dirs); var(Clauses)), throw(error(instantiation_error, create_object(Obj, Rels, Dirs, Clauses))). create_object(Obj, Rels, Dirs, Clauses) :- \+ callable(Obj), throw(error(type_error(object_identifier, Obj), create_object(Obj, Rels, Dirs, Clauses))). create_object(Obj, Rels, Dirs, Clauses) :- '$lgt_current_object_'(Obj, _, _, _, _, _), throw(error(permission_error(replace, object, Obj), create_object(Obj, Rels, Dirs, Clauses))). create_object(Obj, Rels, Dirs, Clauses) :- '$lgt_current_category_'(Obj, _, _), throw(error(permission_error(replace, category, Obj), create_object(Obj, Rels, Dirs, Clauses))). create_object(Obj, Rels, Dirs, Clauses) :- '$lgt_current_protocol_'(Obj, _, _), throw(error(permission_error(replace, protocol, Obj), create_object(Obj, Rels, Dirs, Clauses))). create_object(Obj, Rels, Dirs, Clauses) :- \+ '$lgt_proper_list'(Rels), throw(error(type_error(list, Rels), create_object(Obj, Rels, Dirs, Clauses))). create_object(Obj, Rels, Dirs, Clauses) :- \+ '$lgt_proper_list'(Dirs), throw(error(type_error(list, Dirs), create_object(Obj, Rels, Dirs, Clauses))). create_object(Obj, Rels, Dirs, Clauses) :- \+ '$lgt_proper_list'(Clauses), throw(error(type_error(list, Clauses), create_object(Obj, Rels, Dirs, Clauses))). create_object(Obj, Rels, Dirs, Clauses) :- '$lgt_clean_pp_clauses', '$lgt_tr_object_id'(Obj, (dynamic)), '$lgt_tr_object_relations'(Rels, Obj), '$lgt_tr_directives'(Dirs, _), '$lgt_tr_clauses'(Clauses), '$lgt_fix_redef_built_ins', '$lgt_gen_object_clauses', '$lgt_gen_object_directives', '$lgt_assert_tr_entity'. % create_category(+category_identifier, +list, +list, +list) create_category(Ctg, Rels, Dirs, Clauses) :- (var(Ctg); var(Rels); var(Dirs); var(Clauses)), throw(error(instantiation_error, create_category(Ctg, Rels, Dirs, Clauses))). create_category(Ctg, Rels, Dirs, Clauses) :- \+ atom(Ctg), throw(error(type_error(category_identifier, Ctg), create_category(Ctg, Rels, Dirs, Clauses))). create_category(Ctg, Rels, Dirs, Clauses) :- '$lgt_current_category_'(Ctg, _, _), throw(error(permission_error(replace, category, Ctg), create_category(Ctg, Rels, Dirs, Clauses))). create_category(Ctg, Rels, Dirs, Clauses) :- '$lgt_current_object_'(Ctg, _, _, _, _, _), throw(error(permission_error(replace, object, Ctg), create_category(Ctg, Rels, Dirs, Clauses))). create_category(Ctg, Rels, Dirs, Clauses) :- '$lgt_current_protocol_'(Ctg, _, _), throw(error(permission_error(replace, protocol, Ctg), create_category(Ctg, Rels, Dirs, Clauses))). create_category(Ctg, Rels, Dirs, Clauses) :- \+ '$lgt_proper_list'(Rels), throw(error(type_error(list, Rels), create_category(Ctg, Rels, Dirs, Clauses))). create_category(Ctg, Rels, Dirs, Clauses) :- \+ '$lgt_proper_list'(Dirs), throw(error(type_error(list, Dirs), create_category(Ctg, Rels, Dirs, Clauses))). create_category(Ctg, Rels, Dirs, Clauses) :- \+ '$lgt_proper_list'(Clauses), throw(error(type_error(list, Clauses), create_category(Ctg, Rels, Dirs, Clauses))). create_category(Ctg, Rels, Dirs, Clauses) :- '$lgt_clean_pp_clauses', '$lgt_tr_category_id'(Ctg, (dynamic)), '$lgt_tr_category_relations'(Rels, Ctg), '$lgt_tr_directives'(Dirs, _), '$lgt_tr_clauses'(Clauses), '$lgt_fix_redef_built_ins', '$lgt_gen_category_clauses', '$lgt_gen_category_directives', '$lgt_assert_tr_entity'. % create_protocol(+protocol_identifier, +list, +list) create_protocol(Ptc, Rels, Dirs) :- (var(Ptc); var(Rels); var(Dirs)), throw(error(instantiation_error, create_protocol(Ptc, Rels, Dirs))). create_protocol(Ptc, Rels, Dirs) :- \+ atom(Ptc), throw(error(type_error(protocol_identifier, Ptc), create_protocol(Ptc, Rels, Dirs))). create_protocol(Ptc, Rels, Dirs) :- '$lgt_current_protocol_'(Ptc, _, _), throw(error(permission_error(replace, protocol, Ptc), create_protocol(Ptc, Rels, Dirs))). create_protocol(Ptc, Rels, Dirs) :- '$lgt_current_object_'(Ptc, _, _, _, _, _), throw(error(permission_error(replace, object, Ptc), create_protocol(Ptc, Rels, Dirs))). create_protocol(Ptc, Rels, Dirs) :- '$lgt_current_category_'(Ptc, _, _), throw(error(permission_error(replace, category, Ptc), create_protocol(Ptc, Rels, Dirs))). create_protocol(Ptc, Rels, Dirs) :- \+ '$lgt_proper_list'(Rels), throw(error(type_error(list, Rels), create_protocol(Ptc, Rels, Dirs))). create_protocol(Ptc, Rels, Dirs) :- \+ '$lgt_proper_list'(Dirs), throw(error(type_error(list, Dirs), create_protocol(Ptc, Rels, Dirs))). create_protocol(Ptc, Rels, Dirs) :- '$lgt_clean_pp_clauses', '$lgt_tr_protocol_id'(Ptc, (dynamic)), '$lgt_tr_protocol_relations'(Rels, Ptc), '$lgt_tr_directives'(Dirs, _), '$lgt_gen_protocol_clauses', '$lgt_gen_protocol_directives', '$lgt_assert_tr_entity'. % abolish_object(@object_identifier) abolish_object(Obj) :- var(Obj), throw(error(instantiation_error, abolish_object(Obj))). abolish_object(Obj) :- \+ callable(Obj), throw(error(type_error(object_identifier, Obj), abolish_object(Obj))). abolish_object(Obj) :- '$lgt_current_object_'(Obj, Prefix, _, _, _, Type) -> (Type = (dynamic) -> '$lgt_call'(Prefix, Dcl, Def, Super, IDcl, IDef, DDcl, DDef, Rnm), '$lgt_abolish_entity_predicates'(Def), '$lgt_abolish_entity_predicates'(DDef), abolish(Dcl/4), abolish(Dcl/6), abolish(Def/5), abolish(Def/6), abolish(Super/6), abolish(IDcl/6), abolish(IDef/6), abolish(DDcl/2), abolish(DDef/5), abolish(Rnm/3), abolish(Prefix/8), retractall('$lgt_current_object_'(Obj, _, _, _, _, _)), retractall('$lgt_extends_object_'(Obj, _, _)), retractall('$lgt_instantiates_class_'(Obj, _, _)), retractall('$lgt_specializes_class_'(Obj, _, _)), retractall('$lgt_implements_protocol_'(Obj, _, _)), retractall('$lgt_imports_category_'(Obj, _, _)), retractall('$lgt_debugging_'(Obj)), '$lgt_clean_lookup_caches' ; throw(error(permission_error(modify, static_object, Obj), abolish_object(Obj)))) ; throw(error(existence_error(object, Obj), abolish_object(Obj))). % abolish_category(@category_identifier) abolish_category(Ctg) :- var(Ctg), throw(error(instantiation_error, abolish_category(Ctg))). abolish_category(Ctg) :- \+ atom(Ctg), throw(error(type_error(category_identifier, Ctg), abolish_category(Ctg))). abolish_category(Ctg) :- '$lgt_current_category_'(Ctg, Prefix, Type) -> (Type = (dynamic) -> '$lgt_call'(Prefix, Dcl, Def, Rnm), '$lgt_abolish_entity_predicates'(Def), abolish(Dcl/4), abolish(Dcl/5), abolish(Def/5), abolish(Rnm/3), abolish(Prefix/3), retractall('$lgt_current_category_'(Ctg, _, _)), retractall('$lgt_imports_category_'(Ctg, _, _)), retractall('$lgt_implements_protocol_'(Ctg, _, _)), '$lgt_clean_lookup_caches' ; throw(error(permission_error(modify, static_category, Ctg), abolish_category(Ctg)))) ; throw(error(existence_error(category, Ctg), abolish_category(Ctg))). % abolish_protocol(@protocol_identifier) abolish_protocol(Ptc) :- var(Ptc), throw(error(instantiation_error, abolish_protocol(Ptc))). abolish_protocol(Ptc) :- \+ atom(Ptc), throw(error(type_error(protocol_identifier, Ptc), abolish_protocol(Ptc))). abolish_protocol(Ptc) :- '$lgt_current_protocol_'(Ptc, Prefix, Type) -> (Type = (dynamic) -> '$lgt_call'(Prefix, Dcl, Rnm), abolish(Dcl/4), abolish(Dcl/5), abolish(Rnm/3), abolish(Prefix/2), retractall('$lgt_current_protocol_'(Ptc, _, _)), retractall('$lgt_extends_protocol_'(Ptc, _, _)), '$lgt_clean_lookup_caches' ; throw(error(permission_error(modify, static_protocol, Ptc), abolish_protocol(Ptc)))) ; throw(error(existence_error(protocol, Ptc), abolish_protocol(Ptc))). % '$lgt_abolish_entity_predicates'(+atom) '$lgt_abolish_entity_predicates'(Def) :- '$lgt_call'(Def, _, _, _, _, Pred), functor(Pred, Functor, Arity), abolish(Functor/Arity), fail. '$lgt_abolish_entity_predicates'(_). % implements_protocol(?object_identifier, ?protocol_identifier) % implements_protocol(?category_identifier, ?protocol_identifier) implements_protocol(ObjOrCtg, Ptc) :- catch( implements_protocol(ObjOrCtg, Ptc, _), error(Error, _), throw(error(Error, implements_protocol(ObjOrCtg, Ptc)))). % implements_protocol(?object_identifier, ?protocol_identifier, ?atom) % implements_protocol(?category_identifier, ?protocol_identifier, ?atom) implements_protocol(ObjOrCtg, Ptc, Scope) :- nonvar(ObjOrCtg), \+ callable(ObjOrCtg), throw(error(type_error(object_identifier, ObjOrCtg), implements_protocol(ObjOrCtg, Ptc, Scope))). implements_protocol(ObjOrCtg, Ptc, Scope) :- nonvar(Ptc), \+ atom(Ptc), throw(error(type_error(protocol_identifier, Ptc), implements_protocol(ObjOrCtg, Ptc, Scope))). implements_protocol(ObjOrCtg, Ptc, Scope) :- nonvar(Scope), \+ '$lgt_member'(Scope, [(public), protected, private]), throw(error(type_error(scope, Scope), implements_protocol(ObjOrCtg, Ptc, Scope))). implements_protocol(ObjOrCtg, Ptc, Scope) :- '$lgt_implements_protocol_'(ObjOrCtg, Ptc, Scope). % imports_category(?object_identifier, ?category_identifier) % imports_category(?category_identifier, ?category_identifier) imports_category(ObjOrCtg, Ctg) :- catch( imports_category(ObjOrCtg, Ctg, _), error(Error, _), throw(error(Error, imports_category(ObjOrCtg, Ctg)))). % imports_category(?object_identifier, ?category_identifier, ?atom) % imports_category(?category_identifier, ?category_identifier, ?atom) imports_category(ObjOrCtg, Ctg, Scope) :- nonvar(ObjOrCtg), \+ callable(ObjOrCtg), throw(error(type_error(object_identifier, ObjOrCtg), imports_category(ObjOrCtg, Ctg, Scope))). imports_category(ObjOrCtg, Ctg, Scope) :- nonvar(Ctg), \+ atom(Ctg), throw(error(type_error(category_identifier, Ctg), imports_category(ObjOrCtg, Ctg, Scope))). imports_category(ObjOrCtg, Ctg, Scope) :- nonvar(Scope), \+ '$lgt_member'(Scope, [(public), protected, private]), throw(error(type_error(scope, Scope), imports_category(ObjOrCtg, Ctg, Scope))). imports_category(ObjOrCtg, Ctg, Scope) :- '$lgt_imports_category_'(ObjOrCtg, Ctg, Scope). % instantiates_class(?object_identifier, ?object_identifier) instantiates_class(Obj, Class) :- catch( instantiates_class(Obj, Class, _), error(Error, _), throw(error(Error, instantiates_class(Obj, Class)))). % instantiates_class(?object_identifier, ?object_identifier, ?atom) instantiates_class(Obj, Class, Scope) :- nonvar(Obj), \+ callable(Obj), throw(error(type_error(object_identifier, Obj), instantiates_class(Obj, Class, Scope))). instantiates_class(Obj, Class, Scope) :- nonvar(Class), \+ callable(Class), throw(error(type_error(object_identifier, Class), instantiates_class(Obj, Class, Scope))). instantiates_class(Obj, Class, Scope) :- nonvar(Scope), \+ '$lgt_member'(Scope, [(public), protected, private]), throw(error(type_error(scope, Scope), instantiates_class(Obj, Class, Scope))). instantiates_class(Obj, Class, Scope) :- '$lgt_instantiates_class_'(Obj, Class, Scope). % specializes_class(?object_identifier, ?object_identifier) specializes_class(Class, Superclass) :- catch( specializes_class(Class, Superclass, _), error(Error, _), throw(error(Error, specializes_class(Class, Superclass)))). % specializes_class(?object_identifier, ?object_identifier, ?atom) specializes_class(Class, Superclass, Scope) :- nonvar(Class), \+ callable(Class), throw(error(type_error(object_identifier, Class), specializes_class(Class, Superclass, Scope))). specializes_class(Class, Superclass, Scope) :- nonvar(Superclass), \+ callable(Superclass), throw(error(type_error(object_identifier, Superclass), specializes_class(Class, Superclass, Scope))). specializes_class(Class, Superclass, Scope) :- nonvar(Scope), \+ '$lgt_member'(Scope, [(public), protected, private]), throw(error(type_error(scope, Scope), specializes_class(Class, Superclass, Scope))). specializes_class(Class, Superclass, Scope) :- '$lgt_specializes_class_'(Class, Superclass, Scope). % extends_protocol(?protocol_identifier, ?protocol_identifier) extends_protocol(Ptc1, Ptc2) :- catch( extends_protocol(Ptc1, Ptc2, _), error(Error, _), throw(error(Error, extends_protocol(Ptc1, Ptc2)))). % extends_protocol(?protocol_identifier, ?protocol_identifier, ?atom) extends_protocol(Ptc1, Ptc2, Scope) :- nonvar(Ptc1), \+ atom(Ptc1), throw(error(type_error(protocol_identifier, Ptc1), extends_protocol(Ptc1, Ptc2, Scope))). extends_protocol(Ptc1, Ptc2, Scope) :- nonvar(Ptc2), \+ atom(Ptc2), throw(error(type_error(protocol_identifier, Ptc2), extends_protocol(Ptc1, Ptc2, Scope))). extends_protocol(Ptc1, Ptc2, Scope) :- nonvar(Scope), \+ '$lgt_member'(Scope, [(public), protected, private]), throw(error(type_error(scope, Scope), extends_protocol(Ptc1, Ptc2, Scope))). extends_protocol(Ptc1, Ptc2, Scope) :- '$lgt_extends_protocol_'(Ptc1, Ptc2, Scope). % extends_object(?object_identifier, ?object_identifier) extends_object(Prototype, Parent) :- catch( extends_object(Prototype, Parent, _), error(Error, _), throw(error(Error, extends_object(Prototype, Parent)))). % extends_object(?object_identifier, ?object_identifier, ?atom) extends_object(Prototype, Parent, Scope) :- nonvar(Prototype), \+ callable(Prototype), throw(error(type_error(object_identifier, Prototype), extends_object(Prototype, Parent, Scope))). extends_object(Prototype, Parent, Scope) :- nonvar(Parent), \+ callable(Parent), throw(error(type_error(object_identifier, Parent), extends_object(Prototype, Parent, Scope))). extends_object(Prototype, Parent, Scope) :- nonvar(Scope), \+ '$lgt_member'(Scope, [(public), protected, private]), throw(error(type_error(scope, Scope), extends_object(Prototype, Parent, Scope))). extends_object(Prototype, Parent, Scope) :- '$lgt_extends_object_'(Prototype, Parent, Scope). % current_event(?event, ?object_identifier, ?callable, ?object_identifier, ?object_identifier) current_event(Event, Obj, Msg, Sender, Monitor) :- nonvar(Event), Event \= before, Event \= after, throw(error(type_error(event, Event), current_event(Event, Obj, Msg, Sender, Monitor))). current_event(Event, Obj, Msg, Sender, Monitor) :- nonvar(Obj), \+ callable(Obj), throw(error(type_error(object_identifier, Obj), current_event(Event, Obj, Msg, Sender, Monitor))). current_event(Event, Obj, Msg, Sender, Monitor) :- nonvar(Msg), \+ callable(Msg), throw(error(type_error(callable, Msg), current_event(Event, Obj, Msg, Sender, Monitor))). current_event(Event, Obj, Msg, Sender, Monitor) :- nonvar(Sender), \+ callable(Sender), throw(error(type_error(object_identifier, Sender), current_event(Event, Obj, Msg, Sender, Monitor))). current_event(Event, Obj, Msg, Sender, Monitor) :- nonvar(Monitor), \+ callable(Monitor), throw(error(type_error(object_identifier, Monitor), current_event(Event, Obj, Msg, Sender, Monitor))). current_event(before, Obj, Msg, Sender, Monitor) :- '$lgt_before_'(Obj, Msg, Sender, Monitor, _). current_event(after, Obj, Msg, Sender, Monitor) :- '$lgt_after_'(Obj, Msg, Sender, Monitor, _). %define_events(@event, @object_identifier, @callable, @object_identifier, +object_identifier) define_events(Event, Obj, Msg, Sender, Monitor) :- nonvar(Event), Event \= before, Event \= after, throw(error(type_error(event, Event), define_events(Event, Obj, Msg, Sender, Monitor))). define_events(Event, Obj, Msg, Sender, Monitor) :- nonvar(Obj), \+ callable(Obj), throw(error(type_error(object_identifier, Obj), define_events(Event, Obj, Msg, Sender, Monitor))). define_events(Event, Obj, Msg, Sender, Monitor) :- nonvar(Msg), \+ callable(Msg), throw(error(type_error(callable, Msg), define_events(Event, Obj, Msg, Sender, Monitor))). define_events(Event, Obj, Msg, Sender, Monitor) :- nonvar(Sender), \+ callable(Sender), throw(error(type_error(object_identifier, Sender), define_events(Event, Obj, Msg, Sender, Monitor))). define_events(Event, Obj, Msg, Sender, Monitor) :- var(Monitor), throw(error(instantiation_error, define_events(Event, Obj, Msg, Sender, Monitor))). define_events(Event, Obj, Msg, Sender, Monitor) :- nonvar(Monitor), \+ callable(Monitor), throw(error(type_error(object_identifier, Monitor), define_events(Event, Obj, Msg, Sender, Monitor))). define_events(Event, Obj, Msg, Sender, Monitor) :- var(Event), !, '$lgt_current_object_'(Monitor, _, _, Def, _, _), '$lgt_once'(Def, before(Obj, Msg, Sender), Monitor, Monitor, Monitor, BCall, _), '$lgt_once'(Def, after(Obj, Msg, Sender), Monitor, Monitor, Monitor, ACall, _), retractall('$lgt_before_'(Obj, Msg, Sender, Monitor, _)), assertz('$lgt_before_'(Obj, Msg, Sender, Monitor, BCall)), retractall('$lgt_after_'(Obj, Msg, Sender, Monitor, _)), assertz('$lgt_after_'(Obj, Msg, Sender, Monitor, ACall)). define_events(before, Obj, Msg, Sender, Monitor) :- '$lgt_current_object_'(Monitor, _, _, Def, _, _), '$lgt_once'(Def, before(Obj, Msg, Sender), Monitor, Monitor, Monitor, Call, _), retractall('$lgt_before_'(Obj, Msg, Sender, Monitor, _)), assertz('$lgt_before_'(Obj, Msg, Sender, Monitor, Call)). define_events(after, Obj, Msg, Sender, Monitor) :- '$lgt_current_object_'(Monitor, _, _, Def, _, _), '$lgt_once'(Def, after(Obj, Msg, Sender), Monitor, Monitor, Monitor, Call, _), retractall('$lgt_after_'(Obj, Msg, Sender, Monitor, _)), assertz('$lgt_after_'(Obj, Msg, Sender, Monitor, Call)). % abolish_events(@event, @object_identifier, @callable, @object_identifier, @object_identifier) abolish_events(Event, Obj, Msg, Sender, Monitor) :- nonvar(Event), Event \= before, Event \= after, throw(error(type_error(event, Event), abolish_events(Event, Obj, Msg, Sender, Monitor))). abolish_events(Event, Obj, Msg, Sender, Monitor) :- nonvar(Obj), \+ callable(Obj), throw(error(type_error(object_identifier, Obj), abolish_events(Event, Obj, Msg, Sender, Monitor))). abolish_events(Event, Obj, Msg, Sender, Monitor) :- nonvar(Msg), \+ callable(Msg), throw(error(type_error(callable, Msg), abolish_events(Event, Obj, Msg, Sender, Monitor))). abolish_events(Event, Obj, Msg, Sender, Monitor) :- nonvar(Sender), \+ callable(Sender), throw(error(type_error(object_identifier, Sender), abolish_events(Event, Obj, Msg, Sender, Monitor))). abolish_events(Event, Obj, Msg, Sender, Monitor) :- nonvar(Monitor), \+ callable(Monitor), throw(error(type_error(object_identifier, Monitor), abolish_events(Event, Obj, Msg, Sender, Monitor))). abolish_events(Event, Obj, Msg, Sender, Monitor) :- var(Event), !, retractall('$lgt_before_'(Obj, Msg, Sender, Monitor, _)), retractall('$lgt_after_'(Obj, Msg, Sender, Monitor, _)). abolish_events(before, Obj, Msg, Sender, Monitor) :- retractall('$lgt_before_'(Obj, Msg, Sender, Monitor, _)). abolish_events(after, Obj, Msg, Sender, Monitor) :- retractall('$lgt_after_'(Obj, Msg, Sender, Monitor, _)). % compiling and loading built-in predicates % '$lgt_compiler_flag'(+atom, ?atom) % % gets/checks the current value of a compiler flag '$lgt_compiler_flag'(Option, Value) :- % flag value as defined in the options '$lgt_pp_compiler_flag_'(Option, Value2), % argument of the compiling and loading !, % predicates Value = Value2. '$lgt_compiler_flag'(Option, Value) :- % default value for the current Logtalk '$lgt_current_flag_'(Option, Value2), % session, set by calls to the !, % set_logtalk_flag/2 predicate Value = Value2. '$lgt_compiler_flag'(Option, Value) :- % default value, defined on the '$lgt_default_flag'(Option, Value). % Prolog config files % logtalk_compile(@source_file_name) % logtalk_compile(@source_file_name_list) % % compiles to disk a source file or list of source files using default options logtalk_compile(Files) :- catch( logtalk_compile(Files, []), error(Error, _), throw(error(Error, logtalk_compile(Files)))). % logtalk_compile(@source_file_name, @list) % logtalk_compile(@source_file_name_list, @list) % % compiles to disk a source file or a list of source files using a list of flag options logtalk_compile(File, Flags) :- (atom(File), File \= []; compound(File), File \= [_| _]), !, catch( ('$lgt_init_warnings_counter'(logtalk_compile(File, Flags)), '$lgt_check_source_file'(File), '$lgt_check_compiler_flags'(Flags), '$lgt_set_compiler_flags'(Flags), '$lgt_compile_file'(File), '$lgt_report_warning_numbers'(logtalk_compile(File, Flags))), Error, ('$lgt_reset_warnings_counter', throw(error(Error, logtalk_compile(File, Flags))))). logtalk_compile(Files, Flags) :- catch( ('$lgt_init_warnings_counter'(logtalk_compile(Files, Flags)), '$lgt_check_source_files'(Files), '$lgt_check_compiler_flags'(Flags), '$lgt_set_compiler_flags'(Flags), '$lgt_compile_files'(Files), '$lgt_report_warning_numbers'(logtalk_compile(Files, Flags))), Error, ('$lgt_reset_warnings_counter', throw(error(Error, logtalk_compile(Files, Flags))))). % predicates for compilation warning counting and reporting '$lgt_reset_entity_warnings_flag' :- retractall('$lgt_pp_entity_warnings_flag_'). '$lgt_entity_warnings_flag' :- '$lgt_pp_entity_warnings_flag_'. '$lgt_reset_warnings_counter' :- retractall('$lgt_pp_warnings_top_argument_'(_)), retractall('$lgt_pp_comp_warnings_counter_'(_)), retractall('$lgt_pp_load_warnings_counter_'(_)), retractall('$lgt_pp_entity_warnings_flag_'). '$lgt_init_warnings_counter'(Term) :- '$lgt_pp_warnings_top_argument_'(_) -> true ; asserta('$lgt_pp_warnings_top_argument_'(Term)), retractall('$lgt_pp_comp_warnings_counter_'(_)), asserta('$lgt_pp_comp_warnings_counter_'(0)), retractall('$lgt_pp_load_warnings_counter_'(_)), asserta('$lgt_pp_load_warnings_counter_'(0)), retractall('$lgt_pp_entity_warnings_flag_'). '$lgt_inc_compile_warnings_counter' :- retract('$lgt_pp_comp_warnings_counter_'(Old)), New is Old + 1, asserta('$lgt_pp_comp_warnings_counter_'(New)), ('$lgt_pp_entity_warnings_flag_' -> true ; assertz('$lgt_pp_entity_warnings_flag_')). '$lgt_inc_load_warnings_counter' :- retract('$lgt_pp_load_warnings_counter_'(Old)), New is Old + 1, asserta('$lgt_pp_load_warnings_counter_'(New)). '$lgt_report_warning_numbers'(Term) :- retract('$lgt_pp_warnings_top_argument_'(Term)), retract('$lgt_pp_comp_warnings_counter_'(CCounter)), retract('$lgt_pp_load_warnings_counter_'(LCounter)), '$lgt_compiler_flag'(report, on), Counter is CCounter + LCounter, '$lgt_write_warning_numbers'(Counter, CCounter, LCounter), !. '$lgt_report_warning_numbers'(_). '$lgt_write_warning_numbers'(0, _, _) :- !, write('(0 warnings)'), nl. '$lgt_write_warning_numbers'(_, 0, LCounter) :- !, write('('), write(LCounter), write(' loading '), '$lgt_write_warnings_word'(LCounter), write(')'), nl. '$lgt_write_warning_numbers'(_, CCounter, 0) :- !, write('('), write(CCounter), write(' compilation '), '$lgt_write_warnings_word'(CCounter), write(')'), nl. '$lgt_write_warning_numbers'(_, CCounter, LCounter) :- write('('), write(CCounter), write(' compilation '), '$lgt_write_warnings_word'(CCounter), write(' and '), write(LCounter), write(' loading '), '$lgt_write_warnings_word'(LCounter), write(')'), nl. '$lgt_write_warnings_word'(Number) :- Number =:= 1 -> write(warning) ; write(warnings). % '$lgt_check_source_files'(@list) % % check if the source file names are valid and if they exist in the current working directory '$lgt_check_source_files'(Files) :- var(Files), throw(instantiation_error). '$lgt_check_source_files'(Files) :- \+ '$lgt_proper_list'(Files), throw(type_error(source_file_names, Files)). '$lgt_check_source_files'(Files) :- '$lgt_check_source_files_list'(Files). '$lgt_check_source_files_list'([]). '$lgt_check_source_files_list'([File| Files]) :- '$lgt_check_source_file'(File), '$lgt_check_source_files_list'(Files). '$lgt_check_source_file'(File) :- var(File), throw(instantiation_error). '$lgt_check_source_file'(File) :- compound(File), !, '$lgt_check_library_source_file'(File). '$lgt_check_source_file'(File) :- \+ atom(File), throw(type_error(source_file_name, File)). '$lgt_check_source_file'(File) :- '$lgt_file_name'(logtalk, File, FileWithExtension), \+ '$lgt_file_exists'(FileWithExtension), throw(existence_error(file, File)). '$lgt_check_source_file'(_). '$lgt_check_library_source_file'(Term) :- \+ Term =.. [_, _], throw(type_error(source_file_name, Term)). '$lgt_check_library_source_file'(Term) :- Term =.. [Library, File], '$lgt_check_library_source_file'(Library, File). '$lgt_check_library_source_file'(Library, File) :- '$lgt_expand_library_path'(Library, Path), '$lgt_directory_exists'(Path), '$lgt_current_directory'(Current), '$lgt_change_directory'(Path), catch( '$lgt_check_source_file'(File), Error, ('$lgt_change_directory'(Current), throw(Error))), '$lgt_change_directory'(Current), !. '$lgt_check_library_source_file'(Library, _) :- throw(existence_error(library, Library)). % '$lgt_expand_library_path'(+atom, -atom) % % converts a library alias into its corresponding path '$lgt_expand_library_path'(Library, Path) :- '$lgt_expand_library_path'(Library, Path, 16). '$lgt_expand_library_path'(Library, Path, N) :- logtalk_library_path(Library, Location) -> (atom(Location) -> Path = Location ; Location =.. [Library2, Location2], N > 0, N2 is N - 1, '$lgt_expand_library_path'(Library2, Path2, N2), atom_concat(Path2, Location2, Path)) ; (atom(Library), Path = Library). % '$lgt_check_compiler_flags'(@list) % % check if the compiler flags are valid '$lgt_check_compiler_flags'(Flags) :- var(Flags), throw(instantiation_error). '$lgt_check_compiler_flags'(Flags) :- \+ '$lgt_proper_list'(Flags), throw(type_error(list, Flags)). '$lgt_check_compiler_flags'(Flags) :- '$lgt_check_compiler_flag_list'(Flags). '$lgt_check_compiler_flag_list'([]). '$lgt_check_compiler_flag_list'([Flag| Flags]) :- '$lgt_valid_compiler_flag'(Flag) -> '$lgt_check_compiler_flag_list'(Flags) ; throw(type_error(compiler_flag, Flag)). % '$lgt_set_compiler_flags'(@list) % % sets the compiler flag options '$lgt_set_compiler_flags'(Flags) :- retractall('$lgt_pp_compiler_flag_'(_, _)), '$lgt_assert_compiler_flags'(Flags), ('$lgt_pp_compiler_flag_'(debug, on) -> retractall('$lgt_pp_compiler_flag_'(smart_compilation, _)), asserta('$lgt_pp_compiler_flag_'(smart_compilation, off)) ; true). '$lgt_assert_compiler_flags'([]). '$lgt_assert_compiler_flags'([Flag| Flags]) :- Flag =.. [Name, Value], asserta('$lgt_pp_compiler_flag_'(Name, Value)), '$lgt_assert_compiler_flags'(Flags). % logtalk_load(@source_file_name) % logtalk_load(@source_file_name_list) % % compiles to disk and then loads to memory a source file % or a list of source files using default compiler options logtalk_load(Files) :- catch( logtalk_load(Files, []), error(Error, _), throw(error(Error, logtalk_load(Files)))). % logtalk_load(@source_file_name, @list) % logtalk_load(@source_file_name_list, @list) % % compiles to disk and then loads to memory a source file % or a list of source files using a list of compiler options logtalk_load(File, Flags) :- (atom(File), File \= []; compound(File), File \= [_| _]), !, catch( ('$lgt_init_warnings_counter'(logtalk_load(File, Flags)), '$lgt_check_source_file'(File), '$lgt_check_compiler_flags'(Flags), '$lgt_set_compiler_flags'(Flags), '$lgt_load_file'(File), '$lgt_report_warning_numbers'(logtalk_load(File, Flags))), Error, ('$lgt_reset_warnings_counter', throw(error(Error, logtalk_load(File, Flags))))). logtalk_load(Files, Flags) :- catch( ('$lgt_init_warnings_counter'(logtalk_load(Files, Flags)), '$lgt_check_source_files'(Files), '$lgt_check_compiler_flags'(Flags), '$lgt_set_compiler_flags'(Flags), '$lgt_load_files'(Files), '$lgt_report_warning_numbers'(logtalk_load(Files, Flags))), Error, ('$lgt_reset_warnings_counter', throw(error(Error, logtalk_load(Files, Flags))))). % set_logtalk_flag(+atom, +nonvar) % % sets a Logtalk flag set_logtalk_flag(Flag, Value) :- var(Flag), throw(error(instantiation_error, set_logtalk_flag(Flag, Value))). set_logtalk_flag(Flag, Value) :- var(Value), throw(error(instantiation_error, set_logtalk_flag(Flag, Value))). set_logtalk_flag(Flag, Value) :- nonvar(Flag), \+ atom(Flag), throw(error(type_error(atom, Flag), set_logtalk_flag(Flag, Value))). set_logtalk_flag(Flag, Value) :- atom(Flag), \+ '$lgt_valid_flag'(Flag), throw(error(domain_error(valid_flag, Flag), set_logtalk_flag(Flag, Value))). set_logtalk_flag(Flag, Value) :- '$lgt_read_only_flag'(Flag), throw(error(permission_error(modify, read_only_flag, Flag), set_logtalk_flag(Flag, Value))). set_logtalk_flag(Flag, Value) :- \+ '$lgt_valid_flag'(Flag, Value), throw(error(domain_error(valid_flag_value, Value), set_logtalk_flag(Flag, Value))). set_logtalk_flag(debug, on) :- !, retractall('$lgt_current_flag_'(debug, _)), assertz('$lgt_current_flag_'(debug, on)), retractall('$lgt_current_flag_'(smart_compilation, _)), assertz('$lgt_current_flag_'(smart_compilation, off)). set_logtalk_flag(Flag, Value) :- retractall('$lgt_current_flag_'(Flag, _)), assertz('$lgt_current_flag_'(Flag, Value)). % current_logtalk_flag(?atom, ?nonvar) % % tests/gets Logtalk flags current_logtalk_flag(Flag, Value) :- nonvar(Flag), \+ atom(Flag), throw(error(type_error(atom, Flag), current_logtalk_flag(Flag, Value))). current_logtalk_flag(Flag, Value) :- atom(Flag), \+ '$lgt_valid_flag'(Flag), throw(error(domain_error(valid_flag, Flag), current_logtalk_flag(Flag, Value))). current_logtalk_flag(Flag, Value) :- '$lgt_current_flag_'(Flag, Value). current_logtalk_flag(Flag, Value) :- '$lgt_default_flag'(Flag, Value), \+ '$lgt_current_flag_'(Flag, _). current_logtalk_flag(version, version(2, 26, 2)). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % built-in methods % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % checks if an object exists at runtime '$lgt_obj_exists'(Obj, Pred, Sender) :- \+ '$lgt_current_object_'(Obj, _, _, _, _, _) -> throw(error(existence_error(object, Obj), Obj::Pred, Sender)) ; true. % current_predicate/1 built-in method '$lgt_current_predicate'(Obj, Pred, Sender, _) :- nonvar(Pred), Pred \= _/_, throw(error(type_error(predicate_indicator, Pred), Obj::current_predicate(Pred), Sender)). '$lgt_current_predicate'(Obj, Functor/Arity, Sender, _) :- nonvar(Functor), \+ atom(Functor), throw(error(type_error(predicate_indicator, Functor/Arity), Obj::current_predicate(Functor/Arity), Sender)). '$lgt_current_predicate'(Obj, Functor/Arity, Sender, _) :- nonvar(Arity), \+ (integer(Arity), Arity >= 0), throw(error(type_error(predicate_indicator, Functor/Arity), Obj::current_predicate(Functor/Arity), Sender)). '$lgt_current_predicate'(Obj, Functor/Arity, Sender, _) :- \+ '$lgt_current_object_'(Obj, _, _, _, _, _), throw(error(existence_error(object, Obj), Obj::current_predicate(Functor/Arity), Sender)). '$lgt_current_predicate'(Obj, Functor/Arity, Sender, Scope) :- nonvar(Functor), nonvar(Arity), !, functor(Pred, Functor, Arity), once('$lgt_visible_predicate'(Obj, Pred, Sender, Scope)). '$lgt_current_predicate'(Obj, Functor/Arity, Sender, Scope) :- setof( Functor/Arity, (Pred, Scope)^('$lgt_visible_predicate'(Obj, Pred, Sender, Scope), functor(Pred, Functor, Arity)), Preds), '$lgt_member'(Functor/Arity, Preds). % '$lgt_visible_predicate'(@object_identifier, ?callable, @object_identifier, @term) '$lgt_visible_predicate'(Obj, Pred, Sender, Scope) :- '$lgt_current_object_'(Obj, _, Dcl, _, _, _), '$lgt_call'(Dcl, Pred, PScope, _, _, SCtn, _), once((\+ \+ PScope = Scope; Sender = SCtn)). % predicate_property/2 built-in method '$lgt_predicate_property'(Obj, Pred, Prop, Sender, _) :- var(Pred), throw(error(instantiation_error, Obj::predicate_property(Pred, Prop), Sender)). '$lgt_predicate_property'(Obj, Pred, Prop, Sender, _) :- nonvar(Prop), \+ '$lgt_valid_pred_property'(Prop), throw(error(domain_error(predicate_property, Prop), Obj::predicate_property(Pred, Prop), Sender)). '$lgt_predicate_property'(Obj, Pred, Prop, Sender, _) :- \+ callable(Pred), throw(error(type_error(callable, Pred), Obj::predicate_property(Pred, Prop), Sender)). '$lgt_predicate_property'(Obj, Pred, Prop, Sender, _) :- \+ '$lgt_current_object_'(Obj, _, _, _, _, _), throw(error(existence_error(object, Obj), Obj::predicate_property(Pred, Prop), Sender)). '$lgt_predicate_property'(Obj, Pred, Prop, Sender, Scope) :- '$lgt_current_object_'(Obj, Prefix, Dcl, Def, _, _), '$lgt_once'(Dcl, Pred, PScope, Type, Meta, SCtn, TCtn), !, once((\+ \+ PScope = Scope; Sender = SCtn)), ('$lgt_scope'(Prop, PScope); Prop = Type; Prop = declared_in(TCtn); '$lgt_once'(Def, Pred, _, _, _, _, DCtn), Prop = defined_in(DCtn); Meta \= no, Prop = metapredicate(Meta); '$lgt_current_object_'(TCtn, _, TCtnDcl, _, _, _), \+ '$lgt_call'(TCtnDcl, Pred, _, _, _), '$lgt_alias_pred'(Obj, Prefix, Pred, Pred2), Prop = alias(Pred2)). '$lgt_predicate_property'(_, Pred, Prop, _, Scope) :- '$lgt_built_in_method'(Pred, PScope), !, \+ \+ PScope = Scope, (Prop = static; Prop = built_in; '$lgt_scope'(Prop, PScope); functor(Pred, Functor, Arity), functor(Meta, Functor, Arity), ('$lgt_metapredicate'(Meta) -> Prop = metapredicate(Meta))). '$lgt_predicate_property'(_, Pred, Prop, _, _) :- '$lgt_built_in'(Pred), (Prop = (public); Prop = built_in; ('$lgt_predicate_property'(Pred, (dynamic)) -> Prop = (dynamic); Prop = static); functor(Pred, Functor, Arity), functor(Meta, Functor, Arity), ('$lgt_metapredicate'(Meta) -> Prop = metapredicate(Meta))). % '$lgt_scope'(?atom, ?term). % % converts between user and system scope terms '$lgt_scope'(private, p). '$lgt_scope'(protected, p(p)). '$lgt_scope'((public), p(p(p))). % '$lgt_alias_pred'(+object_identifier, +atom, +callable, -callable) % % finds the predicate pointed by an alias '$lgt_alias_pred'(Obj, Prefix, Alias, Pred) :- '$lgt_alias_pred'(Obj, Prefix, Alias, Pred, _). '$lgt_alias_pred'(_, Prefix, Alias, Pred, _) :- '$lgt_construct_alias_functor'(Prefix, Functor), '$lgt_once'(Functor, _, Pred, Alias), Pred \= Alias, !. '$lgt_alias_pred'(Obj, _, Alias, Pred, _) :- '$lgt_implements_protocol_'(Obj, Ptc, _), '$lgt_current_protocol_'(Ptc, Prefix, _), '$lgt_alias_pred'(Ptc, Prefix, Alias, Pred, _). '$lgt_alias_pred'(Ptc1, _, Alias, Pred, _) :- '$lgt_extends_protocol_'(Ptc1, Ptc2, _), '$lgt_current_protocol_'(Ptc2, Prefix, _), '$lgt_alias_pred'(Ptc2, Prefix, Alias, Pred, _). '$lgt_alias_pred'(Obj, _, Alias, Pred, _) :- '$lgt_imports_category_'(Obj, Ctg, _), '$lgt_current_category_'(Ctg, Prefix, _), '$lgt_alias_pred'(Ctg, Prefix, Alias, Pred, _). '$lgt_alias_pred'(Obj, _, Alias, Pred, prototype) :- '$lgt_extends_object_'(Obj, Parent, _), '$lgt_current_object_'(Parent, Prefix, _, _, _, _), '$lgt_alias_pred'(Parent, Prefix, Alias, Pred, prototype). '$lgt_alias_pred'(Instance, _, Alias, Pred, instance) :- '$lgt_instantiates_class_'(Instance, Class, _), '$lgt_current_object_'(Class, Prefix, _, _, _, _), '$lgt_alias_pred'(Class, Prefix, Alias, Pred, superclass). '$lgt_alias_pred'(Class, _, Alias, Pred, superclass) :- '$lgt_specializes_class_'(Class, Superclass, _), '$lgt_current_object_'(Superclass, Prefix, _, _, _, _), '$lgt_alias_pred'(Superclass, Prefix, Alias, Pred, superclass). % abolish/1 built-in method '$lgt_abolish'(Obj, Pred, Sender, _) :- var(Pred), throw(error(instantiation_error, Obj::abolish(Pred), Sender)). '$lgt_abolish'(Obj, Pred, Sender, _) :- Pred \= _/_, throw(error(type_error(predicate_indicator, Pred), Obj::abolish(predicate), Sender)). '$lgt_abolish'(Obj, Functor/Arity, Sender, _) :- (var(Functor); var(Arity)), throw(error(instantiation_error, Obj::abolish(Functor/Arity), Sender)). '$lgt_abolish'(Obj, Functor/Arity, Sender, _) :- \+ atom(Functor), throw(error(type_error(atom, Functor), Obj::abolish(Functor/Arity), Sender)). '$lgt_abolish'(Obj, Functor/Arity, Sender, _) :- \+ integer(Arity), throw(error(type_error(integer, Arity), Obj::abolish(Functor/Arity), Sender)). '$lgt_abolish'(Obj, Functor/Arity, Sender, _) :- integer(Arity), Arity < 0, throw(error(domain_error(not_less_than_zero, Arity), Obj::abolish(Functor/Arity), Sender)). '$lgt_abolish'(Obj, Functor/Arity, Sender, Scope) :- '$lgt_abolish_chk'(Obj, Functor/Arity, Sender, Scope). '$lgt_abolish_chk'(Obj, Functor/Arity, Sender, Scope) :- '$lgt_current_object_'(Obj, Prefix, Dcl, _, _, _), !, ((functor(Pred, Functor, Arity), '$lgt_call'(Dcl, Pred, PScope, Compilation, _, SCtn, _)) -> ((\+ \+ PScope = Scope; Sender = SCtn) -> (Compilation = (dynamic) -> '$lgt_call'(Prefix, _, _, _, _, _, DDcl, DDef, _), ('$lgt_call'(DDcl, Pred, _) -> Clause =.. [DDcl, Pred, _], retractall(Clause), ('$lgt_call'(DDef, Pred, _, _, _, Call) -> functor(Call, CFunctor, CArity), abolish(CFunctor/CArity), Clause2 =.. [DDef, Pred, _, _, _, Call], retractall(Clause2), '$lgt_clean_lookup_caches'(Pred) ; true) ; ('$lgt_call'(Dcl, Pred, _, _, _) -> throw(error(permission_error(modify, predicate_declaration, Pred), Obj::abolish(Functor/Arity), Sender)) ; throw(error(existence_error(predicate_declaration, Pred), Obj::abolish(Functor/Arity), Sender)))) ; throw(error(permission_error(modify, static_predicate, Pred), Obj::abolish(Functor/Arity), Sender))) ; (PScope = p -> throw(error(permission_error(modify, private_predicate, Pred), Obj::abolish(Functor/Arity), Sender)) ; throw(error(permission_error(modify, protected_predicate, Pred), Obj::abolish(Functor/Arity), Sender)))) ; throw(error(existence_error(predicate_declaration, Pred), Obj::abolish(Functor/Arity), Sender))). '$lgt_abolish_chk'(Obj, Functor/Arity, Sender, _) :- throw(error(existence_error(object, Obj), Obj::abolish(Functor/Arity), Sender)). % asserta/1 built-in method '$lgt_asserta'(Obj, Clause, Sender, _) :- var(Clause), throw(error(instantiation_error, Obj::asserta(Clause), Sender)). '$lgt_asserta'(Obj, Clause, Sender, Scope) :- '$lgt_db_lookup_cache_'(Obj, Clause, Sender, Scope, Call, _), !, asserta(Call). '$lgt_asserta'(Obj, Clause, Sender, _) :- Clause \= (_ :- _), \+ callable(Clause), throw(error(type_error(callable, Clause), Obj::asserta(Clause), Sender)). '$lgt_asserta'(Obj, (Head:-Body), Sender, _) :- var(Head), throw(error(instantiation_error, Obj::asserta((Head:-Body)), Sender)). '$lgt_asserta'(Obj, (Head:-Body), Sender, _) :- \+ callable(Head), throw(error(type_error(callable, Head), Obj::asserta((Head:-Body)), Sender)). '$lgt_asserta'(Obj, (Head:-Body), Sender, _) :- \+ callable(Body), throw(error(type_error(callable, Body), Obj::asserta((Head:-Body)), Sender)). '$lgt_asserta'(Obj, Clause, Sender, Scope) :- Clause = (_ :- _) -> '$lgt_asserta_rule_chk'(Obj, Clause, Sender, Scope) ; '$lgt_asserta_fact_chk'(Obj, Clause, Sender, Scope). '$lgt_asserta_rule_chk'(Obj, (Head:-Body), Sender, Scope) :- '$lgt_current_object_'(Obj, Prefix, _, _, _, _), !, '$lgt_call'(Prefix, Dcl, Def, _, _, _, DDcl, DDef, _), '$lgt_assert_pred_dcl'(Dcl, DDcl, Head, Scope, PScope, Type, Meta, SCtn), (Type = (dynamic) -> ((\+ \+ PScope = Scope; Sender = SCtn) -> '$lgt_assert_pred_call'(Def, DDef, Prefix, Head, Sender2, This, Self, Call, _), '$lgt_pred_meta_vars'(Head, Meta, Metavars), '$lgt_ctx_ctx'(Ctx, Sender2, This, Self, Prefix, Metavars), '$lgt_tr_body'(Body, TBody, DBody, Ctx), ('$lgt_debugging_'(Obj) -> asserta((Call :- ('$lgt_nop'(Body), '$lgt_dbg_head'(Head, Ctx), DBody))) ; asserta((Call :- ('$lgt_nop'(Body), TBody)))) ; (PScope = p -> throw(error(permission_error(modify, private_predicate, Head), Obj::asserta((Head:-Body)), Sender)) ; throw(error(permission_error(modify, protected_predicate, Head), Obj::asserta((Head:-Body)), Sender)))) ; throw(error(permission_error(modify, static_predicate, Head), Obj::asserta((Head:-Body)), Sender))). '$lgt_asserta_rule_chk'(Obj, (Head:-Body), Sender, _) :- throw(error(existence_error(object, Obj), Obj::asserta((Head:-Body)), Sender)). '$lgt_asserta_fact_chk'(Obj, Head, Sender, Scope) :- '$lgt_db_lookup_cache_'(Obj, Head, Sender, Scope, Call, _), !, asserta(Call). '$lgt_asserta_fact_chk'(Obj, Head, Sender, Scope) :- '$lgt_current_object_'(Obj, Prefix, _, _, _, _), !, '$lgt_call'(Prefix, Dcl, Def, _, _, _, DDcl, DDef, _), '$lgt_assert_pred_dcl'(Dcl, DDcl, Head, Scope, PScope, Type, _, SCtn), (Type = (dynamic) -> ((\+ \+ PScope = Scope; Sender = SCtn) -> ('$lgt_debugging_'(Obj) -> '$lgt_assert_pred_call'(Def, DDef, Prefix, Head, Sender2, This, Self, Call, _), '$lgt_ctx_ctx'(Ctx, Sender2, This, Self, Prefix, []), asserta((Call :- '$lgt_dbg_fact'(Head, Ctx))) ; functor(Head, HFunctor, HArity), functor(GHead, HFunctor, HArity), functor(Obj, OFunctor, OArity), functor(GObj, OFunctor, OArity), functor(Sender, SFunctor, SArity), functor(GSender, SFunctor, SArity), '$lgt_assert_pred_call'(Def, DDef, Prefix, GHead, Sender2, This, Self, GCall, Update), asserta('$lgt_db_lookup_cache_'(GObj, GHead, GSender, Scope, GCall, Update)), GObj = Obj, GHead = Head, GSender = Sender, asserta(GCall)) ; (PScope = p -> throw(error(permission_error(modify, private_predicate, Head), Obj::asserta(Head), Sender)) ; throw(error(permission_error(modify, protected_predicate, Head), Obj::asserta(Head), Sender)))) ; throw(error(permission_error(modify, static_predicate, Head), Obj::asserta(Head), Sender))). '$lgt_asserta_fact_chk'(Obj, Head, Sender, _) :- throw(error(existence_error(object, Obj), Obj::asserta(Head), Sender)). % assertz/1 built-in method '$lgt_assertz'(Obj, Clause, Sender, _) :- var(Clause), throw(error(instantiation_error, Obj::assertz(Clause), Sender)). '$lgt_assertz'(Obj, (Head:-Body), Sender, _) :- var(Head), throw(error(instantiation_error, Obj::assertz((Head:-Body)), Sender)). '$lgt_assertz'(Obj, (Head:-Body), Sender, _) :- \+ callable(Head), throw(error(type_error(callable, Head), Obj::assertz((Head:-Body)), Sender)). '$lgt_assertz'(Obj, (Head:-Body), Sender, _) :- \+ callable(Body), throw(error(type_error(callable, Body), Obj::assertz((Head:-Body)), Sender)). '$lgt_assertz'(Obj, Clause, Sender, _) :- Clause \= (_ :- _), \+ callable(Clause), throw(error(type_error(callable, Clause), Obj::asserta(Clause), Sender)). '$lgt_assertz'(Obj, Clause, Sender, Scope) :- Clause = (_ :- _) -> '$lgt_assertz_rule_chk'(Obj, Clause, Sender, Scope) ; '$lgt_assertz_fact_chk'(Obj, Clause, Sender, Scope). '$lgt_assertz_rule_chk'(Obj, (Head:-Body), Sender, Scope) :- '$lgt_current_object_'(Obj, Prefix, _, _, _, _), !, '$lgt_call'(Prefix, Dcl, Def, _, _, _, DDcl, DDef, _), '$lgt_assert_pred_dcl'(Dcl, DDcl, Head, Scope, PScope, Type, Meta, SCtn), (Type = (dynamic) -> ((\+ \+ PScope = Scope; Sender = SCtn) -> '$lgt_assert_pred_call'(Def, DDef, Prefix, Head, Sender2, This, Self, Call, _), '$lgt_pred_meta_vars'(Head, Meta, Metavars), '$lgt_ctx_ctx'(Ctx, Sender2, This, Self, Prefix, Metavars), '$lgt_tr_body'(Body, TBody, DBody, Ctx), ('$lgt_debugging_'(Obj) -> assertz((Call :- ('$lgt_nop'(Body), '$lgt_dbg_head'(Head, Ctx), DBody))) ; assertz((Call :- ('$lgt_nop'(Body), TBody)))) ; (PScope = p -> throw(error(permission_error(modify, private_predicate, Head), Obj::assertz((Head:-Body)), Sender)) ; throw(error(permission_error(modify, protected_predicate, Head), Obj::assertz((Head:-Body)), Sender)))) ; throw(error(permission_error(modify, static_predicate, Head), Obj::assertz((Head:-Body)), Sender))). '$lgt_assertz_rule_chk'(Obj, (Head:-Body), Sender, _) :- throw(error(existence_error(object, Obj), Obj::assertz((Head:-Body)), Sender)). '$lgt_assertz_fact_chk'(Obj, Head, Sender, Scope) :- '$lgt_db_lookup_cache_'(Obj, Head, Sender, Scope, Call, _), !, assertz(Call). '$lgt_assertz_fact_chk'(Obj, Head, Sender, Scope) :- '$lgt_current_object_'(Obj, Prefix, _, _, _, _), !, '$lgt_call'(Prefix, Dcl, Def, _, _, _, DDcl, DDef, _), '$lgt_assert_pred_dcl'(Dcl, DDcl, Head, Scope, PScope, Type, _, SCtn), (Type = (dynamic) -> ((\+ \+ PScope = Scope; Sender = SCtn) -> ('$lgt_debugging_'(Obj) -> '$lgt_assert_pred_call'(Def, DDef, Prefix, Head, Sender2, This, Self, Call, _), '$lgt_ctx_ctx'(Ctx, Sender2, This, Self, Prefix, []), assertz((Call :- '$lgt_dbg_fact'(Head, Ctx))) ; functor(Head, HFunctor, HArity), functor(GHead, HFunctor, HArity), functor(Obj, OFunctor, OArity), functor(GObj, OFunctor, OArity), functor(Sender, SFunctor, SArity), functor(GSender, SFunctor, SArity), '$lgt_assert_pred_call'(Def, DDef, Prefix, GHead, Sender2, This, Self, GCall, Update), asserta('$lgt_db_lookup_cache_'(GObj, GHead, GSender, Scope, GCall, Update)), GObj = Obj, GHead = Head, GSender = Sender, assertz(GCall)) ; (PScope = p -> throw(error(permission_error(modify, private_predicate, Head), Obj::asserta(Head), Sender)) ; throw(error(permission_error(modify, protected_predicate, Head), Obj::asserta(Head), Sender)))) ; throw(error(permission_error(modify, static_predicate, Head), Obj::asserta(Head), Sender))). '$lgt_assertz_fact_chk'(Obj, Head, Sender, _) :- throw(error(existence_error(object, Obj), Obj::assertz(Head), Sender)). % get or set (if doesn't exist) the declaration for an asserted predicate '$lgt_assert_pred_dcl'(Dcl, DDcl, Pred, TScope, PScope, Type, Meta, SCtn) :- '$lgt_call'(Dcl, Pred, PScope, Type, Meta, SCtn, _) -> true ; '$lgt_convert_test_scope'(TScope), '$lgt_assert_ddcl_clause'(DDcl, Pred, TScope), (PScope, Type, Meta, SCtn) = (TScope, (dynamic), no, _). % '$lgt_convert_test_scope'(?nonvar) % % convert asserta/z test scope to predicate declaration scope % % the test scope is used to verify sender permission to assert the predicate; % the declaration scope will be scope of the predicate being asserted if there % is no previous declaration (i.e. if it's a new dynamic predicate) '$lgt_convert_test_scope'(p) :- !. % test scope is a variable: direct call of asserta/z method '$lgt_convert_test_scope'(p(p)) :- !. % test scope is the term p(_): asserta/z message to self '$lgt_convert_test_scope'(p(p(p))). % test scope is the term p(p(p)): asserta/z message from other object % get or set (if doesn't exist) the compiled call for an asserted predicate '$lgt_assert_pred_call'(Def, _, _, Pred, Sender, This, Self, Call, true) :- '$lgt_call'(Def, Pred, Sender, This, Self, Call), !. '$lgt_assert_pred_call'(_, DDef, _, Pred, Sender, This, Self, Call, '$lgt_update_ddef_table'(DDef, Pred, Call)) :- '$lgt_call'(DDef, Pred, Sender, This, Self, Call), !. '$lgt_assert_pred_call'(_, DDef, Prefix, Pred, Sender, This, Self, Call, '$lgt_update_ddef_table'(DDef, Pred, Call)) :- functor(Pred, Functor, Arity), '$lgt_assert_ddef_clause'(Functor, Arity, Prefix, DDef, _), '$lgt_once'(DDef, Pred, Sender, This, Self, Call). % clause/2 built-in method '$lgt_clause'(Obj, Head, Body, Sender, _) :- var(Head), throw(error(instantiation_error, Obj::clause(Head, Body), Sender)). '$lgt_clause'(Obj, Head, Body, Sender, _) :- \+ callable(Head), throw(error(type_error(callable, Head), Obj::clause(Head, Body), Sender)). '$lgt_clause'(Obj, Head, Body, Sender, _) :- nonvar(Body), \+ callable(Body), throw(error(type_error(callable, Body), Obj::clause(Head, Body), Sender)). '$lgt_clause'(Obj, Head, Body, Sender, Scope) :- '$lgt_clause_chk'(Obj, Head, Body, Sender, Scope). '$lgt_clause_chk'(Obj, Head, Body, Sender, Scope) :- '$lgt_db_lookup_cache_'(Obj, Head, Sender, Scope, Call, _), !, clause(Call, TBody), (TBody = ('$lgt_nop'(Body), _) -> true ; Body = TBody). '$lgt_clause_chk'(Obj, Head, Body, Sender, Scope) :- '$lgt_current_object_'(Obj, Prefix, _, _, _, _), !, '$lgt_call'(Prefix, Dcl, Def, _, _, _, _, DDef, _), ('$lgt_call'(Dcl, Head, PScope, Type, _, SCtn, _) -> (Type = (dynamic) -> ((\+ \+ PScope = Scope; Sender = SCtn) -> once(('$lgt_call'(Def, Head, _, _, _, Call); '$lgt_call'(DDef, Head, _, _, _, Call))), clause(Call, TBody), (TBody = ('$lgt_nop'(Body), _) -> true ; Body = TBody) ; (PScope = p -> throw(error(permission_error(access, private_predicate, Head), Obj::clause(Head, Body), Sender)) ; throw(error(permission_error(access, protected_predicate, Head), Obj::clause(Head, Body), Sender)))) ; throw(error(permission_error(access, static_predicate, Head), Obj::clause(Head, Body), Sender))) ; ((Obj = Sender, '$lgt_call'(DDef, Head, _, _, _, Call)) -> % local dynamic predicate with no scope declaration clause(Call, TBody), (TBody = ('$lgt_nop'(Body), _) -> true ; Body = TBody) ; throw(error(existence_error(predicate_declaration, Head), Obj::clause(Head, Body), Sender)))). '$lgt_clause_chk'(Obj, Head, Body, Sender, _) :- throw(error(existence_error(object, Obj), Obj::clause(Head, Body), Sender)). % retract/1 built-in method '$lgt_retract'(Obj, Clause, Sender, _) :- var(Clause), throw(error(instantiation_error, Obj::retract(Clause), Sender)). '$lgt_retract'(Obj, (Head:-Body), Sender, _) :- var(Head), throw(error(instantiation_error, Obj::retract((Head:-Body)), Sender)). '$lgt_retract'(Obj, (Head:-Body), Sender, _) :- \+ callable(Head), throw(error(type_error(callable, Head), Obj::retract((Head:-Body)), Sender)). '$lgt_retract'(Obj, Clause, Sender, Scope) :- Clause = (_ :- _) -> '$lgt_retract_rule_chk'(Obj, Clause, Sender, Scope) ; '$lgt_retract_fact_chk'(Obj, Clause, Sender, Scope). '$lgt_retract_rule_chk'(Obj, (Head:-Body), Sender, Scope) :- '$lgt_current_object_'(Obj, Prefix, _, _, _, _), !, '$lgt_call'(Prefix, Dcl, Def, _, _, _, _, DDef, _), ('$lgt_call'(Dcl, Head, PScope, Type, _, SCtn, _) -> (Type = (dynamic) -> ((\+ \+ PScope = Scope; Sender = SCtn) -> ('$lgt_call'(Def, Head, _, _, _, Call) -> retract((Call :- ('$lgt_nop'(Body), _))) ; ('$lgt_call'(DDef, Head, _, _, _, Call) -> retract((Call :- ('$lgt_nop'(Body), _))), '$lgt_update_ddef_table'(DDef, Head, Call) ; fail)) ; (PScope = p -> throw(error(permission_error(modify, private_predicate, Head), Obj::retract((Head:-Body)), Sender)) ; throw(error(permission_error(modify, protected_predicate, Head), Obj::retract((Head:-Body)), Sender)))) ; throw(error(permission_error(modify, static_predicate, Head), Obj::retract((Head:-Body)), Sender))) ; ((Obj = Sender, '$lgt_call'(DDef, Head, _, _, _, Call)) -> % local dynamic predicate with no scope declaration retract((Call :- ('$lgt_nop'(Body), _))) ; throw(error(existence_error(predicate_declaration, Head), Obj::retract((Head:-Body)), Sender)))). '$lgt_retract_rule_chk'(Obj, (Head:-Body), Sender, _) :- throw(error(existence_error(object, Obj), Obj::retract((Head:-Body)), Sender)). '$lgt_retract_fact_chk'(Obj, Head, Sender, Scope) :- '$lgt_db_lookup_cache_'(Obj, Head, Sender, Scope, Call, Update), !, retract(Call), call(Update). '$lgt_retract_fact_chk'(Obj, Head, Sender, Scope) :- '$lgt_current_object_'(Obj, Prefix, _, _, _, _), !, '$lgt_call'(Prefix, Dcl, Def, _, _, _, _, DDef, _), functor(Head, HFunctor, HArity), functor(GHead, HFunctor, HArity), functor(Obj, OFunctor, OArity), functor(GObj, OFunctor, OArity), functor(Sender, SFunctor, SArity), functor(GSender, SFunctor, SArity), ('$lgt_call'(Dcl, Head, PScope, Type, _, SCtn, _) -> (Type = (dynamic) -> ((\+ \+ PScope = Scope; Sender = SCtn) -> ('$lgt_call'(Def, GHead, _, _, _, GCall) -> ('$lgt_debugging_'(Obj) -> GObj = Obj, GHead = Head, GSender = Sender, retract((GCall :- '$lgt_dbg_fact'(_, _))) ; asserta('$lgt_db_lookup_cache_'(GObj, GHead, GSender, Scope, GCall, true)), GObj = Obj, GHead = Head, GSender = Sender, retract(GCall)) ; ('$lgt_call'(DDef, GHead, _, _, _, GCall) -> ('$lgt_debugging_'(Obj) -> GObj = Obj, GHead = Head, GSender = Sender, retract((GCall :- '$lgt_dbg_fact'(_, _))) ; asserta('$lgt_db_lookup_cache_'(GObj, GHead, GSender, Scope, GCall, '$lgt_update_ddef_table'(DDef, GHead, GCall))), GObj = Obj, GHead = Head, GSender = Sender, retract(GCall)), '$lgt_update_ddef_table'(DDef, GHead, GCall) ; fail)) ; (PScope = p -> throw(error(permission_error(modify, private_predicate, Head), Obj::retract(Head), Sender)) ; throw(error(permission_error(modify, protected_predicate, Head), Obj::retract(Head), Sender)))) ; throw(error(permission_error(modify, static_predicate, Head), Obj::retract(Head), Sender))) ; ((GObj = GSender, '$lgt_call'(DDef, GHead, _, _, _, GCall)) -> % local dynamic predicate with no scope declaration ('$lgt_debugging_'(Obj) -> GObj = Obj, GHead = Head, GSender = Sender, retract((GCall :- '$lgt_dbg_fact'(_, _))) ; asserta('$lgt_db_lookup_cache_'(GObj, GHead, GSender, Scope, GCall, true)), GObj = Obj, GHead = Head, GSender = Sender, retract(GCall)) ; throw(error(existence_error(predicate_declaration, Head), Obj::retract(Head), Sender)))). '$lgt_retract_fact_chk'(Obj, Head, Sender, _) :- throw(error(existence_error(object, Obj), Obj::retract(Head), Sender)). % retractall/1 built-in method '$lgt_retractall'(Obj, Head, Sender, _) :- var(Head), throw(error(instantiation_error, Obj::retractall(Head), Sender)). '$lgt_retractall'(Obj, Head, Sender, _) :- \+ callable(Head), throw(error(type_error(callable, Head), Obj::retractall(Head), Sender)). '$lgt_retractall'(Obj, Head, Sender, Scope) :- '$lgt_retractall_chk'(Obj, Head, Sender, Scope). '$lgt_retractall_chk'(Obj, Head, Sender, Scope) :- '$lgt_db_lookup_cache_'(Obj, Head, Sender, Scope, Call, Update), !, retractall(Call), call(Update). '$lgt_retractall_chk'(Obj, Head, Sender, Scope) :- '$lgt_current_object_'(Obj, Prefix, _, _, _, _), !, '$lgt_call'(Prefix, Dcl, Def, _, _, _, _, DDef, _), functor(Head, HFunctor, HArity), functor(GHead, HFunctor, HArity), functor(Obj, OFunctor, OArity), functor(GObj, OFunctor, OArity), functor(Sender, SFunctor, SArity), functor(GSender, SFunctor, SArity), ('$lgt_call'(Dcl, GHead, PScope, Type, _, SCtn, _) -> (Type = (dynamic) -> ((\+ \+ PScope = Scope; Sender = SCtn) -> ('$lgt_call'(Def, GHead, _, _, _, GCall) -> asserta('$lgt_db_lookup_cache_'(GObj, GHead, GSender, Scope, GCall, true)), GObj = Obj, GHead = Head, GSender = Sender, retractall(GCall) ; ('$lgt_call'(DDef, GHead, _, _, _, GCall) -> GObj = Obj, GHead = Head, GSender = Sender, retractall(GCall), '$lgt_update_ddef_table'(DDef, GHead, GCall) ; true)) ; (PScope = p -> throw(error(permission_error(modify, private_predicate, Head), Obj::retractall(Head), Sender)) ; throw(error(permission_error(modify, protected_predicate, Head), Obj::retractall(Head), Sender)))) ; throw(error(permission_error(modify, static_predicate, Head), Obj::retractall(Head), Sender))) ; ((GObj = GSender, '$lgt_call'(DDef, GHead, _, _, _, GCall)) -> % local dynamic predicate with no scope declaration asserta('$lgt_db_lookup_cache_'(GObj, GHead, GSender, Scope, GCall, true)), GObj = Obj, GHead = Head, GSender = Sender, retractall(GCall) ; throw(error(existence_error(predicate_declaration, Head), Obj::retractall(Head), Sender)))). '$lgt_retractall_chk'(Obj, Head, Sender, _) :- throw(error(existence_error(object, Obj), Obj::retractall(Head), Sender)). % '$lgt_nop'(+goal) % % used in the implementation of the built-in method % clause/2 to store the original clause body '$lgt_nop'(_). % '$lgt_phrase'(+object_identifier, +ruleset, ?list, +object_identifier, +scope) % % phrase/2 built-in method '$lgt_phrase'(Obj, Ruleset, Input, Sender, Scope) :- catch( '$lgt_phrase'(Obj, Ruleset, Input, [], Sender, Scope), error(Error, _), throw(error(Error, Obj::phrase(Ruleset, Input), Sender))). % '$lgt_phrase'(+object_identifier, +ruleset, +list, ?list, +object_identifier, +scope) % % phrase/3 built-in method '$lgt_phrase'(Obj, Ruleset, Input, Rest, Sender, _) :- var(Ruleset), throw(error(instantiation_error, Obj::phrase(Ruleset, Input, Rest), Sender)). '$lgt_phrase'(Obj, Ruleset, Input, Rest, Sender, _) :- \+ callable(Ruleset), throw(error(type_error(callable, Ruleset), Obj::phrase(Ruleset, Input, Rest), Sender)). '$lgt_phrase'(Obj, Ruleset, Input, Rest, Sender, _) :- nonvar(Input), \+ '$lgt_proper_list'(Input), throw(error(type_error(list, Input), Obj::phrase(Ruleset, Input, Rest), Sender)). '$lgt_phrase'(Obj, Ruleset, Input, Rest, Sender, _) :- nonvar(Rest), \+ '$lgt_proper_list'(Rest), throw(error(type_error(list, Rest), Obj::phrase(Ruleset, Input, Rest), Sender)). '$lgt_phrase'(Obj, (Ruleset1, Ruleset2), Input, Rest, Sender, Scope) :- !, '$lgt_phrase'(Obj, Ruleset1, Input, Rest1, Sender, Scope), '$lgt_phrase'(Obj, Ruleset2, Rest1, Rest, Sender, Scope). '$lgt_phrase'(Obj, (Ruleset1; Ruleset2), Input, Rest, Sender, Scope) :- !, ('$lgt_phrase'(Obj, Ruleset1, Input, Rest, Sender, Scope) ; '$lgt_phrase'(Obj, Ruleset2, Input, Rest, Sender, Scope)). '$lgt_phrase'(Obj, (Ruleset1 -> Ruleset2), Input, Rest, Sender, Scope) :- !, '$lgt_phrase'(Obj, Ruleset1, Input, Rest1, Sender, Scope), '$lgt_phrase'(Obj, Ruleset2, Rest1, Rest, Sender, Scope). '$lgt_phrase'(_, !, Input, Rest, _, _) :- !, Input = Rest. '$lgt_phrase'(Obj, \+ Ruleset, Input, Rest, Sender, Scope) :- !, ('$lgt_phrase'(Obj, Ruleset, Input, Rest, Sender, Scope) -> fail ; Input = Rest). '$lgt_phrase'(_, [], Input, Rest, _, _) :- !, Input = Rest. '$lgt_phrase'(_, [Head| Tail], Input, Rest, _, _) :- !, '$lgt_append'([Head| Tail], Rest, Input). '$lgt_phrase'(Obj, Ruleset, Input, Rest, Sender, Scope) :- '$lgt_current_object_'(Obj, Prefix, Dcl, Def, _, _) -> Ruleset =.. [Functor| Args], '$lgt_append'(Args, [Input, Rest], Args2), Pred =.. [Functor| Args2], ('$lgt_call'(Dcl, Pred, PScope, _, _, SCtn, _) -> ((\+ \+ PScope = Scope; Sender = SCtn) -> '$lgt_once'(Def, Pred, Sender, Obj, Obj, Call, _), call(Call) ; (PScope = p -> throw(error(permission_error(access, private_non_terminal, Ruleset), Obj::phrase(Ruleset, Input, Rest), Sender)) ; throw(error(permission_error(access, protected_non_terminal, Ruleset), Obj::phrase(Ruleset, Input, Rest), Sender)))) ; ((Obj = Sender, ('$lgt_call'(Def, Pred, Obj, Obj, Obj, Call) ; '$lgt_call'(Prefix, _, _, _, _, _, _, DDef, _), '$lgt_call'(DDef, Pred, Obj, Obj, Obj, Call))) -> call(Call) ; throw(error(existence_error(non_terminal_declaration, Ruleset), Obj::phrase(Ruleset, Input, Rest), Sender)))) ; (catch(current_module(Obj), _, fail) -> ':'(Obj, Pred) ; throw(error(existence_error(object, Obj), Obj::phrase(Ruleset, Input, Rest), Sender))). % '$lgt_expand_term'(+object_identifier, @term, -clause, +object_identifier, +scope) % % expand_term/2 built-in method; for now only deals with grammar rules '$lgt_expand_term'(_, Term, Clause, _, _) :- nonvar(Term), Term = (_ --> _), !, '$lgt_dcgrule_to_clause'(Term, Clause). '$lgt_expand_term'(_, Term, Term, _, _). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % message sending % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % '$lgt_send_to_self'(+object, ?term, +object) '$lgt_send_to_self'(Obj, Pred, Sender) :- var(Pred), throw(error(instantiation_error, Obj::Pred, Sender)). '$lgt_send_to_self'(Obj, Pred, Sender) :- '$lgt_send_to_self_nv'(Obj, Pred, Sender). % '$lgt_send_to_self_nv'(+object, +term, +object) '$lgt_send_to_self_nv'(Obj, Pred, Sender) :- '$lgt_self_lookup_cache_'(Obj, Pred, Sender, Call), !, call(Call). '$lgt_send_to_self_nv'(Obj, Pred, Sender) :- '$lgt_current_object_'(Obj, _, Dcl, Def, _, _), ('$lgt_call'(Dcl, Pred, Scope, _, _, SCtn, _) -> ((Scope = p(_); Sender = SCtn) -> functor(Pred, PFunctor, PArity), functor(GPred, PFunctor, PArity), % construct predicate template functor(Obj, OFunctor, OArity), functor(GObj, OFunctor, OArity), % construct object template functor(Sender, SFunctor, SArity), functor(GSender, SFunctor, SArity), % construct "sender" template '$lgt_once'(Def, GPred, GSender, GObj, GObj, GCall, _), asserta('$lgt_self_lookup_cache_'(GObj, GPred, GSender, GCall)), % cache lookup result (GObj, GPred, GSender) = (Obj, Pred, Sender), call(GCall) ; throw(error(permission_error(access, private_predicate, Pred), Obj::Pred, Sender))) ; ('$lgt_built_in'(Pred) -> call(Pred) ; throw(error(existence_error(predicate_declaration, Pred), Obj::Pred, Sender)))). % '$lgt_send_to_object'(@object, ?term, +object) '$lgt_send_to_object'(Obj, Pred, Sender) :- var(Obj), throw(error(instantiation_error, Obj::Pred, Sender)). '$lgt_send_to_object'(Obj, Pred, Sender) :- var(Pred), throw(error(instantiation_error, Obj::Pred, Sender)). '$lgt_send_to_object'(Obj, Pred, Sender) :- '$lgt_send_to_object_nv'(Obj, Pred, Sender). % '$lgt_send_to_object_nv'(+object, +term, +object) '$lgt_send_to_object_nv'(Obj, Pred, Sender) :- '$lgt_obj_lookup_cache_'(Obj, Pred, Sender, Call), !, \+ ('$lgt_before_'(Obj, Pred, Sender, _, BCall), \+ call(BCall)), call(Call), \+ ('$lgt_after_'(Obj, Pred, Sender, _, ACall), \+ call(ACall)). '$lgt_send_to_object_nv'(Obj, Pred, Sender) :- '$lgt_current_object_'(Obj, _, Dcl, Def, _, _), !, ('$lgt_call'(Dcl, Pred, Scope, _, _, _, _) -> (Scope = p(p(_)) -> functor(Pred, PFunctor, PArity), functor(GPred, PFunctor, PArity), % construct predicate template functor(Obj, OFunctor, OArity), functor(GObj, OFunctor, OArity), % construct object template '$lgt_once'(Def, GPred, GSender, GObj, GObj, GCall, _), asserta('$lgt_obj_lookup_cache_'(GObj, GPred, GSender, GCall)), % cache lookup result (GObj, GPred, GSender) = (Obj, Pred, Sender), \+ ('$lgt_before_'(Obj, Pred, Sender, _, BCall), \+ call(BCall)), call(GCall), \+ ('$lgt_after_'(Obj, Pred, Sender, _, ACall), \+ call(ACall)) ; (Scope = p -> throw(error(permission_error(access, private_predicate, Pred), Obj::Pred, Sender)) ; throw(error(permission_error(access, protected_predicate, Pred), Obj::Pred, Sender)))) ; ('$lgt_built_in'(Pred) -> call(Pred) ; throw(error(existence_error(predicate_declaration, Pred), Obj::Pred, Sender)))). '$lgt_send_to_object_nv'(Obj, Pred, _) :- catch(current_module(Obj), _, fail), !, ':'(Obj, Pred). '$lgt_send_to_object_nv'(Obj, Pred, Sender) :- throw(error(existence_error(object, Obj), Obj::Pred, Sender)). % '$lgt_send_to_object_ne'(@object, ?term, +object) '$lgt_send_to_object_ne'(Obj, Pred, Sender) :- var(Obj), throw(error(instantiation_error, Obj::Pred, Sender)). '$lgt_send_to_object_ne'(Obj, Pred, Sender) :- var(Pred), throw(error(instantiation_error, Obj::Pred, Sender)). '$lgt_send_to_object_ne'(Obj, Pred, Sender) :- '$lgt_send_to_object_ne_nv'(Obj, Pred, Sender). % '$lgt_send_to_object_ne_nv'(+object, +term, +object) '$lgt_send_to_object_ne_nv'(Obj, Pred, Sender) :- '$lgt_obj_lookup_cache_'(Obj, Pred, Sender, Call), !, call(Call). '$lgt_send_to_object_ne_nv'(Obj, Pred, Sender) :- '$lgt_current_object_'(Obj, _, Dcl, Def, _, _), !, ('$lgt_call'(Dcl, Pred, Scope, _, _, _, _) -> (Scope = p(p(_)) -> functor(Pred, PFunctor, PArity), functor(GPred, PFunctor, PArity), % construct predicate template functor(Obj, OFunctor, OArity), functor(GObj, OFunctor, OArity), % construct object template '$lgt_once'(Def, GPred, GSender, GObj, GObj, GCall, _), asserta('$lgt_obj_lookup_cache_'(GObj, GPred, GSender, GCall)), % cache lookup result (GObj, GPred, GSender) = (Obj, Pred, Sender), call(GCall) ; (Scope = p -> throw(error(permission_error(access, private_predicate, Pred), Obj::Pred, Sender)) ; throw(error(permission_error(access, protected_predicate, Pred), Obj::Pred, Sender)))) ; ('$lgt_built_in'(Pred) -> call(Pred) ; throw(error(existence_error(predicate_declaration, Pred), Obj::Pred, Sender)))). '$lgt_send_to_object_ne_nv'(Obj, Pred, _) :- catch(current_module(Obj), _, fail), !, ':'(Obj, Pred). '$lgt_send_to_object_ne_nv'(Obj, Pred, Sender) :- throw(error(existence_error(object, Obj), Obj::Pred, Sender)). % '$lgt_send_to_super'(+object, ?term, +object, +object) '$lgt_send_to_super'(_, Pred, This, _) :- var(Pred), throw(error(instantiation_error, ^^Pred, This)). '$lgt_send_to_super'(Self, Pred, This, Sender) :- '$lgt_send_to_super_nv'(Self, Pred, This, Sender). % '$lgt_send_to_super_nv'(+object, +term, +object, +object) '$lgt_send_to_super_nv'(Self, Pred, This, Sender) :- '$lgt_super_lookup_cache_'(Self, Pred, This, Sender, Call), !, call(Call). '$lgt_send_to_super_nv'(Self, Pred, This, Sender) :- '$lgt_current_object_'(Self, _, Dcl, _, _, _), '$lgt_call'(Dcl, Pred, Scope, _, _, SCtn, _), !, ((Scope = p(_); This = SCtn) -> '$lgt_current_object_'(This, _, _, _, Super, _), functor(Pred, PFunctor, PArity), functor(GPred, PFunctor, PArity), % construct predicate template functor(This, TFunctor, TArity), functor(GThis, TFunctor, TArity), % construct "this" template functor(Self, SFunctor, SArity), functor(GSelf, SFunctor, SArity), % construct "self" template '$lgt_once'(Super, GPred, GSender, GThis, GSelf, GCall, Ctn), (Ctn \= GThis -> asserta('$lgt_super_lookup_cache_'(GSelf, GPred, GThis, GSender, GCall)), % cache lookup result (GSelf, GPred, GThis, GSender) = (Self, Pred, This, Sender), call(GCall) ; throw(error(endless_loop(Pred), ^^Pred, This))) ; throw(error(permission_error(access, private_predicate, Pred), ^^Pred, This))). '$lgt_send_to_super_nv'(_, Pred, This, _) :- '$lgt_built_in'(Pred) -> call(Pred) ; throw(error(existence_error(predicate_declaration, Pred), ^^Pred, This)). % '$lgt_metacall_in_object'(+object, ?term, +object) % % metacalls in predicate definitions '$lgt_metacall_in_object'(Obj, Pred, Sender) :- var(Pred), throw(error(instantiation_error, Obj::call(Pred), Sender)). '$lgt_metacall_in_object'(user, Pred, _) :- !, call(Pred). '$lgt_metacall_in_object'(Obj, Pred, Sender) :- '$lgt_current_object_'(Obj, Prefix, _, _, _, _), '$lgt_ctx_ctx'(Ctx, Sender, Obj, Obj, Prefix, _), '$lgt_tr_body'(Pred, Call, DCall, Ctx), (('$lgt_dbg_debugging_', '$lgt_debugging_'(Obj)) -> call(DCall) ; call(Call)). % '$lgt_call_built_in'(+term, +term) % % needed for runtime translation of dynamic clauses '$lgt_call_built_in'(Pred, Ctx) :- '$lgt_ctx_ctx'(Ctx, Sender, This, Self, _, _), '$lgt_current_object_'(This, _, _, Def, _, _), ('$lgt_call'(Def, Pred, Sender, This, Self, Call) -> call(Call) ; call(Pred)). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % built-in pseudo-object object table clauses % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% '$lgt_current_object_'(user, '$lgt_po_user0_', '$lgt_po_user0__dcl', '$lgt_po_user0__def', _, static). '$lgt_current_object_'(debugger, '$lgt_po_debugger0_', '$lgt_po_debugger0__dcl', '$lgt_po_debugger0__def', _, static). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % built-in pseudo-object user % % represents the Prolog database (excluding built-in predicates) % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % the following clauses correspond to a virtual % compilation of the pseudo-object user '$lgt_po_user0_'('$lgt_po_user0__dcl', '$lgt_po_user0__def', _, _, _, _, _). '$lgt_po_user0__dcl'(Pred, p(p(p)), Type, no) :- (nonvar(Pred) -> \+ '$lgt_built_in'(Pred), functor(Pred, Functor, Arity), current_predicate(Functor/Arity) ; current_predicate(Functor/Arity), \+ '$lgt_hidden_functor'(Functor), functor(Pred, Functor, Arity), \+ '$lgt_built_in'(Pred)), ('$lgt_predicate_property'(Pred, (dynamic)) -> Type = (dynamic) ; Type = static). '$lgt_po_user0__dcl'(Pred, p(p(p)), Type, Meta, user, user) :- '$lgt_po_user0__dcl'(Pred, p(p(p)), Type, Meta). '$lgt_po_user0__def'(Pred, _, _, _, Pred). '$lgt_po_user0__def'(Pred, _, _, _, Pred, user). % '$lgt_hidden_functor'(+atom) % % hidden functors include Logtalk pre-processor and runtime internal functors % and those used in the compiled code of objects, protocols, and categories '$lgt_hidden_functor'(Functor) :- atom_concat('$lgt_', _, Functor), !. '$lgt_hidden_functor'(Functor) :- '$lgt_current_category_'(_, Prefix, _), atom_concat(Prefix, _, Functor), !. '$lgt_hidden_functor'(Functor) :- '$lgt_current_object_'(_, Prefix, _, _, _, _), atom_concat(Prefix, _, Functor), !. '$lgt_hidden_functor'(Functor) :- '$lgt_current_protocol_'(_, Prefix, _), atom_concat(Prefix, _, Functor), !. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % built-in pseudo-object debugger % % implements the Logtalk buit-in debugging features % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % the following clauses correspond to a virtual % compilation of the pseudo-object debugger '$lgt_po_debugger0_'('$lgt_po_debugger0__dcl', '$lgt_po_debugger0__def', _, _, _, _, _). % debugger public protocol '$lgt_po_debugger0__dcl'(reset, p(p(p)), static, no). '$lgt_po_debugger0__dcl'(debug, p(p(p)), static, no). '$lgt_po_debugger0__dcl'(nodebug, p(p(p)), static, no). '$lgt_po_debugger0__dcl'(debugging, p(p(p)), static, no). '$lgt_po_debugger0__dcl'(debugging(_), p(p(p)), static, no). '$lgt_po_debugger0__dcl'(trace, p(p(p)), static, no). '$lgt_po_debugger0__dcl'(notrace, p(p(p)), static, no). '$lgt_po_debugger0__dcl'(spy(_), p(p(p)), static, no). '$lgt_po_debugger0__dcl'(spy(_, _, _, _), p(p(p)), static, no). '$lgt_po_debugger0__dcl'(nospy(_), p(p(p)), static, no). '$lgt_po_debugger0__dcl'(nospy(_, _, _, _), p(p(p)), static, no). '$lgt_po_debugger0__dcl'(nospyall, p(p(p)), static, no). '$lgt_po_debugger0__dcl'(leash(_), p(p(p)), static, no). '$lgt_po_debugger0__dcl'(Pred, p(p(p)), Type, Meta, debugger, debugger) :- '$lgt_po_debugger0__dcl'(Pred, p(p(p)), Type, Meta). '$lgt_po_debugger0__def'(reset, _, _, _, '$lgt_dbg_reset'). '$lgt_po_debugger0__def'(debug, _, _, _, '$lgt_dbg_debug'). '$lgt_po_debugger0__def'(debugging, _, _, _, '$lgt_dbg_debugging'). '$lgt_po_debugger0__def'(debugging(Entity), _, _, _, '$lgt_dbg_debugging'(Entity)). '$lgt_po_debugger0__def'(nodebug, _, _, _, '$lgt_dbg_nodebug'). '$lgt_po_debugger0__def'(trace, _, _, _, '$lgt_dbg_trace'). '$lgt_po_debugger0__def'(notrace, _, _, _, '$lgt_dbg_notrace'). '$lgt_po_debugger0__def'(spy(Preds), _, _, _, '$lgt_dbg_spy'(Preds)). '$lgt_po_debugger0__def'(nospy(Preds), _, _, _, '$lgt_dbg_nospy'(Preds)). '$lgt_po_debugger0__def'(spy(Sender, This, Self, Goal), _, _, _, '$lgt_dbg_spy'(Sender, This, Self, Goal)). '$lgt_po_debugger0__def'(nospy(Sender, This, Self, Goal), _, _, _, '$lgt_dbg_nospy'(Sender, This, Self, Goal)). '$lgt_po_debugger0__def'(nospyall, _, _, _, '$lgt_dbg_nospyall'). '$lgt_po_debugger0__def'(leash(Ports), _, _, _, '$lgt_dbg_leash'(Ports)). '$lgt_po_debugger0__def'(Pred, _, _, _, Call, debugger) :- '$lgt_po_debugger0__def'(Pred, _, _, _, Call). '$lgt_dbg_reset' :- '$lgt_dbg_nospyall', '$lgt_dbg_leash'(full), '$lgt_dbg_nodebug'. '$lgt_dbg_debug' :- '$lgt_dbg_debugging_' -> write('Debugger is on: showing spy points for all objects compiled in debug mode.'), nl ; assertz('$lgt_dbg_debugging_'), retractall('$lgt_dbg_tracing_'), write('Debugger switched on: showing spy points for all objects compiled in debug mode.'), nl. '$lgt_dbg_nodebug' :- '$lgt_dbg_debugging_' -> retractall('$lgt_dbg_debugging_'), retractall('$lgt_dbg_tracing_'), write('Debugger switched off.'), nl ; write('Debugger is off.'), nl. '$lgt_dbg_trace' :- '$lgt_dbg_tracing_' -> write('Debugger is on: tracing everything for all objects compiled in debug mode.'), nl ; assertz('$lgt_dbg_tracing_'), retractall('$lgt_dbg_debugging_'), assertz('$lgt_dbg_debugging_'), write('Debugger switched on: tracing everything for all objects compiled in debug mode.'), nl. '$lgt_dbg_notrace' :- '$lgt_dbg_tracing_' -> retractall('$lgt_dbg_tracing_'), retractall('$lgt_dbg_debugging_'), write('Debugger switched off.'), nl ; write('Debugger is off.'), nl. '$lgt_dbg_debugging' :- ('$lgt_dbg_debugging_' -> write('Debugger is on: '), ('$lgt_dbg_tracing_' -> write('tracing everything.'), nl ; write('showing spy points.'), nl) ; write('Debugger is off.'), nl), nl, ('$lgt_dbg_spying_'(_, _) -> write('Defined predicate spy points (Functor/Arity):'), nl, forall( '$lgt_dbg_spying_'(Functor, Arity), (write(' '), writeq(Functor), write('/'), write(Arity), nl)) ; write('No predicate spy points are defined.'), nl), nl, ('$lgt_dbg_spying_'(_, _, _, _) -> write('Defined context spy points (Sender, This, Self, Goal):'), nl, forall( '$lgt_dbg_spying_'(Sender, This, Self, Goal), (write(' '), '$lgt_dbg_pretty_print_spypoint'(Sender, This, Self, Goal), nl)) ; write('No context spy points are defined.'), nl), nl, write('Leashed ports:'), nl, write(' '), ('$lgt_dbg_leashing_'(_) -> forall( '$lgt_dbg_leashing_'(Port), (write(Port), write(' '))) ; write('(none)')), nl. '$lgt_dbg_debugging'(Entity) :- '$lgt_debugging_'(Entity). '$lgt_dbg_pretty_print_spypoint'(Sender, This, Self, Goal) :- current_output(Output), (var(Sender) -> write('_, '); '$lgt_pretty_print_vars_quoted'(Output, Sender), write(', ')), (var(This) -> write('_, '); '$lgt_pretty_print_vars_quoted'(Output, This), write(', ')), (var(Self) -> write('_, '); '$lgt_pretty_print_vars_quoted'(Output, Self), write(', ')), (var(Goal) -> write('_'); '$lgt_pretty_print_vars_quoted'(Output, Goal)). '$lgt_dbg_spy'(Preds) :- nonvar(Preds), '$lgt_dbg_spy_aux'(Preds), write('Predicate spy points set.'), nl, ('$lgt_dbg_debugging_' -> true ; '$lgt_dbg_debug'). '$lgt_dbg_spy_aux'([]). '$lgt_dbg_spy_aux'([Functor/Arity| Preds]) :- nonvar(Functor), nonvar(Arity), ('$lgt_dbg_spying_'(Functor, Arity) -> true ; assertz('$lgt_dbg_spying_'(Functor, Arity))), '$lgt_dbg_spy_aux'(Preds). '$lgt_dbg_spy_aux'(Functor/Arity) :- nonvar(Functor), nonvar(Arity), ('$lgt_dbg_spying_'(Functor, Arity) -> true ; assertz('$lgt_dbg_spying_'(Functor, Arity))). '$lgt_dbg_nospy'(Preds) :- '$lgt_dbg_nospy_aux'(Preds), write('All matching predicate spy points removed.'), nl. '$lgt_dbg_nospy_aux'(Preds) :- var(Preds) -> retractall('$lgt_dbg_spying_'(_, _)) ; '$lgt_dbg_nospy_aux2'(Preds). '$lgt_dbg_nospy_aux2'([]). '$lgt_dbg_nospy_aux2'([Functor/Arity| Preds]) :- retractall('$lgt_dbg_spying_'(Functor, Arity)), '$lgt_dbg_nospy_aux2'(Preds). '$lgt_dbg_nospy_aux2'(Functor/Arity) :- retractall('$lgt_dbg_spying_'(Functor, Arity)). '$lgt_dbg_spy'(Sender, This, Self, Goal) :- asserta('$lgt_dbg_spying_'(Sender, This, Self, Goal)), write('Context spy point set.'), nl, ('$lgt_dbg_debugging_' -> true ; '$lgt_dbg_debug'). '$lgt_dbg_nospy'(Sender, This, Self, Goal) :- retractall('$lgt_dbg_spying_'(Sender, This, Self, Goal)), write('All matching context spy points removed.'), nl. '$lgt_dbg_nospyall' :- retractall('$lgt_dbg_spying_'(_, _)), write('All predicate spy points removed.'), nl, retractall('$lgt_dbg_spying_'(_, _, _, _)), write('All context spy points removed.'), nl. '$lgt_dbg_leash'(Value) :- '$lgt_dbg_valid_leash_value'(Value, Ports), retractall('$lgt_dbg_leashing_'(_)), '$lgt_dbg_set_leash_ports'(Ports), write('Debugger leash ports set to '), write(Ports), nl. '$lgt_dbg_set_leash_ports'([]). '$lgt_dbg_set_leash_ports'([Port| Ports]) :- assertz('$lgt_dbg_leashing_'(Port)), '$lgt_dbg_set_leash_ports'(Ports). '$lgt_dbg_leashing_'(fact). '$lgt_dbg_leashing_'(rule). '$lgt_dbg_leashing_'(call). '$lgt_dbg_leashing_'(exit). '$lgt_dbg_leashing_'(redo). '$lgt_dbg_leashing_'(fail). '$lgt_dbg_leashing_'(exception). '$lgt_dbg_valid_leash_value'(Shorthand, Ports) :- atom(Shorthand), Shorthand \= [], !, '$lgt_dbg_leash_shortand_ports'(Shorthand, Ports). '$lgt_dbg_valid_leash_value'(Ports, Ports) :- nonvar(Ports), '$lgt_proper_list'(Ports), '$lgt_dbg_valid_leash_ports'(Ports). '$lgt_dbg_valid_leash_ports'([]). '$lgt_dbg_valid_leash_ports'([Port| Ports]) :- nonvar(Port), '$lgt_dbg_valid_leash_port'(Port), '$lgt_dbg_valid_leash_ports'(Ports). '$lgt_dbg_valid_leash_port'(fact). '$lgt_dbg_valid_leash_port'(rule). '$lgt_dbg_valid_leash_port'(call). '$lgt_dbg_valid_leash_port'(exit). '$lgt_dbg_valid_leash_port'(redo). '$lgt_dbg_valid_leash_port'(fail). '$lgt_dbg_valid_leash_port'(exception). '$lgt_dbg_leash_shortand_ports'(none, []). '$lgt_dbg_leash_shortand_ports'(loose, [fact, rule, call]). '$lgt_dbg_leash_shortand_ports'(half, [fact, rule, call, redo]). '$lgt_dbg_leash_shortand_ports'(tight, [fact, rule, call, redo, fail, exception]). '$lgt_dbg_leash_shortand_ports'(full, [fact, rule, call, exit, redo, fail, exception]). '$lgt_dbg_leashing'(Port, Goal, Ctx, Code) :- '$lgt_dbg_leashing_'(Port), ('$lgt_dbg_tracing_' -> Code = ' ' ; '$lgt_dbg_spying'(Port, Goal, Ctx, Code)). '$lgt_dbg_spying'(_, Goal, _, '+') :- functor(Goal, Functor, Arity), \+ \+ '$lgt_dbg_spying_'(Functor, Arity), !. '$lgt_dbg_spying'(_, Goal, Ctx, '*') :- '$lgt_ctx_ctx'(Ctx, Sender, This, Self, _, _), \+ \+ '$lgt_dbg_spying_'(Sender, This, Self, Goal). '$lgt_dbg_fact'(Fact, Ctx) :- '$lgt_dbg_debugging_', \+ '$lgt_dbg_skipping_', !, '$lgt_dbg_port'(fact, Fact, _, Ctx, Action), call(Action). '$lgt_dbg_fact'(_, _). '$lgt_dbg_head'(Head, Ctx) :- '$lgt_dbg_debugging_', \+ '$lgt_dbg_skipping_', !, '$lgt_dbg_port'(rule, Head, _, Ctx, Action), call(Action). '$lgt_dbg_head'(_, _). '$lgt_dbg_goal'(Goal, TGoal, Ctx) :- '$lgt_dbg_debugging_', \+ '$lgt_dbg_skipping_', !, ( '$lgt_dbg_port'(call, Goal, _, Ctx, CAction), (CAction = skip -> retractall('$lgt_dbg_skipping_'), assertz('$lgt_dbg_skipping_'), CAction2 = true ; CAction2 = CAction), call(CAction2), catch( call(TGoal), Error, ('$lgt_dbg_port'(exception, Goal, Error, Ctx, TAction), (TAction = fail -> fail; throw(Error)))), ( '$lgt_dbg_port'(exit, Goal, _, Ctx, EAction), call(EAction) ; '$lgt_dbg_port'(redo, Goal, _, Ctx, RAction), (RAction = skip -> retractall('$lgt_dbg_skipping_'), assertz('$lgt_dbg_skipping_')), fail ) ; retractall('$lgt_dbg_skipping_'), '$lgt_dbg_port'(fail, Goal, _, Ctx, _), fail ), retractall('$lgt_dbg_skipping_'). '$lgt_dbg_goal'(_, TGoal, _) :- call(TGoal). '$lgt_dbg_port'(exception, _, error(logtalk_debugger_aborted), _, true) :- !. '$lgt_dbg_port'(Port, Goal, Error, Ctx, Action) :- '$lgt_dbg_debugging_', !, ('$lgt_dbg_leashing'(Port, Goal, Ctx, Code) -> repeat, write(Code), '$lgt_dbg_write_port_name'(Port), writeq(Goal), write(' ? '), catch('$lgt_read_single_char'(Option), _, fail), '$lgt_dbg_valid_port_option'(Option, Port, Code), '$lgt_dbg_do_port_option'(Option, Goal, Error, Ctx, Action) ; ('$lgt_dbg_tracing_' -> write(' '), '$lgt_dbg_write_port_name'(Port), writeq(Goal), nl ; true), Action = true ), !. '$lgt_dbg_port'(_, _, _, _, true). '$lgt_dbg_write_port_name'(fact) :- write(' Fact: '). '$lgt_dbg_write_port_name'(rule) :- write(' Rule: '). '$lgt_dbg_write_port_name'(call) :- write(' Call: '). '$lgt_dbg_write_port_name'(exit) :- write(' Exit: '). '$lgt_dbg_write_port_name'(redo) :- write(' Redo: '). '$lgt_dbg_write_port_name'(fail) :- write(' Fail: '). '$lgt_dbg_write_port_name'(exception) :- write(' Exception: '). '$lgt_dbg_valid_port_option'(' ', _, _). '$lgt_dbg_valid_port_option'(c, _, _). '$lgt_dbg_valid_port_option'(l, _, _). '$lgt_dbg_valid_port_option'(s, call, _). '$lgt_dbg_valid_port_option'(s, redo, _). '$lgt_dbg_valid_port_option'(f, _, _). '$lgt_dbg_valid_port_option'(n, _, _). '$lgt_dbg_valid_port_option'(@, _, _). '$lgt_dbg_valid_port_option'(b, _, _). '$lgt_dbg_valid_port_option'(a, _, _). '$lgt_dbg_valid_port_option'(d, _, _). '$lgt_dbg_valid_port_option'(x, _, _). '$lgt_dbg_valid_port_option'(h, _, _). '$lgt_dbg_valid_port_option'(?, _, _). '$lgt_dbg_valid_port_option'(=, _, _). '$lgt_dbg_valid_port_option'(*, _, ' '). '$lgt_dbg_valid_port_option'(+, _, ' '). '$lgt_dbg_valid_port_option'(-, _, +). '$lgt_dbg_valid_port_option'(e, exception, _). '$lgt_dbg_do_port_option'(' ', _, _, _, true). '$lgt_dbg_do_port_option'(c, _, _, _, true). '$lgt_dbg_do_port_option'(l, _, _, _, true) :- retractall('$lgt_dbg_tracing_'). '$lgt_dbg_do_port_option'(s, _, _, _, skip). '$lgt_dbg_do_port_option'(f, _, _, _, fail). '$lgt_dbg_do_port_option'(n, _, _, _, true) :- '$lgt_dbg_nodebug'. '$lgt_dbg_do_port_option'(=, _, _, _, true) :- '$lgt_dbg_debugging'. '$lgt_dbg_do_port_option'(+, Goal, _, _, _) :- (Goal = (_ :: Pred) -> functor(Pred, Functor, Arity) ; functor(Goal, Functor, Arity)), '$lgt_dbg_spy'(Functor/Arity), fail. '$lgt_dbg_do_port_option'(-, Goal, _, _, true) :- (Goal = (_ :: Pred) -> functor(Pred, Functor, Arity) ; functor(Goal, Functor, Arity)), '$lgt_dbg_nospy'(Functor/Arity). '$lgt_dbg_do_port_option'(*, Goal, _, _, true) :- functor(Goal, Functor, Arity), functor(CGoal, Functor, Arity), write(' Enter a context spy point term formatted as (Sender, This, Self, Goal): '), read(Spypoint), Spypoint = (Sender, This, Self, CGoal), '$lgt_dbg_spy'(Sender, This, Self, CGoal). '$lgt_dbg_do_port_option'(@, _, _, _, _) :- write(' ?- '), read(Goal), once((Goal; true)), fail. '$lgt_dbg_do_port_option'(b, _, _, _, _) :- ('$lgt_compiler_flag'(supports_break_predicate, true) -> break ; write(' break no supportd on this Prolog compiler.'), nl), fail. '$lgt_dbg_do_port_option'(a, _, _, _, _) :- throw(error(logtalk_debugger_aborted)). '$lgt_dbg_do_port_option'(d, Goal, _, _, _) :- write(' Current goal: '), write_term(Goal, [ignore_ops(true)]), nl, fail. '$lgt_dbg_do_port_option'(x, _, _, Ctx, _) :- '$lgt_ctx_ctx'(Ctx, Sender, This, Self, _, _), write(' Sender: '), writeq(Sender), nl, write(' This: '), writeq(This), nl, write(' Self: '), writeq(Self), nl, fail. '$lgt_dbg_do_port_option'(e, _, Error, _, _) :- write(' Exception term: '), writeq(Error), nl, fail. '$lgt_dbg_do_port_option'(h, _, _, _, _) :- write(' Available options are:'), nl, write(' c - creep (go on; you may use the spacebar in alternative)'), nl, write(' l - leep (continues execution until the next spy point is found)'), nl, write(' s - skip (skips debugging for the current goal; only valid at call and redo ports)'), nl, write(' f - fail (forces backtracking)'), nl, write(' n - nodebug (turns off debugging)'), nl, write(' @ - command (reads and executes a query)'), nl, write(' b - break (suspends execution and starts new interpreter; type end_of_file to terminate)'), nl, write(' a - abort (returns to top level interpreter)'), nl, write(' d - display (writes current goal without using operator notation)'), nl, write(' x - context (prints execution context)'), nl, write(' e - exception (prints exception term thrown by current goal)'), nl, write(' = - debugging (prints debugging information)'), nl, write(' * - add (adds a context spy point for current goal)'), nl, write(' + - add (adds a predicate spy point for current goal)'), nl, write(' - - remove (removes a predicate spy point for current goal)'), nl, write(' h - help (prints this list of options)'), nl, fail. '$lgt_dbg_do_port_option'(?, Goal, Error, Ctx, Action) :- '$lgt_dbg_do_port_option'(h, Goal, Error, Ctx, Action). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % pre-processor - compiles Logtalk source files to Prolog % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % '$lgt_load_files'(@source_file_name_list) % % compiles to disk and then loads to memory a list of source files '$lgt_load_files'([]). '$lgt_load_files'([File| Files]) :- '$lgt_load_file'(File), '$lgt_load_files'(Files). % '$lgt_load_file'(@source_file_name) % % compiles to disk and then loads to memory a source file '$lgt_load_file'(Term) :- compound(Term), !, Term =.. [Library, File], '$lgt_expand_library_path'(Library, Path), '$lgt_current_directory'(Current), '$lgt_change_directory'(Path), '$lgt_report_working_directory'(Path), '$lgt_load_file'(File), '$lgt_change_directory'(Current). '$lgt_load_file'(File) :- '$lgt_report_loading_file'(File), '$lgt_compile_file'(File), '$lgt_file_name'(prolog, File, PFile), '$lgt_load_prolog_code'(PFile), '$lgt_report_loaded_file'(File). % '$lgt_redefined_entity'(@entity_identifier, -atom) % % true if an entity of the same name is already loaded; returns entity type '$lgt_redefined_entity'(Entity, object) :- '$lgt_current_object_'(Entity, _, _, _, _, _), !. '$lgt_redefined_entity'(Entity, protocol) :- '$lgt_current_protocol_'(Entity, _, _), !. '$lgt_redefined_entity'(Entity, category) :- '$lgt_current_category_'(Entity, _, _). % '$lgt_clean_redefined_entity'(+atom, @entity_identifier) % % retract all clauses for all dynamically declared predicates from a redefined entity '$lgt_clean_redefined_entity'(object, Entity) :- '$lgt_current_object_'(Entity, Prefix, _, _, _, _), '$lgt_call'(Prefix, _, _, _, _, _, DDcl, DDef, _), DDefClause =.. [DDef, _, _, _, _, DDefHead], forall( retract(DDefClause), retractall(DDefHead)), DDclClause =.. [DDcl, _, _], retractall(DDclClause). '$lgt_clean_redefined_entity'(protocol, _). '$lgt_clean_redefined_entity'(category, _). % '$lgt_report_redefined_entity'(+atom, @entity_identifier) % % prints a warning for redefined entities '$lgt_report_redefined_entity'(Type, Entity) :- '$lgt_compiler_flag'(report, on) -> '$lgt_inc_load_warnings_counter', write(' WARNING! redefining '), write(Type), write(' '), current_output(Output), '$lgt_pretty_print_vars_quoted'(Output, Entity), nl ; true. % '$lgt_report_compiling_entity'(+atom, +entity_identifier) % % prints a message that an entity is being compiled '$lgt_report_compiling_entity'(Type, Entity) :- '$lgt_reset_entity_warnings_flag', ('$lgt_compiler_flag'(report, on) -> write('compiling '), write(Type), write(' '), current_output(Output), '$lgt_pretty_print_vars_quoted'(Output, Entity), ('$lgt_compiler_flag'(debug, on) -> write(' in debug mode... ') ; write('... ')) ; true). % '$lgt_report_compiled_entity'(+atom, +entity_identifier) % % prints a message that an entity is finished compiling '$lgt_report_compiled_entity'(_, _) :- '$lgt_compiler_flag'(report, on) -> ('$lgt_entity_warnings_flag' -> nl; true), write('compiled'), nl ; true. % '$lgt_report_loaded_entity'(+entity_identifier) % % prints a message that an entity finished loading '$lgt_report_loaded_entity'(Entity) :- '$lgt_compiler_flag'(report, on) -> write('< '), writeq(Entity), write(' loaded'), nl ; true. % '$lgt_report_working_directory'(+atom) % % prints the working directory being used for compiling/loading source files '$lgt_report_working_directory'(Directory) :- '$lgt_compiler_flag'(report, on) -> nl, write('+++ working on directory '), write(Directory), nl ; true. % '$lgt_report_compiling_file'(+entity_identifier) % % prints a message that an entity is being compiled '$lgt_report_compiling_file'(File) :- '$lgt_compiler_flag'(report, on) -> write('>>> compiling source file '), writeq(File), ('$lgt_compiler_flag'(debug, on) -> write(' in debug mode...') ; write('...')), nl ; true. % '$lgt_report_up_to_date_file'(+entity_identifier) % % prints a message that an entity is up-to-date '$lgt_report_up_to_date_file'(File) :- '$lgt_compiler_flag'(report, on) -> write('>>> compiling source file '), writeq(File), write('... up-to-date'), nl ; true. % '$lgt_report_compiled_file'(+atom) % % prints a message that a source file is finished compiling '$lgt_report_compiled_file'(File) :- '$lgt_compiler_flag'(report, on) -> write('>>> '), writeq(File), write(' source file compiled'), nl ; true. % '$lgt_report_loading_file'(+atom) % % prints a message that an entity is being compiled '$lgt_report_loading_file'(File) :- '$lgt_compiler_flag'(report, on) -> write('<<< loading source file '), writeq(File), write('... '), nl ; true. % '$lgt_report_loaded_file'(+entity_identifier) % % prints a message that a source file finished loading '$lgt_report_loaded_file'(File) :- '$lgt_compiler_flag'(report, on) -> write('<<< '), writeq(File), write(' source file loaded'), nl ; true. % '$lgt_compile_files'(@source_file_name_list) % % compiles to disk a list of source files '$lgt_compile_files'([]). '$lgt_compile_files'([File| Files]) :- '$lgt_compile_file'(File), '$lgt_compile_files'(Files). % '$lgt_compile_file'(@source_file_name) % % compiles to disk a source file '$lgt_compile_file'(Term) :- compound(Term), !, Term =.. [Library, File], '$lgt_expand_library_path'(Library, Path), '$lgt_current_directory'(Current), '$lgt_change_directory'(Path), '$lgt_report_working_directory'(Path), '$lgt_compile_file'(File), '$lgt_change_directory'(Current). '$lgt_compile_file'(File) :- '$lgt_compiler_flag'(smart_compilation, on), \+ '$lgt_needs_recompilation'(File), !, '$lgt_report_up_to_date_file'(File). '$lgt_compile_file'(File) :- '$lgt_report_compiling_file'(File), '$lgt_tr_file'(File), '$lgt_report_compiled_file'(File). % '$lgt_needs_recompilation'(+atom) % % source file needs recompilation '$lgt_needs_recompilation'(File) :- '$lgt_file_name'(prolog, File, Object), \+ '$lgt_file_exists'(Object), !. '$lgt_needs_recompilation'(File) :- '$lgt_file_name'(logtalk, File, Source), '$lgt_file_name'(prolog, File, Object), ('$lgt_compare_file_mtimes'(Result, Source, Object) -> Result = (>) ; true). % '$lgt_write_tr_entity'(+stream) % % writes to disk the entity compiled code '$lgt_write_tr_entity'(Stream) :- catch(( '$lgt_write_directives'(Stream), '$lgt_write_prolog_clauses'(Stream), '$lgt_write_logtalk_clauses'(Stream)), Error, '$lgt_compiler_error_handler'(Stream, Error)). % '$lgt_write_entity_doc'(@entity_identifier) % % writes to disk the entity documentation in XML format '$lgt_write_entity_doc'(Entity) :- '$lgt_compiler_flag'(xmldocs, on) -> '$lgt_entity_doc_file_name'(Entity, File), catch(( ('$lgt_pp_directive_'(encoding(Encoding)) -> open(File, write, Stream, [encoding(Encoding)]) ; open(File, write, Stream)), '$lgt_write_xml_file'(Stream), close(Stream)), Error, '$lgt_compiler_error_handler'(Stream, Error)) ; true. % '$lgt_entity_doc_file_name'(@nonvar, -atom) % % generates the XML file name for an entity using the format _ '$lgt_entity_doc_file_name'(Entity, File) :- functor(Entity, Functor, Arity), number_codes(Arity, Codes), atom_codes(Atom, Codes), atom_concat(Functor, '_', Aux), atom_concat(Aux, Atom, Name), '$lgt_file_name'(xml, Name, File). % '$lgt_file_name'(+atom, +atom, -atom) % % constructs a filename given the type of file (logtalk, prolog, or xml) % and the file basename (filname may include a directory path) '$lgt_file_name'(Type, Basename, File) :- '$lgt_file_extension'(Type, Extension), % defined on the Prolog config files (('$lgt_compiler_flag'(altdirs, on), '$lgt_alt_directory'(Type, Directory)) -> '$lgt_make_directory'(Directory), % succeeds when the directory already exists atom_concat(Basename, Extension, Aux), atom_concat(Directory, Aux, File) % file on an alternative compilation directory ; atom_concat(Basename, Extension, File)). % file local to current working directory % '$lgt_tr_file'(+atom) % % compiles a source file storing the resulting code in memory '$lgt_tr_file'(File) :- '$lgt_clean_pp_clauses', '$lgt_save_global_op_table', '$lgt_file_name'(logtalk, File, Source), catch( (open(Source, read, Input), read_term(Input, Term, [singletons(Singletons)])), InputError, '$lgt_compiler_error_handler'(Input, InputError)), '$lgt_check_for_encoding_directive'(Term, Input, OutputOption), % the encoding/1 directive, when present, '$lgt_file_name'(prolog, File, Object), % must be the first term on a source file catch( open(Object, write, Output, OutputOption), OutputError, '$lgt_compiler_error_handler'(Input, Output, OutputError)), catch( '$lgt_tr_file'(Term, Singletons, Input, Output), Error, '$lgt_compiler_error_handler'(Input, Output, Error)), close(Input), catch( ('$lgt_write_directives'(Output), % write out any Prolog code that may occur '$lgt_write_prolog_clauses'(Output), % after the last entity on the source file; '$lgt_write_init_call'(Output)), % write initialization/1 directive at the OutputError, % end of the file to improve compatibility '$lgt_compiler_error_handler'(Output, OutputError)), % with non-ISO compliant Prolog compilers close(Output), '$lgt_restore_global_op_table'. % '$lgt_check_for_encoding_directive'(@nonvar, +stream, -list) % % encoding/1 directives must be used during entity compilation % and for the encoding of the generated Prolog and XML files '$lgt_check_for_encoding_directive'((:- encoding(Encoding)), Input, [encoding(Encoding)]) :- !, ('$lgt_compiler_flag'(supports_encoding_dir, true) -> '$lgt_set_stream_encoding'(Input, Encoding) ; throw(error(domain_error(directive, encoding/1), directive(encoding(Encoding))))). '$lgt_check_for_encoding_directive'(_, _, []). % assume no encoding/1 directive present on the source file % '$lgt_tr_file'(+term, +list, @stream, @stream) '$lgt_tr_file'(end_of_file, _, _, Output) :- % module definitions start with an opening '$lgt_pp_module_'(Module), % module/1-2 directive and are assumed to '$lgt_pp_object_'(Module, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), % end at the end of a source file; there is '$lgt_tr_entity'(object, Module, Output), % no module closing directive '$lgt_report_compiled_entity'(module, Module), !. '$lgt_tr_file'(end_of_file, _, _, _) :- '$lgt_pp_object_'(Obj, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), throw(entity_ending_directive_missing(object, Obj)). '$lgt_tr_file'(end_of_file, _, _, _) :- '$lgt_pp_protocol_'(Ptc, _, _, _, _), throw(entity_ending_directive_missing(protocol, Ptc)). '$lgt_tr_file'(end_of_file, _, _, _) :- '$lgt_pp_category_'(Ctg, _, _, _, _, _), throw(entity_ending_directive_missing(category, Ctg)). '$lgt_tr_file'(end_of_file, _, _, _) :- !. '$lgt_tr_file'(Term, Singletons, Input, Output) :- '$lgt_report_singletons'(Singletons, Term), '$lgt_tr_term'(Term, Output), read_term(Input, Next, [singletons(NSingletons)]), '$lgt_tr_file'(Next, NSingletons, Input, Output). % '$lgt_report_singletons'(+list, +term) % % report the singleton variables found while compiling an entity term '$lgt_report_singletons'(TSingletons, Term) :- '$lgt_filter_dont_care_vars'(TSingletons, FSingletons), '$lgt_singleton_var_names'(FSingletons, Names), '$lgt_report_singletons_aux'(Names, Term). '$lgt_report_singletons_aux'([], _) :- !. % cut needed to prevent problems with compilers with broken read_term/3 '$lgt_report_singletons_aux'([Name| Names], Term) :- ('$lgt_compiler_flag'(singletons, warning), '$lgt_compiler_flag'(report, on)) -> '$lgt_inc_compile_warnings_counter', ('$lgt_pp_entity'(_, _, _, _, _) -> nl; true), (Names = [] -> write(' WARNING! singleton variable (') ; write(' WARNING! singleton variables (')), '$lgt_write_list'([Name| Names]), arg(1, Term, Term2), functor(Term2, Functor, Arity), (Term = (:- _) -> write(') in directive ') ; write(') in clause for predicate ')), write(Functor/Arity), ('$lgt_pp_entity'(_, _, _, _, _) -> true; nl) ; true. % '$lgt_singleton_var_names'(@list, -list) % % colects singleton variable names into a list '$lgt_singleton_var_names'([], []). '$lgt_singleton_var_names'([Name = _| Singletons], [Name| Names]) :- '$lgt_singleton_var_names'(Singletons, Names). % '$lgt_filter_dont_care_vars'(+list, -list) % % filter variables whose name start with an underscore from a singletons list if % the corresponding compiler flag sets their interpretation to don't care variables '$lgt_filter_dont_care_vars'(List, Result) :- '$lgt_compiler_flag'(underscore_vars, dont_care) -> '$lgt_filter_dont_care_vars'(List, [], Result) ; List = Result. '$lgt_filter_dont_care_vars'([], Result, Result) :- !. % cut needed to prevent problems with compilers with broken read_term/3 '$lgt_filter_dont_care_vars'([Atom = Var| List], Sofar, Result) :- atom_concat('_', _, Atom) -> '$lgt_filter_dont_care_vars'(List, Sofar, Result) ; '$lgt_filter_dont_care_vars'(List, [Atom = Var| Sofar], Result). % '$lgt_compiler_error_handler'(@stream, @stream, +term) % % closes the streams being used for reading and writing terms, restores % the operator table, and reports the compilation error found '$lgt_compiler_error_handler'(Input, Output, Error) :- '$lgt_restore_global_op_table', '$lgt_reset_warnings_counter', '$lgt_report_compiler_error'(Error), catch(close(Input), _, true), catch(close(Output), _, true), throw(Error). % '$lgt_compiler_error_handler'(@stream, +term) % % closes the stream being used for reading or writing terms, restores % the operator table, and reports the compilation error found '$lgt_compiler_error_handler'(Stream, Error) :- '$lgt_restore_global_op_table', '$lgt_reset_warnings_counter', '$lgt_report_compiler_error'(Error), catch(close(Stream), _, true), throw(Error). % '$lgt_report_compiler_error'(+term) % % reports a compilation error '$lgt_report_compiler_error'(error(Error, directive(Directive))) :- !, ('$lgt_pp_entity'(_, _, _, _, _) -> nl; true), write(' ERROR! '), writeq(Error), nl, write(' in directive: '), writeq((:- Directive)), nl. '$lgt_report_compiler_error'(error(Error, clause(Clause))) :- !, ('$lgt_pp_entity'(_, _, _, _, _) -> nl; true), write(' ERROR! '), writeq(Error), nl, write(' in clause: '), writeq(Clause), nl. '$lgt_report_compiler_error'(error(Error, dcgrule(Rule))) :- !, ('$lgt_pp_entity'(_, _, _, _, _) -> nl; true), write(' ERROR! '), writeq(Error), nl, write(' in grammar rule: '), writeq((Rule)), nl. '$lgt_report_compiler_error'(error(Error, Term)) :- !, ('$lgt_pp_entity'(_, _, _, _, _) -> nl; true), write(' ERROR! '), writeq(Error), nl, write(' in: '), writeq(Term), nl. '$lgt_report_compiler_error'(Error) :- ('$lgt_pp_entity'(_, _, _, _, _) -> nl; true), write(' ERROR! '), writeq(Error), nl. % '$lgt_tr_entity'(+atom, @entity_identifier, @stream) '$lgt_tr_entity'(Type, Entity, Stream) :- '$lgt_generate_code'(Type), '$lgt_report_problems'(Type), '$lgt_write_tr_entity'(Stream), '$lgt_write_entity_doc'(Entity), '$lgt_restore_file_op_table', '$lgt_clean_pp_entity_clauses'. % clean up all dynamic predicates used during source file compilation '$lgt_clean_pp_clauses' :- '$lgt_clean_pp_entity_clauses', retractall('$lgt_pp_global_op_'(_, _, _)), retractall('$lgt_pp_file_op_'(_, _, _)), retractall('$lgt_pp_file_init_'(_)), retractall('$lgt_pp_entity_init_'(_, _)). % clean up all dynamic predicates used during entity compilation '$lgt_clean_pp_entity_clauses' :- retractall('$lgt_pp_object_'(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _)), retractall('$lgt_pp_protocol_'(_, _, _, _, _)), retractall('$lgt_pp_category_'(_, _, _, _, _, _)), retractall('$lgt_pp_module_'(_)), retractall('$lgt_pp_implemented_protocol_'(_, _, _, _)), retractall('$lgt_pp_imported_category_'(_, _, _, _, _)), retractall('$lgt_pp_extended_object_'(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _)), retractall('$lgt_pp_instantiated_class_'(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _)), retractall('$lgt_pp_specialized_class_'(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _)), retractall('$lgt_pp_extended_protocol_'(_, _, _, _)), retractall('$lgt_pp_uses_'(_)), retractall('$lgt_pp_uses_'(_, _, _)), retractall('$lgt_pp_calls_'(_)), retractall('$lgt_pp_info_'(_)), retractall('$lgt_pp_info_'(_, _)), retractall('$lgt_pp_directive_'(_)), retractall('$lgt_pp_public_'(_, _)), retractall('$lgt_pp_protected_'(_, _)), retractall('$lgt_pp_private_'(_, _)), retractall('$lgt_pp_dynamic_'(_, _)), retractall('$lgt_pp_discontiguous_'(_, _)), retractall('$lgt_pp_mode_'(_, _)), retractall('$lgt_pp_metapredicate_'(_)), retractall('$lgt_pp_alias_'(_, _, _)), retractall('$lgt_pp_non_terminal_'(_, _, _)), retractall('$lgt_pp_entity_init_'(_)), retractall('$lgt_pp_fentity_init_'(_)), retractall('$lgt_pp_dcl_'(_)), retractall('$lgt_pp_ddcl_'(_)), retractall('$lgt_pp_def_'(_)), retractall('$lgt_pp_ddef_'(_)), retractall('$lgt_pp_super_'(_)), retractall('$lgt_pp_ppclause_'(_)), retractall('$lgt_pp_rclause_'(_)), retractall('$lgt_pp_eclause_'(_)), retractall('$lgt_pp_feclause_'(_)), retractall('$lgt_pp_redefined_built_in_'(_, _, _)), retractall('$lgt_pp_defs_pred_'(_, _)), retractall('$lgt_pp_calls_pred_'(_, _)), retractall('$lgt_non_portable_call_'(_, _)), retractall('$lgt_pp_referenced_object_'(_)), retractall('$lgt_pp_referenced_protocol_'(_)), retractall('$lgt_pp_referenced_category_'(_)), retractall('$lgt_pp_entity_op_'(_, _, _)). % '$lgt_clean_lookup_caches' % % clean lookup caches '$lgt_clean_lookup_caches' :- retractall('$lgt_obj_lookup_cache_'(_, _, _, _)), retractall('$lgt_self_lookup_cache_'(_, _, _, _)), retractall('$lgt_super_lookup_cache_'(_, _, _, _, _)), retractall('$lgt_db_lookup_cache_'(_, _, _, _, _, _)). % '$lgt_clean_lookup_caches'(@callable) % % clean lookup caches for the matching predicate '$lgt_clean_lookup_caches'(Pred) :- retractall('$lgt_obj_lookup_cache_'(_, Pred, _, _)), retractall('$lgt_self_lookup_cache_'(_, Pred, _, _)), retractall('$lgt_super_lookup_cache_'(_, Pred, _, _, _)), retractall('$lgt_db_lookup_cache_'(_, Pred, _, _, _, _)). % '$lgt_save_global_op_table' % % saves current operator table '$lgt_save_global_op_table' :- current_op(Pr, Spec, Op), asserta('$lgt_pp_global_op_'(Pr, Spec, Op)), fail. '$lgt_save_global_op_table'. % '$lgt_restore_global_op_table' % % restores current operator table '$lgt_restore_global_op_table' :- retract('$lgt_pp_entity_op_'(_, Spec, Op)), op(0, Spec, Op), fail. '$lgt_restore_global_op_table' :- retractall('$lgt_pp_file_op_'(_, _, ',')), % ','/2 cannot be an argument to op/3 retract('$lgt_pp_file_op_'(_, Spec, Op)), catch(op(0, Spec, Op), _, fail), % some Prolog compilers may define other operators as non-redefinable fail. '$lgt_restore_global_op_table' :- retractall('$lgt_pp_global_op_'(_, _, ',')), % ','/2 cannot be an argument to op/3 retract('$lgt_pp_global_op_'(Pr, Spec, Op)), catch(op(Pr, Spec, Op), _, fail), % some Prolog compilers may define other operators as non-redefinable fail. '$lgt_restore_global_op_table'. % '$lgt_save_file_op_table' % % saves current operator table '$lgt_save_file_op_table' :- current_op(Pr, Spec, Op), asserta('$lgt_pp_file_op_'(Pr, Spec, Op)), fail. '$lgt_save_file_op_table'. % '$lgt_restore_file_op_table' % % restores current operator table '$lgt_restore_file_op_table' :- retract('$lgt_pp_entity_op_'(_, Spec, Op)), op(0, Spec, Op), fail. '$lgt_restore_file_op_table' :- retractall('$lgt_pp_file_op_'(_, _, ',')), % ','/2 cannot be an argument to op/3 retract('$lgt_pp_file_op_'(Pr, Spec, Op)), catch(op(Pr, Spec, Op), _, fail), % some Prolog compilers may define other operators as non-redefinable fail. '$lgt_restore_file_op_table'. % '$lgt_assert_entity_ops'(+integer, +operator_specifier, +atom_or_atom_list) % % asserts local entity operators '$lgt_assert_entity_ops'(_, _, []) :- !. '$lgt_assert_entity_ops'(Pr, Spec, [Op| Ops]) :- !, asserta('$lgt_pp_entity_op_'(Pr, Spec, Op)), '$lgt_assert_entity_ops'(Pr, Spec, Ops). '$lgt_assert_entity_ops'(Pr, Spec, Op) :- asserta('$lgt_pp_entity_op_'(Pr, Spec, Op)). % '$lgt_pp_entity'(?atom, ?entity_identifier, ?atom, ?atom, ?atom) % % provides access to some common used data on the entity being compiled '$lgt_pp_entity'(object, Entity, Prefix, Dcl, Mode) :- '$lgt_pp_object_'(Entity, Prefix, Dcl, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, Mode), !. '$lgt_pp_entity'(category, Entity, Prefix, Dcl, Mode) :- '$lgt_pp_category_'(Entity, Prefix, Dcl, _, _, Mode), !. '$lgt_pp_entity'(protocol, Entity, Prefix, Dcl, Mode) :- '$lgt_pp_protocol_'(Entity, Prefix, Dcl, _, Mode). % '$lgt_pp_rclause'(-compound) % % returns runtime table clauses for the entity being compiled '$lgt_pp_rclause'(Clause) :- '$lgt_pp_rclause_'(Clause). '$lgt_pp_rclause'('$lgt_debugging_'(Entity)) :- '$lgt_compiler_flag'(debug, on), '$lgt_pp_entity'(_, Entity, _, _, _). '$lgt_pp_rclause'('$lgt_current_object_'(Obj, Prefix, Dcl, Def, Super, Mode)) :- '$lgt_pp_object_'(Obj, Prefix, Dcl, Def, Super, _, _, _, _, _, Mode), !. '$lgt_pp_rclause'('$lgt_current_protocol_'(Ptc, Prefix, Mode)) :- '$lgt_pp_protocol_'(Ptc, Prefix, _, _, Mode), !. '$lgt_pp_rclause'('$lgt_current_category_'(Ctg, Prefix, Mode)) :- '$lgt_pp_category_'(Ctg, Prefix, _, _, _, Mode). % '$lgt_tr_terms'(+list, +stream) % % translates a list of source file terms '$lgt_tr_terms'([], _, _). '$lgt_tr_terms'([Term| Terms], Stream) :- '$lgt_tr_term'(Term, Stream), '$lgt_tr_terms'(Terms, Stream). % '$lgt_tr_term'(+term, +stream) % % translates a source file term (clauses, directives, and grammar rules) '$lgt_tr_term'((Head :- Body), _) :- !, '$lgt_tr_clause'((Head :- Body)). '$lgt_tr_term'((:- Directive), Stream) :- !, '$lgt_tr_directive'(Directive, Stream). '$lgt_tr_term'((Head --> Body), _) :- !, '$lgt_dcgrule_to_clause'((Head --> Body), Clause), '$lgt_tr_clause'(Clause). '$lgt_tr_term'(Fact, _) :- '$lgt_tr_clause'(Fact). % '$lgt_tr_directives'(+list, @stream) % % translates a list of directives '$lgt_tr_directives'([], _). '$lgt_tr_directives'([Dir| Dirs], Stream) :- '$lgt_tr_directive'(Dir, Stream), '$lgt_tr_directives'(Dirs, Stream). % '$lgt_tr_directive'(+term, @stream) % % translates a directive '$lgt_tr_directive'(Dir, _) :- var(Dir), throw(error(instantiantion_error, directive(Dir))). '$lgt_tr_directive'(Dir, _) :- % closing entity directive occurs before the opening \+ '$lgt_pp_entity'(_, _, _, _, _), % entity directive; the opening directive is probably functor(Dir, Functor, Arity), % missing or misspelt '$lgt_lgt_closing_directive'(Functor, Arity), throw(error(unmatched_directive, directive(Dir))). '$lgt_tr_directive'(Dir, _) :- \+ '$lgt_pp_entity'(_, _, _, _, _), % directive occurs before opening entity directive functor(Dir, Functor, Arity), \+ '$lgt_lgt_opening_directive'(Functor, Arity), !, '$lgt_tr_file_directive'(Dir). % translate it as a source file-level directive '$lgt_tr_directive'(Dir, Stream) :- functor(Dir, Functor, Arity), '$lgt_lgt_directive'(Functor, Arity), % entity opening directive or entity directive Dir =.. [Functor| Args], catch( '$lgt_tr_directive'(Functor, Args, Stream), Error, throw(error(Error, directive(Dir)))), !. '$lgt_tr_directive'(Dir, _) :- '$lgt_ignore_pl_directive'(Dir), % defined in the Prolog config files !, ('$lgt_compiler_flag'(portability, warning) -> nl, write(' WARNING! ignoring Prolog directive: '), writeq(Dir) ; true). '$lgt_tr_directive'(Dir, _) :- '$lgt_copy_pl_directive'(Dir), % defined in the Prolog config files assertz('$lgt_pp_directive_'(Dir)), !, ('$lgt_compiler_flag'(portability, warning) -> nl, write(' WARNING! copying Prolog directive as-is: '), writeq(Dir) ; true). '$lgt_tr_directive'(Dir, Stream) :- '$lgt_rewrite_pl_directive'(Dir, RWDir), % defined in the Prolog config files !, ('$lgt_compiler_flag'(portability, warning) -> nl, write(' WARNING! rewriting Prolog directive: '), writeq(Dir) ; true), '$lgt_tr_directive'(RWDir, Stream). % try to translate the rewritten directive '$lgt_tr_directive'(Dir, _) :- functor(Dir, Functor, Arity), throw(error(domain_error(directive, Functor/Arity), directive(Dir))). % '$lgt_tr_file_directive'(@nonvar) '$lgt_tr_file_directive'(op(Pr, Spec, Ops)) :- % op/3 directives must be used during entity compilation !, ('$lgt_valid_op_priority'(Pr) -> ('$lgt_valid_op_specifier'(Spec) -> ('$lgt_valid_op_names'(Ops) -> assertz('$lgt_pp_directive_'(op(Pr, Spec, Ops))), assertz('$lgt_pp_file_op_'(op(Pr, Spec, Ops))), op(Pr, Spec, Ops) ; throw(type_error(operator_name, Ops))) ; throw(type_error(operator_specifier, Spec))) ; throw(type_error(operator_priority, Pr))). '$lgt_tr_file_directive'(initialization(Goal)) :- !, (callable(Goal) -> assertz('$lgt_pp_file_init_'(Goal)) ; throw(type_error(callable, Goal))). '$lgt_tr_file_directive'(Dir) :- assertz('$lgt_pp_directive_'(Dir)). % directive will be copied to the generated Prolog file % '$lgt_tr_directive'(+atom, +list, @stream) % % translates a directive and its (possibly empty) list of arguments '$lgt_tr_directive'(object, [Obj| _], _) :- var(Obj), throw(instantiation_error). '$lgt_tr_directive'(object, [Obj| _], _) :- \+ callable(Obj), throw(type_error(object_identifier, Obj)). '$lgt_tr_directive'(object, [Obj| Rels], _) :- '$lgt_report_compiling_entity'(object, Obj), '$lgt_tr_object_id'(Obj, static), % assume static category '$lgt_tr_object_relations'(Rels, Obj), '$lgt_save_file_op_table'. '$lgt_tr_directive'(end_object, [], Stream) :- '$lgt_pp_object_'(Obj, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _) -> '$lgt_tr_entity'(object, Obj, Stream), '$lgt_report_compiled_entity'(object, Obj) ; throw(closing_directive_mismatch). '$lgt_tr_directive'(protocol, [Ptc| _], _) :- var(Ptc), throw(instantiation_error). '$lgt_tr_directive'(protocol, [Ptc| _], _) :- \+ atom(Ptc), throw(type_error(protocol_identifier, Ptc)). '$lgt_tr_directive'(protocol, [Ptc| Rels], _) :- '$lgt_report_compiling_entity'(protocol, Ptc), '$lgt_tr_protocol_id'(Ptc, static), % assume static category '$lgt_tr_protocol_relations'(Rels, Ptc), '$lgt_save_file_op_table'. '$lgt_tr_directive'(end_protocol, [], Stream) :- '$lgt_pp_protocol_'(Ptc, _, _, _, _) -> '$lgt_tr_entity'(protocol, Ptc, Stream), '$lgt_report_compiled_entity'(protocol, Ptc) ; throw(closing_directive_mismatch). '$lgt_tr_directive'(category, [Ctg| _], _) :- var(Ctg), throw(instantiation_error). '$lgt_tr_directive'(category, [Ctg| _], _) :- \+ atom(Ctg), throw(type_error(category_identifier, Ctg)). '$lgt_tr_directive'(category, [Ctg| Rels], _) :- '$lgt_report_compiling_entity'(category, Ctg), '$lgt_tr_category_id'(Ctg, static), % assume static category '$lgt_tr_category_relations'(Rels, Ctg), '$lgt_save_file_op_table'. '$lgt_tr_directive'(end_category, [], Stream) :- '$lgt_pp_category_'(Ctg, _, _, _, _, _) -> '$lgt_tr_entity'(category, Ctg, Stream), '$lgt_report_compiled_entity'(category, Ctg) ; throw(closing_directive_mismatch). % compile modules as objects '$lgt_tr_directive'(module, [Module], Stream) :- !, '$lgt_tr_directive'(module, [Module, []], Stream). % empty export list '$lgt_tr_directive'(module, [Module, ExportList], _) :- (var(Module); var(ExportList)), throw(instantiation_error). '$lgt_tr_directive'(module, [Module, _], _) :- \+ atom(Module), throw(type_error(module_identifier, Module)). '$lgt_tr_directive'(module, [Module, ExportList], Stream) :- assertz('$lgt_pp_module_'(Module)), % remeber we are compiling a module '$lgt_report_compiling_entity'(module, Module), '$lgt_tr_object_id'(Module, static), % assume static module/object '$lgt_tr_directive'((public), ExportList, Stream), % make the export list public predicates '$lgt_save_file_op_table'. % dynamic entity directive '$lgt_tr_directive'((dynamic), [], _) :- !, '$lgt_update_entity_comp_mode'. '$lgt_tr_directive'(initialization, [Goal], _) :- var(Goal), throw(instantiation_error). '$lgt_tr_directive'(initialization, [Goal], _) :- \+ callable(Goal), throw(type_error(callable, Goal)). '$lgt_tr_directive'(initialization, [Goal], _) :- '$lgt_pp_entity'(_, Entity, Prefix, _, _), '$lgt_ctx_ctx'(Ctx, Entity, Entity, Entity, Prefix, []), '$lgt_tr_body'(Goal, TGoal, _, Ctx), assertz('$lgt_pp_entity_init_'(TGoal)). '$lgt_tr_directive'(op, [Pr, Spec, Ops], _) :- (var(Pr); var(Spec); var(Ops)), throw(instantiation_error). '$lgt_tr_directive'(op, [Pr, _, _], _) :- \+ '$lgt_valid_op_priority'(Pr), throw(type_error(operator_priority, Pr)). '$lgt_tr_directive'(op, [_, Spec, _], _) :- \+ '$lgt_valid_op_specifier'(Spec), throw(type_error(operator_specifier, Spec)). '$lgt_tr_directive'(op, [_, _, Ops], _) :- '$lgt_valid_op_names'(Ops), throw(type_error(operator_name, Ops)). '$lgt_tr_directive'(op, [Pr, Spec, Ops], _) :- op(Pr, Spec, Ops), '$lgt_assert_entity_ops'(Pr, Spec, Ops). '$lgt_tr_directive'(uses, [Obj, Preds], _) :- (var(Obj); var(Preds)), throw(instantiation_error). '$lgt_tr_directive'(uses, [Obj, _], _) :- \+ callable(Obj), throw(type_error(object_identifier, Obj)). '$lgt_tr_directive'(uses, [_, Preds], _) :- \+ '$lgt_proper_list'(Preds), throw(type_error(list, Preds)). '$lgt_tr_directive'(uses, [Obj, Preds], _) :- !, assertz('$lgt_pp_referenced_object_'(Obj)), assertz('$lgt_pp_uses_'(Obj)), '$lgt_tr_uses_preds'(Preds, Obj). '$lgt_tr_directive'(uses, [Obj], _) :- var(Obj), throw(instantiation_error). '$lgt_tr_directive'(uses, [Obj], _) :- \+ callable(Obj), throw(type_error(object_identifier, Obj)). '$lgt_tr_directive'(uses, [Obj], _) :- assertz('$lgt_pp_referenced_object_'(Obj)), assertz('$lgt_pp_uses_'(Obj)). '$lgt_tr_directive'(use_module, [Module, Preds], Stream) :- % module directive (atom(Module) -> Name = Module; arg(1, Module, Name)), '$lgt_tr_directive'(uses, [Name, Preds], Stream). '$lgt_tr_directive'(calls, Ptcs, _) :- '$lgt_flatten_list'(Ptcs, Ptcs2), '$lgt_tr_calls_directive'(Ptcs2). '$lgt_tr_directive'(info, [List], _) :- !, ('$lgt_tr_entity_info_list'(List) -> assertz('$lgt_pp_info_'(List)) ; throw(type_error(entity_info_list, List))). '$lgt_tr_directive'(info, [Pred, List], _) :- nonvar(Pred) -> ('$lgt_valid_pred_or_gr_ind'(Pred, Functor, Arity) -> '$lgt_tr_pred_info_list'(List, Functor, Arity), assertz('$lgt_pp_info_'(Pred, List)) ; throw(type_error(predicate_indicator, Pred))) ; throw(instantiation_error). '$lgt_tr_directive'((public), Preds, _) :- '$lgt_flatten_list'(Preds, Preds2), '$lgt_tr_public_directive'(Preds2). '$lgt_tr_directive'((export), Preds, _) :- % module directive '$lgt_flatten_list'(Preds, Preds2), '$lgt_tr_public_directive'(Preds2). '$lgt_tr_directive'(protected, Preds, _) :- '$lgt_flatten_list'(Preds, Preds2), '$lgt_tr_protected_directive'(Preds2). '$lgt_tr_directive'(private, Preds, _) :- '$lgt_flatten_list'(Preds, Preds2), '$lgt_tr_private_directive'(Preds2). '$lgt_tr_directive'((dynamic), Preds, _) :- '$lgt_flatten_list'(Preds, Preds2), '$lgt_tr_dynamic_directive'(Preds2). '$lgt_tr_directive'((discontiguous), Preds, _) :- '$lgt_flatten_list'(Preds, Preds2), '$lgt_tr_discontiguous_directive'(Preds2). '$lgt_tr_directive'(metapredicate, Preds, _) :- '$lgt_flatten_list'(Preds, Preds2), '$lgt_tr_metapredicate_directive'(Preds2). '$lgt_tr_directive'(meta_predicate, Preds, _) :- % module directive '$lgt_flatten_list'(Preds, Preds2), '$lgt_convert_module_meta_predicate_args'(Preds2, Preds3), '$lgt_tr_metapredicate_directive'(Preds3). '$lgt_tr_directive'((mode), [Mode, Solutions], _) :- (var(Mode); var(Solutions)), throw(instantiation_error). '$lgt_tr_directive'((mode), [Mode, _], _) :- \+ '$lgt_valid_mode_term'(Mode), throw(type_error(mode_term, Mode)). '$lgt_tr_directive'((mode), [_, Solutions], _) :- \+ '$lgt_valid_number_of_solutions'(Solutions), throw(type_error(number_of_solutions, Solutions)). '$lgt_tr_directive'((mode), [Mode, Solutions], _) :- assertz('$lgt_pp_mode_'(Mode, Solutions)). '$lgt_tr_directive'(alias, [Entity, PI1, PI2], _) :- (var(Entity); var(PI1); var(PI2)), throw(instantiation_error). '$lgt_tr_directive'(alias, [_, PI1, _], _) :- \+ '$lgt_valid_pred_ind'(PI1, _, _), throw(type_error(predicate_indicator, PI1)). '$lgt_tr_directive'(alias, [_, _, PI2], _) :- \+ '$lgt_valid_pred_ind'(PI2, _, _), throw(type_error(predicate_indicator, PI2)). '$lgt_tr_directive'(alias, [Entity, _, _], _) :- \+ callable(Entity), throw(type_error(entity_identifier, Entity)). '$lgt_tr_directive'(alias, [_, Functor1/Arity1, Functor2/Arity2], _) :- Arity1 =\= Arity2, throw(domain_error(arity_mismatch, Functor1/Arity1, Functor2/Arity2)). '$lgt_tr_directive'(alias, [Entity, PI1, PI2], _) :- ('$lgt_pp_extended_protocol_'(Entity, _, _, _); '$lgt_pp_implemented_protocol_'(Entity, _, _, _); '$lgt_pp_imported_category_'(Entity, _, _, _, _); '$lgt_pp_extended_object_'(Entity, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _); '$lgt_pp_instantiated_class_'(Entity, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _); '$lgt_pp_specialized_class_'(Entity, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _)), !, '$lgt_tr_alias_directive'(Entity, PI1, PI2). '$lgt_tr_directive'(alias, [Entity, _, _], _) :- throw(reference_error(entity_identifier, Entity)). '$lgt_tr_alias_directive'(Entity, Functor1/Arity, Functor2/Arity) :- functor(Pred, Functor1, Arity), Pred =.. [_| Args], Alias =.. [Functor2| Args], assertz('$lgt_pp_alias_'(Entity, Pred, Alias)). '$lgt_tr_calls_directive'([]). '$lgt_tr_calls_directive'([Ptc| _]) :- var(Ptc), throw(instantiation_error). '$lgt_tr_calls_directive'([Ptc| _]) :- \+ atom(Ptc), throw(type_error(protocol_identifier, Ptc)). '$lgt_tr_calls_directive'([Ptc| Ptcs]) :- assertz('$lgt_pp_referenced_protocol_'(Ptc)), assertz('$lgt_pp_calls_'(Ptc)), '$lgt_tr_calls_directive'(Ptcs). '$lgt_tr_public_directive'([]). '$lgt_tr_public_directive'([Pred| _]) :- var(Pred), throw(instantiation_error). '$lgt_tr_public_directive'([Pred| Preds]) :- '$lgt_valid_pred_ind'(Pred, Functor, Arity), !, assertz('$lgt_pp_public_'(Functor, Arity)), '$lgt_tr_public_directive'(Preds). '$lgt_tr_public_directive'([Pred| Preds]) :- '$lgt_valid_gr_ind'(Pred, Functor, Arity, Arity2), !, assertz('$lgt_pp_non_terminal_'(Functor, Arity, Arity2)), assertz('$lgt_pp_public_'(Functor, Arity2)), '$lgt_tr_public_directive'(Preds). '$lgt_tr_public_directive'([Pred| _]) :- throw(type_error(predicate_indicator, Pred)). '$lgt_tr_protected_directive'([]). '$lgt_tr_protected_directive'([Pred| _]) :- var(Pred), throw(instantiation_error). '$lgt_tr_protected_directive'([Pred| Preds]) :- '$lgt_valid_pred_ind'(Pred, Functor, Arity), !, assertz('$lgt_pp_protected_'(Functor, Arity)), '$lgt_tr_protected_directive'(Preds). '$lgt_tr_protected_directive'([Pred| Preds]) :- '$lgt_valid_gr_ind'(Pred, Functor, Arity, Arity2), !, assertz('$lgt_pp_non_terminal_'(Functor, Arity, Arity2)), assertz('$lgt_pp_protected_'(Functor, Arity2)), '$lgt_tr_protected_directive'(Preds). '$lgt_tr_protected_directive'([Pred| _]) :- throw(type_error(predicate_indicator, Pred)). '$lgt_tr_private_directive'([]). '$lgt_tr_private_directive'([Pred| _]) :- var(Pred), throw(instantiation_error). '$lgt_tr_private_directive'([Pred| Preds]) :- '$lgt_valid_pred_ind'(Pred, Functor, Arity), !, assertz('$lgt_pp_private_'(Functor, Arity)), '$lgt_tr_private_directive'(Preds). '$lgt_tr_private_directive'([Pred| Preds]) :- '$lgt_valid_gr_ind'(Pred, Functor, Arity, Arity2), !, assertz('$lgt_pp_non_terminal_'(Functor, Arity, Arity2)), assertz('$lgt_pp_private_'(Functor, Arity2)), '$lgt_tr_private_directive'(Preds). '$lgt_tr_private_directive'([Pred| _]) :- throw(type_error(predicate_indicator, Pred)). '$lgt_tr_dynamic_directive'([]). '$lgt_tr_dynamic_directive'([Pred| _]) :- var(Pred), throw(instantiation_error). '$lgt_tr_dynamic_directive'([Pred| Preds]) :- '$lgt_valid_pred_ind'(Pred, Functor, Arity), !, assertz('$lgt_pp_dynamic_'(Functor, Arity)), '$lgt_tr_dynamic_directive'(Preds). '$lgt_tr_dynamic_directive'([Pred| Preds]) :- '$lgt_valid_gr_ind'(Pred, Functor, _, Arity2), !, assertz('$lgt_pp_dynamic_'(Functor, Arity2)), '$lgt_tr_dynamic_directive'(Preds). '$lgt_tr_dynamic_directive'([Pred| _]) :- throw(type_error(predicate_indicator, Pred)). '$lgt_tr_discontiguous_directive'([]). '$lgt_tr_discontiguous_directive'([Pred| _]) :- var(Pred), throw(instantiation_error). '$lgt_tr_discontiguous_directive'([Pred| Preds]) :- '$lgt_valid_pred_ind'(Pred, Functor, Arity), !, assertz('$lgt_pp_discontiguous_'(Functor, Arity)), '$lgt_tr_discontiguous_directive'(Preds). '$lgt_tr_discontiguous_directive'([Pred| Preds]) :- '$lgt_valid_gr_ind'(Pred, Functor, _, Arity2), !, assertz('$lgt_pp_discontiguous_'(Functor, Arity2)), '$lgt_tr_discontiguous_directive'(Preds). '$lgt_tr_discontiguous_directive'([Pred| _]) :- throw(type_error(predicate_indicator, Pred)). '$lgt_tr_metapredicate_directive'([]). '$lgt_tr_metapredicate_directive'([Pred| _]) :- var(Pred), throw(instantiation_error). '$lgt_tr_metapredicate_directive'([Pred| _]) :- \+ '$lgt_valid_metapred_term'(Pred), throw(type_error(metapredicate_term, Pred)). '$lgt_tr_metapredicate_directive'([Pred| Preds]) :- assertz('$lgt_pp_metapredicate_'(Pred)), '$lgt_tr_metapredicate_directive'(Preds). % '$lgt_tr_uses_preds'(+list, +object_identifier) % % auxiliary predicate for translating uses/2 directives '$lgt_tr_uses_preds'([], _). '$lgt_tr_uses_preds'([Pred| Preds], Obj) :- (nonvar(Pred) -> true ; throw(instantiation_error)), (Pred = (Original::Alias) -> true ; (Original, Alias) = (Pred, Pred)), ((nonvar(Original), nonvar(Alias)) -> true ; throw(instantiation_error)), ('$lgt_valid_pred_ind'(Original, OFunctor, OArity) -> functor(TOriginal, OFunctor, OArity) ; throw(type_error(predicate_indicator, Original))), ('$lgt_valid_pred_ind'(Alias, AFunctor, AArity) -> functor(TAlias, AFunctor, AArity) ; throw(type_error(predicate_indicator, Alias))), (OArity =:= AArity -> true ; throw(domain_error(arity_mismatch(Original, Alias)))), (\+ '$lgt_pp_uses_'(_, _, TAlias) -> TOriginal =.. [_| Args], TAlias =.. [_| Args], % unify args of TOriginal and TAlias assertz('$lgt_pp_uses_'(Obj, TOriginal, TAlias)) ; functor(TAlias, Functor, Arity), throw(permission_error(modify, uses_object_predicate, Functor/Arity))), '$lgt_tr_uses_preds'(Preds, Obj). % auxiliary predicate for converting module's meta predicate declarations into % Logtalk ones (: -> ::) '$lgt_convert_module_meta_predicate_args'([], []). '$lgt_convert_module_meta_predicate_args'([Pred| Preds], [Pred2| Preds2]) :- (nonvar(Pred) -> true ; throw(instantiation_error)), Pred =.. [Functor| Args], '$lgt_convert_meta_predicate_mode_spec'(Args, Args2), Pred2 =.. [Functor| Args2], '$lgt_convert_module_meta_predicate_args'(Preds, Preds2). '$lgt_convert_meta_predicate_mode_spec'([], []). '$lgt_convert_meta_predicate_mode_spec'([Arg| Args], [Arg2| Args2]) :- (Arg == (:) -> Arg2 = (::); Arg2 = (*)), '$lgt_convert_meta_predicate_mode_spec'(Args, Args2). % '$lgt_tr_object_relations'(+list, +term) % % translates the relations of an object with other entities '$lgt_tr_object_relations'([], _). '$lgt_tr_object_relations'([Clause| _], _) :- var(Clause), throw(instantiation_error). '$lgt_tr_object_relations'([Clause| Clauses], Obj) :- Clause =.. [Functor| Args], '$lgt_tr_object_relation'(Functor, Args, Obj), !, '$lgt_tr_object_relations'(Clauses, Obj). '$lgt_tr_object_relations'([Clause| _], _) :- functor(Clause, Functor, Arity), throw(domain_error(object_relation, Functor/Arity)). % '$lgt_tr_object_relation'(+atom, +list, +term) % % translates a relation between an object (the last argument) with other entities '$lgt_tr_object_relation'(implements, Ptcs, Obj) :- '$lgt_flatten_list'(Ptcs, List), '$lgt_tr_implements_protocol'(List, Obj). '$lgt_tr_object_relation'(imports, Ctgs, Obj) :- '$lgt_flatten_list'(Ctgs, List), '$lgt_tr_imports_category'(List, Obj). '$lgt_tr_object_relation'(instantiates, Classes, Obj) :- '$lgt_flatten_list'(Classes, List), '$lgt_tr_instantiates_class'(List, Obj). '$lgt_tr_object_relation'(specializes, Superclasses, Class) :- '$lgt_flatten_list'(Superclasses, List), '$lgt_tr_specializes_class'(List, Class). '$lgt_tr_object_relation'(extends, Parents, Prototype) :- '$lgt_flatten_list'(Parents, List), '$lgt_tr_extends_object'(List, Prototype). % '$lgt_tr_protocol_relations'(+list, +term) % % translates the relations of a protocol with other entities '$lgt_tr_protocol_relations'([], _). '$lgt_tr_protocol_relations'([Clause| _], _) :- var(Clause), throw(instantiation_error). '$lgt_tr_protocol_relations'([Clause| Clauses], Obj) :- Clause =.. [Functor| Args], '$lgt_tr_protocol_relation'(Functor, Args, Obj), !, '$lgt_tr_protocol_relations'(Clauses, Obj). '$lgt_tr_protocol_relations'([Clause| _], _) :- functor(Clause, Functor, Arity), throw(domain_error(protocol_relation, Functor/Arity)). % '$lgt_tr_protocol_relation'(+atom, +list, +term) % % translates a relation between a protocol (the last argument) with other entities '$lgt_tr_protocol_relation'(extends, Ptcs, Ptc) :- '$lgt_flatten_list'(Ptcs, List), '$lgt_tr_extends_protocol'(List, Ptc). % '$lgt_tr_category_relations'(+list, +term) % % translates the relations of a category with other entities '$lgt_tr_category_relations'([], _). '$lgt_tr_category_relations'([Clause| _], _) :- var(Clause), throw(instantiation_error). '$lgt_tr_category_relations'([Clause| Clauses], Obj) :- Clause =.. [Functor| Args], '$lgt_tr_category_relation'(Functor, Args, Obj), !, '$lgt_tr_category_relations'(Clauses, Obj). '$lgt_tr_category_relations'([Clause| _], _) :- functor(Clause, Functor, Arity), throw(domain_error(category_relation, Functor/Arity)). % '$lgt_tr_category_relation'(+atom, +list, +term) % % translates a relation between a category (the last argument) with other entities '$lgt_tr_category_relation'(implements, Ptcs, Ctg) :- '$lgt_flatten_list'(Ptcs, List), '$lgt_tr_implements_protocol'(List, Ctg). '$lgt_tr_category_relation'(imports, Ctgs, Ctg) :- '$lgt_flatten_list'(Ctgs, List), '$lgt_tr_imports_category'(List, Ctg). % '$lgt_tr_entity_info_list'(@list) % % true if the argument is a list of valid key-value pairs '$lgt_tr_entity_info_list'(List) :- var(List), throw(instantiation_error). '$lgt_tr_entity_info_list'(List) :- \+ '$lgt_proper_list'(List), throw(type_error(list, List)). '$lgt_tr_entity_info_list'([]). '$lgt_tr_entity_info_list'([Head| _]) :- var(Head), throw(instantiation_error). '$lgt_tr_entity_info_list'([Head| _]) :- Head \= (_ is _), throw(type_error(key_value_info_pair, Head)). '$lgt_tr_entity_info_list'([Key is Value| _]) :- (var(Key); var(Value)), throw(instantiation_error). '$lgt_tr_entity_info_list'([Key is _| _]) :- \+ atom(Key), throw(type_error(atom, Key)). '$lgt_tr_entity_info_list'([Key is Value| Tail]) :- '$lgt_tr_entity_info_key_value'(Key, Value), '$lgt_tr_entity_info_list'(Tail). % '$lgt_tr_entity_info_key_value'(+atom, @nonvar) % % true if the argument is a valid key-value pair '$lgt_tr_entity_info_key_value'(author, Author) :- !, (atom(Author) -> true ; throw(type_error(atom, Author))). '$lgt_tr_entity_info_key_value'(comment, Comment) :- !, (atom(Comment) -> true ; throw(type_error(atom, Comment))). '$lgt_tr_entity_info_key_value'(date, Date) :- !, (Date = Year/Month/Day -> (integer(Year) -> (integer(Month) -> (integer(Day) -> true ; throw(type_error(integer, Day))) ; throw(type_error(integer, Month))) ; throw(type_error(integer, Year))) ; throw(type_error(date, Date))). '$lgt_tr_entity_info_key_value'(parameters, Parameters) :- !, ('$lgt_proper_list'(Parameters) -> (('$lgt_member'(Parameter, Parameters), \+ '$lgt_valid_entity_parameter'(Parameter)) -> throw(type_error(parameter, Parameter)) ; (('$lgt_pp_object_'(Obj, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), \+ \+ Obj =.. [_| Parameters]) -> true ; throw(length_error(parameters_list, Parameters)))) ; throw(type_error(list, Parameters))). '$lgt_tr_entity_info_key_value'(parnames, Parnames) :- !, ('$lgt_proper_list'(Parnames) -> (('$lgt_member'(Name, Parnames), \+ atom(Name)) -> throw(type_error(atom, Name)) ; (('$lgt_pp_object_'(Obj, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), \+ \+ Obj =.. [_| Parnames]) -> true ; throw(length_error(parnames_list, Parnames)))) ; throw(type_error(list, Parnames))). '$lgt_tr_entity_info_key_value'(version, Version) :- !, (atomic(Version) -> true ; throw(type_error(atomic, Version))). '$lgt_tr_entity_info_key_value'(_, _). % '$lgt_tr_pred_info_list'(@list, +atom, +integer) % % true if the argument is a list of valid key-value pairs '$lgt_tr_pred_info_list'(List, _, _) :- var(List), throw(instantiation_error). '$lgt_tr_pred_info_list'(List, _, _) :- \+ '$lgt_proper_list'(List), throw(type_error(list, List)). '$lgt_tr_pred_info_list'([], _, _). '$lgt_tr_pred_info_list'([Head| _], _, _) :- var(Head), throw(instantiation_error). '$lgt_tr_pred_info_list'([Head| _], _, _) :- Head \= (_ is _), throw(type_error(key_value_info_pair, Head)). '$lgt_tr_pred_info_list'([Key is Value| _], _, _) :- (var(Key); var(Value)), throw(instantiation_error). '$lgt_tr_pred_info_list'([Key is _| _], _, _) :- \+ atom(Key), throw(type_error(atom, Key)). '$lgt_tr_pred_info_list'([Key is Value| Tail], Functor, Arity) :- '$lgt_tr_pred_info_key_value'(Key, Value, Functor, Arity), '$lgt_tr_pred_info_list'(Tail, Functor, Arity). % '$lgt_tr_pred_info_key_value'(+atom, @nonvar, +atom, +integer) % % true if the argument is a valid key-value pair '$lgt_tr_pred_info_key_value'(allocation, Allocation, _, _) :- !, (atom(Allocation) -> ('$lgt_member'(Allocation, [container, descendants, instances, classes, subclasses, any]) -> true ; throw(domain_error(allocation, Allocation))) ; throw(type_error(atom, Allocation))). '$lgt_tr_pred_info_key_value'(arguments, Arguments, Functor, Arity) :- !, ('$lgt_proper_list'(Arguments) -> (('$lgt_member'(Argument, Arguments), \+ '$lgt_valid_pred_argument'(Argument)) -> throw(type_error(argument, Argument)) ; ((functor(Pred, Functor, Arity), Pred =.. [_| Arguments]) -> true ; throw(length_error(arguments_list, Arguments)))) ; throw(type_error(list, Arguments))). '$lgt_tr_pred_info_key_value'(argnames, Argnames, Functor, Arity) :- !, ('$lgt_proper_list'(Argnames) -> (('$lgt_member'(Name, Argnames), \+ atom(Name)) -> throw(type_error(atom, Name)) ; ((functor(Pred, Functor, Arity), Pred =.. [_| Argnames]) -> true ; throw(length_error(argnames_list, Argnames)))) ; throw(type_error(list, Argnames))). '$lgt_tr_pred_info_key_value'(comment, Comment, _, _) :- !, (atom(Comment) -> true ; throw(type_error(atom, Comment))). '$lgt_tr_pred_info_key_value'(exceptions, Exceptions, _, _) :- !, ('$lgt_proper_list'(Exceptions) -> (('$lgt_member'(Exception, Exceptions), \+ '$lgt_valid_pred_exception'(Exception)) -> throw(type_error(exception, Exception)) ; true) ; throw(type_error(list, Exceptions))). '$lgt_tr_pred_info_key_value'(examples, Examples, Functor, Arity) :- !, ('$lgt_proper_list'(Examples) -> (('$lgt_member'(Example, Examples), \+ '$lgt_valid_pred_call_example'(Example, Functor, Arity)) -> throw(type_error(example, Example)) ; true) ; throw(type_error(list, Examples))). '$lgt_tr_pred_info_key_value'(redefinition, Redefinition, _, _) :- !, (atom(Redefinition) -> ('$lgt_member'(Redefinition, [never, free, specialize, call_super_first, call_super_last]) -> true ; throw(domain_error(redefinition, Redefinition))) ; throw(type_error(atom, Redefinition))). '$lgt_tr_pred_info_key_value'(_, _, _, _). % '$lgt_tr_clauses'(+list) '$lgt_tr_clauses'([]). '$lgt_tr_clauses'([Clause| Clauses]) :- '$lgt_tr_clause'(Clause), '$lgt_tr_clauses'(Clauses). % '$lgt_tr_clause'(+clause) '$lgt_tr_clause'(Clause) :- \+ '$lgt_pp_entity'(_, _, _, _, _), % clause occurs before opening entity directive !, assertz('$lgt_pp_ppclause_'(Clause)). % clause will copied unchanged to the generated Prolog file '$lgt_tr_clause'(Clause) :- '$lgt_pp_entity'(Type, Entity, Prefix, _, _), ((Type = object, compound(Entity)) -> % if the entity is a parametric object we need '$lgt_ctx_this'(Ctx, Entity) % "this" for inline compilation of parameter/2 ; true), '$lgt_ctx_prefix'(Ctx, Prefix), catch( '$lgt_tr_clause'(Clause, TClause, DClause, Ctx), Error, throw(error(Error, clause(Clause)))), ('$lgt_compiler_flag'(debug, on) -> assertz('$lgt_pp_eclause_'(DClause)) ; assertz('$lgt_pp_eclause_'(TClause))), !. '$lgt_tr_clause'(Clause) :- throw(error(unknown_error, clause(Clause))). % '$lgt_tr_clause'(+clause, -clause, -clause, +term) '$lgt_tr_clause'(Clause, _, _, _) :- var(Clause), throw(instantiation_error). '$lgt_tr_clause'((Head:-Body), _, _, _) :- (var(Head); var(Body)), throw(instantiation_error). '$lgt_tr_clause'((Head:-_), _, _, _) :- \+ callable(Head), throw(type_error(callable, Head)). '$lgt_tr_clause'((_:-Body), _, _, _) :- \+ callable(Body), throw(type_error(callable, Body)). '$lgt_tr_clause'((Head:-Body), TClause, (THead:-'$lgt_dbg_head'(Head, Ctx),DBody), Ctx) :- functor(Head, Functor, Arity), '$lgt_pp_dynamic_'(Functor, Arity), !, '$lgt_pred_meta_vars'(Head, Metavars), '$lgt_ctx_meta_vars'(Ctx, Metavars), '$lgt_tr_head'(Head, THead, Ctx), '$lgt_tr_body'(Body, TBody, DBody, Ctx), '$lgt_simplify_body'(TBody, SBody), TClause = (THead:-'$lgt_nop'(Body), SBody). '$lgt_tr_clause'((Head:-Body), TClause, (THead:-'$lgt_dbg_head'(Head, Ctx),DBody), Ctx) :- !, '$lgt_pred_meta_vars'(Head, Metavars), '$lgt_ctx_meta_vars'(Ctx, Metavars), '$lgt_tr_head'(Head, THead, Ctx), '$lgt_tr_body'(Body, TBody, DBody, Ctx), '$lgt_simplify_body'(TBody, SBody), (SBody == true -> TClause = THead ; TClause = (THead:-SBody)). '$lgt_tr_clause'(Fact, _, _, _) :- \+ callable(Fact), throw(type_error(callable, Fact)). '$lgt_tr_clause'(Fact, TFact, (TFact:-'$lgt_dbg_fact'(Fact, Ctx)), Ctx) :- '$lgt_tr_head'(Fact, TFact, Ctx). % '$lgt_tr_head'(+callable, -callable, +term) % % translates an entity clause head % definition of dynamic predicates inside categories '$lgt_tr_head'(Head, _, _) :- '$lgt_pp_category_'(_, _, _, _, _, _), functor(Head, Functor, Arity), '$lgt_pp_dynamic_'(Functor, Arity), throw(permission_error(define, dynamic_predicate, Functor/Arity)). % redefinition of Logtalk message sending and external call control constructs '$lgt_tr_head'(Term1::Term2, _, _) :- throw(permission_error(modify, control_construct, Term1::Term2)). '$lgt_tr_head'(::Term, _, _) :- throw(permission_error(modify, control_construct, ::Term)). '$lgt_tr_head'(^^Term, _, _) :- throw(permission_error(modify, control_construct, ^^Term)). '$lgt_tr_head'({Term}, _, _) :- throw(permission_error(modify, control_construct, {Term})). % redefinition of Logtalk built-in methods '$lgt_tr_head'(Head, _, _) :- '$lgt_built_in_method'(Head, _), functor(Head, Functor, Arity), throw(permission_error(modify, built_in_method, Functor/Arity)). % conflict with a predicate specified in a uses/2 directive '$lgt_tr_head'(Alias, _, _) :- '$lgt_pp_uses_'(_, _, Alias), functor(Alias, Functor, Arity), throw(permission_error(modify, uses_object_predicate, Functor/Arity)). % redefinition of Logtalk built-in predicates '$lgt_tr_head'(Head, _, _) :- '$lgt_lgt_built_in'(Head), '$lgt_compiler_flag'(lgtredef, warning), '$lgt_compiler_flag'(report, on), \+ '$lgt_pp_redefined_built_in_'(Head, _, _), % not already reported? functor(Head, Functor, Arity), '$lgt_inc_compile_warnings_counter', nl, write(' WARNING! redefining a Logtalk built-in predicate: '), writeq(Functor/Arity), fail. % redefinition of Prolog built-in predicates '$lgt_tr_head'(Head, _, _) :- '$lgt_pl_built_in'(Head), '$lgt_compiler_flag'(plredef, warning), '$lgt_compiler_flag'(report, on), \+ '$lgt_pp_redefined_built_in_'(Head, _, _), % not already reported? functor(Head, Functor, Arity), '$lgt_inc_compile_warnings_counter', nl, write(' WARNING! redefining a Prolog built-in predicate: '), writeq(Functor/Arity), fail. % translate the head of a clause of a user defined predicate '$lgt_tr_head'(Head, THead, Ctx) :- functor(Head, Functor, Arity), Head =.. [_| Args], '$lgt_ctx_prefix'(Ctx, EPrefix), '$lgt_construct_predicate_functor'(EPrefix, Functor, Arity, PPrefix), (('$lgt_pp_dynamic_'(Functor, Arity), \+ '$lgt_pp_public_'(Functor, Arity), \+ '$lgt_pp_protected_'(Functor, Arity), \+ '$lgt_pp_private_'(Functor, Arity)) -> '$lgt_add_ddef_clause'(Functor, Arity, PPrefix, Ctx) ; '$lgt_add_def_clause'(Functor, Arity, PPrefix, Ctx)), '$lgt_ctx_ctx'(Ctx, Sender, This, Self, _, _), '$lgt_append'(Args, [Sender, This, Self], Args2), THead =.. [PPrefix| Args2]. % '$lgt_tr_body'(+callable, -callable, -callable, +term) % % translates an entity clause body % meta-calls '$lgt_tr_body'(Pred, TPred, '$lgt_dbg_goal'(Pred, TPred, Ctx), Ctx) :- var(Pred), !, '$lgt_ctx_meta_vars'(Ctx, Metavars), ('$lgt_member_var'(Pred, Metavars) -> '$lgt_ctx_sender'(Ctx, Sender), TPred = '$lgt_metacall_in_object'(Sender, Pred, Sender) ; '$lgt_ctx_this'(Ctx, This), TPred = '$lgt_metacall_in_object'(This, Pred, This)). % pre-processor bypass (call of external code) '$lgt_tr_body'({Pred}, _, _, _) :- var(Pred), throw(instantiation_error). '$lgt_tr_body'({Pred}, _, _, _) :- \+ callable(Pred), throw(type_error(callable, Pred)). '$lgt_tr_body'({Pred}, Pred, '$lgt_dbg_goal'({Pred}, Pred, Ctx), Ctx) :- !. % bagof/3 and setof/3 existential quantifiers '$lgt_tr_body'(Var^Pred, Var^TPred, Var^DPred, Ctx) :- !, '$lgt_tr_body'(Pred, TPred, DPred, Ctx). % control constructs '$lgt_tr_body'((Pred1, Pred2), (TPred1, TPred2), (DPred1, DPred2), Ctx) :- !, '$lgt_tr_body'(Pred1, TPred1, DPred1, Ctx), '$lgt_tr_body'(Pred2, TPred2, DPred2, Ctx). '$lgt_tr_body'((Pred1; Pred2), (TPred1; TPred2), (DPred1; DPred2), Ctx) :- !, '$lgt_tr_body'(Pred1, TPred1, DPred1, Ctx), '$lgt_tr_body'(Pred2, TPred2, DPred2, Ctx). '$lgt_tr_body'((Pred1 -> Pred2), (TPred1 -> TPred2), (DPred1 -> DPred2), Ctx) :- !, '$lgt_tr_body'(Pred1, TPred1, DPred1, Ctx), '$lgt_tr_body'(Pred2, TPred2, DPred2, Ctx). '$lgt_tr_body'(\+ Pred, \+ TPred, \+ DPred, Ctx) :- !, '$lgt_tr_body'(Pred, TPred, DPred, Ctx). '$lgt_tr_body'(!, !, ('$lgt_dbg_goal'(!, true, Ctx), !), Ctx) :- !. '$lgt_tr_body'(true, true, '$lgt_dbg_goal'(true, true, Ctx), Ctx) :- !. '$lgt_tr_body'(fail, fail, '$lgt_dbg_goal'(fail, fail, Ctx), Ctx) :- !. '$lgt_tr_body'(repeat, repeat, '$lgt_dbg_goal'(repeat, repeat, Ctx), Ctx) :- !. '$lgt_tr_body'(call(Pred), TPred, DPred, Ctx) :- !, '$lgt_tr_body'(Pred, TPred, DPred, Ctx). '$lgt_tr_body'(once(Pred), once(TPred), once(DPred), Ctx) :- !, '$lgt_tr_body'(Pred, TPred, DPred, Ctx). '$lgt_tr_body'(catch(Goal, Catcher, Recovery), catch(TGoal, Catcher, TRecovery), '$lgt_dbg_goal'(catch(Goal, Catcher, Recovery), catch(DGoal, Catcher, DRecovery)), Ctx) :- !, '$lgt_tr_body'(Goal, TGoal, DGoal, Ctx), '$lgt_tr_body'(Recovery, TRecovery, DRecovery, Ctx). '$lgt_tr_body'(throw(Error), throw(Error), '$lgt_dbg_goal'(throw(Error), throw(Error), Ctx), Ctx) :- !. % built-in metapredicates '$lgt_tr_body'(bagof(Term, Pred, List), bagof(Term, TPred, List), '$lgt_dbg_goal'(bagof(Term, Pred, List), bagof(Term, DPred, List), Ctx), Ctx) :- !, '$lgt_tr_body'(Pred, TPred, DPred, Ctx). '$lgt_tr_body'(findall(Term, Pred, List), findall(Term, TPred, List), '$lgt_dbg_goal'(findall(Term, Pred, List), findall(Term, DPred, List), Ctx), Ctx) :- !, '$lgt_tr_body'(Pred, TPred, DPred, Ctx). '$lgt_tr_body'(forall(Gen, Test), forall(TGen, TTest), '$lgt_dbg_goal'(forall(Gen, Test), forall(DGen, DTest), Ctx), Ctx) :- !, '$lgt_tr_body'(Gen, TGen, DGen, Ctx), '$lgt_tr_body'(Test, TTest, DTest, Ctx). '$lgt_tr_body'(setof(Term, Pred, List), setof(Term, TPred, List), '$lgt_dbg_goal'(setof(Term, Pred, List), setof(Term, DPred, List), Ctx), Ctx) :- !, '$lgt_tr_body'(Pred, TPred, DPred, Ctx). % message sending '$lgt_tr_body'(Obj::Pred, TPred, '$lgt_dbg_goal'(Obj::Pred, TPred, Ctx), Ctx) :- !, '$lgt_ctx_this'(Ctx, This), '$lgt_tr_msg'(Pred, Obj, TPred, This). '$lgt_tr_body'(::Pred, TPred, '$lgt_dbg_goal'(::Pred, TPred, Ctx), Ctx) :- !, '$lgt_ctx_this'(Ctx, This), '$lgt_ctx_self'(Ctx, Self), '$lgt_tr_self_msg'(Pred, TPred, This, Self). '$lgt_tr_body'(^^Pred, TPred, '$lgt_dbg_goal'(^^Pred, TPred, Ctx), Ctx) :- !, '$lgt_tr_super_sending'(Pred, TPred, Ctx). % "reflection" built-in predicates '$lgt_tr_body'(current_predicate(Pred), '$lgt_current_predicate'(This, Pred, This, _), '$lgt_dbg_goal'(current_predicate(Pred), '$lgt_current_predicate'(This, Pred, This, _), Ctx), Ctx) :- !, '$lgt_ctx_this'(Ctx, This). '$lgt_tr_body'(predicate_property(Pred, Prop), '$lgt_predicate_property'(This, Pred, Prop, This, _), '$lgt_dbg_goal'(predicate_property(Pred, Prop), '$lgt_predicate_property'(This, Pred, Prop, This, _), Ctx), Ctx) :- !, '$lgt_ctx_this'(Ctx, This). % database handling built-in predicates '$lgt_tr_body'(abolish(Pred), TCond, DCond, Ctx) :- !, '$lgt_ctx_this'(Ctx, This), ('$lgt_runtime_db_pred_ind_chk'(Pred) -> TCond = '$lgt_abolish'(This, Pred, This, _) ; '$lgt_compiler_db_pred_ind_chk'(Pred), TCond = '$lgt_abolish_chk'(This, Pred, This, _)), DCond = '$lgt_dbg_goal'(abolish(Pred), TCond, Ctx). '$lgt_tr_body'(asserta(Pred), TCond, DCond, Ctx) :- !, ('$lgt_optimizable_local_db_call'(Pred, Ctx, TPred) -> TCond = asserta(TPred) ; '$lgt_ctx_this'(Ctx, This), ('$lgt_runtime_db_clause_chk'(Pred) -> TCond = '$lgt_asserta'(This, Pred, This, _) ; '$lgt_compiler_db_clause_chk'(Pred), (Pred = (_ :- _) -> TCond = '$lgt_asserta_rule_chk'(This, Pred, This, _) ; TCond = '$lgt_asserta_fact_chk'(This, Pred, This, _)))), DCond = '$lgt_dbg_goal'(asserta(Pred), TCond, Ctx). '$lgt_tr_body'(assertz(Pred), TCond, DCond, Ctx) :- !, ('$lgt_optimizable_local_db_call'(Pred, Ctx, TPred) -> TCond = assertz(TPred) ; '$lgt_ctx_this'(Ctx, This), ('$lgt_runtime_db_clause_chk'(Pred) -> TCond = '$lgt_assertz'(This, Pred, This, _) ; '$lgt_compiler_db_clause_chk'(Pred), (Pred = (_ :- _) -> TCond = '$lgt_assertz_rule_chk'(This, Pred, This, _) ; TCond = '$lgt_assertz_fact_chk'(This, Pred, This, _)))), DCond = '$lgt_dbg_goal'(assertz(Pred), TCond, Ctx). '$lgt_tr_body'(clause(Head, Body), TCond, DCond, Ctx) :- !, ('$lgt_optimizable_local_db_call'(Head, Ctx, THead) -> TCond = (clause(THead, TBody), (TBody = ('$lgt_nop'(Body), _) -> true; Body = TBody)) ; '$lgt_ctx_this'(Ctx, This), ('$lgt_runtime_db_clause_chk'((Head :- Body)) -> TCond = '$lgt_clause'(This, Head, Body, This, _) ; '$lgt_compiler_db_clause_chk'((Head :- Body)), TCond = '$lgt_clause_chk'(This, Head, Body, This, _))), DCond = '$lgt_dbg_goal'(clause(Head, Body), TCond, Ctx). '$lgt_tr_body'(retract(Pred), TCond, DCond, Ctx) :- !, ('$lgt_optimizable_local_db_call'(Pred, Ctx, TPred) -> TCond = retract(TPred) ; '$lgt_ctx_this'(Ctx, This), ('$lgt_runtime_db_clause_chk'(Pred) -> TCond = '$lgt_retract'(This, Pred, This, _) ; '$lgt_compiler_db_clause_chk'(Pred), (Pred = (_ :- _) -> TCond = '$lgt_retract_rule_chk'(This, Pred, This, _) ; TCond = '$lgt_retract_fact_chk'(This, Pred, This, _)))), DCond = '$lgt_dbg_goal'(retract(Pred), TCond, Ctx). '$lgt_tr_body'(retractall(Pred), TCond, DCond, Ctx) :- !, ('$lgt_optimizable_local_db_call'(Pred, Ctx, TPred) -> TCond = retractall(TPred) ; '$lgt_ctx_this'(Ctx, This), ('$lgt_runtime_db_clause_chk'(Pred) -> TCond = '$lgt_retractall'(This, Pred, This, _) ; '$lgt_compiler_db_clause_chk'(Pred), TCond = '$lgt_retractall_chk'(This, Pred, This, _))), DCond = '$lgt_dbg_goal'(retractall(Pred), TCond, Ctx). % DCG predicates '$lgt_tr_body'(expand_term(Term, Clause), '$lgt_expand_term'(This, Term, Clause, This, _), '$lgt_dbg_goal'(expand_term(Term, Clause), '$lgt_expand_term'(This, Term, Clause, This, _), Ctx), Ctx) :- !, '$lgt_ctx_this'(Ctx, This). '$lgt_tr_body'(phrase(Ruleset, Input), '$lgt_phrase'(This, Ruleset, Input, This, _), '$lgt_dbg_goal'(phrase(Ruleset, Input), '$lgt_phrase'(This, Ruleset, Input, This, _), Ctx), Ctx) :- !, '$lgt_ctx_this'(Ctx, This). '$lgt_tr_body'(phrase(Ruleset, Input, Rest), '$lgt_phrase'(This, Ruleset, Input, Rest, This, _), '$lgt_dbg_goal'(phrase(Ruleset, Input, Rest), '$lgt_phrase'(This, Ruleset, Input, Rest, This, _), Ctx), Ctx) :- !, '$lgt_ctx_this'(Ctx, This). % inline methods (translated to a single unification with the corresponding context argument) '$lgt_tr_body'(sender(Sender), true, '$lgt_dbg_goal'(sender(Temp), Sender=Temp, Ctx), Ctx) :- !, '$lgt_ctx_sender'(Ctx, Sender). '$lgt_tr_body'(this(This), true, '$lgt_dbg_goal'(this(Temp), This=Temp, Ctx), Ctx) :- !, '$lgt_ctx_this'(Ctx, This). '$lgt_tr_body'(self(Self), true, '$lgt_dbg_goal'(self(Temp), Self=Temp, Ctx), Ctx) :- !, '$lgt_ctx_self'(Ctx, Self). '$lgt_tr_body'(parameter(Arg, Value), TPred, '$lgt_dbg_goal'(parameter(Arg, Temp), DPred, Ctx), Ctx) :- !, '$lgt_ctx_this'(Ctx, This), (var(This) -> TPred = arg(Arg, This, Value), % when using parameter/2 in categories DPred = (TPred, Temp=Value) ; arg(Arg, This, Value), TPred = true, DPred = (Temp=Value)). % term input predicates that need to be operator aware '$lgt_tr_body'(read_term(Stream, Term, Options), '$lgt_iso_read_term'(Stream, Term, Options, Ops), '$lgt_dbg_goal'(read_term(Stream, Term, Options), '$lgt_iso_read_term'(Stream, Term, Options, Ops), Ctx), Ctx) :- bagof(op(Pr, Spec, Op), '$lgt_pp_entity_op_'(Pr, Spec, Op), Ops), !. '$lgt_tr_body'(read_term(Term, Options), '$lgt_iso_read_term'(Term, Options, Ops), '$lgt_dbg_goal'(read_term(Term, Options), '$lgt_iso_read_term'(Term, Options, Ops), Ctx), Ctx) :- bagof(op(Pr, Spec, Op), '$lgt_pp_entity_op_'(Pr, Spec, Op), Ops), !. '$lgt_tr_body'(read(Stream, Term), '$lgt_iso_read'(Stream, Term, Ops), '$lgt_dbg_goal'(read(Stream, Term), '$lgt_iso_read'(Stream, Term, Ops), Ctx), Ctx) :- bagof(op(Pr, Spec, Op), '$lgt_pp_entity_op_'(Pr, Spec, Op), Ops), !. '$lgt_tr_body'(read(Term), '$lgt_iso_read'(Term, Ops), '$lgt_dbg_goal'(read(Term), '$lgt_iso_read'(Term, Ops), Ctx), Ctx) :- bagof(op(Pr, Spec, Op), '$lgt_pp_entity_op_'(Pr, Spec, Op), Ops), !. % term output predicates that need to be operator aware '$lgt_tr_body'(write_term(Stream, Term, Options), '$lgt_iso_write_term'(Stream, Term, Options, Ops), '$lgt_dbg_goal'(write_term(Stream, Term, Options), '$lgt_iso_write_term'(Stream, Term, Options, Ops), Ctx), Ctx) :- ('$lgt_member'(ignore_ops(Value), Options) -> Value \== true; true), bagof(op(Pr, Spec, Op), '$lgt_pp_entity_op_'(Pr, Spec, Op), Ops), !. '$lgt_tr_body'(write_term(Term, Options), '$lgt_iso_write_term'(Term, Options, Ops), '$lgt_dbg_goal'(write_term(Term, Options), '$lgt_iso_write_term'(Term, Options, Ops), Ctx), Ctx) :- ('$lgt_member'(ignore_ops(Value), Options) -> Value \== true; true), bagof(op(Pr, Spec, Op), '$lgt_pp_entity_op_'(Pr, Spec, Op), Ops), !. '$lgt_tr_body'(write(Stream, Term), '$lgt_iso_write'(Stream, Term, Ops), '$lgt_dbg_goal'(write(Stream, Term), '$lgt_iso_write'(Stream, Term, Ops), Ctx), Ctx) :- bagof(op(Pr, Spec, Op), '$lgt_pp_entity_op_'(Pr, Spec, Op), Ops), !. '$lgt_tr_body'(write(Term), '$lgt_iso_write'(Term, Ops), '$lgt_dbg_goal'(write(Term), '$lgt_iso_write'(Term, Ops), Ctx), Ctx) :- bagof(op(Pr, Spec, Op), '$lgt_pp_entity_op_'(Pr, Spec, Op), Ops), !. '$lgt_tr_body'(writeq(Stream, Term), '$lgt_iso_writeq'(Stream, Term, Ops), '$lgt_dbg_goal'(writeq(Stream, Term), '$lgt_iso_writeq'(Stream, Term, Ops), Ctx), Ctx) :- bagof(op(Pr, Spec, Op), '$lgt_pp_entity_op_'(Pr, Spec, Op), Ops), !. '$lgt_tr_body'(writeq(Term), '$lgt_iso_writeq'(Term, Ops), '$lgt_dbg_goal'(writeq(Term), '$lgt_iso_writeq'(Term, Ops), Ctx), Ctx) :- bagof(op(Pr, Spec, Op), '$lgt_pp_entity_op_'(Pr, Spec, Op), Ops), !. % predicates specified in uses/2 directives '$lgt_tr_body'(Alias, TPred, DPred, Ctx) :- '$lgt_pp_uses_'(Obj, Pred, Alias), !, '$lgt_tr_body'(Obj::Pred, TPred, DPred, Ctx). % Logtalk and Prolog built-in predicates '$lgt_tr_body'(Pred, _, _, _) :- '$lgt_pl_built_in'(Pred), \+ '$lgt_lgt_built_in'(Pred), \+ '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(Pred), functor(Pred, Functor, Arity), assertz('$lgt_non_portable_call_'(Functor, Arity)), fail. '$lgt_tr_body'(Pred, TPred, '$lgt_dbg_goal'(Pred, TPred, Ctx), Ctx) :- '$lgt_pl_built_in'(Pred), functor(Pred, Functor, Arity), functor(Meta, Functor, Arity), '$lgt_pl_metapredicate'(Meta), !, Pred =.. [_| Args], Meta =.. [_| MArgs], '$lgt_tr_meta_args'(Args, MArgs, Ctx, TArgs), TPred =.. [Functor| TArgs]. '$lgt_tr_body'(Pred, '$lgt_call_built_in'(Pred, Ctx), '$lgt_dbg_goal'(Pred, '$lgt_call_built_in'(Pred, Ctx), Ctx), Ctx) :- '$lgt_built_in'(Pred), !. % invalid goal '$lgt_tr_body'(Pred, _, _, _) :- \+ callable(Pred), throw(type_error(callable, Pred)). % goal is a call to a user predicate '$lgt_tr_body'(Cond, TCond, '$lgt_dbg_goal'(Cond, TCond, Ctx), Ctx) :- Cond =.. [Functor| Args], functor(Cond, Functor, Arity), '$lgt_ctx_ctx'(Ctx, Sender, This, Self, EPrefix, _), '$lgt_construct_predicate_functor'(EPrefix, Functor, Arity, PPrefix), '$lgt_append'(Args, [Sender, This, Self], Args2), TCond =.. [PPrefix| Args2], assertz('$lgt_pp_calls_pred_'(Functor, Arity)). % '$lgt_tr_meta_args'(@list, @list, +term, -list) % % translates the meta-arguments contained in the list of % arguments of a call to a metapredicate '$lgt_tr_meta_args'([], [], _, []). '$lgt_tr_meta_args'([Arg| Args], [MArg| MArgs], Ctx, [TArg| TArgs]) :- '$lgt_tr_meta_arg'(MArg, Arg, Ctx, TArg), '$lgt_tr_meta_args'(Args, MArgs, Ctx, TArgs). '$lgt_tr_meta_arg'(*, Arg, _, Arg). '$lgt_tr_meta_arg'(::, Arg, Ctx, TArg) :- '$lgt_tr_body'(Arg, TArg, _, Ctx). % '$lgt_optimizable_local_db_call'(@term, @nonvar, -callable) % % checks if a call to a database built-in method can be optimized by direct % translation to a call to the corresponding Prolog built-in predicate '$lgt_optimizable_local_db_call'(Pred, Ctx, TPred) :- callable(Pred), functor(Pred, Functor, Arity), Functor \= (:-), % only facts allowed '$lgt_pp_dynamic_'(Functor, Arity), once(( % a scope directive must be present '$lgt_pp_public_'(Functor, Arity); '$lgt_pp_protected_'(Functor, Arity); '$lgt_pp_private_'(Functor, Arity))), Pred =.. [Functor| Args], '$lgt_ctx_ctx'(Ctx, _, _, _, EPrefix, _), '$lgt_construct_predicate_functor'(EPrefix, Functor, Arity, PPrefix), '$lgt_append'(Args, [_, _, _], Args2), TPred =.. [PPrefix| Args2]. % '$lgt_runtime_db_clause_chk'(@term) % % true if the argument forces runtime validity check '$lgt_runtime_db_clause_chk'(Pred) :- var(Pred), !. '$lgt_runtime_db_clause_chk'((Head :- _)) :- var(Head), !. '$lgt_runtime_db_clause_chk'((_ :- Body)) :- var(Body). % '$lgt_compiler_db_clause_chk'(@nonvar) % % throws an error if the argument is invalid '$lgt_compiler_db_clause_chk'((Head :- _)) :- \+ callable(Head), throw(type_error(callable, Head)). '$lgt_compiler_db_clause_chk'((_ :- Body)) :- \+ callable(Body), throw(type_error(callable, Body)). '$lgt_compiler_db_clause_chk'(Clause) :- \+ callable(Clause), throw(type_error(callable, Clause)). '$lgt_compiler_db_clause_chk'(_). % '$lgt_runtime_db_pred_ind_chk'(@term) % % true if the argument forces runtime validity check '$lgt_runtime_db_pred_ind_chk'(Pred) :- var(Pred), !. '$lgt_runtime_db_pred_ind_chk'(Functor/_) :- var(Functor), !. '$lgt_runtime_db_pred_ind_chk'(_/Arity) :- var(Arity). % '$lgt_compiler_db_pred_ind_chk'(@nonvar) % % throws an error if the argument is invalid '$lgt_compiler_db_pred_ind_chk'(Term) :- Term \= (_/_), throw(type_error(predicate_indicator, Term)). '$lgt_compiler_db_pred_ind_chk'(Functor/_) :- \+ atom(Functor), throw(type_error(atom, Functor)). '$lgt_compiler_db_pred_ind_chk'(_/Arity) :- \+ integer(Arity), throw(type_error(integer, Arity)). '$lgt_compiler_db_pred_ind_chk'(_/Arity) :- integer(Arity), Arity < 0, throw(domain_error(not_less_than_zero, Arity)). '$lgt_compiler_db_pred_ind_chk'(_). % '$lgt_tr_msg'(@term, @object_identifier, -nonvar, @object_identifier) % % translates the sending of a message to an object '$lgt_tr_msg'(Pred, Obj, TPred, This) :- nonvar(Obj), ((Obj = (_, _); Obj = (_; _)) -> !, '$lgt_tr_msg_broadcasting'(Obj, Pred, TPred, This) % message broadcasting ; (\+ callable(Obj) -> throw(type_error(object_identifier, Obj)) % invalid object identifier ; This \= user, % not runtime message translation assertz('$lgt_pp_referenced_object_'(Obj)), % remember object receiving message fail)). % translation performed at runtime '$lgt_tr_msg'(Pred, Obj, TPred, This) :- var(Pred), !, ('$lgt_compiler_flag'(events, on) -> TPred = '$lgt_send_to_object'(Obj, Pred, This) ; TPred = '$lgt_send_to_object_ne'(Obj, Pred, This)). % invalid message '$lgt_tr_msg'(Pred, _, _, _) :- \+ callable(Pred), throw(type_error(callable, Pred)). % control constructs '$lgt_tr_msg'((Pred1, Pred2), Obj, (TPred1, TPred2), This) :- !, '$lgt_tr_msg'(Pred1, Obj, TPred1, This), '$lgt_tr_msg'(Pred2, Obj, TPred2, This). '$lgt_tr_msg'((Pred1; Pred2), Obj, (TPred1; TPred2), This) :- !, '$lgt_tr_msg'(Pred1, Obj, TPred1, This), '$lgt_tr_msg'(Pred2, Obj, TPred2, This). '$lgt_tr_msg'((Pred1 -> Pred2), Obj, (TPred1 -> TPred2), This) :- !, '$lgt_tr_msg'(Pred1, Obj, TPred1, This), '$lgt_tr_msg'(Pred2, Obj, TPred2, This). '$lgt_tr_msg'(\+ Pred, Obj, \+ TPred, This) :- !, '$lgt_tr_msg'(Pred, Obj, TPred, This). '$lgt_tr_msg'(!, Obj, ('$lgt_obj_exists'(Obj, !, This), !), This) :- !. '$lgt_tr_msg'(true, Obj, ('$lgt_obj_exists'(Obj, true, This), true), This) :- !. '$lgt_tr_msg'(fail, Obj, ('$lgt_obj_exists'(Obj, fail, This), fail), This) :- !. '$lgt_tr_msg'(repeat, Obj, ('$lgt_obj_exists'(Obj, repeat, This), repeat), This) :- !. '$lgt_tr_msg'(call(Pred), Obj, TPred, This) :- !, '$lgt_tr_msg'(Pred, Obj, TPred, This). '$lgt_tr_msg'(once(Pred), Obj, once(TPred), This) :- !, '$lgt_tr_msg'(Pred, Obj, TPred, This). '$lgt_tr_msg'(catch(Goal, Catcher, Recovery), Obj, catch(TGoal, Catcher, TRecovery), This) :- !, '$lgt_tr_msg'(Goal, Obj, TGoal, This), '$lgt_tr_msg'(Recovery, Obj, TRecovery, This). '$lgt_tr_msg'(throw(Error), Obj, ('$lgt_obj_exists'(Obj, throw(Error), This), throw(Error)), This) :- !. % built-in metapredicates '$lgt_tr_msg'(bagof(Term, Pred, List), Obj, bagof(Term, TPred, List), This) :- !, '$lgt_tr_msg'(Pred, Obj, TPred, This). '$lgt_tr_msg'(findall(Term, Pred, List), Obj, findall(Term, TPred, List), This) :- !, '$lgt_tr_msg'(Pred, Obj, TPred, This). '$lgt_tr_msg'(forall(Gen, Test), Obj, forall(TGen, TTest), This) :- !, '$lgt_tr_msg'(Gen, Obj, TGen, This), '$lgt_tr_msg'(Test, Obj, TTest, This). '$lgt_tr_msg'(setof(Term, Pred, List), Obj, setof(Term, TPred, List), This) :- !, '$lgt_tr_msg'(Pred, Obj, TPred, This). % "reflection" built-in predicates '$lgt_tr_msg'(current_predicate(Pred), Obj, '$lgt_current_predicate'(Obj, Pred, This, p(p(p))), This) :- !. '$lgt_tr_msg'(predicate_property(Pred, Prop), Obj, '$lgt_predicate_property'(Obj, Pred, Prop, This, p(p(p))), This) :- !. % database handling built-in predicates '$lgt_tr_msg'(abolish(Pred), Obj, TPred, This) :- !, ('$lgt_runtime_db_pred_ind_chk'(Pred) -> TPred = '$lgt_abolish'(Obj, Pred, This, p(p(p))) ; '$lgt_compiler_db_pred_ind_chk'(Pred), TPred = '$lgt_abolish_chk'(Obj, Pred, This, p(p(p)))). '$lgt_tr_msg'(asserta(Pred), Obj, TPred, This) :- !, ('$lgt_runtime_db_clause_chk'(Pred) -> TPred = '$lgt_asserta'(Obj, Pred, This, p(p(p))) ; '$lgt_compiler_db_clause_chk'(Pred), (Pred = (_ :- _) -> TPred = '$lgt_asserta_rule_chk'(Obj, Pred, This, p(p(p))) ; TPred = '$lgt_asserta_fact_chk'(Obj, Pred, This, p(p(p))))). '$lgt_tr_msg'(assertz(Pred), Obj, TPred, This) :- !, ('$lgt_runtime_db_clause_chk'(Pred) -> TPred = '$lgt_assertz'(Obj, Pred, This, p(p(p))) ; '$lgt_compiler_db_clause_chk'(Pred), (Pred = (_ :- _) -> TPred = '$lgt_assertz_rule_chk'(Obj, Pred, This, p(p(p))) ; TPred = '$lgt_assertz_fact_chk'(Obj, Pred, This, p(p(p))))). '$lgt_tr_msg'(clause(Head, Body), Obj, TPred, This) :- !, ('$lgt_runtime_db_clause_chk'((Head :- Body)) -> TPred = '$lgt_clause'(Obj, Head, Body, This, p(p(p))) ; '$lgt_compiler_db_clause_chk'((Head :- Body)), TPred = '$lgt_clause_chk'(Obj, Head, Body, This, p(p(p)))). '$lgt_tr_msg'(retract(Pred), Obj, TPred, This) :- !, ('$lgt_runtime_db_clause_chk'(Pred) -> TPred = '$lgt_retract'(Obj, Pred, This, p(p(p))) ; '$lgt_compiler_db_clause_chk'(Pred), (Pred = (_ :- _) -> TPred = '$lgt_retract_rule_chk'(Obj, Pred, This, p(p(p))) ; TPred = '$lgt_retract_fact_chk'(Obj, Pred, This, p(p(p))))). '$lgt_tr_msg'(retractall(Pred), Obj, TPred, This) :- !, ('$lgt_runtime_db_clause_chk'(Pred) -> TPred = '$lgt_retractall'(Obj, Pred, This, p(p(p))) ; '$lgt_compiler_db_clause_chk'(Pred), TPred = '$lgt_retractall_chk'(Obj, Pred, This, p(p(p)))). % DCG predicates '$lgt_tr_msg'(expand_term(Term, Clause), Obj, '$lgt_expand_term'(Obj, Term, Clause, This, p(p(p))), This) :- !. '$lgt_tr_msg'(phrase(Ruleset, List), Obj, '$lgt_phrase'(Obj, Ruleset, List, This, p(p(p))), This) :- !. '$lgt_tr_msg'(phrase(Ruleset, List, Rest), Obj, '$lgt_phrase'(Obj, Ruleset, List, Rest, This, p(p(p))), This) :- !. % message is not a built-in control construct or a call to a built-in % (meta-)predicate: translation performed at runtime '$lgt_tr_msg'(Pred, Obj, TPred, This) :- var(Obj) -> ('$lgt_compiler_flag'(events, on) -> TPred = '$lgt_send_to_object'(Obj, Pred, This) ; TPred = '$lgt_send_to_object_ne'(Obj, Pred, This)) ; ('$lgt_compiler_flag'(events, on) -> TPred = '$lgt_send_to_object_nv'(Obj, Pred, This) ; TPred = '$lgt_send_to_object_ne_nv'(Obj, Pred, This)). % '$lgt_tr_self_msg'(@term, -nonvar, @object_identifier, @object_identifier) % % translates the sending of a message to self % translation performed at runtime '$lgt_tr_self_msg'(Pred, '$lgt_send_to_self'(Self, Pred, This), This, Self) :- var(Pred), !. % invalid message '$lgt_tr_self_msg'(Pred, _, _, _) :- \+ callable(Pred), throw(type_error(callable, Pred)). % control constructs '$lgt_tr_self_msg'((Pred1, Pred2), (TPred1, TPred2), This, Self) :- !, '$lgt_tr_self_msg'(Pred1, TPred1, This, Self), '$lgt_tr_self_msg'(Pred2, TPred2, This, Self). '$lgt_tr_self_msg'(((Pred1; Pred2)), (TPred1; TPred2), This, Self) :- !, '$lgt_tr_self_msg'(Pred1, TPred1, This, Self), '$lgt_tr_self_msg'(Pred2, TPred2, This, Self). '$lgt_tr_self_msg'((Pred1 -> Pred2), (TPred1 -> TPred2), This, Self) :- !, '$lgt_tr_self_msg'(Pred1, TPred1, This, Self), '$lgt_tr_self_msg'(Pred2, TPred2, This, Self). '$lgt_tr_self_msg'(\+ Pred, \+ TPred, This, Self) :- !, '$lgt_tr_self_msg'(Pred, TPred, This, Self). '$lgt_tr_self_msg'(!, !, _, _) :- !. '$lgt_tr_self_msg'(true, true, _, _) :- !. '$lgt_tr_self_msg'(fail, fail, _, _) :- !. '$lgt_tr_self_msg'(repeat, repeat, _, _) :- !. '$lgt_tr_self_msg'(call(Pred), TPred, This, Self) :- !, '$lgt_tr_self_msg'(Pred, TPred, This, Self). '$lgt_tr_self_msg'(once(Pred), once(TPred), This, Self) :- !, '$lgt_tr_self_msg'(Pred, TPred, This, Self). '$lgt_tr_self_msg'(catch(Goal, Catcher, Recovery), catch(TGoal, Catcher, TRecovery), This, Self) :- !, '$lgt_tr_self_msg'(Goal, TGoal, This, Self), '$lgt_tr_self_msg'(Recovery, TRecovery, This, Self). '$lgt_tr_self_msg'(throw(Error), throw(Error), _, _) :- !. % built-in metapredicates '$lgt_tr_self_msg'(bagof(Term, Pred, List), bagof(Term, TPred, List), This, Self) :- !, '$lgt_tr_self_msg'(Pred, TPred, This, Self). '$lgt_tr_self_msg'(findall(Term, Pred, List), findall(Term, TPred, List), This, Self) :- !, '$lgt_tr_self_msg'(Pred, TPred, This, Self). '$lgt_tr_self_msg'(forall(Gen, Test), forall(TGen, TTest), This, Self) :- !, '$lgt_tr_self_msg'(Gen, TGen, This, Self), '$lgt_tr_self_msg'(Test, TTest, This, Self). '$lgt_tr_self_msg'(setof(Term, Pred, List), setof(Term, TPred, List), This, Self) :- !, '$lgt_tr_self_msg'(Pred, TPred, This, Self). % "reflection" built-in predicates '$lgt_tr_self_msg'(current_predicate(Pred), '$lgt_current_predicate'(Self, Pred, This, p(_)), This, Self) :- !. '$lgt_tr_self_msg'(predicate_property(Pred, Prop), '$lgt_predicate_property'(Self, Pred, Prop, This, p(_)), This, Self) :- !. % database handling built-in predicates '$lgt_tr_self_msg'(abolish(Pred), TPred, This, Self) :- !, ('$lgt_runtime_db_pred_ind_chk'(Pred) -> TPred = '$lgt_abolish'(Self, Pred, This, p(_)) ; '$lgt_compiler_db_pred_ind_chk'(Pred), TPred = '$lgt_abolish_chk'(Self, Pred, This, p(_))). '$lgt_tr_self_msg'(asserta(Pred), TPred, This, Self) :- !, ('$lgt_runtime_db_clause_chk'(Pred) -> TPred = '$lgt_asserta'(Self, Pred, This, p(_)) ; '$lgt_compiler_db_clause_chk'(Pred), (Pred = (_ :- _) -> TPred = '$lgt_asserta_rule_chk'(Self, Pred, This, p(_)) ; TPred = '$lgt_asserta_fact_chk'(Self, Pred, This, p(_)))). '$lgt_tr_self_msg'(assertz(Pred), TPred, This, Self) :- !, ('$lgt_runtime_db_clause_chk'(Pred) -> TPred = '$lgt_assertz'(Self, Pred, This, p(_)) ; '$lgt_compiler_db_clause_chk'(Pred), (Pred = (_ :- _) -> TPred = '$lgt_assertz_rule_chk'(Self, Pred, This, p(_)) ; TPred = '$lgt_assertz_fact_chk'(Self, Pred, This, p(_)))). '$lgt_tr_self_msg'(clause(Head, Body), TPred, This, Self) :- !, ('$lgt_runtime_db_clause_chk'((Head :- Body)) -> TPred = '$lgt_clause'(Self, Head, Body, This, p(_)) ; '$lgt_compiler_db_clause_chk'((Head :- Body)), TPred = '$lgt_clause_chk'(Self, Head, Body, This, p(_))). '$lgt_tr_self_msg'(retract(Pred), TPred, This, Self) :- !, ('$lgt_runtime_db_clause_chk'(Pred) -> TPred = '$lgt_retract'(Self, Pred, This, p(_)) ; '$lgt_compiler_db_clause_chk'(Pred), (Pred = (_ :- _) -> TPred = '$lgt_retract_rule_chk'(Self, Pred, This, p(_)) ; TPred = '$lgt_retract_fact_chk'(Self, Pred, This, p(_)))). '$lgt_tr_self_msg'(retractall(Pred), TPred, This, Self) :- !, ('$lgt_runtime_db_clause_chk'(Pred) -> TPred = '$lgt_retractall'(Self, Pred, This, p(_)) ; '$lgt_compiler_db_clause_chk'(Pred), TPred = '$lgt_retractall_chk'(Self, Pred, This, p(_))). % DCG predicates '$lgt_tr_self_msg'(expand_term(Term, Clause), '$lgt_expand_term'(Self, Term, Clause, This, p(_)), This, Self) :- !. '$lgt_tr_self_msg'(phrase(Ruleset, List), '$lgt_phrase'(Self, Ruleset, List, This, p(_)), This, Self) :- !. '$lgt_tr_self_msg'(phrase(Ruleset, List, Rest), '$lgt_phrase'(Self, Ruleset, List, Rest, This, p(_)), This, Self) :- !. % message is not a built-in control construct or a call to a built-in % (meta-)predicate: translation performed at runtime '$lgt_tr_self_msg'(Pred, '$lgt_send_to_self_nv'(Self, Pred, This), This, Self) :- !. % message broadcasting '$lgt_tr_msg_broadcasting'((Obj1, Obj2), Pred, (TP1, TP2), This) :- !, '$lgt_tr_msg'(Pred, Obj1, TP1, This), '$lgt_tr_msg'(Pred, Obj2, TP2, This). '$lgt_tr_msg_broadcasting'((Obj1; Obj2), Pred, (TP1; TP2), This) :- !, '$lgt_tr_msg'(Pred, Obj1, TP1, This), '$lgt_tr_msg'(Pred, Obj2, TP2, This). % '$lgt_tr_super_sending'(@term, -term, +term) % % translates calling of redefined predicates (super calls) % invalid goal (not callable) '$lgt_tr_super_sending'(Pred, _, _) :- nonvar(Pred), \+ callable(Pred), throw(type_error(callable, Pred)). % translation performed at runtime '$lgt_tr_super_sending'(Pred, TPred, Ctx) :- '$lgt_ctx_ctx'(Ctx, Sender, This, Self, _, _), (var(Pred) -> TPred = '$lgt_send_to_super'(Self, Pred, This, Sender) ; TPred = '$lgt_send_to_super_nv'(Self, Pred, This, Sender)). % '$lgt_pred_meta_vars'(+callable, -list) % % constructs a list of all variables that occur % in a position corresponding to a meta-argument '$lgt_pred_meta_vars'(Pred, Metavars) :- functor(Pred, Functor, Arity), functor(Meta, Functor, Arity), ('$lgt_pp_metapredicate_'(Meta) -> Pred =.. [_| Args], Meta =.. [_| MArgs], '$lgt_extract_meta_vars'(Args, MArgs, Metavars) ; Metavars = []). % '$lgt_pred_meta_vars'(+callable, +callable, -list) % % constructs a list of all variables that occur % in a position corresponding to a meta-argument '$lgt_pred_meta_vars'(Pred, Meta, Metavars) :- Meta = no -> Metavars = [] ; Pred =.. [_| Args], Meta =.. [_| MArgs], '$lgt_extract_meta_vars'(Args, MArgs, Metavars). % '$lgt_extract_meta_vars'(+list, +list, -list) '$lgt_extract_meta_vars'([], [], []). '$lgt_extract_meta_vars'([Var| Args], [MArg| MArgs], [Var| Metavars]) :- var(Var), MArg = (::), !, '$lgt_extract_meta_vars'(Args, MArgs, Metavars). '$lgt_extract_meta_vars'([_| Args], [_| MArgs], Metavars) :- '$lgt_extract_meta_vars'(Args, MArgs, Metavars). % '$lgt_iso_read_term'(@stream, ?term, +read_options_list, @list) % % wraps read_term/3 call with the necessary operator settings '$lgt_iso_read_term'(Stream, Term, Options, Ops) :- catch( ('$lgt_save_operators'(Ops, Saved), '$lgt_add_operators'(Ops), read_term(Stream, Term, Options), '$lgt_remove_operators'(Ops), '$lgt_add_operators'(Saved)), Error, '$lgt_iso_read_error_handler'(Ops, Saved, Error)). % '$lgt_iso_read_term'(?term, +read_options_list, @list) % % wraps read_term/2 call with the necessary operator settings '$lgt_iso_read_term'(Term, Options, Ops) :- catch( ('$lgt_save_operators'(Ops, Saved), '$lgt_add_operators'(Ops), read_term(Term, Options), '$lgt_remove_operators'(Ops), '$lgt_add_operators'(Saved)), Error, '$lgt_iso_read_error_handler'(Ops, Saved, Error)). % '$lgt_iso_read'(@stream, ?term, @list) % % wraps read/2 call with the necessary operator settings '$lgt_iso_read'(Stream, Term, Ops) :- catch( ('$lgt_save_operators'(Ops, Saved), '$lgt_add_operators'(Ops), read(Stream, Term), '$lgt_remove_operators'(Ops), '$lgt_add_operators'(Saved)), Error, '$lgt_iso_read_error_handler'(Ops, Saved, Error)). % '$lgt_iso_read'(?term, @list) % % wraps read/1 call with the necessary operator settings '$lgt_iso_read'(Term, Ops) :- catch( ('$lgt_save_operators'(Ops, Saved), '$lgt_add_operators'(Ops), read(Term), '$lgt_remove_operators'(Ops), '$lgt_add_operators'(Saved)), Error, '$lgt_iso_read_error_handler'(Ops, Saved, Error)). % '$lgt_iso_write_term'(@stream_or_alias, @term, @write_options_list, @list) % % wraps write_term/3 call with the necessary operator settings '$lgt_iso_write_term'(Stream, Term, Options, Ops) :- catch( ('$lgt_save_operators'(Ops, Saved), '$lgt_add_operators'(Ops), write_term(Stream, Term, Options), '$lgt_remove_operators'(Ops), '$lgt_add_operators'(Saved)), Error, '$lgt_iso_read_error_handler'(Ops, Saved, Error)). % '$lgt_iso_write_term'(@term, @write_options_list, @list) % % wraps write_term/2 call with the necessary operator settings '$lgt_iso_write_term'(Term, Options, Ops) :- catch( ('$lgt_save_operators'(Ops, Saved), '$lgt_add_operators'(Ops), write_term(Term, Options), '$lgt_remove_operators'(Ops), '$lgt_add_operators'(Saved)), Error, '$lgt_iso_read_error_handler'(Ops, Saved, Error)). % '$lgt_iso_write'(@stream_or_alias, @term, @list) % % wraps write/2 call with the necessary operator settings '$lgt_iso_write'(Stream, Term, Ops) :- catch( ('$lgt_save_operators'(Ops, Saved), '$lgt_add_operators'(Ops), write(Stream, Term), '$lgt_remove_operators'(Ops), '$lgt_add_operators'(Saved)), Error, '$lgt_iso_read_error_handler'(Ops, Saved, Error)). % '$lgt_iso_write'(@term, @list) % % wraps write/1 call with the necessary operator settings '$lgt_iso_write'(Term, Ops):- catch( ('$lgt_save_operators'(Ops, Saved), '$lgt_add_operators'(Ops), write(Term), '$lgt_remove_operators'(Ops), '$lgt_add_operators'(Saved)), Error, '$lgt_iso_read_error_handler'(Ops, Saved, Error)). % '$lgt_iso_writeq'(@stream_or_alias, @term, @list) % % wraps writeq/2 call with the necessary operator settings '$lgt_iso_writeq'(Stream, Term, Ops) :- catch( ('$lgt_save_operators'(Ops, Saved), '$lgt_add_operators'(Ops), writeq(Stream, Term), '$lgt_remove_operators'(Ops), '$lgt_add_operators'(Saved)), Error, '$lgt_iso_read_error_handler'(Ops, Saved, Error)). % '$lgt_iso_writeq'(@term, @list) % % wraps writeq/1 call with the necessary operator settings '$lgt_iso_writeq'(Term, Ops) :- catch( ('$lgt_save_operators'(Ops, Saved), '$lgt_add_operators'(Ops), writeq(Term), '$lgt_remove_operators'(Ops), '$lgt_add_operators'(Saved)), Error, '$lgt_iso_read_error_handler'(Ops, Saved, Error)). % '$lgt_save_operators'(@list, -list) % % save currently defined operators that might be % redefined when a list of operators is added '$lgt_save_operators'([], []). '$lgt_save_operators'([op(_, Spec, Op)| Ops], Saved) :- ((current_op(Pr, SCSpec, Op), '$lgt_same_op_class'(Spec, SCSpec)) -> Saved = [op(Pr, SCSpec, Op)| Saved2] ; Saved = Saved2), '$lgt_save_operators'(Ops, Saved2). % '$lgt_add_operators'(@list) % % adds operators to the global operator table '$lgt_add_operators'([]). '$lgt_add_operators'([op(Pr, Spec, Op)| Ops]) :- op(Pr, Spec, Op), '$lgt_add_operators'(Ops). % '$lgt_remove_operators'(@list) % % remove operators from the global operator table '$lgt_remove_operators'([]). '$lgt_remove_operators'([op(_, Spec, Op)| Ops]) :- op(0, Spec, Op), '$lgt_remove_operators'(Ops). % '$lgt_iso_read_error_handler'(@list, @list, @nonvar) % % restores operator table to the its state before the call % to one of the '$lgt_iso_read...' raised an error '$lgt_iso_read_error_handler'(Ops, Saved, Error) :- '$lgt_remove_operators'(Ops), '$lgt_add_operators'(Saved), throw(Error). % '$lgt_simplify_body'(+callable, -callable) % % remove redundant calls to true/0 from a translated clause body '$lgt_simplify_body'((A;B), (SA;SB)) :- !, '$lgt_simplify_body'(A, SA), '$lgt_simplify_body'(B, SB). '$lgt_simplify_body'((A->B), (SA->SB)) :- !, '$lgt_simplify_body'(A, SA), '$lgt_simplify_body'(B, SB). '$lgt_simplify_body'((true, B), SB) :- !, '$lgt_simplify_body'(B, SB). '$lgt_simplify_body'((B, true), SB) :- !, '$lgt_simplify_body'(B, SB). '$lgt_simplify_body'((A, B), (SA, SB)) :- !, '$lgt_simplify_body'(A, SA), '$lgt_simplify_body'(B, SB). '$lgt_simplify_body'(\+ A, \+ SA) :- !, '$lgt_simplify_body'(A, SA). '$lgt_simplify_body'(B, B). % '$lgt_tr_object_id'(+object_identifier, +atom) % % from the object identifier construct the set of % functor prefixes used in the compiled code clauses '$lgt_tr_object_id'(Obj, Mode) :- assertz('$lgt_pp_referenced_object_'(Obj)), '$lgt_construct_object_functors'(Obj, Prefix, Dcl, Def, Super, IDcl, IDef, DDcl, DDef, Rnm), assertz('$lgt_pp_object_'(Obj, Prefix, Dcl, Def, Super, IDcl, IDef, DDcl, DDef, Rnm, Mode)). % '$lgt_tr_category_id'(+category_identifier, +atom) % % from the category identifier construct the set of % functor prefixes used in the compiled code clauses '$lgt_tr_category_id'(Ctg, Mode) :- assertz('$lgt_pp_referenced_category_'(Ctg)), '$lgt_construct_category_functors'(Ctg, Prefix, Dcl, Def, Rnm), assertz('$lgt_pp_category_'(Ctg, Prefix, Dcl, Def, Rnm, Mode)). % '$lgt_tr_protocol_id'(+protocol_identifier, +atom) % % from the protocol identifier construct the set of % functor prefixes used in the compiled code clauses '$lgt_tr_protocol_id'(Ptc, Mode) :- assertz('$lgt_pp_referenced_protocol_'(Ptc)), '$lgt_construct_protocol_functors'(Ptc, Prefix, Dcl, Rnm), assertz('$lgt_pp_protocol_'(Ptc, Prefix, Dcl, Rnm, Mode)). % '$lgt_update_entity_comp_mode' % % updates entity compilation mode to "dynamic" (entities are static by default) '$lgt_update_entity_comp_mode' :- retract('$lgt_pp_object_'(Obj, Prefix, Dcl, Def, Super, IDcl, IDef, DDcl, DDef, Rnm, _)), assertz('$lgt_pp_object_'(Obj, Prefix, Dcl, Def, Super, IDcl, IDef, DDcl, DDef, Rnm, (dynamic))), !. '$lgt_update_entity_comp_mode' :- retract('$lgt_pp_protocol_'(Ptc, Prefix, Dcl, Rnm, _)), assertz('$lgt_pp_protocol_'(Ptc, Prefix, Dcl, Rnm, (dynamic))), !. '$lgt_update_entity_comp_mode' :- retract('$lgt_pp_category_'(Ctg, Prefix, Dcl, Def, Rnm, _)), assertz('$lgt_pp_category_'(Ctg, Prefix, Dcl, Def, Rnm, (dynamic))). % '$lgt_tr_implements_protocol'(+list, +object_identifier) % '$lgt_tr_implements_protocol'(+list, +category_identifier) % % translates an "implementents" relation between % a category or an object and a list of protocols '$lgt_tr_implements_protocol'([], _). '$lgt_tr_implements_protocol'([Ref| _], _) :- var(Ref), throw(instantiation_error). '$lgt_tr_implements_protocol'([Scope::Ptc| _], _) :- (var(Scope); var(Ptc)), throw(instantiation_error). '$lgt_tr_implements_protocol'([Ref| Refs], ObjOrCtg) :- '$lgt_valid_ref_scope'(Ref, Scope) -> ('$lgt_valid_protocol_ref'(Ref, Ptc) -> assertz('$lgt_pp_referenced_protocol_'(Ptc)), assertz('$lgt_pp_rclause_'('$lgt_implements_protocol_'(ObjOrCtg, Ptc, Scope))), '$lgt_construct_protocol_functors'(Ptc, Prefix, Dcl, _), assertz('$lgt_pp_implemented_protocol_'(Ptc, Prefix, Dcl, Scope)), '$lgt_tr_implements_protocol'(Refs, ObjOrCtg) ; throw(type_error(protocol_identifier, Ptc))) ; throw(type_error(scope, Ref)). % '$lgt_tr_imports_category'(+list, +object_identifier) % '$lgt_tr_imports_category'(+list, +category_identifier) % % translates an "imports" relation between % an object/category and a list of categories '$lgt_tr_imports_category'([], _). '$lgt_tr_imports_category'([Ref| _], _) :- var(Ref), throw(instantiation_error). '$lgt_tr_imports_category'([Scope::Ctg| _], _) :- (var(Scope); var(Ctg)), throw(instantiation_error). '$lgt_tr_imports_category'([Ref| Refs], ObjOrCtg) :- '$lgt_valid_ref_scope'(Ref, Scope) -> ('$lgt_valid_category_ref'(Ref, Ctg) -> assertz('$lgt_pp_referenced_category_'(Ctg)), assertz('$lgt_pp_rclause_'('$lgt_imports_category_'(ObjOrCtg, Ctg, Scope))), '$lgt_construct_category_functors'(Ctg, Prefix, Dcl, Def, _), assertz('$lgt_pp_imported_category_'(Ctg, Prefix, Dcl, Def, Scope)), '$lgt_tr_imports_category'(Refs, ObjOrCtg) ; throw(type_error(category_identifier, Ctg))) ; throw(type_error(scope, Ref)). % '$lgt_tr_instantiates_class'(+list, +object_identifier) % % translates an "instantiates" relation between % an instance and a list of classes '$lgt_tr_instantiates_class'([], _). '$lgt_tr_instantiates_class'([Ref| _], _) :- var(Ref), throw(instantiation_error). '$lgt_tr_instantiates_class'([Scope::Class| _], _) :- (var(Scope); var(Class)), throw(instantiation_error). '$lgt_tr_instantiates_class'([Ref| Refs], Obj) :- '$lgt_valid_ref_scope'(Ref, Scope) -> ('$lgt_valid_object_ref'(Ref, Class) -> assertz('$lgt_pp_referenced_object_'(Class)), assertz('$lgt_pp_rclause_'('$lgt_instantiates_class_'(Obj, Class, Scope))), '$lgt_construct_object_functors'(Class, Prefix, Dcl, Def, Super, IDcl, IDef, DDcl, DDef, _), assertz('$lgt_pp_instantiated_class_'(Class, Prefix, Dcl, Def, Super, IDcl, IDef, DDcl, DDef, Scope)), '$lgt_tr_instantiates_class'(Refs, Obj) ; throw(type_error(object_identifier, Class))) ; throw(type_error(scope, Ref)). % '$lgt_tr_specializes_class'(+list, +object_identifier) % % translates a "specializes" relation between % a class and a list of superclasses '$lgt_tr_specializes_class'([], _). '$lgt_tr_specializes_class'([Ref| _], _) :- var(Ref), throw(instantiation_error). '$lgt_tr_specializes_class'([Scope::Superclass| _], _) :- (var(Scope); var(Superclass)), throw(instantiation_error). '$lgt_tr_specializes_class'([Ref| Refs], Class) :- '$lgt_valid_ref_scope'(Ref, Scope) -> ('$lgt_valid_object_ref'(Ref, Superclass) -> assertz('$lgt_pp_referenced_object_'(Superclass)), assertz('$lgt_pp_rclause_'('$lgt_specializes_class_'(Class, Superclass, Scope))), '$lgt_construct_object_functors'(Superclass, Prefix, Dcl, Def, Super, IDcl, IDef, DDcl, DDef, _), assertz('$lgt_pp_specialized_class_'(Superclass, Prefix, Dcl, Def, Super, IDcl, IDef, DDcl, DDef, Scope)), '$lgt_tr_specializes_class'(Refs, Class) ; throw(type_error(object_identifier, Superclass))) ; throw(type_error(scope, Ref)). % '$lgt_tr_extends_object'(+list, +object_identifier) % % translates an "extends" relation between % a prototype and a list of parents '$lgt_tr_extends_object'([], _). '$lgt_tr_extends_object'([Ref| _], _) :- var(Ref), throw(instantiation_error). '$lgt_tr_extends_object'([Scope::Parent| _], _) :- (var(Scope); var(Parent)), throw(instantiation_error). '$lgt_tr_extends_object'([Ref| Refs], Obj) :- '$lgt_valid_ref_scope'(Ref, Scope) -> ('$lgt_valid_object_ref'(Ref, Parent) -> assertz('$lgt_pp_referenced_object_'(Parent)), assertz('$lgt_pp_rclause_'('$lgt_extends_object_'(Obj, Parent, Scope))), '$lgt_construct_object_functors'(Parent, Prefix, Dcl, Def, Super, IDcl, IDef, DDcl, DDef, _), assertz('$lgt_pp_extended_object_'(Parent, Prefix, Dcl, Def, Super, IDcl, IDef, DDcl, DDef, Scope)), '$lgt_tr_extends_object'(Refs, Obj) ; throw(type_error(object_identifier, Parent))) ; throw(type_error(scope, Ref)). % '$lgt_tr_extends_protocol'(+list, +protocol_identifier) % % translates an "extends" relation between % a protocol and a list of protocols '$lgt_tr_extends_protocol'([], _). '$lgt_tr_extends_protocol'([Ref| _], _) :- var(Ref), throw(instantiation_error). '$lgt_tr_extends_protocol'([Scope::Ptc| _], _) :- (var(Scope); var(Ptc)), throw(instantiation_error). '$lgt_tr_extends_protocol'([Ref| Refs], Ptc1) :- '$lgt_valid_ref_scope'(Ref, Scope) -> ('$lgt_valid_protocol_ref'(Ref, Ptc2) -> assertz('$lgt_pp_referenced_protocol_'(Ptc2)), assertz('$lgt_pp_rclause_'('$lgt_extends_protocol_'(Ptc1, Ptc2, Scope))), '$lgt_construct_protocol_functors'(Ptc2, Prefix, Dcl, _), assertz('$lgt_pp_extended_protocol_'(Ptc2, Prefix, Dcl, Scope)), '$lgt_tr_extends_protocol'(Refs, Ptc1) ; throw(type_error(protocol_identifier, Ptc2))) ; throw(type_error(scope, Ref)). % '$lgt_report_problems'(+atom) % % reports any potential problem found while compiling an entity '$lgt_report_problems'(protocol) :- '$lgt_compiler_flag'(report, on) -> '$lgt_report_unknown_entities' ; true. '$lgt_report_problems'(object) :- '$lgt_compiler_flag'(report, on) -> '$lgt_report_misspelt_calls', '$lgt_report_non_portable_calls', '$lgt_report_unknown_entities' ; true. '$lgt_report_problems'(category) :- '$lgt_report_problems'(object). % '$lgt_report_unknown_entities' % % reports any unknown referenced entities found while compiling an entity '$lgt_report_unknown_entities' :- '$lgt_compiler_flag'(unknown, warning) -> '$lgt_report_unknown_objects', '$lgt_report_unknown_protocols', '$lgt_report_unknown_categories' ; true. % '$lgt_report_unknown_objects' % % report any unknown referenced objects found while compiling an entity '$lgt_report_unknown_objects' :- setof(Obj, '$lgt_unknown_object'(Obj), Objs) -> '$lgt_inc_compile_warnings_counter', nl, (Objs = [_] -> write(' WARNING! reference to unknown object: ') ; write(' WARNING! references to unknown objects: ')), '$lgt_writeq_list'(Objs) ; true. '$lgt_unknown_object'(Obj) :- '$lgt_pp_referenced_object_'(Obj), \+ '$lgt_current_object_'(Obj, _, _, _, _, _), % not a currently loaded object \+ '$lgt_pp_object_'(Obj, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), % not the object being compiled (self references) \+ '$lgt_pp_entity_init_'(Obj, _), % not an object defined in the source file being compiled \+ catch(current_module(Obj), _, fail). % not a currently loaded module; use catch/3 to avoid % errors with Prolog compilers with no module support % '$lgt_report_unknown_protocols' % % report any unknown referenced protocols found while compiling an entity '$lgt_report_unknown_protocols' :- setof(Ptc, '$lgt_unknown_protocol'(Ptc), Ptcs) -> '$lgt_inc_compile_warnings_counter', nl, (Ptcs = [_] -> write(' WARNING! reference to unknown protocol: ') ; write(' WARNING! references to unknown protocols: ')), '$lgt_writeq_list'(Ptcs) ; true. '$lgt_unknown_protocol'(Ptc) :- '$lgt_pp_referenced_protocol_'(Ptc), \+ '$lgt_current_protocol_'(Ptc, _, _), % not a currently loaded protocol \+ '$lgt_pp_protocol_'(Ptc, _, _, _, _), % not the protocol being compiled (self references) \+ '$lgt_pp_entity_init_'(Ptc, _). % not a protocol defined in the source file being compiled % '$lgt_report_unknown_categories' % % report any unknown referenced categories found while compiling an entity '$lgt_report_unknown_categories' :- setof(Ctg, '$lgt_unknown_category'(Ctg), Ctgs) -> '$lgt_inc_compile_warnings_counter', nl, (Ctgs = [_] -> write(' WARNING! reference to unknown category: ') ; write(' WARNING! references to unknown categories: ')), '$lgt_writeq_list'(Ctgs) ; true. '$lgt_unknown_category'(Ctg) :- '$lgt_pp_referenced_category_'(Ctg), \+ '$lgt_current_category_'(Ctg, _, _), % not a currently loaded category \+ '$lgt_pp_category_'(Ctg, _, _, _, _, _), % not the category being compiled (self references) \+ '$lgt_pp_entity_init_'(Ctg, _). % not a category defined in the source file being compiled % '$lgt_writeq_list'(+list) % % auxiliary predicate for writing a non-empty list of elements (quoted) '$lgt_writeq_list'([Term]) :- writeq(Term), !. '$lgt_writeq_list'([Term1, Term2| Terms]) :- writeq(Term1), write(', '), '$lgt_writeq_list'([Term2| Terms]). % '$lgt_write_list'(+list) % % auxiliary predicate for writing a non-empty list of elements (non-quoted) '$lgt_write_list'([Term]) :- write(Term), !. '$lgt_write_list'([Term1, Term2| Terms]) :- write(Term1), write(', '), '$lgt_write_list'([Term2| Terms]). % '$lgt_add_def_clause'(+atom, +integer, +atom, +term) % % adds a "def clause" (used to translate a predicate call) '$lgt_add_def_clause'(Functor, Arity, Prefix, Ctx) :- functor(Head, Functor, Arity), Head =.. [_| Args], '$lgt_ctx_ctx'(Ctx, Sender, This, Self, _, _), '$lgt_append'(Args, [Sender, This, Self], TArgs), THead =.. [Prefix|TArgs], once( ('$lgt_pp_object_'(_, _, _, Def, _, _, _, _, _, _, _); '$lgt_pp_category_'(_, _, _, Def, _, _))), Clause =.. [Def, Head, Sender, This, Self, THead], ('$lgt_pp_def_'(Clause) -> true ; assertz('$lgt_pp_def_'(Clause))), ('$lgt_built_in'(Head) -> assertz('$lgt_pp_redefined_built_in_'(Head, Ctx, THead)) ; true), ('$lgt_pp_defs_pred_'(Functor, Arity) -> true ; assertz('$lgt_pp_defs_pred_'(Functor, Arity))). % '$lgt_add_ddef_clause'(+atom, +integer, +atom, +term) % % adds a "ddef clause" (used to translate a predicate call) '$lgt_add_ddef_clause'(Functor, Arity, Prefix, Ctx) :- functor(Head, Functor, Arity), Head =.. [_| Args], '$lgt_ctx_ctx'(Ctx, Sender, This, Self, _, _), '$lgt_append'(Args, [Sender, This, Self], TArgs), THead =.. [Prefix|TArgs], '$lgt_pp_object_'(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, DDef, _, _), Clause =.. [DDef, Head, Sender, This, Self, THead], ('$lgt_pp_ddef_'(Clause) -> true ; assertz('$lgt_pp_ddef_'(Clause))), ('$lgt_built_in'(Head) -> assertz('$lgt_pp_redefined_built_in_'(Head, Ctx, THead)) ; true), ('$lgt_pp_defs_pred_'(Functor, Arity) -> true ; assertz('$lgt_pp_defs_pred_'(Functor, Arity))). % '$lgt_assert_ddef_clause'(+atom, +integer, +atom, +atom, -callable) % % asserts a dynamic "ddef clause" (used to translate a predicate call) '$lgt_assert_ddef_clause'(Functor, Arity, OPrefix, DDef, Call) :- '$lgt_construct_predicate_functor'(OPrefix, Functor, Arity, PPrefix), functor(Pred, Functor, Arity), Pred =.. [_| Args], '$lgt_append'(Args, [Sender, This, Self], TArgs), Call =.. [PPrefix| TArgs], Clause =.. [DDef, Pred, Sender, This, Self, Call], assertz(Clause), '$lgt_clean_lookup_caches'(Pred). % '$lgt_update_ddef_table'(+atom, +callable, +callable) % % retracts a dynamic "ddef clause" (used to translate a predicate call) % if there are no more clauses for the predicate otherwise does nothing % % this is needed in order to allow definitions in ancestors to be found '$lgt_update_ddef_table'(DDef, Head, Call) :- functor(Call, CFunctor, CArity), functor(GCall, CFunctor, CArity), (clause(GCall, _) -> true ; functor(Head, HFunctor, HArity), functor(GHead, HFunctor, HArity), Clause =.. [DDef, GHead, _, _, _, _], retractall(Clause), '$lgt_clean_lookup_caches'(GHead)). % '$lgt_assert_ddcl_clause'(+atom, +term, +term) % % asserts a dynamic predicate declaration '$lgt_assert_ddcl_clause'(DDcl, Pred, Scope) :- functor(Pred, Functor, Arity), functor(DPred, Functor, Arity), Clause =.. [DDcl, DPred, Scope], assertz(Clause). % '$lgt_generate_code'(+atom) % % generates code for the entity being compiled '$lgt_generate_code'(protocol) :- '$lgt_fix_redef_built_ins', % needed because of possible initialization goal '$lgt_gen_protocol_clauses', '$lgt_gen_protocol_directives', '$lgt_gen_entity_init_goal'. '$lgt_generate_code'(object) :- '$lgt_fix_redef_built_ins', '$lgt_gen_object_clauses', '$lgt_gen_object_directives', '$lgt_gen_entity_init_goal'. '$lgt_generate_code'(category) :- '$lgt_fix_redef_built_ins', '$lgt_gen_category_clauses', '$lgt_gen_category_directives', '$lgt_gen_entity_init_goal'. '$lgt_gen_object_directives' :- '$lgt_gen_object_dynamic_directives', '$lgt_gen_object_discontiguous_directives'. '$lgt_gen_category_directives' :- '$lgt_gen_category_dynamic_directives', '$lgt_gen_category_discontiguous_directives'. '$lgt_gen_protocol_directives' :- '$lgt_pp_protocol_'(_, Prefix, Dcl, Rnm, (dynamic)) -> assertz('$lgt_pp_directive_'(dynamic(Prefix/1))), assertz('$lgt_pp_directive_'(dynamic(Dcl/4))), assertz('$lgt_pp_directive_'(dynamic(Dcl/5))), assertz('$lgt_pp_directive_'(dynamic(Rnm/3))) ; true. '$lgt_gen_object_dynamic_directives' :- '$lgt_pp_object_'(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, (dynamic)) -> '$lgt_gen_dynamic_object_dynamic_directives' ; '$lgt_gen_static_object_dynamic_directives'. '$lgt_gen_dynamic_object_dynamic_directives' :- '$lgt_pp_object_'(_, Prefix, Dcl, Def, Super, IDcl, IDef, DDcl, DDef, Rnm, _), assertz('$lgt_pp_directive_'(dynamic(Prefix/7))), assertz('$lgt_pp_directive_'(dynamic(Dcl/4))), assertz('$lgt_pp_directive_'(dynamic(Dcl/6))), assertz('$lgt_pp_directive_'(dynamic(Def/5))), assertz('$lgt_pp_directive_'(dynamic(Def/6))), assertz('$lgt_pp_directive_'(dynamic(Super/6))), assertz('$lgt_pp_directive_'(dynamic(IDcl/6))), assertz('$lgt_pp_directive_'(dynamic(IDef/6))), assertz('$lgt_pp_directive_'(dynamic(DDcl/2))), assertz('$lgt_pp_directive_'(dynamic(DDef/5))), assertz('$lgt_pp_directive_'(dynamic(Rnm/3))), '$lgt_gen_dynamic_entity_dynamic_predicate_directives'. '$lgt_gen_dynamic_entity_dynamic_predicate_directives' :- '$lgt_pp_def_'(Clause), Clause \= (_ :- _), % only local table; reject linking clauses arg(5, Clause, Call), functor(Call, Functor, Arity), assertz('$lgt_pp_directive_'(dynamic(Functor/Arity))), fail. '$lgt_gen_dynamic_entity_dynamic_predicate_directives'. '$lgt_gen_static_object_dynamic_directives' :- '$lgt_pp_object_'(_, Prefix, _, _, _, _, _, DDcl, DDef, _, _), assertz('$lgt_pp_directive_'(dynamic(DDcl/2))), assertz('$lgt_pp_directive_'(dynamic(DDef/5))), '$lgt_pp_dynamic_'(Functor, Arity), '$lgt_construct_predicate_functor'(Prefix, Functor, Arity, TFunctor), TArity is Arity + 3, assertz('$lgt_pp_directive_'(dynamic(TFunctor/TArity))), fail. '$lgt_gen_static_object_dynamic_directives'. '$lgt_gen_object_discontiguous_directives' :- '$lgt_pp_object_'(_, Prefix, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), '$lgt_pp_discontiguous_'(Functor, Arity), '$lgt_construct_predicate_functor'(Prefix, Functor, Arity, TFunctor), TArity is Arity + 3, assertz('$lgt_pp_directive_'(discontiguous(TFunctor/TArity))), fail. '$lgt_gen_object_discontiguous_directives'. '$lgt_gen_category_dynamic_directives' :- '$lgt_pp_category_'(_, Prefix, _, Def, Rnm, (dynamic)) -> assertz('$lgt_pp_directive_'(dynamic(Prefix/2))), assertz('$lgt_pp_directive_'(dynamic(Dcl/4))), assertz('$lgt_pp_directive_'(dynamic(Dcl/5))), assertz('$lgt_pp_directive_'(dynamic(Def/5))), assertz('$lgt_pp_directive_'(dynamic(Rnm/3))), '$lgt_gen_dynamic_entity_dynamic_predicate_directives' ; true. '$lgt_gen_category_discontiguous_directives' :- '$lgt_pp_category_'(_, Prefix, _, _, _, _), '$lgt_pp_discontiguous_'(Functor, Arity), '$lgt_construct_predicate_functor'(Prefix, Functor, Arity, TFunctor), TArity is Arity + 3, assertz('$lgt_pp_directive_'(discontiguous(TFunctor/TArity))), fail. '$lgt_gen_category_discontiguous_directives'. '$lgt_gen_object_clauses' :- ('$lgt_pp_instantiated_class_'(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _); '$lgt_pp_specialized_class_'(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _)) -> '$lgt_gen_ic_clauses' ; '$lgt_gen_prototype_clauses'. % '$lgt_gen_local_dcl_clauses' % % a (local) predicate declaration is only generated % if there is a scope declaration for the predicate '$lgt_gen_local_dcl_clauses' :- '$lgt_pp_entity'(_, _, _, Dcl, _), (('$lgt_pp_public_'(Functor, Arity), Scope = p(p(p))); ('$lgt_pp_protected_'(Functor, Arity), Scope = p(p)); ('$lgt_pp_private_'(Functor, Arity), Scope = p)), functor(Meta, Functor, Arity), ('$lgt_pp_metapredicate_'(Meta) -> Meta2 = Meta ; Meta2 = no), functor(Pred, Functor, Arity), ('$lgt_pp_dynamic_'(Functor, Arity)-> Compilation = (dynamic) ; Compilation = static), Fact =.. [Dcl, Pred, Scope, Compilation, Meta2], assertz('$lgt_pp_dcl_'(Fact)), fail. '$lgt_gen_local_dcl_clauses' :- % generate a catchall clause if needed \+ '$lgt_pp_dcl_'(_) -> '$lgt_pp_entity'(_, _, _, Dcl, _), Head =.. [Dcl, _, _, _, _], assertz('$lgt_pp_dcl_'((Head:-fail))) ; true. % '$lgt_gen_local_def_clauses' % % generates local def clauses for undefined but declared (via scope or % dynamic directives) predicates '$lgt_gen_local_def_clauses' :- '$lgt_pp_entity'(_, _, EPrefix, _, _), '$lgt_pp_dynamic_'(Functor, Arity), \+ '$lgt_pp_defs_pred_'(Functor, Arity), '$lgt_construct_predicate_functor'(EPrefix, Functor, Arity, PPrefix), '$lgt_ctx_ctx'(Ctx), ((\+ '$lgt_pp_public_'(Functor, Arity), \+ '$lgt_pp_protected_'(Functor, Arity), \+ '$lgt_pp_private_'(Functor, Arity)) -> '$lgt_add_ddef_clause'(Functor, Arity, PPrefix, Ctx) ; '$lgt_add_def_clause'(Functor, Arity, PPrefix, Ctx)), fail. '$lgt_gen_local_def_clauses'. '$lgt_gen_obj_catchall_def_clause' :- \+ '$lgt_pp_def_'(_) -> '$lgt_pp_object_'(_, _, _, Def, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), Head =.. [Def, _, _, _, _, _], assertz('$lgt_pp_def_'((Head:-fail))) ; true. '$lgt_gen_protocol_clauses' :- '$lgt_gen_local_dcl_clauses', '$lgt_gen_protocol_linking_clauses', '$lgt_gen_protocol_extend_clauses'. '$lgt_gen_protocol_linking_clauses' :- '$lgt_pp_protocol_'(Ptc, _, PDcl, _, _), Head =.. [PDcl, Pred, Scope, Compilation, Meta, Ptc], Body =.. [PDcl, Pred, Scope, Compilation, Meta], assertz('$lgt_pp_dcl_'((Head:-Body))). '$lgt_gen_protocol_extend_clauses' :- '$lgt_pp_protocol_'(_, _, PDcl1, PRnm, _), '$lgt_pp_extended_protocol_'(Ptc2, _, PDcl2, EScope), (EScope = (public) -> Lookup =.. [PDcl2, Pred, Scope, Compilation, Meta, Ctn] ; (EScope = protected -> Call =.. [PDcl2, Pred, Scope2, Compilation, Meta, Ctn], Lookup = (Call, (Scope2 == p -> Scope = p; Scope = p(p))) ; Scope = p, Lookup =.. [PDcl2, Pred, _, Compilation, Meta, Ctn])), ('$lgt_pp_alias_'(Ptc2, _, _) -> Head =.. [PDcl1, Alias, Scope, Compilation, Meta, Ctn], Rename =.. [PRnm, Ptc2, Pred, Alias], assertz('$lgt_pp_dcl_'((Head :- var(Alias) -> Lookup, Rename; Rename, Lookup))) ; Head =.. [PDcl1, Pred, Scope, Compilation, Meta, Ctn], assertz('$lgt_pp_dcl_'((Head:-Lookup)))), fail. '$lgt_gen_protocol_extend_clauses'. '$lgt_construct_alias_functor'(Prefix, PRen) :- atom_concat(Prefix, '_alias', PRen). '$lgt_gen_category_clauses' :- '$lgt_gen_category_dcl_clauses', '$lgt_gen_category_def_clauses'. '$lgt_gen_category_dcl_clauses' :- '$lgt_gen_local_dcl_clauses', '$lgt_gen_category_linking_dcl_clauses', '$lgt_gen_category_implements_dcl_clauses', '$lgt_gen_category_imports_dcl_clauses'. '$lgt_gen_category_linking_dcl_clauses' :- '$lgt_pp_category_'(Ctg, _, CDcl, _, _, _), Head =.. [CDcl, Pred, Scope, Compilation, Meta, Ctg], Body =.. [CDcl, Pred, Scope, Compilation, Meta], assertz('$lgt_pp_dcl_'((Head:-Body))). '$lgt_gen_category_implements_dcl_clauses' :- '$lgt_pp_category_'(_, _, CDcl, _, PRnm, _), '$lgt_pp_implemented_protocol_'(Ptc, _, PDcl, EScope), (EScope = (public) -> Lookup =.. [PDcl, Pred, Scope, Compilation, Meta, Ctn] ; (EScope = protected -> Call =.. [PDcl, Pred, Scope2, Compilation, Meta, Ctn], Lookup = (Call, (Scope2 == p -> Scope = p; Scope = p(p))) ; Scope = p, Lookup =.. [PDcl, Pred, _, Compilation, Meta, Ctn])), ('$lgt_pp_alias_'(Ptc, _, _) -> Head =.. [CDcl, Alias, Scope, Compilation, Meta, Ctn], Rename =.. [PRnm, Ptc, Pred, Alias], assertz('$lgt_pp_dcl_'((Head :- var(Alias) -> Lookup, Rename; Rename, Lookup))) ; Head =.. [CDcl, Pred, Scope, Compilation, Meta, Ctn], assertz('$lgt_pp_dcl_'((Head:-Lookup)))), fail. '$lgt_gen_category_implements_dcl_clauses'. '$lgt_gen_category_imports_dcl_clauses' :- '$lgt_pp_category_'(_, _, CDcl, _, PRnm, _), '$lgt_pp_imported_category_'(Ctg, _, ECDcl, _, EScope), (EScope = (public) -> Lookup =.. [ECDcl, Pred, Scope, Compilation, Meta, Ctn] ; (EScope = protected -> Call =.. [ECDcl, Pred, Scope2, Compilation, Meta, Ctn], Lookup = (Call, (Scope2 == p -> Scope = p; Scope = p(p))) ; Scope = p, Lookup =.. [ECDcl, Pred, _, Compilation, Meta, Ctn])), ('$lgt_pp_alias_'(Ctg, _, _) -> Head =.. [CDcl, Alias, Scope, Compilation, Meta, Ctn], Rename =.. [PRnm, Ctg, Pred, Alias], assertz('$lgt_pp_dcl_'((Head :- var(Alias) -> Lookup, Rename; Rename, Lookup))) ; Head =.. [CDcl, Pred, Scope, Compilation, Meta, Ctn], assertz('$lgt_pp_dcl_'((Head:-Lookup)))), fail. '$lgt_gen_category_imports_dcl_clauses'. '$lgt_gen_category_def_clauses' :- '$lgt_gen_category_catchall_def_clause', '$lgt_gen_category_linking_def_clauses', '$lgt_gen_category_imports_def_clauses'. '$lgt_gen_category_catchall_def_clause' :- \+ '$lgt_pp_def_'(_) -> '$lgt_pp_category_'(_, _, _, Def, _, _), Head =.. [Def, _, _, _, _, _], assertz('$lgt_pp_def_'((Head:-fail))) ; true. '$lgt_gen_category_linking_def_clauses' :- '$lgt_pp_category_'(Ctg, _, _, Def, _, _), Head =.. [Def, Pred, Sender, This, Self, Call, Ctg], Body =.. [Def, Pred, Sender, This, Self, Call], assertz('$lgt_pp_def_'((Head:-Body))). '$lgt_gen_category_imports_def_clauses' :- '$lgt_pp_category_'(Ctg, _, _, Def, PRnm, _), '$lgt_pp_rclause_'('$lgt_imports_category_'(Ctg, Ctg2, _)), % needed for parameter passing '$lgt_pp_imported_category_'(Ctg2, _, _, Def2, _), Lookup =.. [Def2, Pred, Sender, This, Self, Call, Ctn], ('$lgt_pp_alias_'(Ctg2, _, _) -> Head =.. [Def, Alias, Sender, This, Self, Call, Ctn], Rename =.. [PRnm, Ctg2, Pred, Alias], assertz('$lgt_pp_def_'((Head :- var(Alias) -> Lookup, Rename; Rename, Lookup))) ; Head =.. [Def, Pred, Sender, This, Self, Call, Ctn], assertz('$lgt_pp_def_'((Head:-Lookup)))), fail. '$lgt_gen_category_imports_def_clauses'. '$lgt_gen_prototype_clauses' :- '$lgt_gen_prototype_dcl_clauses', '$lgt_gen_prototype_def_clauses', '$lgt_gen_prototype_super_clauses'. '$lgt_gen_prototype_dcl_clauses' :- '$lgt_gen_local_dcl_clauses', '$lgt_gen_prototype_linking_dcl_clauses', '$lgt_gen_prototype_implements_dcl_clauses', '$lgt_gen_prototype_imports_dcl_clauses', '$lgt_gen_prototype_extends_dcl_clauses'. '$lgt_gen_prototype_linking_dcl_clauses' :- '$lgt_pp_object_'(Obj, _, Dcl, _, _, _, _, DDcl, _, _, _), Head =.. [Dcl, Pred, Scope, Compilation, Meta, Obj, Obj], Body =.. [Dcl, Pred, Scope, Compilation, Meta], assertz('$lgt_pp_dcl_'((Head:-Body))), Head2 =.. [Dcl, Pred, Scope, (dynamic), no, Obj, Obj], Body2 =.. [DDcl, Pred, Scope], assertz('$lgt_pp_dcl_'((Head2:-Body2))). '$lgt_gen_prototype_implements_dcl_clauses' :- '$lgt_pp_object_'(Obj, _, ODcl, _, _, _, _, _, _, PRnm, _), '$lgt_pp_implemented_protocol_'(Ptc, _, PDcl, EScope), (EScope = (public) -> Lookup =.. [PDcl, Pred, Scope, Compilation, Meta, Ctn] ; (EScope = protected -> Call =.. [PDcl, Pred, Scope2, Compilation, Meta, Ctn], Lookup = (Call, (Scope2 == p -> Scope = p; Scope = p(p))) ; Scope = p, Lookup =.. [PDcl, Pred, _, Compilation, Meta, Ctn])), ('$lgt_pp_alias_'(Ptc, _, _) -> Head =.. [ODcl, Alias, Scope, Compilation, Meta, Obj, Ctn], Rename =.. [PRnm, Ptc, Pred, Alias], assertz('$lgt_pp_dcl_'((Head :- var(Alias) -> Lookup, Rename; Rename, Lookup))) ; Head =.. [ODcl, Pred, Scope, Compilation, Meta, Obj, Ctn], assertz('$lgt_pp_dcl_'((Head:-Lookup)))), fail. '$lgt_gen_prototype_implements_dcl_clauses'. '$lgt_gen_prototype_imports_dcl_clauses' :- '$lgt_pp_object_'(Obj, _, ODcl, _, _, _, _, _, _, PRnm, _), '$lgt_pp_imported_category_'(Ctg, _, CDcl, _, EScope), (EScope = (public) -> Lookup =.. [CDcl, Pred, Scope, Compilation, Meta, Ctn] ; (EScope = protected -> Call =.. [CDcl, Pred, Scope2, Compilation, Meta, Ctn], Lookup = (Call, (Scope2 == p -> Scope = p; Scope = p(p))) ; Scope = p, Lookup =.. [CDcl, Pred, _, Compilation, Meta, Ctn])), ('$lgt_pp_alias_'(Ctg, _, _) -> Head =.. [ODcl, Alias, Scope, Compilation, Meta, Obj, Ctn], Rename =.. [PRnm, Ctg, Pred, Alias], assertz('$lgt_pp_dcl_'((Head :- var(Alias) -> Lookup, Rename; Rename, Lookup))) ; Head =.. [ODcl, Pred, Scope, Compilation, Meta, Obj, Ctn], assertz('$lgt_pp_dcl_'((Head:-Lookup)))), fail. '$lgt_gen_prototype_imports_dcl_clauses'. '$lgt_gen_prototype_extends_dcl_clauses' :- '$lgt_pp_object_'(Obj, _, ODcl, _, _, _, _, _, _, PRnm, _), '$lgt_pp_extended_object_'(Parent, _, PDcl, _, _, _, _, _, _, EScope), (EScope = (public) -> Lookup =.. [PDcl, Pred, Scope, Compilation, Meta, SCtn, TCtn] ; (EScope = protected -> Call =.. [PDcl, Pred, Scope2, Compilation, Meta, SCtn, TCtn], Lookup = (Call, (Scope2 == p -> Scope = p; Scope = p(p))) ; Scope = p, Call =.. [PDcl, Pred, Scope2, Compilation, Meta, SCtn2, TCtn], Lookup = (Call, (Scope2 == p -> SCtn = SCtn2; SCtn = Obj)))), ('$lgt_pp_alias_'(Parent, _, _) -> Head =.. [ODcl, Alias, Scope, Compilation, Meta, SCtn, TCtn], Rename =.. [PRnm, Parent, Pred, Alias], assertz('$lgt_pp_dcl_'((Head :- var(Alias) -> Lookup, Rename; Rename, Lookup))) ; Head =.. [ODcl, Pred, Scope, Compilation, Meta, SCtn, TCtn], assertz('$lgt_pp_dcl_'((Head:-Lookup)))), fail. '$lgt_gen_prototype_extends_dcl_clauses'. '$lgt_gen_prototype_def_clauses' :- '$lgt_gen_local_def_clauses', '$lgt_gen_obj_catchall_def_clause', '$lgt_gen_prototype_linking_def_clauses', '$lgt_gen_prototype_imports_def_clauses', '$lgt_gen_prototype_extends_def_clauses'. '$lgt_gen_prototype_linking_def_clauses' :- '$lgt_pp_object_'(Obj, _, _, Def, _, _, _, _, DDef, _, _), Head =.. [Def, Pred, Sender, This, Self, Call, Obj], Body =.. [Def, Pred, Sender, This, Self, Call], assertz('$lgt_pp_def_'((Head:-Body))), Body2 =.. [DDef, Pred, Sender, This, Self, Call], assertz('$lgt_pp_def_'((Head:-Body2))). '$lgt_gen_prototype_imports_def_clauses' :- '$lgt_pp_object_'(Obj, _, _, ODef, _, _, _, _, _, PRnm, _), '$lgt_pp_rclause_'('$lgt_imports_category_'(Obj, Ctg, _)), % needed for parameter passing '$lgt_pp_imported_category_'(Ctg, _, _, CDef, _), Lookup =.. [CDef, Pred, Sender, Obj, Self, Call, Ctn], ('$lgt_pp_alias_'(Ctg, _, _) -> Head =.. [ODef, Alias, Sender, Obj, Self, Call, Ctn], Rename =.. [PRnm, Ctg, Pred, Alias], assertz('$lgt_pp_def_'((Head :- var(Alias) -> Lookup, Rename; Rename, Lookup))) ; Head =.. [ODef, Pred, Sender, Obj, Self, Call, Ctn], assertz('$lgt_pp_def_'((Head:-Lookup)))), fail. '$lgt_gen_prototype_imports_def_clauses'. '$lgt_gen_prototype_extends_def_clauses' :- '$lgt_pp_object_'(Obj, _, _, ODef, _, _, _, _, _, PRnm, _), '$lgt_pp_rclause_'('$lgt_extends_object_'(Obj, Parent, _)), % needed for parameter passing '$lgt_pp_extended_object_'(Parent, _, _, PDef, _, _, _, _, _, _), Lookup =.. [PDef, Pred, Sender, Parent, Self, Call, Ctn], ('$lgt_pp_alias_'(Parent, _, _) -> Head =.. [ODef, Alias, Sender, Obj, Self, Call, Ctn], Rename =.. [PRnm, Parent, Pred, Alias], assertz('$lgt_pp_def_'((Head :- var(Alias) -> Lookup, Rename; Rename, Lookup))) ; Head =.. [ODef, Pred, Sender, Obj, Self, Call, Ctn], assertz('$lgt_pp_def_'((Head:-Lookup)))), fail. '$lgt_gen_prototype_extends_def_clauses'. % we can have a root object where super have nowhere to go ... '$lgt_gen_prototype_super_clauses' :- '$lgt_pp_object_'(_, _, _, _, OSuper, _, _, _, _, _, _), \+ '$lgt_pp_extended_object_'(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), Head =.. [OSuper, _, _, _, _, _, _], assertz('$lgt_pp_def_'((Head:-fail))), !. % ... or we may extends some objects '$lgt_gen_prototype_super_clauses' :- '$lgt_pp_object_'(Obj, _, _, _, OSuper, _, _, _, _, PRnm, _), '$lgt_pp_rclause_'('$lgt_extends_object_'(Obj, Parent, _)), % needed for parameter passing '$lgt_pp_extended_object_'(Parent, _, _, PDef, _, _, _, _, _, _), Lookup =.. [PDef, Pred, Sender, Parent, Self, Call, Ctn], ('$lgt_pp_alias_'(Parent, _, _) -> Head =.. [OSuper, Alias, Sender, Obj, Self, Call, Ctn], Rename =.. [PRnm, Parent, Pred, Alias], assertz('$lgt_pp_def_'((Head :- var(Alias) -> Lookup, Rename; Rename, Lookup))) ; Head =.. [OSuper, Pred, Sender, Obj, Self, Call, Ctn], assertz('$lgt_pp_def_'((Head:-Lookup)))), fail. '$lgt_gen_prototype_super_clauses'. '$lgt_gen_ic_clauses' :- '$lgt_gen_ic_dcl_clauses', '$lgt_gen_ic_idcl_clauses', '$lgt_gen_ic_def_clauses', '$lgt_gen_ic_idef_clauses', '$lgt_gen_ic_super_clauses'. '$lgt_gen_ic_dcl_clauses' :- '$lgt_gen_local_dcl_clauses', '$lgt_gen_ic_hierarchy_dcl_clauses'. '$lgt_gen_ic_hierarchy_dcl_clauses' :- \+ '$lgt_pp_instantiated_class_'(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), !, '$lgt_pp_object_'(_, _, ODcl, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), Head =.. [ODcl, _, _, _, _, _, _], assertz('$lgt_pp_dcl_'((Head:-fail))). '$lgt_gen_ic_hierarchy_dcl_clauses' :- '$lgt_pp_object_'(Obj, _, ODcl, _, _, _, _, _, _, PRnm, _), '$lgt_pp_instantiated_class_'(Class, _, _, _, _, CIDcl, _, _, _, EScope), (EScope = (public) -> Lookup =.. [CIDcl, Pred, Scope, Compilation, Meta, SCtn, TCtn] ; (EScope = protected -> Call =.. [CIDcl, Pred, Scope2, Compilation, Meta, SCtn, TCtn], Lookup = (Call, (Scope2 == p -> Scope = p; Scope = p(p))) ; Scope = p, Call =.. [CIDcl, Pred, Scope2, Compilation, Meta, SCtn2, TCtn], Lookup = (Call, (Scope2 == p -> SCtn = SCtn2; SCtn = Obj)))), ('$lgt_pp_alias_'(Class, _, _) -> Head =.. [ODcl, Alias, Scope, Compilation, Meta, SCtn, TCtn], Rename =.. [PRnm, Class, Pred, Alias], assertz('$lgt_pp_dcl_'((Head :- var(Alias) -> Lookup, Rename; Rename, Lookup))) ; Head =.. [ODcl, Pred, Scope, Compilation, Meta, SCtn, TCtn], assertz('$lgt_pp_dcl_'((Head:-Lookup)))), fail. '$lgt_gen_ic_hierarchy_dcl_clauses'. % generates instance/class inherited declaration clauses '$lgt_gen_ic_idcl_clauses' :- '$lgt_gen_ic_linking_idcl_clauses', '$lgt_gen_ic_protocol_idcl_clauses', '$lgt_gen_ic_category_idcl_clauses', '$lgt_gen_ic_hierarchy_idcl_clauses'. '$lgt_gen_ic_linking_idcl_clauses' :- '$lgt_pp_object_'(Obj, _, Dcl, _, _, IDcl, _, DDcl, _, _, _), Head =.. [IDcl, Pred, Scope, Compilation, Meta, Obj, Obj], Body =.. [Dcl, Pred, Scope, Compilation, Meta], assertz('$lgt_pp_dcl_'((Head:-Body))), Head2 =.. [IDcl, Pred, Scope, (dynamic), no, Obj, Obj], Body2 =.. [DDcl, Pred, Scope], assertz('$lgt_pp_dcl_'((Head2:-Body2))). '$lgt_gen_ic_protocol_idcl_clauses' :- '$lgt_pp_object_'(Obj, _, _, _, _, OIDcl, _, _, _, PRnm, _), '$lgt_pp_implemented_protocol_'(Ptc, _, PDcl, EScope), (EScope = (public) -> Lookup =.. [PDcl, Pred, Scope, Compilation, Meta, Ctn] ; (EScope = protected -> Call =.. [PDcl, Pred, Scope2, Compilation, Meta, Ctn], Lookup = (Call, (Scope2 == p -> Scope = p; Scope = p(p))) ; Scope = p, Lookup =.. [PDcl, Pred, _, Compilation, Meta, Ctn])), ('$lgt_pp_alias_'(Ptc, _, _) -> Head =.. [OIDcl, Alias, Scope, Compilation, Meta, Obj, Ctn], Rename =.. [PRnm, Ptc, Pred, Alias], assertz('$lgt_pp_dcl_'((Head :- var(Alias) -> Lookup, Rename; Rename, Lookup))) ; Head =.. [OIDcl, Pred, Scope, Compilation, Meta, Obj, Ctn], assertz('$lgt_pp_dcl_'((Head:-Lookup)))), fail. '$lgt_gen_ic_protocol_idcl_clauses'. '$lgt_gen_ic_category_idcl_clauses' :- '$lgt_pp_object_'(Obj, _, _, _, _, OIDcl, _, _, _, PRnm, _), '$lgt_pp_imported_category_'(Ctg, _, CDcl, _, EScope), (EScope = (public) -> Lookup =.. [CDcl, Pred, Scope, Compilation, Meta, Ctn] ; (EScope = protected -> Call =.. [CDcl, Pred, Scope2, Compilation, Meta, Ctn], Lookup = (Call, (Scope2 == p -> Scope = p; Scope = p(p))) ; Scope = p, Lookup =.. [CDcl, Pred, _, Compilation, Meta, Ctn])), ('$lgt_pp_alias_'(Ctg, _, _) -> Head =.. [OIDcl, Alias, Scope, Compilation, Meta, Obj, Ctn], Rename =.. [PRnm, Ctg, Pred, Alias], assertz('$lgt_pp_dcl_'((Head :- var(Alias) -> Lookup, Rename; Rename, Lookup))) ; Head =.. [OIDcl, Pred, Scope, Compilation, Meta, Obj, Ctn], assertz('$lgt_pp_dcl_'((Head:-Lookup)))), fail. '$lgt_gen_ic_category_idcl_clauses'. '$lgt_gen_ic_hierarchy_idcl_clauses' :- '$lgt_pp_object_'(Obj, _, _, _, _, CIDcl, _, _, _, PRnm, _), '$lgt_pp_specialized_class_'(Super, _, _, _, _, SIDcl, _, _, _, EScope), (EScope = (public) -> Lookup =.. [SIDcl, Pred, Scope, Compilation, Meta, SCtn, TCtn] ; (EScope = protected -> Call =.. [SIDcl, Pred, Scope2, Compilation, Meta, SCtn, TCtn], Lookup = (Call, (Scope2 == p -> Scope = p; Scope = p(p))) ; Scope = p, Call =.. [SIDcl, Pred, Scope2, Compilation, Meta, SCtn2, TCtn], Lookup = (Call, (Scope2 == p -> SCtn = SCtn2; SCtn = Obj)))), ('$lgt_pp_alias_'(Super, _, _) -> Head =.. [CIDcl, Alias, Scope, Compilation, Meta, SCtn, TCtn], Rename =.. [PRnm, Super, Pred, Alias], assertz('$lgt_pp_dcl_'((Head :- var(Alias) -> Lookup, Rename; Rename, Lookup))) ; Head =.. [CIDcl, Pred, Scope, Compilation, Meta, SCtn, TCtn], assertz('$lgt_pp_dcl_'((Head:-Lookup)))), fail. '$lgt_gen_ic_hierarchy_idcl_clauses'. '$lgt_gen_ic_def_clauses' :- '$lgt_gen_local_def_clauses', '$lgt_gen_obj_catchall_def_clause', '$lgt_gen_ic_linking_def_clauses', '$lgt_gen_ic_imports_def_clauses', '$lgt_gen_ic_hierarchy_def_clauses'. '$lgt_gen_ic_linking_def_clauses' :- '$lgt_pp_object_'(Obj, _, _, Def, _, _, _, _, DDef, _, _), Head =.. [Def, Pred, Sender, This, Self, Call, Obj], Body =.. [Def, Pred, Sender, This, Self, Call], assertz('$lgt_pp_def_'((Head:-Body))), Body2 =.. [DDef, Pred, Sender, This, Self, Call], assertz('$lgt_pp_def_'((Head:-Body2))). '$lgt_gen_ic_imports_def_clauses' :- '$lgt_pp_object_'(Obj, _, _, ODef, _, _, _, _, _, PRnm, _), '$lgt_pp_rclause_'('$lgt_imports_category_'(Obj, Ctg, _)), % needed for parameter passing '$lgt_pp_imported_category_'(Ctg, _, _, CDef, _), Lookup =.. [CDef, Pred, Sender, Obj, Self, Call, Ctn], ('$lgt_pp_alias_'(Ctg, _, _) -> Head =.. [ODef, Alias, Sender, Obj, Self, Call, Ctn], Rename =.. [PRnm, Ctg, Pred, Alias], assertz('$lgt_pp_def_'((Head :- var(Alias) -> Lookup, Rename; Rename, Lookup))) ; Head =.. [ODef, Pred, Sender, Obj, Self, Call, Ctn], assertz('$lgt_pp_def_'((Head:-Lookup)))), fail. '$lgt_gen_ic_imports_def_clauses'. '$lgt_gen_ic_hierarchy_def_clauses' :- '$lgt_pp_object_'(Obj, _, _, ODef, _, _, _, _, _, PRnm, _), '$lgt_pp_rclause_'('$lgt_instantiates_class_'(Obj, Class, _)), % needed for parameter passing '$lgt_pp_instantiated_class_'(Class, _, _, _, _, _, CIDef, _, _, _), Lookup =.. [CIDef, Pred, Sender, Class, Self, Call, Ctn], ('$lgt_pp_alias_'(Class, _, _) -> Head =.. [ODef, Alias, Sender, Obj, Self, Call, Ctn], Rename =.. [PRnm, Class, Pred, Alias], assertz('$lgt_pp_def_'((Head :- var(Alias) -> Lookup, Rename; Rename, Lookup))) ; Head =.. [ODef, Pred, Sender, Obj, Self, Call, Ctn], assertz('$lgt_pp_def_'((Head:-Lookup)))), fail. '$lgt_gen_ic_hierarchy_def_clauses'. '$lgt_gen_ic_idef_clauses' :- '$lgt_gen_ic_linking_idef_clauses', '$lgt_gen_ic_category_idef_clauses', '$lgt_gen_ic_hierarchy_idef_clauses'. '$lgt_gen_ic_linking_idef_clauses' :- '$lgt_pp_object_'(Obj, _, _, Def, _, _, IDef, _, DDef, _, _), Head =.. [IDef, Pred, Sender, This, Self, Call, Obj], Body =.. [Def, Pred, Sender, This, Self, Call], assertz('$lgt_pp_def_'((Head:-Body))), Body2 =.. [DDef, Pred, Sender, This, Self, Call], assertz('$lgt_pp_def_'((Head:-Body2))). '$lgt_gen_ic_category_idef_clauses' :- '$lgt_pp_object_'(Obj, _, _, _, _, _, OIDef, _, _, PRnm, _), '$lgt_pp_rclause_'('$lgt_imports_category_'(Obj, Ctg, _)), % needed for parameter passing '$lgt_pp_imported_category_'(Ctg, _, _, CDef, _), Lookup =.. [CDef, Pred, Sender, Obj, Self, Call], ('$lgt_pp_alias_'(Ctg, _, _) -> Head =.. [OIDef, Alias, Sender, Obj, Self, Call, Ctg], Rename =.. [PRnm, Ctg, Pred, Alias], assertz('$lgt_pp_def_'((Head :- var(Alias) -> Lookup, Rename; Rename, Lookup))) ; Head =.. [OIDef, Pred, Sender, Obj, Self, Call, Ctg], assertz('$lgt_pp_def_'((Head:-Lookup)))), fail. '$lgt_gen_ic_category_idef_clauses'. '$lgt_gen_ic_hierarchy_idef_clauses' :- '$lgt_pp_object_'(Class, _, _, _, _, _, CIDef, _, _, PRnm, _), '$lgt_pp_rclause_'('$lgt_specializes_class_'(Class, Super, _)), % needed for parameter passing '$lgt_pp_specialized_class_'(Super, _, _, _, _, _, SIDef, _, _, _), Lookup =.. [SIDef, Pred, Sender, Super, Self, Call, Ctn], ('$lgt_pp_alias_'(Super, _, _) -> Head =.. [CIDef, Alias, Sender, Class, Self, Call, Ctn], Rename =.. [PRnm, Super, Pred, Alias], assertz('$lgt_pp_def_'((Head :- var(Alias) -> Lookup, Rename; Rename, Lookup))) ; Head =.. [CIDef, Pred, Sender, Class, Self, Call, Ctn], assertz('$lgt_pp_def_'((Head:-Lookup)))), fail. '$lgt_gen_ic_hierarchy_idef_clauses'. % we can have a root object where super have nowhere to go ... '$lgt_gen_ic_super_clauses' :- '$lgt_pp_object_'(_, _, _, _, OSuper, _, _, _, _, _, _), \+ '$lgt_pp_instantiated_class_'(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), \+ '$lgt_pp_specialized_class_'(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), Head =.. [OSuper, _, _, _, _, _, _], assertz('$lgt_pp_def_'((Head:-fail))), !. % ... or predicates can be redefined in instances... '$lgt_gen_ic_super_clauses' :- '$lgt_pp_object_'(Obj, _, _, _, OSuper, _, _, _, _, PRnm, _), '$lgt_pp_rclause_'('$lgt_instantiates_class_'(Obj, Class, _)), % needed for parameter passing '$lgt_pp_instantiated_class_'(Class, _, _, _, _, _, CIDef, _, _, _), Lookup =.. [CIDef, Pred, Sender, Class, Obj, Call, Ctn], ('$lgt_pp_alias_'(Class, _, _) -> Head =.. [OSuper, Alias, Sender, Obj, Obj, Call, Ctn], Rename =.. [PRnm, Class, Pred, Alias], assertz('$lgt_pp_def_'((Head :- var(Alias) -> Lookup, Rename; Rename, Lookup))) ; Head =.. [OSuper, Pred, Sender, Obj, Obj, Call, Ctn], assertz('$lgt_pp_def_'((Head:-Lookup)))), fail. % ... or/and in subclasses... '$lgt_gen_ic_super_clauses' :- '$lgt_pp_object_'(Class, _, _, _, CSuper, _, _, _, _, PRnm, _), '$lgt_pp_rclause_'('$lgt_specializes_class_'(Class, Super, _)), % needed for parameter passing '$lgt_pp_specialized_class_'(Super, _, _, _, _, _, SIDef, _, _, _), Lookup =.. [SIDef, Pred, Sender, Super, Self, Call, Ctn], ('$lgt_pp_alias_'(Super, _, _) -> Head =.. [CSuper, Alias, Sender, Class, Self, Call, Ctn], Rename =.. [PRnm, Super, Pred, Alias], assertz('$lgt_pp_def_'((Head :- var(Alias) -> Lookup, Rename; Rename, Lookup))) ; Head =.. [CSuper, Pred, Sender, Class, Self, Call, Ctn], assertz('$lgt_pp_def_'((Head:-Lookup)))), fail. '$lgt_gen_ic_super_clauses'. % '$lgt_fix_redef_built_ins' % % fix the calls of any redefined built-in predicate in all entity clauses % and initialization goals '$lgt_fix_redef_built_ins' :- retract('$lgt_pp_eclause_'(Clause)), (Clause = (Head:-Body) -> '$lgt_fix_redef_built_ins'(Body, FBody), assertz('$lgt_pp_feclause_'((Head:-FBody))) ; assertz('$lgt_pp_feclause_'(Clause))), fail. '$lgt_fix_redef_built_ins' :- retract('$lgt_pp_entity_init_'(Call)), '$lgt_fix_redef_built_ins'(Call, Fixed), assertz('$lgt_pp_fentity_init_'(Fixed)), fail. '$lgt_fix_redef_built_ins'. % '$lgt_fix_redef_built_ins'(+body, -body) % % fix calls to redefined built-in predicates in a clause body '$lgt_fix_redef_built_ins'(Pred, Pred) :- var(Pred), !. '$lgt_fix_redef_built_ins'((Pred1, Pred2), (TPred1, TPred2)) :- !, '$lgt_fix_redef_built_ins'(Pred1, TPred1), '$lgt_fix_redef_built_ins'(Pred2, TPred2). '$lgt_fix_redef_built_ins'((Pred1; Pred2), (TPred1; TPred2)) :- !, '$lgt_fix_redef_built_ins'(Pred1, TPred1), '$lgt_fix_redef_built_ins'(Pred2, TPred2). '$lgt_fix_redef_built_ins'((Pred1 -> Pred2), (TPred1 -> TPred2)) :- !, '$lgt_fix_redef_built_ins'(Pred1, TPred1), '$lgt_fix_redef_built_ins'(Pred2, TPred2). '$lgt_fix_redef_built_ins'(\+ Pred, \+ TPred) :- !, '$lgt_fix_redef_built_ins'(Pred, TPred). '$lgt_fix_redef_built_ins'(call(Pred), call(TPred)) :- !, '$lgt_fix_redef_built_ins'(Pred, TPred). '$lgt_fix_redef_built_ins'(once(Pred), once(TPred)) :- !, '$lgt_fix_redef_built_ins'(Pred, TPred). '$lgt_fix_redef_built_ins'(catch(Goal, Catcher, Recovery), catch(TGoal, Catcher, TRecovery)) :- !, '$lgt_fix_redef_built_ins'(Goal, TGoal), '$lgt_fix_redef_built_ins'(Recovery, TRecovery). '$lgt_fix_redef_built_ins'(bagof(Term, Pred, List), bagof(Term, TPred, List)) :- !, '$lgt_fix_redef_built_ins'(Pred, TPred). '$lgt_fix_redef_built_ins'(findall(Term, Pred, List), findall(Term, TPred, List)) :- !, '$lgt_fix_redef_built_ins'(Pred, TPred). '$lgt_fix_redef_built_ins'(forall(Gen, Test), forall(TGen, TTest)) :- !, '$lgt_fix_redef_built_ins'(Gen, TGen), '$lgt_fix_redef_built_ins'(Test, TTest). '$lgt_fix_redef_built_ins'(setof(Term, Pred, List), setof(Term, TPred, List)) :- !, '$lgt_fix_redef_built_ins'(Pred, TPred). '$lgt_fix_redef_built_ins'('$lgt_dbg_goal'(OPred, Pred, Ctx), '$lgt_dbg_goal'(OPred, TPred, Ctx)) :- !, '$lgt_fix_redef_built_ins'(Pred, TPred). '$lgt_fix_redef_built_ins'(Pred, TPred) :- '$lgt_pl_built_in'(Pred), functor(Pred, Functor, Arity), functor(Meta, Functor, Arity), '$lgt_pl_metapredicate'(Meta), % non-standard Prolog built-in metapredicates !, Pred =.. [_| Args], Meta =.. [_| MArgs], '$lgt_fix_redef_built_ins_in_margs'(Args, MArgs, TArgs), TPred =.. [Functor| TArgs]. '$lgt_fix_redef_built_ins'('$lgt_call_built_in'(Pred, Ctx), TPred) :- !, ('$lgt_pp_redefined_built_in_'(Pred, Ctx, TPred) -> true ; '$lgt_fix_redef_built_ins'(Pred, TPred)). '$lgt_fix_redef_built_ins'(Pred, Pred). % '$lgt_fix_redef_built_ins_in_margs'(@list, @list, -list) % % fix calls to redefined built-in predicates in non-standard % metapredicate arguments '$lgt_fix_redef_built_ins_in_margs'([], [], []). '$lgt_fix_redef_built_ins_in_margs'([Arg| Args], [MArg| MArgs], [TArg| TArgs]) :- '$lgt_fix_redef_built_ins_in_marg'(MArg, Arg, TArg), '$lgt_fix_redef_built_ins_in_margs'(Args, MArgs, TArgs). '$lgt_fix_redef_built_ins_in_marg'(*, Arg, Arg). '$lgt_fix_redef_built_ins_in_marg'(::, Arg, TArg) :- '$lgt_fix_redef_built_ins'(Arg, TArg). % report misspelt predicate calls in the body of object and category predicates '$lgt_report_misspelt_calls' :- '$lgt_compiler_flag'(misspelt, warning), setof(Pred, '$lgt_misspelt_call'(Pred), Preds), '$lgt_inc_compile_warnings_counter', nl, (Preds = [_] -> write(' WARNING! this static predicate is called but never defined: ') ; write(' WARNING! these static predicates are called but never defined: ')), '$lgt_writeq_list'(Preds), !. '$lgt_report_misspelt_calls'. '$lgt_misspelt_call'(Functor/Arity) :- '$lgt_pp_calls_pred_'(Functor, Arity), \+ '$lgt_pp_defs_pred_'(Functor, Arity), \+ '$lgt_pp_dynamic_'(Functor, Arity). % report non-portable predicate calls in the body of object and category predicates '$lgt_report_non_portable_calls' :- '$lgt_compiler_flag'(portability, warning), setof(Pred, '$lgt_non_portable_call'(Pred), Preds), '$lgt_inc_compile_warnings_counter', nl, (Preds = [_] -> write(' WARNING! call to non-standard Prolog built-in predicate: ') ; write(' WARNING! calls to non-standard Prolog built-in predicates: ')), '$lgt_writeq_list'(Preds), !. '$lgt_report_non_portable_calls'. '$lgt_non_portable_call'(Functor/Arity) :- '$lgt_non_portable_call_'(Functor, Arity), \+ '$lgt_pp_defs_pred_'(Functor, Arity), functor(Pred, Functor, Arity), \+ '$lgt_pp_redefined_built_in_'(Pred, _, _). % '$lgt_pp_entity_functors'(-compound) % % constructs the entity functors clause '$lgt_pp_entity_functors'(Clause) :- '$lgt_pp_object_'(_, Prefix, Dcl, Def, Super, IDcl, IDef, DDcl, DDef, Rnm, _), Clause =.. [Prefix, Dcl, Def, Super, IDcl, IDef, DDcl, DDef, Rnm], !. '$lgt_pp_entity_functors'(Clause) :- '$lgt_pp_category_'(_, Prefix, Dcl, Def, Rnm, _), Clause =.. [Prefix, Dcl, Def, Rnm], !. '$lgt_pp_entity_functors'(Clause) :- '$lgt_pp_protocol_'(_, Prefix, Dcl, Rnm, _), Clause =.. [Prefix, Dcl, Rnm]. % '$lgt_write_directives'(+stream) % % writes the directives '$lgt_write_directives'(Stream) :- '$lgt_pp_directive_'(Dir), write_canonical(Stream, (:- Dir)), write(Stream, '.'), nl(Stream), fail. '$lgt_write_directives'(_). % '$lgt_write_prolog_clauses'(+stream) % % writes any Prolog clauses that appear before an entity opening directive '$lgt_write_prolog_clauses'(Stream) :- '$lgt_pp_ppclause_'(Clause), write_canonical(Stream, Clause), write(Stream, '.'), nl(Stream), fail. '$lgt_write_prolog_clauses'(_). % '$lgt_write_logtalk_clauses'(+stream) % % writes Logtalk entity clauses '$lgt_write_logtalk_clauses'(Stream) :- '$lgt_write_functors_clause'(Stream), '$lgt_write_dcl_clauses'(Stream), '$lgt_write_def_clauses'(Stream), '$lgt_write_ddef_clauses'(Stream), '$lgt_write_super_clauses'(Stream), '$lgt_write_alias_clauses'(Stream), '$lgt_write_pred_clauses'(Stream). '$lgt_write_functors_clause'(Stream) :- '$lgt_pp_entity_functors'(Clause), write_canonical(Stream, Clause), write(Stream, '.'), nl(Stream). '$lgt_write_def_clauses'(Stream) :- '$lgt_pp_def_'(Clause), write_canonical(Stream, Clause), write(Stream, '.'), nl(Stream), fail. '$lgt_write_def_clauses'(_). '$lgt_write_ddef_clauses'(Stream) :- '$lgt_pp_ddef_'(Clause), write_canonical(Stream, Clause), write(Stream, '.'), nl(Stream), fail. '$lgt_write_ddef_clauses'(_). '$lgt_write_dcl_clauses'(Stream) :- '$lgt_pp_dcl_'(Clause), write_canonical(Stream, Clause), write(Stream, '.'), nl(Stream), fail. '$lgt_write_dcl_clauses'(_). '$lgt_write_super_clauses'(Stream) :- '$lgt_pp_super_'(Clause), write_canonical(Stream, Clause), write(Stream, '.'), nl(Stream), fail. '$lgt_write_super_clauses'(_). '$lgt_write_alias_clauses'(Stream) :- once(( '$lgt_pp_object_'(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, Rnm, _); '$lgt_pp_category_'(_, _, _, _, Rnm, _); '$lgt_pp_protocol_'(_, _, _, Rnm, _))), '$lgt_write_alias_clauses'(Stream, Rnm). '$lgt_write_alias_clauses'(Stream, Rnm) :- '$lgt_pp_alias_'(Entity, Pred, Alias), Clause =.. [Rnm, Entity, Pred, Alias], write_canonical(Stream, Clause), write(Stream, '.'), nl(Stream), fail. '$lgt_write_alias_clauses'(Stream, Rnm) :- Catchall =.. [Rnm, _, Pred, Pred], write_canonical(Stream, Catchall), write(Stream, '.'), nl(Stream). '$lgt_write_pred_clauses'(Stream) :- '$lgt_pp_feclause_'(Clause), write_canonical(Stream, Clause), write(Stream, '.'), nl(Stream), fail. '$lgt_write_pred_clauses'(_). % '$lgt_write_init_call'(+stream) % % writes the initialization call for the compiled source file that will assert % the relation clauses for all defined entities and call any declared entity % initialization goals when the source file is loaded '$lgt_write_init_call'(Stream) :- '$lgt_init_goal'(Goal), (Goal = true -> true ; write_canonical(Stream, (:- initialization(Goal))), write(Stream, '.'), nl(Stream)). % '$lgt_init_goal'(-callable) % % source file initialization goal constructed from each entity initialization % goals and from the source file initialization/1 directive if present '$lgt_init_goal'(Goal) :- findall(EGoal, '$lgt_pp_entity_init_'(_, EGoal), EGoals), ('$lgt_pp_file_init_'(FGoal) -> (EGoals \= [] -> '$lgt_list_to_conjunction'(EGoals, EGoals2), Goal = (EGoals2, FGoal) ; Goal = FGoal) ; (EGoals \= [] -> '$lgt_list_to_conjunction'(EGoals, Goal) ; Goal = true)). % converts a list of goals into a conjunction of goals '$lgt_list_to_conjunction'([G], G) :- !. '$lgt_list_to_conjunction'([G1, G2| Gs], (G1, R)) :- '$lgt_list_to_conjunction'([G2| Gs], R). % generate and assert the initialization goal for the entity being compiled '$lgt_gen_entity_init_goal' :- '$lgt_pp_entity'(_, Entity, _, _, _), findall(Clause, '$lgt_pp_rclause'(Clause), Clauses), Goal1 = '$lgt_assert_runtime_clauses'(Clauses), ('$lgt_pp_fentity_init_'(Goal2) -> Goal = (Goal1, Goal2) ; Goal = Goal1), assertz('$lgt_pp_entity_init_'(Entity, Goal)). % '$lgt_assert_tr_entity' % % adds a dynamically created entity to memory '$lgt_assert_tr_entity' :- '$lgt_assert_directives', '$lgt_assert_functors_clause', '$lgt_assert_dcl_clauses', '$lgt_assert_def_clauses', '$lgt_assert_ddef_clauses', '$lgt_assert_super_clauses', '$lgt_assert_pred_clauses', '$lgt_assert_runtime_clauses', '$lgt_assert_init'. '$lgt_assert_directives' :- '$lgt_pp_directive_'(dynamic(Functor/Arity)), functor(Pred, Functor, Arity), asserta(Pred), retract(Pred), fail. '$lgt_assert_directives' :- '$lgt_pp_directive_'(op(Pr, Spec, Ops)), op(Pr, Spec, Ops), fail. '$lgt_assert_directives'. '$lgt_assert_functors_clause' :- '$lgt_pp_entity_functors'(Clause), assertz(Clause). '$lgt_assert_dcl_clauses' :- '$lgt_pp_dcl_'(Clause), assertz(Clause), fail. '$lgt_assert_dcl_clauses'. '$lgt_assert_def_clauses' :- '$lgt_pp_def_'(Clause), assertz(Clause), fail. '$lgt_assert_def_clauses'. '$lgt_assert_ddef_clauses' :- '$lgt_pp_ddef_'(Clause), assertz(Clause), fail. '$lgt_assert_ddef_clauses'. '$lgt_assert_super_clauses' :- '$lgt_pp_super_'(Clause), assertz(Clause), fail. '$lgt_assert_super_clauses'. '$lgt_assert_pred_clauses' :- '$lgt_pp_feclause_'(Clause), assertz(Clause), fail. '$lgt_assert_pred_clauses'. '$lgt_assert_runtime_clauses' :- '$lgt_pp_rclause'(Clause), assertz(Clause), fail. '$lgt_assert_runtime_clauses'. % '$lgt_assert_init' % % call any defined initialization goal for a dynamically created entity '$lgt_assert_init' :- '$lgt_pp_fentity_init_'(Goal) -> once(Goal) ; true. % '$lgt_assert_runtime_clauses'(+list) % % called when loading a compiled Logtalk entity in order to update % Logtalk internal runtime tables % % we may be reloading the entity so we must first retract any old % runtime clauses before asserting the new ones '$lgt_assert_runtime_clauses'([Clause| Clauses]) :- arg(1, Clause, Entity), ('$lgt_redefined_entity'(Entity, Type) -> '$lgt_clean_lookup_caches', '$lgt_clean_redefined_entity'(Type, Entity), '$lgt_report_redefined_entity'(Type, Entity) ; true), '$lgt_retract_old_runtime_clauses'(Entity), '$lgt_assert_new_runtime_clauses'([Clause| Clauses]). '$lgt_retract_old_runtime_clauses'(Entity) :- retractall('$lgt_current_object_'(Entity, _, _, _, _, _)), retractall('$lgt_current_protocol_'(Entity, _, _)), retractall('$lgt_current_category_'(Entity, _, _)), retractall('$lgt_implements_protocol_'(Entity, _, _)), retractall('$lgt_imports_category_'(Entity, _, _)), retractall('$lgt_instantiates_class_'(Entity, _, _)), retractall('$lgt_specializes_class_'(Entity, _, _)), retractall('$lgt_extends_protocol_'(Entity, _, _)), retractall('$lgt_extends_object_'(Entity, _, _)), retractall('$lgt_debugging_'(Entity)). '$lgt_assert_new_runtime_clauses'([]). '$lgt_assert_new_runtime_clauses'([Clause| Clauses]) :- assertz(Clause), '$lgt_assert_new_runtime_clauses'(Clauses). % '$lgt_construct_object_functors'(+compound, -atom, -atom, -atom, -atom, -atom, -atom, -atom, -atom, -atom) % % constructs functors used in the compiled code of an object '$lgt_construct_object_functors'(Obj, Prefix, Dcl, Def, Super, IDcl, IDef, DDcl, DDef, Rnm) :- '$lgt_construct_entity_prefix'(Obj, Prefix), atom_concat(Prefix, '_dcl', Dcl), atom_concat(Prefix, '_def', Def), atom_concat(Prefix, '_super', Super), atom_concat(Prefix, '_idcl', IDcl), atom_concat(Prefix, '_idef', IDef), atom_concat(Prefix, '_ddcl', DDcl), atom_concat(Prefix, '_ddef', DDef), atom_concat(Prefix, '_alias', Rnm). % '$lgt_construct_protocol_functors'(+compound, -atom, -atom, -atom) % % constructs functors used in the compiled code of a protocol '$lgt_construct_protocol_functors'(Ptc, Prefix, Dcl, Rnm) :- '$lgt_construct_entity_prefix'(Ptc, Prefix), atom_concat(Prefix, '_dcl', Dcl), atom_concat(Prefix, '_alias', Rnm). % '$lgt_construct_category_functors'(+compound, -atom, -atom, -atom, -atom) % % constructs functors used in the compiled code of a category '$lgt_construct_category_functors'(Ctg, Prefix, Dcl, Def, Rnm) :- '$lgt_construct_entity_prefix'(Ctg, Prefix), atom_concat(Prefix, '_dcl', Dcl), atom_concat(Prefix, '_def', Def), atom_concat(Prefix, '_alias', Rnm). % '$lgt_construct_entity_prefix'(@entity_identifier, -atom) % % constructs the entity prefix used in the compiled code '$lgt_construct_entity_prefix'(Entity, Prefix) :- '$lgt_compiler_flag'(code_prefix, CodePrefix), functor(Entity, Functor, Arity), atom_concat(CodePrefix, Functor, Aux1), number_codes(Arity, ArityCodes), atom_codes(ArityAtom, ArityCodes), atom_concat(Aux1, '_', Aux2), atom_concat(Aux2, ArityAtom, Aux3), atom_concat(Aux3, '_', Prefix). % '$lgt_construct_predicate_functor'(+atom, +atom, +integer, -atom) % % constructs the functor used for a compiled predicate '$lgt_construct_predicate_functor'(EPrefix, Functor, Arity, PPrefix) :- atom_concat(EPrefix, Functor, Aux), atom_concat(Aux, '_', Aux2), number_codes(Arity, Codes), atom_codes(Atom, Codes), atom_concat(Aux2, Atom, PPrefix). % '$lgt_reverse_predicate_functor'(+atom, +integer, -callable, -atom, -atom, -integer) % % reverses the functor used for a compiled predicate '$lgt_reverse_predicate_functor'(TFunctor, TArity, Entity, Type, Functor, Arity) :- atom(TFunctor), integer(TArity), Arity is TArity - 3, % subtract message execution context arguments Arity >= 0, number_codes(Arity, Codes), atom_codes(Atom, Codes), atom_concat(Prefix, FunctorPlusArity, TFunctor), % generate and test ('$lgt_current_object_'(Entity, Prefix, _, _, _, _), Type = object ; '$lgt_current_category_'(Entity, Prefix, _), Type = category), atom_concat(Functor, Aux, FunctorPlusArity), atom_concat('_', Atom, Aux), !. % '$lgt_built_in'(+callable) % % checks if the argument is either a Prolog or Logtalk built-in predicate '$lgt_built_in'(Pred) :- '$lgt_pl_built_in'(Pred), !. '$lgt_built_in'(Pred) :- '$lgt_lgt_built_in'(Pred). % '$lgt_pl_built_in'(+callable) % % either host Prolog native built-ins or missing ISO built-ins % that we have defined in the correspondent config file '$lgt_pl_built_in'(Pred) :- \+ '$lgt_lgt_built_in'(Pred), % Logtalk built-ins may also have the property built_in '$lgt_predicate_property'(Pred, built_in), !. '$lgt_pl_built_in'(Pred) :- '$lgt_iso_predicate'(Pred). % ISO Prolog built-in predicate % logtalk built-in methods % % '$lgt_built_in_method'(?callable, ?scope) '$lgt_built_in_method'(parameter(_, _), p). '$lgt_built_in_method'(self(_), p). '$lgt_built_in_method'(sender(_), p). '$lgt_built_in_method'(this(_), p). '$lgt_built_in_method'(current_predicate(_), p(p(p))). '$lgt_built_in_method'(predicate_property(_, _), p(p(p))). '$lgt_built_in_method'(abolish(_), p(p(p))). '$lgt_built_in_method'(asserta(_), p(p(p))). '$lgt_built_in_method'(assertz(_), p(p(p))). '$lgt_built_in_method'(clause(_, _), p(p(p))). '$lgt_built_in_method'(retract(_), p(p(p))). '$lgt_built_in_method'(retractall(_), p(p(p))). '$lgt_built_in_method'(bagof(_, _, _), p(p(p))). '$lgt_built_in_method'(findall(_, _, _), p(p(p))). '$lgt_built_in_method'(forall(_, _), p(p(p))). '$lgt_built_in_method'(setof(_, _, _), p(p(p))). '$lgt_built_in_method'(expand_term(_, _), p(p(p))). '$lgt_built_in_method'(phrase(_, _), p(p(p))). '$lgt_built_in_method'(phrase(_, _, _), p(p(p))). %'$lgt_lgt_directive'(+atom, +integer) % % valid Logtalk directives '$lgt_lgt_directive'(Functor, Arity) :- '$lgt_lgt_opening_directive'(Functor, Arity), !. '$lgt_lgt_directive'(Functor, Arity) :- '$lgt_lgt_closing_directive'(Functor, Arity), !. '$lgt_lgt_directive'(Functor, Arity) :- '$lgt_lgt_entity_directive'(Functor, Arity), !. '$lgt_lgt_directive'(Functor, Arity) :- '$lgt_lgt_predicate_directive'(Functor, Arity). '$lgt_lgt_opening_directive'(object, N) :- N >= 1, N =< 5. '$lgt_lgt_opening_directive'(category, N) :- N >= 1, N =< 3. '$lgt_lgt_opening_directive'(protocol, N) :- N =:= 1; N =:= 2. '$lgt_lgt_opening_directive'(module, N) :- % Prolog module directives; module/3 directives N >= 1, N =< 3. % are not supported but must be recognized as % entity opening directives '$lgt_lgt_closing_directive'(end_object, 0). '$lgt_lgt_closing_directive'(end_category, 0). '$lgt_lgt_closing_directive'(end_protocol, 0). '$lgt_lgt_entity_directive'(encoding, 1). '$lgt_lgt_entity_directive'(calls, N) :- N >= 1. '$lgt_lgt_entity_directive'(uses, N) :- N =:= 1; N =:= 2. '$lgt_lgt_entity_directive'(use_module, 2). % Prolog module directive '$lgt_lgt_entity_directive'((initialization), 1). '$lgt_lgt_entity_directive'((dynamic), N) :- N =:= 0. '$lgt_lgt_entity_directive'(op, 3). '$lgt_lgt_entity_directive'(info, 1). '$lgt_lgt_predicate_directive'((dynamic), N) :- N >= 1. '$lgt_lgt_predicate_directive'(metapredicate, N) :- % Logtalk directive N >= 1. '$lgt_lgt_predicate_directive'((meta_predicate), N) :- % Prolog module directive N >= 1. '$lgt_lgt_predicate_directive'((discontiguous), N) :- N >= 1. '$lgt_lgt_predicate_directive'((public), N) :- N >= 1. '$lgt_lgt_predicate_directive'(protected, N) :- N >= 1. '$lgt_lgt_predicate_directive'(private, N) :- N >= 1. '$lgt_lgt_predicate_directive'((export), N) :- % Prolog module directive N >= 1. '$lgt_lgt_predicate_directive'((mode), 2). '$lgt_lgt_predicate_directive'(info, 2). '$lgt_lgt_predicate_directive'(alias, 3). % built-in metapredicates '$lgt_metapredicate'(Meta) :- % Logtalk built-in metapredicate '$lgt_lgt_metapredicate'(Meta). '$lgt_metapredicate'(Meta) :- % (non ISO Standard) Prolog metapredicate '$lgt_pl_metapredicate'(Meta). % specified in the config files % built-in Logtalk (and Prolog) metapredicates '$lgt_lgt_metapredicate'(catch(::, *, ::)). '$lgt_lgt_metapredicate'(bagof(*, ::, *)). '$lgt_lgt_metapredicate'(setof(*, ::, *)). '$lgt_lgt_metapredicate'(findall(*, ::, *)). '$lgt_lgt_metapredicate'(forall(::, ::)). '$lgt_lgt_metapredicate'(call(::)). '$lgt_lgt_metapredicate'(once(::)). '$lgt_lgt_metapredicate'(\+ (::)). % utility predicates used during compilation of Logtalk entities to store % and access context information which is represented by a compound term '$lgt_ctx_ctx'(ctx(_, _, _, _, _)). '$lgt_ctx_ctx'(ctx(Sender, This, Self, Prefix, Metavars), Sender, This, Self, Prefix, Metavars). '$lgt_ctx_sender'(ctx(Sender, _, _, _, _), Sender). '$lgt_ctx_this'(ctx(_, This, _, _, _), This). '$lgt_ctx_self'(ctx(_, _, Self, _, _), Self). '$lgt_ctx_prefix'(ctx(_, _, _, Prefix, _), Prefix). '$lgt_ctx_meta_vars'(ctx(_, _, _, _, Metavars), Metavars). % '$lgt_flatten_list'(+list, -list) % % flattens a list of terms '$lgt_flatten_list'([[A|B]], [A|B]) :- % list containing a single list !. '$lgt_flatten_list'([[]], []) :- % list containing a single empty list !. '$lgt_flatten_list'([(A, B)], [A|BB]) :- % list containing a single element, !, % which is a sequence: (A, B, ...) '$lgt_flatten_list'([B], BB). '$lgt_flatten_list'([A|B], [A|B]) :- % already flattened list !. '$lgt_flatten_list'([], []). % empty list % '$lgt_valid_pred_ind(+nonvar, -atom, -integer) % % valid predicate indicator '$lgt_valid_pred_ind'(Functor/Arity, Functor, Arity) :- atom(Functor), integer(Arity), Arity >= 0. % '$lgt_valid_gr_ind(+nonvar, -atom, -integer, -integer) % % valid grammar rule indicator '$lgt_valid_gr_ind'(Functor//Arity, Functor, Arity, Arity2) :- atom(Functor), integer(Arity), Arity >= 0, Arity2 is Arity + 2. % '$lgt_valid_pred_or_gr_ind(+nonvar, -atom, -integer) % % valid predicate indicator or grammar rule indicator '$lgt_valid_pred_or_gr_ind'(Term, Functor, Arity) :- once((Term = Functor/Arity; Term = Functor//Arity)), atom(Functor), integer(Arity), Arity >= 0. % '$lgt_valid_ref_scope'(@nonvar, -atom) '$lgt_valid_ref_scope'(Ref, Scope) :- Ref = (Scope::_) -> '$lgt_scope'(Scope, _) ; Scope = (public). % '$lgt_valid_protocol_ref'(@nonvar, -atom) '$lgt_valid_protocol_ref'(Ref, Ptc) :- (Ref = (_::Ptc) -> true ; Ptc = Ref), atom(Ptc). % '$lgt_valid_object_ref'(@nonvar, -atom) '$lgt_valid_object_ref'(Ref, Obj) :- (Ref = (_::Obj) -> true ; Obj = Ref), callable(Obj). % '$lgt_valid_category_ref'(@nonvar, -atom) '$lgt_valid_category_ref'(Ref, Ctg) :- (Ref = (_::Ctg) -> true ; Ctg = Ref), atom(Ctg). % '$lgt_valid_op_priority'(@term) '$lgt_valid_op_priority'(Pr) :- integer(Pr), Pr >= 0, Pr =< 1200. % '$lgt_valid_op_specifier'(@term) '$lgt_valid_op_specifier'(Spec) :- nonvar(Spec), '$lgt_op_specifier'(Spec). % '$lgt_op_specifier'(@nonvar) '$lgt_op_specifier'(fx). '$lgt_op_specifier'(fy). '$lgt_op_specifier'(xfx). '$lgt_op_specifier'(xfy). '$lgt_op_specifier'(yfx). '$lgt_op_specifier'(xf). '$lgt_op_specifier'(yf). % '$lgt_valid_op_names'(@term) % % (an atom or a list of atoms) '$lgt_valid_op_names'(Op) :- atom(Op), !. '$lgt_valid_op_names'(Ops) :- '$lgt_valid_op_names_list'(Ops). '$lgt_valid_op_names_list'([]). '$lgt_valid_op_names_list'([Op| Ops]) :- atom(Op), '$lgt_valid_op_names_list'(Ops). % '$lgt_same_op_class'(?atom, ?atom) '$lgt_same_op_class'(fx, fx). '$lgt_same_op_class'(fx, fy). '$lgt_same_op_class'(fy, fx). '$lgt_same_op_class'(fy, fy). '$lgt_same_op_class'(xf, xf). '$lgt_same_op_class'(xf, yf). '$lgt_same_op_class'(yf, xf). '$lgt_same_op_class'(yf, yf). '$lgt_same_op_class'(xfx, xfx). '$lgt_same_op_class'(xfx, xfy). '$lgt_same_op_class'(xfx, yfx). '$lgt_same_op_class'(xfy, xfx). '$lgt_same_op_class'(xfy, xfy). '$lgt_same_op_class'(xfy, yfx). '$lgt_same_op_class'(yfx, xfx). '$lgt_same_op_class'(yfx, xfy). '$lgt_same_op_class'(yfx, yfx). % '$lgt_valid_metapred_term'(+nonvar) '$lgt_valid_metapred_term'(Pred) :- Pred =.. [_| Args], '$lgt_valid_metapred_term_args'(Args). '$lgt_valid_metapred_term_args'([]). '$lgt_valid_metapred_term_args'([Arg| Args]) :- nonvar(Arg), once((Arg = (::); Arg = (*))), '$lgt_valid_metapred_term_args'(Args). % '$lgt_valid_mode_term'(+nonvar) '$lgt_valid_mode_term'(Pred) :- Pred =.. [_| Args], '$lgt_valid_mode_term_args'(Args). '$lgt_valid_mode_term_args'([]). '$lgt_valid_mode_term_args'([Arg| Args]) :- nonvar(Arg), functor(Arg, Functor, Arity), Arity =< 1, '$lgt_pred_arg_instantiation_mode'(Functor), '$lgt_valid_mode_term_args'(Args). % '$lgt_pred_arg_instantiation_mode'(@nonvar) '$lgt_pred_arg_instantiation_mode'(?). '$lgt_pred_arg_instantiation_mode'(+). '$lgt_pred_arg_instantiation_mode'(-). '$lgt_pred_arg_instantiation_mode'(@). % '$lgt_valid_number_of_solutions'(@term) '$lgt_valid_number_of_solutions'(Solutions) :- nonvar(Solutions), '$lgt_pred_number_of_solutions'(Solutions). % '$lgt_pred_number_of_solutions'(@nonvar) '$lgt_pred_number_of_solutions'(zero). '$lgt_pred_number_of_solutions'(one). '$lgt_pred_number_of_solutions'(zero_or_one). '$lgt_pred_number_of_solutions'(zero_or_more). '$lgt_pred_number_of_solutions'(one_or_more). '$lgt_pred_number_of_solutions'(error). % '$lgt_valid_pred_property'(@nonvar) '$lgt_valid_pred_property'((public)). '$lgt_valid_pred_property'(protected). '$lgt_valid_pred_property'(private). '$lgt_valid_pred_property'(static). '$lgt_valid_pred_property'((dynamic)). '$lgt_valid_pred_property'(declared_in(_)). '$lgt_valid_pred_property'(defined_in(_)). '$lgt_valid_pred_property'(metapredicate(_)). '$lgt_valid_pred_property'(built_in). '$lgt_valid_pred_property'(alias(_)). % '$lgt_valid_entity_property'(@nonvar) '$lgt_valid_entity_property'((dynamic)). '$lgt_valid_entity_property'(static). '$lgt_valid_entity_property'(built_in). % '$lgt_valid_compiler_flags'(@list) % % true if all compiler flags are valid '$lgt_valid_compiler_flags'([]). '$lgt_valid_compiler_flags'([Flag| Flags]) :- nonvar(Flag), '$lgt_valid_compiler_flag'(Flag), '$lgt_valid_compiler_flags'(Flags). % '$lgt_valid_compiler_flag'(@nonvar) '$lgt_valid_compiler_flag'(xmldocs(Option)) :- once((Option == on; Option == off)). '$lgt_valid_compiler_flag'(xslfile(File)) :- atom(File). '$lgt_valid_compiler_flag'(unknown(Option)) :- once((Option == silent; Option == warning)). '$lgt_valid_compiler_flag'(singletons(Option)) :- once((Option == silent; Option == warning)). '$lgt_valid_compiler_flag'(misspelt(Option)) :- once((Option == silent; Option == warning)). '$lgt_valid_compiler_flag'(lgtredef(Option)) :- once((Option == silent; Option == warning)). '$lgt_valid_compiler_flag'(plredef(Option)) :- once((Option == silent; Option == warning)). '$lgt_valid_compiler_flag'(portability(Option)) :- once((Option == silent; Option == warning)). '$lgt_valid_compiler_flag'(report(Option)) :- once((Option == on; Option == off)). '$lgt_valid_compiler_flag'(smart_compilation(Option)) :- once((Option == on; Option == off)). '$lgt_valid_compiler_flag'(underscore_vars(Option)) :- once((Option == dont_care; Option == singletons)). '$lgt_valid_compiler_flag'(code_prefix(Prefix)) :- atom(Prefix). '$lgt_valid_compiler_flag'(xmlsref(Option)) :- once((Option == standalone; Option == (local); Option == web)). '$lgt_valid_compiler_flag'(xmlspec(Option)) :- once((Option == dtd; Option == xsd)). '$lgt_valid_compiler_flag'(debug(Option)) :- once((Option == on; Option == off)). '$lgt_valid_compiler_flag'(events(Option)) :- once((Option == on; Option == off)). % '$lgt_valid_flag'(@nonvar) % % true if the argument is a valid Logtalk flag name '$lgt_valid_flag'(xmldocs). '$lgt_valid_flag'(xslfile). '$lgt_valid_flag'(xmlspec). '$lgt_valid_flag'(xmlsref). '$lgt_valid_flag'(unknown). '$lgt_valid_flag'(singletons). '$lgt_valid_flag'(misspelt). '$lgt_valid_flag'(lgtredef). '$lgt_valid_flag'(plredef). '$lgt_valid_flag'(portability). '$lgt_valid_flag'(report). '$lgt_valid_flag'(smart_compilation). '$lgt_valid_flag'(startup_message). '$lgt_valid_flag'(version). '$lgt_valid_flag'(underscore_vars). '$lgt_valid_flag'(code_prefix). '$lgt_valid_flag'(debug). '$lgt_valid_flag'(supports_break_predicate). '$lgt_valid_flag'(events). '$lgt_valid_flag'(altdirs). % '$lgt_valid_flag'(@term, @term) % % true if the argument is a valid Logtalk flag name-value pair '$lgt_valid_flag'(Name, Value) :- atom(Name), Flag =.. [Name, Value], '$lgt_valid_compiler_flag'(Flag). % '$lgt_read_only_flag'(@nonvar) % % true if the argument is a read only Logtalk flag name '$lgt_read_only_flag'(startup_message). '$lgt_read_only_flag'(supports_break_predicate). '$lgt_read_only_flag'(version). '$lgt_read_only_flag'(altdirs). '$lgt_read_only_flag'(supports_encoding_dir). % '$'$lgt_valid_pred_argument'(@term) % % valid predicate argument documentation on info/2 directive '$lgt_valid_entity_parameter'(Name - Description) :- atom(Name), atom(Description). % '$'$lgt_valid_pred_argument'(@term) % % valid predicate argument documentation on info/2 directive '$lgt_valid_pred_argument'(Name - Description) :- atom(Name), atom(Description). % '$lgt_valid_pred_exception'(@term) % % valid predicate exception documentation on info/2 directive '$lgt_valid_pred_exception'(Description - Term) :- atom(Description), nonvar(Term). % '$lgt_valid_pred_call_example'(@term) % % valid predicate call example documentation on info/1 directive '$lgt_valid_pred_call_example'(Description - Call - {Bindings}) :- atom(Description), callable(Call), nonvar(Bindings), (atom(Bindings) -> once((Bindings == no; Bindings == yes)) ; '$lgt_valid_example_var_bindings'(Bindings)). % '$lgt_valid_pred_call_example'(@term, +atom, +integer) % % valid predicate call example documentation on info/2 directive '$lgt_valid_pred_call_example'((Description - Call - {Bindings}), Functor, Arity) :- atom(Description), nonvar(Call), functor(Pred, Functor, Arity), Call = Pred, nonvar(Bindings), (atom(Bindings) -> once((Bindings == no; Bindings == yes)) ; '$lgt_valid_example_var_bindings'(Bindings)). '$lgt_valid_example_var_bindings'((Binding, Bindings)) :- !, '$lgt_valid_example_var_binding'(Binding), '$lgt_valid_example_var_bindings'(Bindings). '$lgt_valid_example_var_bindings'(Binding) :- '$lgt_valid_example_var_binding'(Binding). '$lgt_valid_example_var_binding'(Binding) :- nonvar(Binding), Binding = (Var = _), var(Var). % '$lgt_xml_encoding'(-atom) % % returns the text encoding that should be used on the XML documenting file '$lgt_xml_encoding'(XMLEncoding) :- '$lgt_pp_directive_'(encoding(Encoding)) -> '$lgt_xml_encoding_table'(Encoding, XMLEncoding) ; XMLEncoding = 'utf-8'. % '$lgt_xml_encoding_table'(?atom, ?atom) % % converts between Prolog stream encoding names and XML encoding names '$lgt_xml_encoding_table'(ascii, 'us-ascii') :- !. '$lgt_xml_encoding_table'(iso_8859_1, 'iso-8859-1') :- !. '$lgt_xml_encoding_table'(iso_latin_1, 'iso-8859-1') :- !. '$lgt_xml_encoding_table'(utf8, 'utf-8') :- !. '$lgt_xml_encoding_table'(unicode_be, 'utf-16') :- !. '$lgt_xml_encoding_table'(unicode_le, 'utf-16') :- !. '$lgt_xml_encoding_table'(Encoding, Encoding). % Logtalk built-in predicates % % '$lgt_lgt_built_in'(?callable) '$lgt_lgt_built_in'(::(_, _)). '$lgt_lgt_built_in'(forall(_, _)). '$lgt_lgt_built_in'(retractall(_)). '$lgt_lgt_built_in'(logtalk_compile(_)). '$lgt_lgt_built_in'(logtalk_compile(_, _)). '$lgt_lgt_built_in'(logtalk_load(_)). '$lgt_lgt_built_in'(logtalk_load(_, _)). '$lgt_lgt_built_in'(protocol_property(_, _)). '$lgt_lgt_built_in'(category_property(_, _)). '$lgt_lgt_built_in'(object_property(_, _)). '$lgt_lgt_built_in'(current_protocol(_)). '$lgt_lgt_built_in'(current_category(_)). '$lgt_lgt_built_in'(current_object(_)). '$lgt_lgt_built_in'(create_object(_, _, _, _)). '$lgt_lgt_built_in'(create_category(_, _, _, _)). '$lgt_lgt_built_in'(create_protocol(_, _, _)). '$lgt_lgt_built_in'(abolish_object(_)). '$lgt_lgt_built_in'(abolish_category(_)). '$lgt_lgt_built_in'(abolish_protocol(_)). '$lgt_lgt_built_in'(implements_protocol(_, _)). '$lgt_lgt_built_in'(implements_protocol(_, _, _)). '$lgt_lgt_built_in'(imports_category(_, _)). '$lgt_lgt_built_in'(imports_category(_, _, _)). '$lgt_lgt_built_in'(instantiates_class(_, _)). '$lgt_lgt_built_in'(instantiates_class(_, _, _)). '$lgt_lgt_built_in'(specializes_class(_, _)). '$lgt_lgt_built_in'(specializes_class(_, _, _)). '$lgt_lgt_built_in'(extends_protocol(_, _)). '$lgt_lgt_built_in'(extends_protocol(_, _, _)). '$lgt_lgt_built_in'(extends_object(_, _)). '$lgt_lgt_built_in'(extends_object(_, _, _)). '$lgt_lgt_built_in'(abolish_events(_, _, _, _, _)). '$lgt_lgt_built_in'(define_events(_, _, _, _, _)). '$lgt_lgt_built_in'(current_event(_, _, _, _, _)). '$lgt_lgt_built_in'(current_logtalk_flag(_, _)). '$lgt_lgt_built_in'(set_logtalk_flag(_, _)). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % DCG rule conversion % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % '$lgt_dcgrule_to_clause'(@dcgrule, -clause) % % converts a DCG rule to a normal clause '$lgt_dcgrule_to_clause'(Rule, Clause) :- catch( '$lgt_dcg_rule'(Rule, Clause), Error, throw(error(Error, dcgrule(Rule)))). % '$lgt_dcg_rule'(@dcgrule, -clause) % % converts a DCG rule to a normal clause '$lgt_dcg_rule'((RHead --> RBody), CHead) :- RBody == [], !, '$lgt_dcg_head'(RHead, CHead, _, _, S, S, _). '$lgt_dcg_rule'((RHead --> RBody), (CHead :- CBody)) :- '$lgt_dcg_head'(RHead, CHead, Body, Body2, S0, S1, S), '$lgt_dcg_body'(RBody, Body, S0, S1), '$lgt_dcg_fold_unifications'(Body2, CBody, S0, S). % '$lgt_dcg_head'(@dcghead, -head, @goal, -goal, @var, @var, @var) % % translates DCG rule head to a Prolog clause head % (the last argument returns the variable representing the ouput list) '$lgt_dcg_head'(RHead, _, _, _, _, _, _) :- var(RHead), throw(instantiation_error). '$lgt_dcg_head'((RHead, _), _, _, _, _, _, _) :- var(RHead), throw(instantiation_error). '$lgt_dcg_head'((_, Terminals), _, _, _, _, _, _) :- var(Terminals), throw(instantiation_error). '$lgt_dcg_head'((_, Terminals), _, _, _, _, _, _) :- \+ '$lgt_proper_list'(Terminals), throw(type_error(list, Terminals)). '$lgt_dcg_head'((RHead, Terminals), CHead, Body, (Body,Goal), S0, S1, S) :- !, '$lgt_dcg_goal'(RHead, CHead, S0, S), '$lgt_dcg_terminals'(Terminals, Goal, S, S1). '$lgt_dcg_head'(RHead, CHead, Body, Body, S0, S, S) :- '$lgt_dcg_goal'(RHead, CHead, S0, S). % '$lgt_dcg_body'(@dcgbody, -body, @var, @var) % % translates DCG rule body to a Prolog clause body '$lgt_dcg_body'(Var, phrase(Var, S0, S), S0, S) :- var(Var), !. '$lgt_dcg_body'(::RGoal, ::CGoal, S0, S) :- !, '$lgt_dcg_body'(RGoal, CGoal, S0, S). '$lgt_dcg_body'(Object::RGoal, Object::CGoal, S0, S) :- !, '$lgt_dcg_body'(RGoal, CGoal, S0, S). '$lgt_dcg_body'((RGoal,RGoals), (CGoal,CGoals), S0, S) :- !, '$lgt_dcg_body'(RGoal, CGoal, S0, S1), '$lgt_dcg_body'(RGoals, CGoals, S1, S). '$lgt_dcg_body'((RGoal1 -> RGoal2), (CGoal1 -> CGoal2), S0, S) :- !, '$lgt_dcg_body'(RGoal1, CGoal1, S0, S1), '$lgt_dcg_body'(RGoal2, CGoal2, S1, S). '$lgt_dcg_body'((RGoal1;RGoal2), (CGoal1;CGoal2), S0, S) :- !, '$lgt_dcg_body'(RGoal1, CGoal1, S0, S), '$lgt_dcg_body'(RGoal2, CGoal2, S0, S). '$lgt_dcg_body'({Goal}, (CGoal, S0=S), S0, S) :- !, (var(Goal) -> CGoal = call(Goal); CGoal = Goal). '$lgt_dcg_body'(!, (!, S0=S), S0, S) :- !. '$lgt_dcg_body'(\+ RGoal, \+ CGoal, S0, S0) :- !, '$lgt_dcg_body'(RGoal, CGoal, S0, _). '$lgt_dcg_body'([], (S0=S), S0, S) :- !. '$lgt_dcg_body'([Terminal| Terminals], CGoal, S0, S) :- !, '$lgt_dcg_terminals'([Terminal| Terminals], CGoal, S0, S). '$lgt_dcg_body'(RGoal, CGoal, S0, S) :- '$lgt_dcg_goal'(RGoal, CGoal, S0, S). % '$lgt_dcg_goal'(@goal, -goal, @var, @var) % % translates DCG goal to Prolog goal '$lgt_dcg_goal'(RGoal, _, _, _) :- \+ callable(RGoal), throw(type_error(callable, RGoal)). '$lgt_dcg_goal'(RGoal, CGoal, S0, S) :- RGoal =.. RList, '$lgt_append'(RList, [S0, S], CList), CGoal =.. CList. % '$lgt_dcg_terminals'(+list, -goal, @var, @var) % % translate list of terminals '$lgt_dcg_terminals'(Terminals, S0=List, S0, S) :- '$lgt_dcg_terminals'(Terminals, S, List). '$lgt_dcg_terminals'([], S, S) :- !. % make predicate determinist when first argument is [Var1| Var2] '$lgt_dcg_terminals'([Terminal| Terminals], S, [Terminal| Rest]) :- '$lgt_dcg_terminals'(Terminals, S, Rest). % '$lgt_dcg_fold_unifications'(+goal, -goal, @var, @var) % % folds redundant calls to =/2 by calling the unification % goals except for output unifications '$lgt_dcg_fold_unifications'((Goal1 -> Goal2), (SGoal1 -> SGoal2), S0, S) :- !, '$lgt_dcg_fold_unifications'(Goal1, SGoal1, S0, S), '$lgt_dcg_fold_unifications'(Goal2, SGoal2, S0, S). '$lgt_dcg_fold_unifications'((Goal1;Goal2), (SGoal1;SGoal2), S0, S) :- !, '$lgt_dcg_fold_unifications'(Goal1, SGoal1, S0, S), '$lgt_dcg_fold_unifications'(Goal2, SGoal2, S0, S). '$lgt_dcg_fold_unifications'((Goal1,Goal2), SGoal, S0, S) :- !, '$lgt_dcg_fold_unifications'(Goal1, SGoal1, S0, S), '$lgt_dcg_fold_unifications'(Goal2, SGoal2, S0, S), '$lgt_dcg_simplify_and'((SGoal1,SGoal2), SGoal). '$lgt_dcg_fold_unifications'(S1=S2, S1=S2, _, S) :- (S1 == S; S2 == S), % avoid output unifications !. '$lgt_dcg_fold_unifications'(S1=S2, true, _, _) :- var(S2), % avoid unification with list of terminals !, S1 = S2. '$lgt_dcg_fold_unifications'(Goal, Goal, _, _). % '$lgt_dcg_simplify_and'(+goal, -goal) % % removes redundant calls to true/0 and flats conjunction of goals '$lgt_dcg_simplify_and'((Goal1 -> Goal2), (SGoal1 -> SGoal2)) :- !, '$lgt_dcg_simplify_and'(Goal1, SGoal1), '$lgt_dcg_simplify_and'(Goal2, SGoal2). '$lgt_dcg_simplify_and'((Goal1;Goal2), (SGoal1;SGoal2)) :- !, '$lgt_dcg_simplify_and'(Goal1, SGoal1), '$lgt_dcg_simplify_and'(Goal2, SGoal2). '$lgt_dcg_simplify_and'(((Goal1,Goal2),Goal3), Body) :- !, '$lgt_dcg_simplify_and'((Goal1,(Goal2,Goal3)), Body). '$lgt_dcg_simplify_and'((true,Goal), Body) :- !, '$lgt_dcg_simplify_and'(Goal, Body). '$lgt_dcg_simplify_and'((Goal,true), Body) :- !, '$lgt_dcg_simplify_and'(Goal, Body). '$lgt_dcg_simplify_and'((Goal1,Goal2), (Goal1,Goal3)) :- !, '$lgt_dcg_simplify_and'(Goal2, Goal3). '$lgt_dcg_simplify_and'(\+ Goal, \+ SGoal) :- !, '$lgt_dcg_simplify_and'(Goal, SGoal). '$lgt_dcg_simplify_and'(Goal, Goal). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % xml % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % '$lgt_write_xml_file'(+stream) % % writes a XML file containing the documentation of a compiled entity '$lgt_write_xml_file'(Stream) :- '$lgt_write_xml_header'(Stream), '$lgt_write_xml_entity'(Stream), '$lgt_write_xml_relations'(Stream), '$lgt_write_xml_predicates'(Stream), '$lgt_write_xml_remarks'(Stream), '$lgt_write_xml_footer'(Stream). '$lgt_write_xml_header'(Stream) :- '$lgt_compiler_flag'(xmlspec, XMLSpec), '$lgt_compiler_flag'(xmlsref, XMLSRef), '$lgt_write_xml_header'(XMLSRef, XMLSpec, Stream). '$lgt_write_xml_header'(local, XMLSpec, Stream) :- '$lgt_xml_encoding'(Encoding), '$lgt_xml_header_text'('1.0', Encoding, no, Text), '$lgt_write_xml_open_tag'(Stream, Text, []), (XMLSpec = dtd -> write(Stream, ''), nl(Stream) ; true), '$lgt_compiler_flag'(xslfile, XSL), write(Stream, ''), nl(Stream), (XMLSpec = dtd -> '$lgt_write_xml_open_tag'(Stream, logtalk, []) ; '$lgt_write_xml_open_tag'(Stream, logtalk, ['xmlns:xsi'-'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance', 'xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation'-'logtalk.xsd'])). '$lgt_write_xml_header'(web, XMLSpec, Stream) :- '$lgt_xml_encoding'(Encoding), '$lgt_xml_header_text'('1.0', Encoding, no, Text), '$lgt_write_xml_open_tag'(Stream, Text, []), (XMLSpec = dtd -> write(Stream, ''), nl(Stream) ; true), '$lgt_compiler_flag'(xslfile, XSL), write(Stream, ''), nl(Stream), (XMLSpec = dtd -> '$lgt_write_xml_open_tag'(Stream, logtalk, []) ; '$lgt_write_xml_open_tag'(Stream, logtalk, ['xmlns:xsi'-'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance', 'xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation'-'http://www.logtalk.org/xml/1.3/logtalk.xsd'])). '$lgt_write_xml_header'(standalone, _, Stream) :- '$lgt_xml_encoding'(Encoding), '$lgt_xml_header_text'('1.0', Encoding, yes, Text), '$lgt_write_xml_open_tag'(Stream, Text, []), '$lgt_compiler_flag'(xslfile, XSL), write(Stream, ''), nl(Stream), '$lgt_write_xml_open_tag'(Stream, logtalk, []). '$lgt_xml_header_text'(Version, Encoding, Standalone, Text) :- atom_concat('?xml version="', Version, Aux1), atom_concat(Aux1, '" encoding="', Aux2), atom_concat(Aux2, Encoding, Aux3), atom_concat(Aux3, '" standalone="', Aux4), atom_concat(Aux4, Standalone, Aux5), atom_concat(Aux5, '"?', Text). '$lgt_write_xml_footer'(Stream) :- '$lgt_write_xml_close_tag'(Stream, logtalk). '$lgt_write_xml_entity'(Stream) :- '$lgt_pp_entity'(Type, Entity, _, _, Compilation), '$lgt_write_xml_open_tag'(Stream, entity, []), '$lgt_entity_to_xml_term'(Entity), '$lgt_write_xml_cdata_element'(Stream, name, [], Entity), '$lgt_write_xml_element'(Stream, (type), [], Type), '$lgt_write_xml_element'(Stream, compilation, [], Compilation), ('$lgt_pp_info_'(Info) -> ('$lgt_member'(comment is Comment, Info) -> '$lgt_write_xml_cdata_element'(Stream, comment, [], Comment) ; true), ('$lgt_member'(parameters is Parameters, Info) -> '$lgt_write_xml_open_tag'(Stream, parameters, []), forall( '$lgt_member'(Parname-Description, Parameters), ('$lgt_write_xml_open_tag'(Stream, parameter, []), '$lgt_write_xml_cdata_element'(Stream, name, [], Parname), '$lgt_write_xml_cdata_element'(Stream, description, [], Description), '$lgt_write_xml_close_tag'(Stream, parameter))), '$lgt_write_xml_close_tag'(Stream, parameters) ; true), ('$lgt_member'(author is Author, Info) -> '$lgt_write_xml_cdata_element'(Stream, author, [], Author) ; true), ('$lgt_member'(version is Version, Info) -> '$lgt_write_xml_element'(Stream, version, [], Version) ; true), ('$lgt_member'(date is Date, Info) -> '$lgt_write_xml_element'(Stream, date, [], Date) ; true), forall( ('$lgt_member'(Key is Value, Info), \+ '$lgt_member'(Key, [comment, author, version, date, parameters, parnames, remarks])), ('$lgt_write_xml_open_tag'(Stream, info, []), '$lgt_write_xml_element'(Stream, key, [], Key), '$lgt_write_xml_cdata_element'(Stream, value, [], Value), '$lgt_write_xml_close_tag'(Stream, info))) ; true), '$lgt_write_xml_close_tag'(Stream, entity). % '$lgt_entity_to_xml_term'(+entity) % % instantiates the parameters in a parametric object to % user defined names or to the atom '_' '$lgt_entity_to_xml_term'(Entity) :- '$lgt_pp_info_'(List), ('$lgt_member'(parnames is Names, List) -> true ; '$lgt_member'(parameters is Parameters, List), findall(Name, '$lgt_member'(Name - _, Parameters), Names)), !, Entity =.. [_| Args], '$lgt_vars_to_atoms'(Args, Args, Names). '$lgt_entity_to_xml_term'(Entity) :- Entity =.. [_| Args], '$lgt_vars_to_underscore'(Args). % '$lgt_relation_to_xml_term'(+entity, +entity) % % instantiates the parameters in a related entity taking % in account the parameter sharing with the original entity '$lgt_relation_to_xml_term'(Entity, Relation) :- '$lgt_entity_to_xml_term'(Entity), Relation =.. [_| Args], '$lgt_vars_to_underscore'(Args). % '$lgt_pred_call_to_xml_term'(+atom, +integer, +nonvar, +nonvar, -nonvar, -nonvar) % % instantiates the arguments in a predicate call to user defined names or to the atom '_' '$lgt_pred_call_to_xml_term'(Functor, Arity, Call, Bindings, QCall, QBindings) :- '$lgt_double_quote_atoms'(Call, QCall), '$lgt_double_quote_atoms'(Bindings, QBindings), '$lgt_pred_qcall_to_xml_term'(Functor, Arity, QCall, QBindings). '$lgt_pred_qcall_to_xml_term'(Functor, Arity, Call, Bindings) :- once(( '$lgt_pp_info_'(Functor/Arity, List) ; '$lgt_pp_info_'(Functor//Arity, List))), ('$lgt_member'(argnames is Names, List) -> true ; '$lgt_member'(arguments is Arguments, List), findall(Name, '$lgt_member'(Name - _, Arguments), Names)), !, Call =.. [Functor| Args], '$lgt_binding_vars'(Bindings, Vars), '$lgt_vars_to_atoms'(Args, Vars, Names). '$lgt_pred_qcall_to_xml_term'(Functor, _, Call, _) :- Call =.. [Functor| Args], '$lgt_vars_to_underscore'(Args). '$lgt_double_quote_atoms'(Var, Var) :- var(Var), !. '$lgt_double_quote_atoms'((Call1, Call2), (QCall1, QCall2)) :- !, '$lgt_double_quote_atoms'(Call1, QCall1), '$lgt_double_quote_atoms'(Call2, QCall2). '$lgt_double_quote_atoms'((Call1; Call2), (QCall1; QCall2)) :- !, '$lgt_double_quote_atoms'(Call1, QCall1), '$lgt_double_quote_atoms'(Call2, QCall2). '$lgt_double_quote_atoms'((Call1 -> Call2), (QCall1 -> QCall2)) :- !, '$lgt_double_quote_atoms'(Call1, QCall1), '$lgt_double_quote_atoms'(Call2, QCall2). '$lgt_double_quote_atoms'(\+ Call, \+ QCall) :- !, '$lgt_double_quote_atoms'(Call, QCall). '$lgt_double_quote_atoms'([], []) :- !. '$lgt_double_quote_atoms'([Arg| Args], [QArg| QArgs]) :- !, '$lgt_double_quote_atoms'(Arg, QArg), '$lgt_double_quote_atoms'(Args, QArgs). '$lgt_double_quote_atoms'(Atom, QAtom) :- atom(Atom), !, ('$lgt_atom_needs_quotes'(Atom) -> atom_concat('''', Atom, Aux), atom_concat(Aux, '''', QAtom) ; Atom = QAtom). '$lgt_double_quote_atoms'(Number, Number) :- number(Number), !. '$lgt_double_quote_atoms'(Term, QTerm) :- Term =.. [Functor| Args], ('$lgt_built_in'(Term) -> QFunctor = Functor ; '$lgt_double_quote_atoms'(Functor, QFunctor)), '$lgt_double_quote_atoms'(Args, QArgs), QTerm =.. [QFunctor| QArgs]. '$lgt_atom_needs_quotes'(Atom) :- atom_chars(Atom, [First| Rest]), once(( First @< a; First @> z; '$lgt_member'(Char, Rest), \+ (Char == '_'; Char @>= a, Char @=< z; Char @>= 'A', Char @=< 'Z'; Char @>= '0', Char @=< '9'))). % '$lgt_binding_vars'(@nonvar, -list) % % returns a list of all binding variables '$lgt_binding_vars'(Bindings, Vars) :- atom(Bindings) -> % no bindings, just "no", "yes", or equivalent answers Vars = [] ; '$lgt_binding_vars_list'(Bindings, Vars). '$lgt_binding_vars_list'((Var = _), [Var]). '$lgt_binding_vars_list'(((Var = _), Bindings), [Var| Vars]) :- '$lgt_binding_vars_list'(Bindings, Vars). % '$lgt_vars_to_atoms'(+list, +list, +list) % % instantiates the variables in the input list to either a name or the atom '_' '$lgt_vars_to_atoms'([], _, []). '$lgt_vars_to_atoms'([Arg| Args], Vars, [Name| Names]) :- (var(Arg) -> ('$lgt_member_var'(Arg, Vars) -> Arg = Name ; Arg = '_') ; true), '$lgt_vars_to_atoms'(Args, Vars, Names). % '$lgt_vars_to_underscore'(+list) % % instantiates the variables in the input list to the atom '_' '$lgt_vars_to_underscore'([]). '$lgt_vars_to_underscore'([Arg| Args]) :- (var(Arg) -> Arg = '_'; true), '$lgt_vars_to_underscore'(Args). % '$lgt_relation_to_xml_filename'(+entity, -atom) % % needed to build filenames in links to parametric objects '$lgt_relation_to_xml_filename'(Relation, File) :- functor(Relation, Functor, Arity), number_codes(Arity, Codes), atom_codes(Atom, Codes), atom_concat(Functor, '_', Aux), atom_concat(Aux, Atom, File). % '$lgt_write_xml_predicates'(+stream) % % writes the predicate documentation '$lgt_write_xml_predicates'(Stream) :- '$lgt_write_xml_open_tag'(Stream, predicates, []), '$lgt_write_xml_public_predicates'(Stream), '$lgt_write_xml_protected_predicates'(Stream), '$lgt_write_xml_private_predicates'(Stream), '$lgt_write_xml_close_tag'(Stream, predicates). % '$lgt_write_xml_public_predicates'(+stream) % % writes the documentation of public predicates '$lgt_write_xml_public_predicates'(Stream) :- '$lgt_write_xml_open_tag'(Stream, (public), []), '$lgt_pp_public_'(Functor, Arity), ('$lgt_pp_non_terminal_'(Functor, Args, Arity) -> '$lgt_write_xml_non_terminal'(Stream, Functor, Args, Arity, (public)) ; '$lgt_write_xml_predicate'(Stream, Functor, Arity, (public))), fail. '$lgt_write_xml_public_predicates'(Stream) :- '$lgt_write_xml_close_tag'(Stream, (public)). % '$lgt_write_xml_protected_predicates'(+stream) % % writes the documentation protected predicates '$lgt_write_xml_protected_predicates'(Stream) :- '$lgt_write_xml_open_tag'(Stream, protected, []), '$lgt_pp_protected_'(Functor, Arity), ('$lgt_pp_non_terminal_'(Functor, Args, Arity) -> '$lgt_write_xml_non_terminal'(Stream, Functor, Args, Arity, protected) ; '$lgt_write_xml_predicate'(Stream, Functor, Arity, protected)), fail. '$lgt_write_xml_protected_predicates'(Stream) :- '$lgt_write_xml_close_tag'(Stream, protected). % '$lgt_write_xml_private_predicates'(+stream) % % writes the documentation of private predicates '$lgt_write_xml_private_predicates'(Stream) :- '$lgt_write_xml_open_tag'(Stream, private, []), '$lgt_pp_private_'(Functor, Arity), ('$lgt_pp_non_terminal_'(Functor, Args, Arity) -> '$lgt_write_xml_non_terminal'(Stream, Functor, Args, Arity, private) ; '$lgt_write_xml_predicate'(Stream, Functor, Arity, private)), fail. '$lgt_write_xml_private_predicates'(Stream) :- '$lgt_write_xml_close_tag'(Stream, private). % '$lgt_write_xml_predicate'(+stream, +atom, +integer, +term) % % writes the documentation of a predicate '$lgt_write_xml_predicate'(Stream, Functor, Arity, Scope) :- '$lgt_write_xml_open_tag'(Stream, predicate, []), '$lgt_write_xml_predicate_data'(Stream, Functor, Arity, Functor/Arity, Scope), '$lgt_write_xml_predicate_meta'(Stream, Functor, Arity), '$lgt_write_xml_predicate_mode'(Stream, Functor, Arity), ('$lgt_pp_info_'(Functor/Arity, Info) -> '$lgt_write_xml_predicate_info'(Stream, Functor, Arity, Info) ; true), '$lgt_write_xml_close_tag'(Stream, predicate). '$lgt_write_xml_predicate_data'(Stream, Functor, Arity, Name, Scope) :- '$lgt_write_xml_cdata_element'(Stream, name, [], Name), '$lgt_write_xml_element'(Stream, scope, [], Scope), (('$lgt_pp_entity'(_, _, _, _, (dynamic)); '$lgt_pp_dynamic_'(Functor, Arity)) -> Compilation = (dynamic) ; Compilation = static), '$lgt_write_xml_element'(Stream, compilation, [], Compilation). '$lgt_write_xml_predicate_meta'(Stream, Functor, Arity) :- functor(Meta, Functor, Arity), ('$lgt_pp_metapredicate_'(Meta) -> '$lgt_write_xml_cdata_element'(Stream, meta, [], Meta) ; true). '$lgt_write_xml_predicate_mode'(Stream, Functor, Arity) :- functor(Template, Functor, Arity), forall( '$lgt_pp_mode_'(Template, Solutions), ('$lgt_write_xml_open_tag'(Stream, (mode), []), '$lgt_write_xml_cdata_element'(Stream, template, [], Template), '$lgt_write_xml_element'(Stream, solutions, [], Solutions), '$lgt_write_xml_close_tag'(Stream, (mode)))). '$lgt_write_xml_predicate_info'(Stream, Functor, Arity, Info) :- ('$lgt_member'(comment is Comment, Info) -> '$lgt_write_xml_cdata_element'(Stream, comment, [], Comment) ; true), ('$lgt_member'(arguments is Arguments, Info) -> findall(Name, '$lgt_member'(Name - _, Arguments), Names), Template =.. [Functor| Names], '$lgt_write_xml_cdata_element'(Stream, template, [], Template), '$lgt_write_xml_open_tag'(Stream, arguments, []), forall( '$lgt_member'(Name-Description, Arguments), ('$lgt_write_xml_open_tag'(Stream, argument, []), '$lgt_write_xml_cdata_element'(Stream, name, [], Name), '$lgt_write_xml_cdata_element'(Stream, description, [], Description), '$lgt_write_xml_close_tag'(Stream, argument))), '$lgt_write_xml_close_tag'(Stream, arguments) ; true), ('$lgt_member'(argnames is Names, Info) -> Template =.. [Functor| Names], '$lgt_write_xml_cdata_element'(Stream, template, [], Template) ; true), ('$lgt_member'(exceptions is Exceptions, Info) -> '$lgt_write_xml_open_tag'(Stream, exceptions, []), forall( '$lgt_member'(Cond-Term, Exceptions), ('$lgt_write_xml_open_tag'(Stream, exception, []), '$lgt_write_xml_cdata_element'(Stream, condition, [], Cond), '$lgt_write_xml_cdata_element'(Stream, term, [], Term), '$lgt_write_xml_close_tag'(Stream, exception))), '$lgt_write_xml_close_tag'(Stream, exceptions) ; true), forall( ('$lgt_member'(Key is Value, Info), \+ '$lgt_member'(Key, [comment, arguments, argnames, exceptions, examples])), ('$lgt_write_xml_open_tag'(Stream, info, []), '$lgt_write_xml_element'(Stream, key, [], Key), '$lgt_write_xml_cdata_element'(Stream, value, [], Value), '$lgt_write_xml_close_tag'(Stream, info))), ('$lgt_member'(examples is Examples, Info) -> '$lgt_write_xml_open_tag'(Stream, examples, []), forall( '$lgt_member'((Description - Call - {Bindings}), Examples), ('$lgt_pred_call_to_xml_term'(Functor, Arity, Call, Bindings, QCall, QBindings), '$lgt_write_xml_open_tag'(Stream, example, []), '$lgt_write_xml_cdata_element'(Stream, description, [], Description), '$lgt_write_xml_cdata_element'(Stream, call, [], QCall), '$lgt_write_xml_cdata_element'(Stream, bindings, [], QBindings), '$lgt_write_xml_close_tag'(Stream, example))), '$lgt_write_xml_close_tag'(Stream, examples) ; true). % '$lgt_write_xml_non_terminal'(+stream, +atom, +atom, +integer, +term) % % writes the documentation of a grammar rule non-terminal '$lgt_write_xml_non_terminal'(Stream, Functor, Args, Arity, Scope) :- '$lgt_write_xml_open_tag'(Stream, predicate, []), '$lgt_write_xml_predicate_data'(Stream, Functor, Arity, Functor//Args, Scope), '$lgt_write_xml_predicate_mode'(Stream, Functor, Args), ('$lgt_pp_info_'(Functor//Args, Info) -> '$lgt_write_xml_predicate_info'(Stream, Functor, Args, Info) ; true), '$lgt_write_xml_close_tag'(Stream, predicate). '$lgt_write_xml_relations'(Stream) :- '$lgt_write_xml_open_tag'(Stream, relations, []), fail. '$lgt_write_xml_relations'(Stream) :- '$lgt_pp_rclause_'('$lgt_implements_protocol_'(Entity, Ptc, Scope)), '$lgt_write_xml_relation'(Stream, Entity, Ptc, implements, Scope), fail. '$lgt_write_xml_relations'(Stream) :- '$lgt_pp_rclause_'('$lgt_imports_category_'(Entity, Ctg, Scope)), '$lgt_write_xml_relation'(Stream, Entity, Ctg, imports, Scope), fail. '$lgt_write_xml_relations'(Stream) :- '$lgt_pp_rclause_'('$lgt_extends_object_'(Entity, Parent, Scope)), '$lgt_write_xml_relation'(Stream, Entity, Parent, extends, Scope), fail. '$lgt_write_xml_relations'(Stream) :- '$lgt_pp_rclause_'('$lgt_instantiates_class_'(Entity, Class, Scope)), '$lgt_write_xml_relation'(Stream, Entity, Class, instantiates, Scope), fail. '$lgt_write_xml_relations'(Stream) :- '$lgt_pp_rclause_'('$lgt_specializes_class_'(Entity, Superclass, Scope)), '$lgt_write_xml_relation'(Stream, Entity, Superclass, specializes, Scope), fail. '$lgt_write_xml_relations'(Stream) :- '$lgt_pp_rclause_'('$lgt_extends_protocol_'(Entity, Ptc, Scope)), '$lgt_write_xml_relation'(Stream, Entity, Ptc, extends, Scope), fail. '$lgt_write_xml_relations'(Stream) :- '$lgt_pp_entity'(_, Entity, _, _, _), '$lgt_pp_uses_'(Obj), '$lgt_write_xml_relation'(Stream, Entity, Obj, uses), fail. '$lgt_write_xml_relations'(Stream) :- '$lgt_pp_entity'(_, Entity, _, _, _), '$lgt_pp_calls_'(Ptc), '$lgt_write_xml_relation'(Stream, Entity, Ptc, calls), fail. '$lgt_write_xml_relations'(Stream) :- '$lgt_write_xml_close_tag'(Stream, relations). '$lgt_write_xml_relation'(Stream, Entity, Relation, Tag, Scope) :- '$lgt_relation_to_xml_term'(Entity, Relation), '$lgt_relation_to_xml_filename'(Relation, File), '$lgt_write_xml_open_tag'(Stream, Tag, []), '$lgt_write_xml_cdata_element'(Stream, name, [], Relation), '$lgt_write_xml_element'(Stream, scope, [], Scope), '$lgt_write_xml_cdata_element'(Stream, file, [], File), '$lgt_write_xml_close_tag'(Stream, Tag). '$lgt_write_xml_relation'(Stream, Entity, Relation, Tag) :- '$lgt_relation_to_xml_term'(Entity, Relation), '$lgt_relation_to_xml_filename'(Relation, File), '$lgt_write_xml_open_tag'(Stream, Tag, []), '$lgt_write_xml_cdata_element'(Stream, name, [], Relation), '$lgt_write_xml_cdata_element'(Stream, file, [], File), '$lgt_write_xml_close_tag'(Stream, Tag). '$lgt_write_xml_remarks'(Stream) :- '$lgt_write_xml_open_tag'(Stream, remarks, []), (('$lgt_pp_info_'(Info), '$lgt_member'(remarks is Remarks, Info)) -> forall( '$lgt_member'((Topic - Text), Remarks), ('$lgt_write_xml_open_tag'(Stream, remark, []), '$lgt_write_xml_cdata_element'(Stream, topic, [], Topic), '$lgt_write_xml_cdata_element'(Stream, text, [], Text), '$lgt_write_xml_close_tag'(Stream, remark))) ; true), '$lgt_write_xml_close_tag'(Stream, remarks). % '$lgt_write_xml_open_tag'(@stream, @atom, @list) % % writes '$lgt_write_xml_open_tag'(Stream, Tag, Atts) :- write(Stream, '<'), write(Stream, Tag), '$lgt_write_xml_tag_attributes'(Stream, Atts), write(Stream, '>'), nl(Stream). % '$lgt_write_xml_element'(@stream, @atom, @list, @term) % % writes Text '$lgt_write_xml_element'(Stream, Tag, Atts, Text) :- write(Stream, '<'), write(Stream, Tag), '$lgt_write_xml_tag_attributes'(Stream, Atts), write(Stream, '>'), write(Stream, Text), write(Stream, ''), nl(Stream). % '$lgt_writeq_xml_cdata_element'(@stream, @atom, @list, @term) % % writes (quoted) '$lgt_writeq_xml_cdata_element'(Stream, Tag, Atts, Text) :- write(Stream, '<'), write(Stream, Tag), '$lgt_write_xml_tag_attributes'(Stream, Atts), write(Stream, '>'), nl(Stream). % '$lgt_write_xml_cdata_element'(@stream, @atom, @list, @term) % % writes '$lgt_write_xml_cdata_element'(Stream, Tag, Atts, Text) :- write(Stream, '<'), write(Stream, Tag), '$lgt_write_xml_tag_attributes'(Stream, Atts), write(Stream, '>'), nl(Stream). % '$lgt_write_xml_tag_attributes'(@stream, @list) '$lgt_write_xml_tag_attributes'(_, []) :- !. '$lgt_write_xml_tag_attributes'(Stream, [Attribute-Value| Rest]) :- write(Stream, ' '), write(Stream, Attribute), write(Stream, '="'), write(Stream, Value), write(Stream, '"'), '$lgt_write_xml_tag_attributes'(Stream, Rest). % '$lgt_write_xml_close_tag'(@stream, @atom) % % writes '$lgt_write_xml_close_tag'(Stream, Tag) :- write(Stream, ''), nl(Stream). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % table of ISO specified predicates % % used for portability checking % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(true). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(fail). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(call(_)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(!). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'((_; _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'((_, _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'((_ -> _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'((_ -> _; _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(catch(_, _, _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(throw(_)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'((_ = _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'((_ \= _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(unify_with_occurs_check(_, _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(var(_)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(nonvar(_)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(atom(_)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(atomic(_)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(number(_)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(integer(_)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(float(_)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(compound(_)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'((_ @=< _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'((_ @< _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'((_ @>= _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'((_ @> _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'((_ == _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'((_ \== _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(functor(_, _, _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(arg(_, _, _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(_ =.. _). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(copy_term(_, _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(_ is _). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'((_ =< _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'((_ < _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'((_ >= _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'((_ > _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'((_ =:= _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'((_ =\= _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(clause(_, _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(current_predicate(_)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(asserta(_)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(assertz(_)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(retract(_)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(abolish(_)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(findall(_, _, _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(bagof(_, _, _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(setof(_, _, _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(current_input(_)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(current_output(_)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(set_input(_)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(set_output(_)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(open(_, _, _, _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(open(_, _, _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(close(_, _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(close(_)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(flush_output(_)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(flush_output). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(stream_property(_, _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(at_end_of_stream). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(at_end_of_stream(_)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(set_stream_position(_, _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(get_char(_, _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(get_char(_)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(get_code(_, _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(get_code(_)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(peek_char(_, _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(peek_char(_)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(peek_code(_, _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(peek_code(_)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(put_char(_, _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(put_char(_)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(put_code(_, _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(put_code(_)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(nl). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(nl(_)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(get_byte(_, _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(get_byte(_)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(peek_byte(_, _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(peek_byte(_)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(put_byte(_, _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(put_byte(_)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(read_term(_, _, _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(read_term(_, _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(read(_)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(read(_, _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(write_term(_, _, _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(write_term(_, _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(write(_)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(write(_, _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(writeq(_)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(writeq(_, _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(write_canonical(_)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(write_canonical(_, _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(op(_, _, _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(current_op(_, _, _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(char_conversion(_, _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(current_char_conversion(_, _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(\+ _). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(once(_)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(repeat). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(atom_length(_, _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(atom_concat(_, _, _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(sub_atom(_, _, _, _, _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(atom_chars(_, _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(atom_codes(_, _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(char_code(_, _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(number_chars(_, _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(number_codes(_, _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(set_prolog_flag(_, _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(current_prolog_flag(_, _)). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(halt). '$lgt_iso_spec_pred'(halt(_)). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Logtalk startup messages (banner and default flags) % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% '$lgt_startup_message' :- '$lgt_default_flag'(startup_message, Flag), '$lgt_startup_message'(Flag). '$lgt_startup_message'(flags(Option)) :- '$lgt_banner', '$lgt_default_flags'(Option). '$lgt_startup_message'(banner) :- '$lgt_banner'. '$lgt_startup_message'(none). '$lgt_banner' :- current_logtalk_flag(version, version(Major, Minor, Patch)), nl, write('Logtalk '), write(Major), write('.'), write(Minor), write('.'), write(Patch), nl, write('Copyright (c) 1998-2005 Paulo Moura'), nl, nl. '$lgt_default_flags'(compact) :- write('Default lint compilation flags: '), nl, '$lgt_default_flag'(unknown, Unknown), write(' unknown: '), write(Unknown), '$lgt_default_flag'(misspelt, Misspelt), write(', misspelt: '), write(Misspelt), '$lgt_default_flag'(lgtredef, Lgtredef), write(', lgtredef: '), write(Lgtredef), '$lgt_default_flag'(plredef, Plredef), write(', plredef: '), write(Plredef), nl, '$lgt_default_flag'(portability, Portability), write(' portability: '), write(Portability), '$lgt_default_flag'(singletons, Singletons), write(', singletons: '), write(Singletons), '$lgt_default_flag'(underscore_vars, Underscore), write(', underscore_vars: '), write(Underscore), nl, write('Default documenting compilation flags:'), nl, '$lgt_default_flag'(xmldocs, XMLDocs), write(' xmldocs: '), write(XMLDocs), '$lgt_default_flag'(xmlspec, XMLSpec), write(', xmlspec: '), write(XMLSpec), '$lgt_default_flag'(xmlsref, XMLSRef), write(', xmlsref: '), write(XMLSRef), '$lgt_default_flag'(xslfile, XSLFile), write(', xslfile: '), write(XSLFile), nl, write('Other default compilation flags:'), nl, '$lgt_default_flag'(report, Report), write(' report: '), write(Report), '$lgt_default_flag'(code_prefix, Code), write(', code_prefix: '), writeq(Code), '$lgt_default_flag'(debug, Debug), write(', debug: '), writeq(Debug), '$lgt_default_flag'(smart_compilation, Smart), write(', smart_compilation: '), write(Smart), '$lgt_default_flag'(events, Events), write(', events: '), write(Events), nl, write('Read-only compilation flags:'), nl, '$lgt_default_flag'(supports_break_predicate, Break), write(' supports_break_predicate: '), write(Break), '$lgt_default_flag'(startup_message, Startup), write(', startup_message: '), write(Startup), nl, '$lgt_default_flag'(altdirs, Altdirs), write(' altdirs: '), write(Altdirs), '$lgt_default_flag'(supports_encoding_dir, Encodings), write(', supports_encoding_dir: '), write(Encodings), nl, nl. '$lgt_default_flags'(verbose) :- write('Default lint compilation flags:'), nl, '$lgt_default_flag'(unknown, Unknown), write(' Unknown entities (unknown): '), write(Unknown), nl, '$lgt_default_flag'(misspelt, Misspelt), write(' Misspelt predicate calls (misspelt): '), write(Misspelt), nl, '$lgt_default_flag'(lgtredef, Lgtredef), write(' Logtalk built-in predicates redefinition (lgtredef): '), write(Lgtredef), nl, '$lgt_default_flag'(plredef, Plredef), write(' Prolog built-in predicates redefinition (plredef): '), write(Plredef), nl, '$lgt_default_flag'(portability, Portability), write(' Non portable calls (portability): '), write(Portability), nl, '$lgt_default_flag'(singletons, Singletons), write(' Singletons variables (singletons): '), write(Singletons), nl, '$lgt_default_flag'(underscore_vars, Underscore), write(' Underscore variables interpretation (underscore_vars): '), write(Underscore), nl, write('Default documenting compilation flags:'), nl, '$lgt_default_flag'(xmldocs, XMLDocs), write(' XML documenting files (xmldocs): '), write(XMLDocs), nl, '$lgt_default_flag'(xmlspec, XMLSpec), write(' XML specification file (xmlspec): '), write(XMLSpec), nl, '$lgt_default_flag'(xmlsref, XMLSRef), write(' XML specification reference (xmlsref): '), write(XMLSRef), nl, '$lgt_default_flag'(xslfile, XSLFile), write(' XSL stylesheet file (xslfile): '), write(XSLFile), nl, write('Other default compilation flags:'), nl, '$lgt_default_flag'(report, Report), write(' Compilation report (report): '), write(Report), nl, '$lgt_default_flag'(code_prefix, Code), write(' Compiled code functors prefix (code_prefix): '), writeq(Code), nl, '$lgt_default_flag'(debug, Debug), write(' Compile entities in debug mode (debug): '), writeq(Debug), nl, '$lgt_default_flag'(smart_compilation, Smart), write(' Smart compilation (smart_compilation): '), write(Smart), nl, '$lgt_default_flag'(events, Events), write(' Event-driven programming support (events): '), write(Events), nl, write('Read-only compilation flags:'), nl, '$lgt_default_flag'(supports_break_predicate, Break), write(' Support for break/0 predicate (supports_break_predicate): '), write(Break), nl, '$lgt_default_flag'(startup_message, Startup), write(' Startup message (startup_message): '), write(Startup), nl, '$lgt_default_flag'(altdirs, Altdirs), write(' Alternative compilation directories (altdirs): '), write(Altdirs), nl, '$lgt_default_flag'(supports_encoding_dir, Encodings), write(' Support for encoding directive (supports_encoding_dir): '), write(Encodings), nl, nl. :- initialization('$lgt_startup_message'). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % end! % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%