# Definition table of atoms functors used somewhere in the C-code.
# format:
#	A <name> <string>:	--> #define ATOM_<name> into <string>
#	F <name> <arity>	--> #define FUNCTOR_<name><arity>
#				(A name should exist as well)
# This file is processed using defatom, compiled from defatom.c to
# produce pl-atom.ic, pl-atom.ih, pl-funct.ic and pl-funct.ih.

A abort			"abort"
A aborted		"$aborted"
A abs			"abs"
A access		"access"
A acos			"acos"
A acyclic_term		"acyclic_term"
A add_import		"add_import"
A address		"address"
A agc			"agc"
A agc_gained		"agc_gained"
A agc_margin		"agc_margin"
A agc_time		"agc_time"
A alias			"alias"
A allow_variable_name_as_functor "allow_variable_name_as_functor"
A alnum			"alnum"
A alpha			"alpha"
A alternative		"alternative"
A and			"/\\"
A anonvar		"_"
A append		"append"
A ar_equals		"=:="
A ar_not_equal		"=\\="
A argument		"argument"
A argumentlimit		"argumentlimit"
A as			"as"
A ascii			"ascii"
A asin			"asin"
A assert		"assert"
A asserta		"asserta"
A at			"at"
A at_equals		"=@="
A at_exit		"at_exit"
A at_larger		"@>"
A at_larger_eq		"@>="
A at_not_equals		"\\=@="
A at_smaller		"@<"
A at_smaller_eq		"@=<"
A atan			"atan"
A atom			"atom"
A atom_garbage_collection	"atom_garbage_collection"
A atomic		"atomic"
A atoms			"atoms"
A att			"att"
A attributes		"attributes"
A attvar		"attvar"
A autoload		"autoload"
A backquoted_string	"backquoted_string"
A backslash		"\\"
A backtrace		"backtrace"
A bar			"|"
A begin			"begin"
A binary		"binary"
A bind			"bind"
A bitor			"\\/"
A bof			"bof"
A bom			"bom"
A bool			"bool"
A boolean		"boolean"
A brace_term_position	"brace_term_position"
A break			"break"
A btree			"btree"
A buffer		"buffer"
A buffer_size		"buffer_size"
A built_in_procedure	"built_in_procedure"
A busy			"busy"
A bw_xor		"><"
A byte			"byte"
A call			"call"
A callable		"callable"
A callpred		"$callpred"
A canceled		"canceled"
A case_sensitive_file_names "case_sensitive_file_names"
A catch			"catch"
A ceil			"ceil"
A ceiling		"ceiling"
A char_type		"char_type"
A character		"character"
A character_code	"character_code"
A character_escapes	"character_escapes"
A chars			"chars"
A chdir			"chdir"
A chmod			"chmod"
A choice		"choice"
A clause		"clause"
A clause_reference	"clause_reference"
A close			"close"
A close_on_abort	"close_on_abort"
A close_option		"close_option"
A cm			"cm"
A cntrl			"cntrl"
A co			"co"
A codes			"codes"
A collected		"collected"
A collections		"collections"
A colon			":"
A comma			","
A comments		"comments"
A compound		"compound"
A context		"context"
A context_module	"context_module"
A continue		"continue"
A core			"core"
A core_left		"core_left"
A cos			"cos"
A cputime		"cputime"
A create		"create"
A csym			"csym"
A csymf			"csymf"
A cumulative		"cumulative"
A curl			"{}"
A current		"current"
A current_input		"current_input"
A current_output	"current_output"
A cut			"!"
A cut_call		"cut_call"
A cut_exit		"cut_exit"
A cut_parent		"cut_parent"
A cutted		"cut"
A cyclic_term		"cyclic_term"
A dand			"$and"
A date			"date"
A db_reference		"db_reference"
A dc_call_prolog	"$c_call_prolog"
A dcall			"<meta-call>"
A dcall_cleanup		"$call_cleanup"
A dcatch		"$catch"
A dcut			"$cut"
A dde_error		"dde_error"
A dde_handle		"dde_handle"
A debug			"debug"
A debug_on_error	"debug_on_error"
A debugger_print_options "debugger_print_options"
A debugger_show_context "debugger_show_context"
A debugging		"debugging"
A dec10			"dec10"
A default		"default"
A defined		"defined"
A delete		"delete"
A depth_limit_exceeded	"depth_limit_exceeded"
A destroy		"destroy"
A detached		"detached"
A detect		"detect"
A development		"development"
A dexit			"$exit"
A dforeign_registered    "$foreign_registered"
A dgarbage_collect	"$garbage_collect"
A digit			"digit"
A directory		"directory"
A discontiguous		"discontiguous"
A div			"//"
A divide		"/"
A dload			"$load"
A dmessage_queue	"$message_queue"
A dmutex		"$mutex"
A domain_error		"domain_error"
A dos			"dos"
A dot			"."
A dots			"dots"
A double_quotes		"double_quotes"
A doublestar		"**"
A dprof_node		"$profile_node"
A drecover_and_rethrow	"$recover_and_rethrow"
A dstream		"$stream"
A dthread_init		"$thread_init"
A dthrow		"$throw"
A dtime			"$time"
A dvard			"$VAR$"
A dwakeup		"$wakeup"
A dynamic		"dynamic"
A e			"e"
A encoding		"encoding"
A end			"end"
A end_of_file		"end_of_file"
A end_of_line		"end_of_line"
A end_of_stream		"end_of_stream"
A environment		"environment"
A eof			"eof"
A eof_action		"eof_action"
A eof_code		"eof_code"
A epsilon		"epsilon"
A equal			"equal"
A equals		"="
A erase			"erase"
A erased		"erased"
A error			"error"
A eval			"eval"
A evaluable		"evaluable"
A evaluation_error	"evaluation_error"
A exception		"exception"
A exclusive		"exclusive"
A execute		"execute"
A exist			"exist"
A existence_error	"existence_error"
A exit			"exit"
A exited		"exited"
A exp			"exp"
A export		"export"
A exported		"exported"
A exports		"exports"
A expression		"expression"
A external_exception	"external_exception"
A externals		"externals"
A fact			"fact"
A factor		"factor"
A fail			"fail"
A failure_error		"failure_error"
A false			"false"
A feature		"feature"
A file			"file"
A file_name		"file_name"
A file_name_variables	"file_name_variables"
A file_no		"file_no"
A flag			"flag"
A flag_value		"flag_value"
A float			"float"
A float_format		"float_format"
A float_fractional_part	"float_fractional_part"
A float_integer_part	"float_integer_part"
A float_overflow	"float_overflow"
A float_underflow	"float_underflow"
A floor			"floor"
A force			"force"
A foreign		"foreign"
A foreign_function	"$foreign_function"
A foreign_return_value	"foreign_return_value"
A fork			"fork"
A frame			"frame"
A frame_attribute	"frame_attribute"
A frame_finished	"frame_finished"
A frame_reference	"frame_reference"
A free_of_attvar	"free_of_attvar"
A freeze		"freeze"
A full			"full"
A functor_name		"functor_name"
A functors		"functors"
A fx			"fx"
A fy			"fy"
A garbage_collected	"<garbage_collected>"
A garbage_collection	"garbage_collection"
A gc			"gc"
A gcd			"gcd"
A gctime		"gctime"
A getcwd		"getcwd"
A global		"global"
A global_shifts		"global_shifts"
A global_stack		"global_stack"
A globallimit		"globallimit"
A globalused		"globalused"
A goal			"goal"
A goal_expansion	"goal_expansion"
A grammar		"-->"
A graph			"graph"
A ground		"ground"
A gvar			"gvar"
A halt			"halt"
A has_alternatives	"has_alternatives"
A hash			"hash"
A hashed		"hashed"
A hat			"^"
A heap			"heap"
A heaplimit		"heaplimit"
A heapused		"heapused"
A help			"help"
A hidden		"hidden"
A hide_childs		"hide_childs"
A history_depth		"history_depth"
A ifthen		"->"
A ignore		"ignore"
A ignore_ops		"ignore_ops"
A imported		"imported"
A imported_procedure	"imported_procedure"
A index			"index"
A indexed		"indexed"
A inf			"inf"
A inferences		"inferences"
A infinite		"infinite"
A informational		"informational"
A init_file    		"init_file"
A initialization	"initialization"
A input			"input"
A inserted_char		"inserted_char"
A instantiation_error	"instantiation_error"
A int			"int"
A int64_t		"int64_t"
A int_overflow		"int_overflow"
A integer		"integer"
A integer_expression	"integer_expression"
A interrupt		"interrupt"
A io_error		"io_error"
A io_mode		"io_mode"
A ioctl			"ioctl"
A is			"is"
A iso			"iso"
A iso_latin_1		"iso_latin_1"
A isovar		"$VAR"
A join			"join"
A jump			"jump"
A kernel		"kernel"
A key			"key"
A larger		">"
A larger_equal		">="
A level			"level"
A li			"li"
A limit			"limit"
A line			"line"
A line_count		"line_count"
A list			"list"
A list_position		"list_position"
A listing		"listing"
A local			"local"
A local_shifts		"local_shifts"
A local_stack		"local_stack"
A locale		"locale"
A locallimit		"locallimit"
A localused		"localused"
A lock			"lock"
A locked		"locked"
A log			"log"
A log10			"log10"
A long			"long"
A low			"low"
A lower			"lower"
A lsb			"lsb"
A lshift		"<<"
A main			"main"
A mark			"mark"
A matches		"matches"
A max			"max"
A max_arity		"max_arity"
A max_dde_handles	"max_dde_handles"
A max_depth		"max_depth"
A max_files		"max_files"
A max_frame_size	"max_frame_size"
A max_path_length	"max_path_length"
A max_size		"max_size"
A max_variable_length	"max_variable_length"
A memory		"memory"
A message		"message"
A message_lines		"message_lines"
A message_queue		"message_queue"
A message_queue_property "message_queue_property"
A meta_argument		"meta_argument"
A meta_argument_specifier "meta_argument_specifier"
A meta_predicate	"meta_predicate"
A min			"min"
A min_free		"min_free"
A minus			"-"
A mismatched_char	"mismatched_char"
A mod			"mod"
A mode			"mode"
A modify		"modify"
A module		"module"
A module_property	"module_property"
A module_transparent	"module_transparent"
A modules		"modules"
A msb			"msb"
A multifile		"multifile"
A mutex			"mutex"
A mutex_option		"mutex_option"
A mutex_property	"mutex_property"
A natural		"natural"
A newline		"newline"
A next_argument		"next_argument"
A nil			"[]"
A nlink			"nlink"
A no_memory		"no_memory"
A nodebug		"nodebug"
A non_empty_list	"non_empty_list"
A none			"none"
A nonvar		"nonvar"
A noprofile		"noprofile"
A normal		"normal"
A not			"not"
A not_equals		"\\="
A not_implemented	"not_implemented"
A not_less_than_one	"not_less_than_one"
A not_less_than_zero	"not_less_than_zero"
A not_provable		"\\+"
A not_strickt_equals	"\\=="
A not_unique		"not_unique"
A number		"number"
A number_of_clauses	"number_of_clauses"
A numbervar_option	"numbervar_option"
A numbervars		"numbervars"
A occurs_check		"occurs_check"
A octet		        "octet"
A off     		"off"
A on			"on"
A open			"open"
A operator		"operator"
A operator_priority	"operator_priority"
A operator_specifier	"operator_specifier"
A optimise		"optimise"
A or			"or"
A order			"order"
A output		"output"
A pair			"pair"
A paren			"paren"
A parent		"parent"
A parent_goal		"parent_goal"
A partial		"partial"
A past			"past"
A past_end_of_stream	"past_end_of_stream"
A pattern		"pattern"
A pc			"pc"
A period		"period"
A permission_error	"permission_error"
A pi			"pi"
A pipe			"pipe"
A plain			"plain"
A plus			"+"
A popcount		"popcount"
A portray		"portray"
A position		"position"
A posix			"posix"
A powm			"powm"
A predicate_indicator	"predicate_indicator"
A predicates		"predicates"
A print			"print"
A print_message		"print_message"
A priority		"priority"
A private_procedure	"private_procedure"
A procedure		"procedure"
A profile_mode		"profile_mode"
A profile_no_cpu_time	"profile_no_cpu_time"
A profile_node		"profile_node"
A program		"program"
A program_counter	"program_counter"
A prolog		"prolog"
A prolog_flag		"prolog_flag"
A prolog_flag_access	"prolog_flag_access"
A prolog_flag_option	"prolog_flag_option"
A prolog_flag_type	"prolog_flag_type"
A prompt		"|:"
A property		"property"
A protocol		"protocol"
A prove			":-"
A punct			"punct"
A query			"?-"
A question_mark		"?"
A queue_option		"queue_option"
A quiet			"quiet"
A quote			"quote"
A quoted		"quoted"
A radix			"radix"
A random		"random"
A random_option		"random_option"
A rational		"rational"
A rationalize		"rationalize"
A rdiv			"rdiv"
A read			"read"
A read_only		"read_only"
A read_option		"read_option"
A read_write		"read_write"
A readline		"readline"
A real_time		"real_time"
A receiver		"receiver"
A record		"record"
A record_position	"record_position"
A redefine		"redefine"
A redo			"redo"
A references		"references"
A rem			"rem"
A rename		"rename"
A report_error		"report_error"
A reposition		"reposition"
A representation_error	"representation_error"
A representation_errors	"representation_errors"
A reset			"reset"
A resource_error	"resource_error"
A resource_handle	"resource_handle"
A retry			"retry"
A round			"round"
A rshift		">>"
A running		"running"
A runtime		"runtime"
A save_class		"save_class"
A save_option		"save_option"
A seed			"seed"
A seek_method		"seek_method"
A select		"select"
A semicolon		";"
A separated		"separated"
A set			"set"
A setup_call_catcher_cleanup "setup_call_catcher_cleanup"
A shared		"shared"
A shared_object		"shared_object"
A shared_object_handle	"shared_object_handle"
A shell			"shell"
A sign			"sign"
A signal		"signal"
A signal_handler	"signal_handler"
A silent		"silent"
A sin			"sin"
A singletons		"singletons"
A size			"size"
A size_t		"size_t"
A skip			"skip"
A smaller		"<"
A smaller_equal		"=<"
A softcut		"*->"
A source_sink		"source_sink"
A space			"space"
A spacing		"spacing"
A spare			"spare"
A spy			"spy"
A sqrt			"sqrt"
A stack			"stack"
A stack_parameter	"stack_parameter"
A stack_shifts		"stack_shifts"
A stacks		"stacks"
A stand_alone		"stand_alone"
A standard		"standard"
A star			"*"
A start			"start"
A stat			"stat"
A static_procedure	"static_procedure"
A statistics		"statistics"
A status		"status"
A stderr		"stderr"
A stream		"stream"
A stream_option		"stream_option"
A stream_or_alias	"stream_or_alias"
A stream_pair		"stream_pair"
A stream_position	"$stream_position"
A stream_property	"stream_property"
A strict_equal		"=="
A string		"string"
A string_position	"string_position"
A subterm_positions	"subterm_positions"
A suffix		"suffix"
A syntax_error		"syntax_error"
A syntax_errors		"syntax_errors"
A system		"system"
A system_error		"system_error"
A system_init_file	"system_init_file"
A system_thread_id 	"system_thread_id"
A system_time		"system_time"
A tan			"tan"
A temporary_files	"temporary_files"
A term			"term"
A term_expansion	"term_expansion"
A term_position		"term_position"
A terminal		"terminal"
A terminal_capability	"terminal_capability"
A text			"text"
A thread		"thread"
A thread_cputime	"thread_cputime"
A thread_initialization "thread_initialization"
A thread_local		"thread_local"
A thread_local_procedure "thread_local_procedure"
A thread_option		"thread_option"
A thread_property	"thread_property"
A threads		"threads"
A threads_created	"threads_created"
A throw			"throw"
A tilde			"~"
A time			"time"
A time_stamp		"time_stamp"
A timeout		"timeout"
A timeout_error		"timeout_error"
A timezone		"timezone"
A to_lower		"to_lower"
A to_upper		"to_upper"
A top			"top"
A top_level    		"top_level"
A toplevel		"toplevel"
A trace			"trace"
A trace_any		"trace_any"
A trace_call		"trace_call"
A trace_exit		"trace_exit"
A trace_fail		"trace_fail"
A trace_gc		"trace_gc"
A trace_redo		"trace_redo"
A traceinterc		"prolog_trace_interception"
A tracing		"tracing"
A trail			"trail"
A trail_shifts		"trail_shifts"
A traillimit		"traillimit"
A trailused		"trailused"
A transparent		"transparent"
A transposed_char	"transposed_char"
A transposed_word	"transposed_word"
A true			"true"
A truncate		"truncate"
A tty			"tty"
A tty_control		"tty_control"
A type			"type"
A type_error		"type_error"
A undefined		"undefined"
A undefined_global_variable	"undefined_global_variable"
A undefinterc		"$undefined_procedure"
A unicode_be		"unicode_be"
A unicode_le		"unicode_le"
A unify			"unify"
A unify_determined	"?="
A unique		"unique"
A univ			"=.."
A unknown		"unknown"
A unlimited		"unlimited"
A unload		"unload"
A unlock		"unlock"
A unlocked		"unlocked"
A update		"update"
A upper			"upper"
A user			"user"
A user_error		"user_error"
A user_flags		"user_flags"
A user_input		"user_input"
A user_output		"user_output"
A utc			"UTC"
A utf8			"utf8"
A v			"v"
A var			"var"
A variable		"variable"
A variable_names	"variable_names"
A variables		"variables"
A very_deep		"very_deep"
A vmi			"vmi"
A volatile		"volatile"
A wakeup		"wakeup"
A walltime		"walltime"
A warning		"warning"
A wchar_t		"wchar_t"
A when_condition	"when_condition"
A white			"white"
A write			"write"
A write_attributes	"write_attributes"
A write_option		"write_option"
A xdigit		"xdigit"
A xf			"xf"
A xfx			"xfx"
A xfy			"xfy"
A xml			"xml"
A xor			"xor"
A xpceref		"@"
A yf			"yf"
A yfx			"yfx"
A yfy			"yfy"
A zero_divisor		"zero_divisor"

F abs			1
F access		1
F acos			1
F alias			1
F and			2
F ar_equals		2
F ar_not_equal		2
F asin			1
F assert		1
F asserta		1
F atan			1
F atan			2
F atom			1
F att			3
F backslash		1
F bar			2
F bitor			2
F bom			1
F brace_term_position	3
F break			1
F break			2
F break			3
F buffer		1
F buffer_size		1
F busy			2
F bw_xor		2
F call			1
F callpred		2
F catch			3
F ceil			1
F ceiling		1
F chars			1
F chars			2
F clause		1
F close_on_abort	1
F codes			1
F codes			2
F colon			2
F comma			2
F context		2
F cos			1
F cputime		0
F curl			1
F cut_call		1
F cut_exit		1
F dand			2
F date			3
F date			9
F dc_call_prolog	0
F dcall			1
F dcut			1
F dde_error		2
F debugging		1
F detached		1
F dexit			2
F dforeign_registered   2
F dgarbage_collect 	1
F div			2
F divide		2
F dmessage_queue	1
F dmutex		1
F domain_error		2
F dot			2
F doublestar		2
F dprof_node		1
F drecover_and_rethrow	2
F dstream		1
F dthread_init		0
F dthrow		1
F dtime			2
F dvard			1
F dwakeup		1
F e			0
F encoding		1
F end_of_stream		1
F eof_action		1
F epsilon		0
F equals		2
F erased		1
F error			2
F eval			1
F evaluation_error	1
F exception		1
F exception		3
F existence_error	2
F exited		1
F exp			1
F exports		1
F external_exception	1
F fail			0
F failure_error		1
F file			1
F file			4
F file_name		1
F file_no		1
F float			1
F float_fractional_part	1
F float_integer_part	1
F floor			1
F foreign_function	1
F frame			3
F frame_finished	1
F gcd			2
F goal_expansion	2
F ground		1
F hat			2
F ifthen		2
F input			0
F integer		1
F interrupt		1
F io_error		2
F is			2
F isovar		1
F larger		2
F larger_equal		2
F line_count		1
F list_position		4
F listing		1
F locked		2
F log			1
F log10			1
F lsb			1
F lshift		2
F max			2
F max_size		1
F message_lines		1
F min			2
F minus			1
F minus			2
F mod			2
F mode			1
F msb			1
F newline		1
F nlink			1
F nonvar		1
F not_implemented	2
F not_provable		1
F occurs_check		2
F or			1
F output		0
F permission_error	3
F pi			0
F pipe			1
F plus			1
F plus			2
F popcount		1
F portray		1
F position		1
F powm			3
F print			1
F print_message		2
F procedure		2
F prove			1
F prove			2
F punct			2
F random		1
F rational		1
F rationalize		1
F rdiv			2
F rem			2
F reposition		1
F representation_error	1
F representation_errors 1
F resource_error	1
F retry			1
F round			1
F rshift		2
F semicolon		2
F setup_call_catcher_cleanup 4
F shared_object		2
F shell			2
F sign			1
F signal		1
F signal		2
F sin			1
F singletons		1
F size			1
F smaller		2
F smaller_equal		2
F softcut		2
F spy			1
F sqrt			1
F star			2
F status		1
F stream		4
F stream_position	4
F strict_equal		2
F string		1
F string		2
F string_position	2
F syntax_error		1
F syntax_error		3
F tan			1
F term_expansion	2
F term_position		5
F timeout		1
F timeout_error		2
F trace			1
F traceinterc		3
F tracing		1
F true			0
F truncate		1
F tty			1
F type			1
F type_error		2
F undefinterc		4
F unify_determined	2
F var			1
F wakeup		3
F warning		3
F xor			2
F xpceref		1