/* This file, dswiatoms.h, was generated automatically by calling "yap -L misc/buildswiatoms" and is based on SWIATOMS, copied from the SWI-Prolog distribution please do not update */ #define ATOM_abort 1 #define ATOM_aborted 3 #define ATOM_abs 5 #define ATOM_access 7 #define ATOM_acos 9 #define ATOM_acyclic_term 11 #define ATOM_add_import 13 #define ATOM_address 15 #define ATOM_agc 17 #define ATOM_agc_gained 19 #define ATOM_agc_margin 21 #define ATOM_agc_time 23 #define ATOM_alias 25 #define ATOM_allow_variable_name_as_functor 27 #define ATOM_alnum 29 #define ATOM_alpha 31 #define ATOM_alternative 33 #define ATOM_and 35 #define ATOM_anonvar 37 #define ATOM_append 39 #define ATOM_ar_equals 41 #define ATOM_ar_not_equal 43 #define ATOM_argument 45 #define ATOM_argumentlimit 47 #define ATOM_as 49 #define ATOM_ascii 51 #define ATOM_asin 53 #define ATOM_assert 55 #define ATOM_asserta 57 #define ATOM_at 59 #define ATOM_at_equals 61 #define ATOM_at_exit 63 #define ATOM_at_larger 65 #define ATOM_at_larger_eq 67 #define ATOM_at_not_equals 69 #define ATOM_at_smaller 71 #define ATOM_at_smaller_eq 73 #define ATOM_atan 75 #define ATOM_atom 77 #define ATOM_atom_garbage_collection 79 #define ATOM_atomic 81 #define ATOM_atoms 83 #define ATOM_att 85 #define ATOM_attributes 87 #define ATOM_attvar 89 #define ATOM_autoload 91 #define ATOM_backquoted_string 93 #define ATOM_backslash 95 #define ATOM_backtrace 97 #define ATOM_bar 99 #define ATOM_begin 101 #define ATOM_binary 103 #define ATOM_bind 105 #define ATOM_bitor 107 #define ATOM_bof 109 #define ATOM_bom 111 #define ATOM_bool 113 #define ATOM_boolean 115 #define ATOM_brace_term_position 117 #define ATOM_break 119 #define ATOM_btree 121 #define ATOM_buffer 123 #define ATOM_buffer_size 125 #define ATOM_built_in_procedure 127 #define ATOM_busy 129 #define ATOM_bw_xor 131 #define ATOM_byte 133 #define ATOM_call 135 #define ATOM_callable 137 #define ATOM_callpred 139 #define ATOM_canceled 141 #define ATOM_case_sensitive_file_names 143 #define ATOM_catch 145 #define ATOM_ceil 147 #define ATOM_ceiling 149 #define ATOM_char_type 151 #define ATOM_character 153 #define ATOM_character_code 155 #define ATOM_character_escapes 157 #define ATOM_chars 159 #define ATOM_chdir 161 #define ATOM_chmod 163 #define ATOM_choice 165 #define ATOM_clause 167 #define ATOM_clause_reference 169 #define ATOM_close 171 #define ATOM_close_on_abort 173 #define ATOM_close_option 175 #define ATOM_cm 177 #define ATOM_cntrl 179 #define ATOM_co 181 #define ATOM_codes 183 #define ATOM_collected 185 #define ATOM_collections 187 #define ATOM_colon 189 #define ATOM_comma 191 #define ATOM_comments 193 #define ATOM_compound 195 #define ATOM_context 197 #define ATOM_context_module 199 #define ATOM_continue 201 #define ATOM_core 203 #define ATOM_core_left 205 #define ATOM_cos 207 #define ATOM_cputime 209 #define ATOM_create 211 #define ATOM_csym 213 #define ATOM_csymf 215 #define ATOM_cumulative 217 #define ATOM_curl 219 #define ATOM_current 221 #define ATOM_current_input 223 #define ATOM_current_output 225 #define ATOM_cut 227 #define ATOM_cut_call 229 #define ATOM_cut_exit 231 #define ATOM_cut_parent 233 #define ATOM_cutted 235 #define ATOM_cyclic_term 237 #define ATOM_dand 239 #define ATOM_date 241 #define ATOM_db_reference 243 #define ATOM_dc_call_prolog 245 #define ATOM_dcall 247 #define ATOM_dcall_cleanup 249 #define ATOM_dcatch 251 #define ATOM_dcut 253 #define ATOM_dde_error 255 #define ATOM_dde_handle 257 #define ATOM_debug 259 #define ATOM_debug_on_error 261 #define ATOM_debugger_print_options 263 #define ATOM_debugger_show_context 265 #define ATOM_debugging 267 #define ATOM_dec10 269 #define ATOM_default 271 #define ATOM_defined 273 #define ATOM_delete 275 #define ATOM_depth_limit_exceeded 277 #define ATOM_destroy 279 #define ATOM_detached 281 #define ATOM_detect 283 #define ATOM_development 285 #define ATOM_dexit 287 #define ATOM_dforeign_registered 289 #define ATOM_dgarbage_collect 291 #define ATOM_digit 293 #define ATOM_directory 295 #define ATOM_discontiguous 297 #define ATOM_div 299 #define ATOM_divide 301 #define ATOM_dload 303 #define ATOM_dmessage_queue 305 #define ATOM_dmutex 307 #define ATOM_domain_error 309 #define ATOM_dos 311 #define ATOM_dot 313 #define ATOM_dots 315 #define ATOM_double_quotes 317 #define ATOM_doublestar 319 #define ATOM_dprof_node 321 #define ATOM_drecover_and_rethrow 323 #define ATOM_dstream 325 #define ATOM_dthread_init 327 #define ATOM_dthrow 329 #define ATOM_dtime 331 #define ATOM_dvard 333 #define ATOM_dwakeup 335 #define ATOM_dynamic 337 #define ATOM_e 339 #define ATOM_encoding 341 #define ATOM_end 343 #define ATOM_end_of_file 345 #define ATOM_end_of_line 347 #define ATOM_end_of_stream 349 #define ATOM_environment 351 #define ATOM_eof 353 #define ATOM_eof_action 355 #define ATOM_eof_code 357 #define ATOM_epsilon 359 #define ATOM_equal 361 #define ATOM_equals 363 #define ATOM_erase 365 #define ATOM_erased 367 #define ATOM_error 369 #define ATOM_eval 371 #define ATOM_evaluable 373 #define ATOM_evaluation_error 375 #define ATOM_exception 377 #define ATOM_exclusive 379 #define ATOM_execute 381 #define ATOM_exist 383 #define ATOM_existence_error 385 #define ATOM_exit 387 #define ATOM_exited 389 #define ATOM_exp 391 #define ATOM_export 393 #define ATOM_exported 395 #define ATOM_exports 397 #define ATOM_expression 399 #define ATOM_external_exception 401 #define ATOM_externals 403 #define ATOM_fact 405 #define ATOM_factor 407 #define ATOM_fail 409 #define ATOM_failure_error 411 #define ATOM_false 413 #define ATOM_feature 415 #define ATOM_file 417 #define ATOM_file_name 419 #define ATOM_file_name_variables 421 #define ATOM_file_no 423 #define ATOM_flag 425 #define ATOM_flag_value 427 #define ATOM_float 429 #define ATOM_float_format 431 #define ATOM_float_fractional_part 433 #define ATOM_float_integer_part 435 #define ATOM_float_overflow 437 #define ATOM_float_underflow 439 #define ATOM_floor 441 #define ATOM_force 443 #define ATOM_foreign 445 #define ATOM_foreign_function 447 #define ATOM_foreign_return_value 449 #define ATOM_fork 451 #define ATOM_frame 453 #define ATOM_frame_attribute 455 #define ATOM_frame_finished 457 #define ATOM_frame_reference 459 #define ATOM_free_of_attvar 461 #define ATOM_freeze 463 #define ATOM_full 465 #define ATOM_functor_name 467 #define ATOM_functors 469 #define ATOM_fx 471 #define ATOM_fy 473 #define ATOM_garbage_collected 475 #define ATOM_garbage_collection 477 #define ATOM_gc 479 #define ATOM_gcd 481 #define ATOM_gctime 483 #define ATOM_getcwd 485 #define ATOM_global 487 #define ATOM_global_shifts 489 #define ATOM_global_stack 491 #define ATOM_globallimit 493 #define ATOM_globalused 495 #define ATOM_goal 497 #define ATOM_goal_expansion 499 #define ATOM_grammar 501 #define ATOM_graph 503 #define ATOM_ground 505 #define ATOM_gvar 507 #define ATOM_halt 509 #define ATOM_has_alternatives 511 #define ATOM_hash 513 #define ATOM_hashed 515 #define ATOM_hat 517 #define ATOM_heap 519 #define ATOM_heaplimit 521 #define ATOM_heapused 523 #define ATOM_help 525 #define ATOM_hidden 527 #define ATOM_hide_childs 529 #define ATOM_history_depth 531 #define ATOM_ifthen 533 #define ATOM_ignore 535 #define ATOM_ignore_ops 537 #define ATOM_imported 539 #define ATOM_imported_procedure 541 #define ATOM_index 543 #define ATOM_indexed 545 #define ATOM_inf 547 #define ATOM_inferences 549 #define ATOM_infinite 551 #define ATOM_informational 553 #define ATOM_init_file 555 #define ATOM_initialization 557 #define ATOM_input 559 #define ATOM_inserted_char 561 #define ATOM_instantiation_error 563 #define ATOM_int 565 #define ATOM_int64_t 567 #define ATOM_int_overflow 569 #define ATOM_integer 571 #define ATOM_integer_expression 573 #define ATOM_interrupt 575 #define ATOM_io_error 577 #define ATOM_io_mode 579 #define ATOM_ioctl 581 #define ATOM_is 583 #define ATOM_iso 585 #define ATOM_iso_latin_1 587 #define ATOM_isovar 589 #define ATOM_join 591 #define ATOM_jump 593 #define ATOM_kernel 595 #define ATOM_key 597 #define ATOM_larger 599 #define ATOM_larger_equal 601 #define ATOM_level 603 #define ATOM_li 605 #define ATOM_limit 607 #define ATOM_line 609 #define ATOM_line_count 611 #define ATOM_list 613 #define ATOM_list_position 615 #define ATOM_listing 617 #define ATOM_local 619 #define ATOM_local_shifts 621 #define ATOM_local_stack 623 #define ATOM_locale 625 #define ATOM_locallimit 627 #define ATOM_localused 629 #define ATOM_lock 631 #define ATOM_locked 633 #define ATOM_log 635 #define ATOM_log10 637 #define ATOM_long 639 #define ATOM_low 641 #define ATOM_lower 643 #define ATOM_lsb 645 #define ATOM_lshift 647 #define ATOM_main 649 #define ATOM_mark 651 #define ATOM_matches 653 #define ATOM_max 655 #define ATOM_max_arity 657 #define ATOM_max_dde_handles 659 #define ATOM_max_depth 661 #define ATOM_max_files 663 #define ATOM_max_frame_size 665 #define ATOM_max_path_length 667 #define ATOM_max_size 669 #define ATOM_max_variable_length 671 #define ATOM_memory 673 #define ATOM_message 675 #define ATOM_message_lines 677 #define ATOM_message_queue 679 #define ATOM_message_queue_property 681 #define ATOM_meta_argument 683 #define ATOM_meta_argument_specifier 685 #define ATOM_meta_predicate 687 #define ATOM_min 689 #define ATOM_min_free 691 #define ATOM_minus 693 #define ATOM_mismatched_char 695 #define ATOM_mod 697 #define ATOM_mode 699 #define ATOM_modify 701 #define ATOM_module 703 #define ATOM_module_property 705 #define ATOM_module_transparent 707 #define ATOM_modules 709 #define ATOM_msb 711 #define ATOM_multifile 713 #define ATOM_mutex 715 #define ATOM_mutex_option 717 #define ATOM_mutex_property 719 #define ATOM_natural 721 #define ATOM_newline 723 #define ATOM_next_argument 725 #define ATOM_nil 727 #define ATOM_nlink 729 #define ATOM_no_memory 731 #define ATOM_nodebug 733 #define ATOM_non_empty_list 735 #define ATOM_none 737 #define ATOM_nonvar 739 #define ATOM_noprofile 741 #define ATOM_normal 743 #define ATOM_not 745 #define ATOM_not_equals 747 #define ATOM_not_implemented 749 #define ATOM_not_less_than_one 751 #define ATOM_not_less_than_zero 753 #define ATOM_not_provable 755 #define ATOM_not_strickt_equals 757 #define ATOM_not_unique 759 #define ATOM_number 761 #define ATOM_number_of_clauses 763 #define ATOM_numbervar_option 765 #define ATOM_numbervars 767 #define ATOM_occurs_check 769 #define ATOM_octet 771 #define ATOM_off 773 #define ATOM_on 775 #define ATOM_open 777 #define ATOM_operator 779 #define ATOM_operator_priority 781 #define ATOM_operator_specifier 783 #define ATOM_optimise 785 #define ATOM_or 787 #define ATOM_order 789 #define ATOM_output 791 #define ATOM_pair 793 #define ATOM_paren 795 #define ATOM_parent 797 #define ATOM_parent_goal 799 #define ATOM_partial 801 #define ATOM_past 803 #define ATOM_past_end_of_stream 805 #define ATOM_pattern 807 #define ATOM_pc 809 #define ATOM_period 811 #define ATOM_permission_error 813 #define ATOM_pi 815 #define ATOM_pipe 817 #define ATOM_plain 819 #define ATOM_plus 821 #define ATOM_popcount 823 #define ATOM_portray 825 #define ATOM_position 827 #define ATOM_posix 829 #define ATOM_powm 831 #define ATOM_predicate_indicator 833 #define ATOM_predicates 835 #define ATOM_print 837 #define ATOM_print_message 839 #define ATOM_priority 841 #define ATOM_private_procedure 843 #define ATOM_procedure 845 #define ATOM_profile_mode 847 #define ATOM_profile_no_cpu_time 849 #define ATOM_profile_node 851 #define ATOM_program 853 #define ATOM_program_counter 855 #define ATOM_prolog 857 #define ATOM_prolog_flag 859 #define ATOM_prolog_flag_access 861 #define ATOM_prolog_flag_option 863 #define ATOM_prolog_flag_type 865 #define ATOM_prompt 867 #define ATOM_property 869 #define ATOM_protocol 871 #define ATOM_prove 873 #define ATOM_punct 875 #define ATOM_query 877 #define ATOM_question_mark 879 #define ATOM_queue_option 881 #define ATOM_quiet 883 #define ATOM_quote 885 #define ATOM_quoted 887 #define ATOM_radix 889 #define ATOM_random 891 #define ATOM_random_option 893 #define ATOM_rational 895 #define ATOM_rationalize 897 #define ATOM_rdiv 899 #define ATOM_read 901 #define ATOM_read_only 903 #define ATOM_read_option 905 #define ATOM_read_write 907 #define ATOM_readline 909 #define ATOM_real_time 911 #define ATOM_receiver 913 #define ATOM_record 915 #define ATOM_record_position 917 #define ATOM_redefine 919 #define ATOM_redo 921 #define ATOM_references 923 #define ATOM_rem 925 #define ATOM_rename 927 #define ATOM_report_error 929 #define ATOM_reposition 931 #define ATOM_representation_error 933 #define ATOM_representation_errors 935 #define ATOM_reset 937 #define ATOM_resource_error 939 #define ATOM_resource_handle 941 #define ATOM_retry 943 #define ATOM_round 945 #define ATOM_rshift 947 #define ATOM_running 949 #define ATOM_runtime 951 #define ATOM_save_class 953 #define ATOM_save_option 955 #define ATOM_seed 957 #define ATOM_seek_method 959 #define ATOM_select 961 #define ATOM_semicolon 963 #define ATOM_separated 965 #define ATOM_set 967 #define ATOM_setup_call_catcher_cleanup 969 #define ATOM_shared 971 #define ATOM_shared_object 973 #define ATOM_shared_object_handle 975 #define ATOM_shell 977 #define ATOM_sign 979 #define ATOM_signal 981 #define ATOM_signal_handler 983 #define ATOM_silent 985 #define ATOM_sin 987 #define ATOM_singletons 989 #define ATOM_size 991 #define ATOM_size_t 993 #define ATOM_skip 995 #define ATOM_smaller 997 #define ATOM_smaller_equal 999 #define ATOM_softcut 1001 #define ATOM_source_sink 1003 #define ATOM_space 1005 #define ATOM_spacing 1007 #define ATOM_spare 1009 #define ATOM_spy 1011 #define ATOM_sqrt 1013 #define ATOM_stack 1015 #define ATOM_stack_parameter 1017 #define ATOM_stack_shifts 1019 #define ATOM_stacks 1021 #define ATOM_stand_alone 1023 #define ATOM_standard 1025 #define ATOM_star 1027 #define ATOM_start 1029 #define ATOM_stat 1031 #define ATOM_static_procedure 1033 #define ATOM_statistics 1035 #define ATOM_status 1037 #define ATOM_stderr 1039 #define ATOM_stream 1041 #define ATOM_stream_option 1043 #define ATOM_stream_or_alias 1045 #define ATOM_stream_pair 1047 #define ATOM_stream_position 1049 #define ATOM_stream_property 1051 #define ATOM_strict_equal 1053 #define ATOM_string 1055 #define ATOM_string_position 1057 #define ATOM_subterm_positions 1059 #define ATOM_suffix 1061 #define ATOM_syntax_error 1063 #define ATOM_syntax_errors 1065 #define ATOM_system 1067 #define ATOM_system_error 1069 #define ATOM_system_init_file 1071 #define ATOM_system_thread_id 1073 #define ATOM_system_time 1075 #define ATOM_tan 1077 #define ATOM_temporary_files 1079 #define ATOM_term 1081 #define ATOM_term_expansion 1083 #define ATOM_term_position 1085 #define ATOM_terminal 1087 #define ATOM_terminal_capability 1089 #define ATOM_text 1091 #define ATOM_thread 1093 #define ATOM_thread_cputime 1095 #define ATOM_thread_initialization 1097 #define ATOM_thread_local 1099 #define ATOM_thread_local_procedure 1101 #define ATOM_thread_option 1103 #define ATOM_thread_property 1105 #define ATOM_threads 1107 #define ATOM_threads_created 1109 #define ATOM_throw 1111 #define ATOM_tilde 1113 #define ATOM_time 1115 #define ATOM_time_stamp 1117 #define ATOM_timeout 1119 #define ATOM_timeout_error 1121 #define ATOM_timezone 1123 #define ATOM_to_lower 1125 #define ATOM_to_upper 1127 #define ATOM_top 1129 #define ATOM_top_level 1131 #define ATOM_toplevel 1133 #define ATOM_trace 1135 #define ATOM_trace_any 1137 #define ATOM_trace_call 1139 #define ATOM_trace_exit 1141 #define ATOM_trace_fail 1143 #define ATOM_trace_gc 1145 #define ATOM_trace_redo 1147 #define ATOM_traceinterc 1149 #define ATOM_tracing 1151 #define ATOM_trail 1153 #define ATOM_trail_shifts 1155 #define ATOM_traillimit 1157 #define ATOM_trailused 1159 #define ATOM_transparent 1161 #define ATOM_transposed_char 1163 #define ATOM_transposed_word 1165 #define ATOM_true 1167 #define ATOM_truncate 1169 #define ATOM_tty 1171 #define ATOM_tty_control 1173 #define ATOM_type 1175 #define ATOM_type_error 1177 #define ATOM_undefined 1179 #define ATOM_undefined_global_variable 1181 #define ATOM_undefinterc 1183 #define ATOM_unicode_be 1185 #define ATOM_unicode_le 1187 #define ATOM_unify 1189 #define ATOM_unify_determined 1191 #define ATOM_unique 1193 #define ATOM_univ 1195 #define ATOM_unknown 1197 #define ATOM_unlimited 1199 #define ATOM_unload 1201 #define ATOM_unlock 1203 #define ATOM_unlocked 1205 #define ATOM_update 1207 #define ATOM_upper 1209 #define ATOM_user 1211 #define ATOM_user_error 1213 #define ATOM_user_flags 1215 #define ATOM_user_input 1217 #define ATOM_user_output 1219 #define ATOM_utc 1221 #define ATOM_utf8 1223 #define ATOM_v 1225 #define ATOM_var 1227 #define ATOM_variable 1229 #define ATOM_variable_names 1231 #define ATOM_variables 1233 #define ATOM_very_deep 1235 #define ATOM_vmi 1237 #define ATOM_volatile 1239 #define ATOM_wakeup 1241 #define ATOM_walltime 1243 #define ATOM_warning 1245 #define ATOM_wchar_t 1247 #define ATOM_when_condition 1249 #define ATOM_white 1251 #define ATOM_write 1253 #define ATOM_write_attributes 1255 #define ATOM_write_option 1257 #define ATOM_xdigit 1259 #define ATOM_xf 1261 #define ATOM_xfx 1263 #define ATOM_xfy 1265 #define ATOM_xml 1267 #define ATOM_xor 1269 #define ATOM_xpceref 1271 #define ATOM_yf 1273 #define ATOM_yfx 1275 #define ATOM_yfy 1277 #define ATOM_zero_divisor 1279 #define FUNCTOR_abs1 1 #define FUNCTOR_access1 3 #define FUNCTOR_acos1 5 #define FUNCTOR_alias1 7 #define FUNCTOR_and2 9 #define FUNCTOR_ar_equals2 11 #define FUNCTOR_ar_not_equal2 13 #define FUNCTOR_asin1 15 #define FUNCTOR_assert1 17 #define FUNCTOR_asserta1 19 #define FUNCTOR_atan1 21 #define FUNCTOR_atan2 23 #define FUNCTOR_atom1 25 #define FUNCTOR_att3 27 #define FUNCTOR_backslash1 29 #define FUNCTOR_bar2 31 #define FUNCTOR_bitor2 33 #define FUNCTOR_bom1 35 #define FUNCTOR_brace_term_position3 37 #define FUNCTOR_break1 39 #define FUNCTOR_break2 41 #define FUNCTOR_break3 43 #define FUNCTOR_buffer1 45 #define FUNCTOR_buffer_size1 47 #define FUNCTOR_busy2 49 #define FUNCTOR_bw_xor2 51 #define FUNCTOR_call1 53 #define FUNCTOR_callpred2 55 #define FUNCTOR_catch3 57 #define FUNCTOR_ceil1 59 #define FUNCTOR_ceiling1 61 #define FUNCTOR_chars1 63 #define FUNCTOR_chars2 65 #define FUNCTOR_clause1 67 #define FUNCTOR_close_on_abort1 69 #define FUNCTOR_codes1 71 #define FUNCTOR_codes2 73 #define FUNCTOR_colon2 75 #define FUNCTOR_comma2 77 #define FUNCTOR_context2 79 #define FUNCTOR_cos1 81 #define FUNCTOR_cputime0 83 #define FUNCTOR_curl1 85 #define FUNCTOR_cut_call1 87 #define FUNCTOR_cut_exit1 89 #define FUNCTOR_dand2 91 #define FUNCTOR_date3 93 #define FUNCTOR_date9 95 #define FUNCTOR_dc_call_prolog0 97 #define FUNCTOR_dcall1 99 #define FUNCTOR_dcut1 101 #define FUNCTOR_dde_error2 103 #define FUNCTOR_debugging1 105 #define FUNCTOR_detached1 107 #define FUNCTOR_dexit2 109 #define FUNCTOR_dforeign_registered2 111 #define FUNCTOR_dgarbage_collect1 113 #define FUNCTOR_div2 115 #define FUNCTOR_divide2 117 #define FUNCTOR_dmessage_queue1 119 #define FUNCTOR_dmutex1 121 #define FUNCTOR_domain_error2 123 #define FUNCTOR_dot2 125 #define FUNCTOR_doublestar2 127 #define FUNCTOR_dprof_node1 129 #define FUNCTOR_drecover_and_rethrow2 131 #define FUNCTOR_dstream1 133 #define FUNCTOR_dthread_init0 135 #define FUNCTOR_dthrow1 137 #define FUNCTOR_dtime2 139 #define FUNCTOR_dvard1 141 #define FUNCTOR_dwakeup1 143 #define FUNCTOR_e0 145 #define FUNCTOR_encoding1 147 #define FUNCTOR_end_of_stream1 149 #define FUNCTOR_eof_action1 151 #define FUNCTOR_epsilon0 153 #define FUNCTOR_equals2 155 #define FUNCTOR_erased1 157 #define FUNCTOR_error2 159 #define FUNCTOR_eval1 161 #define FUNCTOR_evaluation_error1 163 #define FUNCTOR_exception1 165 #define FUNCTOR_exception3 167 #define FUNCTOR_existence_error2 169 #define FUNCTOR_exited1 171 #define FUNCTOR_exp1 173 #define FUNCTOR_exports1 175 #define FUNCTOR_external_exception1 177 #define FUNCTOR_fail0 179 #define FUNCTOR_failure_error1 181 #define FUNCTOR_file1 183 #define FUNCTOR_file4 185 #define FUNCTOR_file_name1 187 #define FUNCTOR_file_no1 189 #define FUNCTOR_float1 191 #define FUNCTOR_float_fractional_part1 193 #define FUNCTOR_float_integer_part1 195 #define FUNCTOR_floor1 197 #define FUNCTOR_foreign_function1 199 #define FUNCTOR_frame3 201 #define FUNCTOR_frame_finished1 203 #define FUNCTOR_gcd2 205 #define FUNCTOR_goal_expansion2 207 #define FUNCTOR_ground1 209 #define FUNCTOR_hat2 211 #define FUNCTOR_ifthen2 213 #define FUNCTOR_input0 215 #define FUNCTOR_integer1 217 #define FUNCTOR_interrupt1 219 #define FUNCTOR_io_error2 221 #define FUNCTOR_is2 223 #define FUNCTOR_isovar1 225 #define FUNCTOR_larger2 227 #define FUNCTOR_larger_equal2 229 #define FUNCTOR_line_count1 231 #define FUNCTOR_list_position4 233 #define FUNCTOR_listing1 235 #define FUNCTOR_locked2 237 #define FUNCTOR_log1 239 #define FUNCTOR_log101 241 #define FUNCTOR_lsb1 243 #define FUNCTOR_lshift2 245 #define FUNCTOR_max2 247 #define FUNCTOR_max_size1 249 #define FUNCTOR_message_lines1 251 #define FUNCTOR_min2 253 #define FUNCTOR_minus1 255 #define FUNCTOR_minus2 257 #define FUNCTOR_mod2 259 #define FUNCTOR_mode1 261 #define FUNCTOR_msb1 263 #define FUNCTOR_newline1 265 #define FUNCTOR_nlink1 267 #define FUNCTOR_nonvar1 269 #define FUNCTOR_not_implemented2 271 #define FUNCTOR_not_provable1 273 #define FUNCTOR_occurs_check2 275 #define FUNCTOR_or1 277 #define FUNCTOR_output0 279 #define FUNCTOR_permission_error3 281 #define FUNCTOR_pi0 283 #define FUNCTOR_pipe1 285 #define FUNCTOR_plus1 287 #define FUNCTOR_plus2 289 #define FUNCTOR_popcount1 291 #define FUNCTOR_portray1 293 #define FUNCTOR_position1 295 #define FUNCTOR_powm3 297 #define FUNCTOR_print1 299 #define FUNCTOR_print_message2 301 #define FUNCTOR_procedure2 303 #define FUNCTOR_prove1 305 #define FUNCTOR_prove2 307 #define FUNCTOR_punct2 309 #define FUNCTOR_random1 311 #define FUNCTOR_rational1 313 #define FUNCTOR_rationalize1 315 #define FUNCTOR_rdiv2 317 #define FUNCTOR_rem2 319 #define FUNCTOR_reposition1 321 #define FUNCTOR_representation_error1 323 #define FUNCTOR_representation_errors1 325 #define FUNCTOR_resource_error1 327 #define FUNCTOR_retry1 329 #define FUNCTOR_round1 331 #define FUNCTOR_rshift2 333 #define FUNCTOR_semicolon2 335 #define FUNCTOR_setup_call_catcher_cleanup4 337 #define FUNCTOR_shared_object2 339 #define FUNCTOR_shell2 341 #define FUNCTOR_sign1 343 #define FUNCTOR_signal1 345 #define FUNCTOR_signal2 347 #define FUNCTOR_sin1 349 #define FUNCTOR_singletons1 351 #define FUNCTOR_size1 353 #define FUNCTOR_smaller2 355 #define FUNCTOR_smaller_equal2 357 #define FUNCTOR_softcut2 359 #define FUNCTOR_spy1 361 #define FUNCTOR_sqrt1 363 #define FUNCTOR_star2 365 #define FUNCTOR_status1 367 #define FUNCTOR_stream4 369 #define FUNCTOR_stream_position4 371 #define FUNCTOR_strict_equal2 373 #define FUNCTOR_string1 375 #define FUNCTOR_string2 377 #define FUNCTOR_string_position2 379 #define FUNCTOR_syntax_error1 381 #define FUNCTOR_syntax_error3 383 #define FUNCTOR_tan1 385 #define FUNCTOR_term_expansion2 387 #define FUNCTOR_term_position5 389 #define FUNCTOR_timeout1 391 #define FUNCTOR_timeout_error2 393 #define FUNCTOR_trace1 395 #define FUNCTOR_traceinterc3 397 #define FUNCTOR_tracing1 399 #define FUNCTOR_true0 401 #define FUNCTOR_truncate1 403 #define FUNCTOR_tty1 405 #define FUNCTOR_type1 407 #define FUNCTOR_type_error2 409 #define FUNCTOR_undefinterc4 411 #define FUNCTOR_unify_determined2 413 #define FUNCTOR_var1 415 #define FUNCTOR_wakeup3 417 #define FUNCTOR_warning3 419 #define FUNCTOR_xor2 421 #define FUNCTOR_xpceref1 423 #define N_SWI_ATOMS 640 #define N_SWI_FUNCTORS 212 #define N_SWI_HASH_BITS 11 #define N_SWI_HASH 2048