:- ensure_loaded( library(prosqlite) ). :- ensure_loaded( library(debug) ). predicated :- Sfile = 'phones.sqlite', does_not_exist( Sfile ), create_db, interrogate, write( 'Deleting database file (phones.sqlite).' ), nl, delete_file( Sfile ), write( 'Trying to access expired predicate...' ), nl, end_bit, nodebug( sqlite ), write( 'All done.' ), nl. end_bit :- catch(phones(name=naku,telephone=T),Excp,(write(caught(Excp)),nl,fail)), !, write( not_really(T) ), nl. end_bit. create_db :- sqlite_connect( phones, phones_db, exists(false) ), create( C ), sqlite_query( phones_db, C, _AffC ), % move to dbf example % sqlite_create( phones_db, phones(name+text,telephone-text,address-text) ), close_db. interrogate :- write( 'Testing arity(arity) option (as default).' ), nl, sqlite_connect( phones, phones_db, as_predicates(true) ), forall( insert(I), (sqlite_query(phones_db,I,Row),write(Row),nl) ), report_phones_db, findall( U-T, phones(U,T,_), UTs ), write( uts(UTs) ), nl, findall( T, phones(naku,T,_), Ts ), write( naku(Ts) ), nl, close_db, write( 'Testing arity(both) option.' ), nl, Opts1 = [as_predicates(true),arity(both)], sqlite_connect( phones, phones_db, Opts1 ), findall( U-T, phones(U,T,_), UT1s ), write( uts(UT1s) ), nl, findall( T, phones(naku,T,_), T1s ), write( naku(T1s) ), nl, findall( U-T, phones([name=U,telephone=T]), UT2s ), write( uts_unary(UT2s) ), nl, findall( T, phones([name=naku,telephone=T]), T2s ), write( naku_unary(T2s) ), nl, close_db, write( 'Trying to map to another predicate name.' ), nl, Opts2 = [as_predicates(true),table_as(phones,catalog,unary)], sqlite_connect( phones, phones_db, Opts2 ), findall( U-T, catalog([name=U,telephone=T]), UT2s ), write( uts_catalog(UT2s) ), nl, findall( T, catalog([name=naku,telephone=T]), T2s ), write( naku_cataloh(T2s) ), nl, close_db, Mess3='Testing palette value of sqlite_connect/3\'s arity() option.', write( Mess3 ), nl, Opts3 = [as_predicates(true),arity(palette)], sqlite_connect( phones, phones_db, Opts3 ), findall( U-T, phones( name=U,telephone=T ), UT4s ), write( uts_binary(UT4s) ), nl, findall( U-T, phones([name=U,telephone=T]), UT3s ), write( uts_unary_list(UT3s) ), nl, findall( T, phones([name=naku,telephone=T]), T3s ), write( naku_unary_list(T3s) ), nl, findall( T, phones( name=naku,telephone=T ), T4s ), write( naku_binary(T4s) ), nl, report_phones_db, sqlite_disconnect( phones_db ), write( 'Closed database.' ), nl, nl. report_phones_db :- write( 'Select * from phones : ' ), nl, write( '---' ), nl, findall( Row, (sqlite_query(phones_db,'Select * from phones;',Row),write(Row),nl), _ ), write( '---' ), nl. create( C ) :- C = 'CREATE TABLE phones (name text, telephone text, address text, Primary Key (name) );'. insert( I ) :- I = 'Insert into phones (name, telephone, address) values ("naku","0044","uk");'. insert( I ) :- I = 'Insert into phones (name, telephone, address) values ("άμπελος","0090","turkey");'. % I = 'Insert into phones (name, telephone, address) values ("ozzy","0090","turkey");'. close_db :- sqlite_disconnect( phones_db ), write( 'Closed database, for now.' ), nl, nl. does_not_exist( Sfile ) :- exists_file( Sfile ), !, write( 'Delete file "' ), write( Sfile ), write( '" to proceed with this example.' ), nl, fail. does_not_exist( _Sfile ). del :- delete_file('phones.sqlite').