:- module(clpbn, [{}/1, clpbn_flag/2, set_clpbn_flag/2, clpbn_flag/3]). :- use_module(library(atts)). :- use_module(library(lists)). :- use_module(library(terms)). :- op( 500, xfy, with). % % avoid the overhead of using goal_expansion/2. % :- multifile user:term_expansion/2. :- dynamic user:term_expansion/2. :- attribute key/1, dist/3, evidence/1, starter/0. :- use_module('clpbn/bnt', [dump_as_bnt/2, check_if_bnt_done/1 ]). :- use_module('clpbn/vel', [vel/3, check_if_vel_done/1 ]). :- use_module('clpbn/gibbs', [gibbs/3, check_if_gibbs_done/1 ]). :- use_module('clpbn/graphs', [ clpbn2graph/1 ]). :- use_module('clpbn/evidence', [ store_evidence/1, incorporate_evidence/2 ]). :- use_module('clpbn/utils', [ sort_vars_by_key/3 ]). :- dynamic solver/1,output/1,use/1. solver(vel). %output(xbif(user_error)). %output(gviz(user_error)). output(no). clpbn_flag(Flag,Option) :- clpbn_flag(Flag, Option, Option). set_clpbn_flag(Flag,Option) :- clpbn_flag(Flag, _, Option). clpbn_flag(output,Before,After) :- retract(output(Before)), assert(output(After)). clpbn_flag(solver,Before,After) :- retract(solver(Before)), assert(solver(After)). {Var = Key with Dist} :- put_atts(El,[key(Key),dist(Domain,Table,Parents)]), extract_dist(Dist, Table, Parents, Domain), add_evidence(Var,El). extract_dist(V, Tab.Inps, Domain) :- var(V), !, V = p(Domain, Tab, Inps). extract_dist(p(Domain, trans(L), Parents), Tab, Inps, Domain) :- !, compress_hmm_table(L, Parents, Tab, Inps). extract_dist(p(Domain, Tab, Inps), Tab, Inps, Domain). extract_dist(p(Domain, Tab), Tab, [], Domain). compress_hmm_table(L, Parents, trans(Tab), Inps) :- get_rid_of_nuls(L,Parents,Tab,Inps). get_rid_of_nuls([], [], [], []). get_rid_of_nuls([*|L],[_|Parents],NL,NParents) :- !, get_rid_of_nuls(L,Parents,NL,NParents). get_rid_of_nuls([Prob|L],[P|Parents],[Prob|NL],[P|NParents]) :- get_rid_of_nuls(L,Parents,NL,NParents). check_constraint(Constraint, _, _, Constraint) :- var(Constraint), !. check_constraint((A->D), _, _, (A->D)) :- var(A), !. check_constraint((([A|B].L)->D), Vars, NVars, (([A|B].NL)->D)) :- !, check_cpt_input_vars(L, Vars, NVars, NL). check_constraint(Dist, _, _, Dist). check_cpt_input_vars([], _, _, []). check_cpt_input_vars([V|L], Vars, NVars, [NV|NL]) :- replace_var(Vars, V, NVars, NV), check_cpt_input_vars(L, Vars, NVars, NL). replace_var([], V, [], V). replace_var([V|_], V0, [NV|_], NV) :- V == V0, !. replace_var([_|Vars], V, [_|NVars], NV) :- replace_var(Vars, V, NVars, NV). add_evidence(V,NV) :- nonvar(V), !, clpbn:put_atts(NV,evidence(V)). add_evidence(V,V). % % called by top-level % or by call_residue/2 % project_attributes(GVars, AVars) :- GVars = [_|_], AVars = [_|_], !, sort_vars_by_key(AVars,SortedAVars,DiffVars), get_clpbn_vars(GVars,CLPBNGVars), solver(Solver), incorporate_evidence(SortedAVars, AllVars), write_out(Solver,CLPBNGVars, AllVars, DiffVars). project_attributes(_, _). get_clpbn_vars([],[]). get_clpbn_vars([V|GVars],[V|CLPBNGVars]) :- get_atts(V, [key(_)]), !, get_clpbn_vars(GVars,CLPBNGVars). get_clpbn_vars([_|GVars],CLPBNGVars) :- get_clpbn_vars(GVars,CLPBNGVars). write_out(vel, GVars, AVars, DiffVars) :- vel(GVars, AVars, DiffVars). write_out(gibbs, GVars, AVars, DiffVars) :- gibbs(GVars, AVars, DiffVars). write_out(bnt, GVars, AVars, _) :- dump_as_bnt(GVars, AVars). write_out(graphs, _, AVars, _) :- clpbn2graph(AVars). get_bnode(Var, Goal) :- get_atts(Var, [key(Key),dist(A,B,C)]), (C = [] -> X = tab(A,B) ; X = tab(A,B,C)), dist_goal(X, Key, Goal0), include_evidence(Var, Goal0, Key, Goali), include_starter(Var, Goali, Key, Goal). include_evidence(Var, Goal0, Key, ((Key:-Ev),Goal0)) :- get_atts(Var, [evidence(Ev)]), !. include_evidence(_, Goal0, _, Goal0). include_starter(Var, Goal0, Key, ((:-Key),Goal0)) :- get_atts(Var, [starter]), !. include_starter(_, Goal0, _, Goal0). dist_goal(Dist, Key, (Key=NDist)) :- term_variables(Dist, DVars), process_vars(DVars, DKeys), my_copy_term(Dist,DVars, NDist,DKeys). my_copy_term(V, DVars, Key, DKeys) :- find_var(DVars, V, Key, DKeys). my_copy_term(A, _, A, _) :- atomic(A), !. my_copy_term(T, Vs, NT, Ks) :- T =.. [Na|As], my_copy_terms(As, Vs, NAs, Ks), NT =.. [Na|NAs]. my_copy_terms([], _, [], _). my_copy_terms([A|As], Vs, [NA|NAs], Ks) :- my_copy_term(A, Vs, NA, Ks), my_copy_terms(As, Vs, NAs, Ks). find_var([V1|_], V, Key, [Key|_]) :- V1 == V, !. find_var([_|DVars], V, Key, [_|DKeys]) :- find_var(DVars, V, Key, DKeys). process_vars([], []). process_vars([V|Vs], [K|Ks]) :- process_var(V, K), process_vars(Vs, Ks). process_var(V, K) :- get_atts(V, [key(K)]), !. % oops: this variable has no attributes. process_var(V, _) :- throw(error(instantiation_error,clpbn(attribute_goal(V)))). % % unify a CLPBN variable with something. % verify_attributes(Var, T, Goals) :- get_atts(Var, [key(Key),dist(Domain,Table,Parents)]), !, /* oops, someone trying to bind a clpbn constrained variable */ Goals = [], bind_clpbn(T, Var, Key, Domain, Table, Parents). verify_attributes(_, _, []). bind_clpbn(T, Var, Key, Domain, Table, Parents) :- var(T), get_atts(T, [key(Key1),dist(Doman1,Table1,Parents1)]), !, bind_clpbns(Key, Domain, Table, Parents, Key1, Doman1, Table1, Parents1), ( get_atts(T, [evidence(Ev1)]) -> bind_evidence_from_extra_var(Ev1,Var) ; get_atts(Var, [evidence(Ev)]) -> bind_evidence_from_extra_var(Ev,T) ; true). bind_clpbn(_, Var, _, _, _, _) :- use(bnt), check_if_bnt_done(Var), !. bind_clpbn(_, Var, _, _, _, _) :- use(vel), check_if_vel_done(Var), !. bind_clpbn(T, Var, Key0, _, _, _) :- get_atts(Var, [key(Key)]), !, ( Key = Key0 -> true ; add_evidence(Var,T) ). fresh_attvar(Var, NVar) :- get_atts(Var, LAtts), put_atts(NVar, LAtts). % I will now allow two CLPBN variables to be bound together. %bind_clpbns(Key, Domain, Table, Parents, Key, Domain, Table, Parents). bind_clpbns(Key, Domain, Table, Parents, Key1, Domain1, Table1, Parents1) :- Key == Key1, !, ( Domain == Domain1, Table == Table1, Parents == Parents1 -> true ; throw(error(domain_error(bayesian_domain),bind_clpbns(var(Key, Domain, Table, Parents),var(Key1, Domain1, Table1, Parents1))))). bind_clpbns(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _) :- format(user_error, 'unification of two bayesian vars not supported~n', []). bind_evidence_from_extra_var(Ev1,Var) :- get_atts(Var, [evidence(Ev0)]),!,Ev0 = Ev1. bind_evidence_from_extra_var(Ev1,Var) :- put_atts(Var, [evidence(Ev1)]). user:term_expansion((A :- {}), ( :- true )) :- !, % evidence prolog_load_context(module, M), store_evidence(M:A).