#include <cassert>

#include "ParfactorList.h"

ParfactorList::ParfactorList (const ParfactorList& pfList)
  ParfactorList::const_iterator it = pfList.begin();
  while (it != pfList.end()) {
    addShattered (new Parfactor (**it));
    ++ it;

ParfactorList::ParfactorList (const Parfactors& pfs)
  add (pfs);

ParfactorList::~ParfactorList (void)
  ParfactorList::const_iterator it = pfList_.begin();
  while (it != pfList_.end()) {
    delete *it;
    ++ it;

ParfactorList::add (Parfactor* pf)
  addToShatteredList (pf);

ParfactorList::add (const Parfactors& pfs)
  for (size_t i = 0; i < pfs.size(); i++) {
    addToShatteredList (pfs[i]);

ParfactorList::addShattered (Parfactor* pf)
  assert (isAllShattered());
  pfList_.push_back (pf);
  assert (isAllShattered());

ParfactorList::insertShattered (
    list<Parfactor*>::iterator it,
    Parfactor* pf)
  return pfList_.insert (it, pf);
  assert (isAllShattered());

ParfactorList::remove (list<Parfactor*>::iterator it) 
  return pfList_.erase (it);

ParfactorList::removeAndDelete (list<Parfactor*>::iterator it)
  delete *it;
  return pfList_.erase (it);

ParfactorList::isAllShattered (void) const
  if (pfList_.size() <= 1) {
    return true;
  vector<Parfactor*> pfs (pfList_.begin(), pfList_.end());
  for (size_t i = 0; i < pfs.size(); i++) {
    assert (isShattered (pfs[i]));
  for (size_t i = 0; i < pfs.size() - 1; i++) {
    for (size_t j = i + 1; j < pfs.size(); j++) {
      if (isShattered (pfs[i], pfs[j])  == false) {
        return false;
  return true;

ParfactorList::print (void) const
  Parfactors pfVec (pfList_.begin(), pfList_.end());
  std::sort (pfVec.begin(), pfVec.end(), sortByParams());
  for (size_t i = 0; i < pfVec.size(); i++) {
    cout << endl;

ParfactorList::isShattered (const Parfactor* g) const
  const ProbFormulas& formulas = g->arguments();
  if (formulas.size() < 2) {
    return true;
  ConstraintTree ct (*g->constr());
  for (size_t i = 0; i < formulas.size() - 1; i++) {
    for (size_t j = i + 1; j < formulas.size(); j++) {
      if (formulas[i].group() == formulas[j].group()) {
        if (identical (
            formulas[i], *(g->constr()),
            formulas[j], *(g->constr())) == false) {
          cout << "-> not identical on positions " ;
          cout << i << " and " << j << endl;
          return false;
      } else {
        if (disjoint (
            formulas[i], *(g->constr()),
            formulas[j], *(g->constr())) == false) {
          cout << "-> not disjoint on positions " ;
          cout << i << " and " << j << endl;
          return false;
  return true;

ParfactorList::isShattered (
    const Parfactor* g1,
    const Parfactor* g2) const
  assert (g1 != g2);
  const ProbFormulas& fms1 = g1->arguments();
  const ProbFormulas& fms2 = g2->arguments();

  for (size_t i = 0; i < fms1.size(); i++) {
    for (size_t j = 0; j < fms2.size(); j++) {
      if (fms1[i].group() == fms2[j].group()) {
        if (identical (
            fms1[i], *(g1->constr()),
            fms2[j], *(g2->constr())) == false) {
          cout << "^" << endl;
          cout << "-> not identical on group " << fms1[i].group() << endl;
          return false;
      } else {
        if (disjoint (
            fms1[i], *(g1->constr()),
            fms2[j], *(g2->constr())) == false) {
          cout << "^" << endl;
          cout << "-> not disjoint on groups " << fms1[i].group();
          cout << " and " << fms2[j].group() << endl;
          return false;
  return true;

ParfactorList::addToShatteredList (Parfactor* g)
  queue<Parfactor*> residuals;
  residuals.push (g);
  while (residuals.empty() == false) {
    Parfactor* pf = residuals.front();
    bool pfSplitted = false;
    list<Parfactor*>::iterator pfIter;
    pfIter = pfList_.begin();
    while (pfIter != pfList_.end()) {
      std::pair<Parfactors, Parfactors> shattRes;
      shattRes = shatter (*pfIter, pf);
      if (shattRes.first.empty() == false) {
        pfIter = removeAndDelete (pfIter);
        Util::addToQueue (residuals, shattRes.first);
      } else {
        ++ pfIter;
      if (shattRes.second.empty() == false) {
        delete pf;
        Util::addToQueue (residuals, shattRes.second);
        pfSplitted = true;
    if (pfSplitted == false) {
      Parfactors res = shatterAgainstMySelf (pf);
      if (res.empty()) {
        addShattered (pf);
      } else {
        Util::addToQueue (residuals, res);
  assert (isAllShattered());

ParfactorList::shatterAgainstMySelf (Parfactor* g)
  Parfactors pfs;
  queue<Parfactor*> residuals;
  residuals.push (g);
  bool shattered = true;
  while (residuals.empty() == false) {
    Parfactor* pf = residuals.front();
    Parfactors res = shatterAgainstMySelf2 (pf);
    if (res.empty()) {
      assert (isShattered (pf));
      if (shattered) {
        return { };
      pfs.push_back (pf);
    } else {
      shattered = false;
      for (size_t i = 0; i < res.size(); i++) {
        assert (res[i]->constr()->empty() == false);
        residuals.push (res[i]);
      delete pf;
  return pfs;

ParfactorList::shatterAgainstMySelf2 (Parfactor* g)
  // slip a parfactor with overlapping formulas:
  // e.g. {s(X),s(Y)}, with (X,Y) in {(p1,p2),(p1,p3),(p4,p1)}
  const ProbFormulas& formulas = g->arguments();
  for (size_t i = 0; i < formulas.size() - 1; i++) {
    for (size_t j = i + 1; j < formulas.size(); j++) {
      if (formulas[i].sameSkeletonAs (formulas[j])) {
        Parfactors res = shatterAgainstMySelf (g, i, j);
        if (res.empty() == false) {
          return res;
  return Parfactors();

ParfactorList::shatterAgainstMySelf (
    Parfactor* g,
    size_t fIdx1,
    size_t fIdx2)
  cout << "-> SHATTERING" << endl;
  cout << "-> ON: " << g->argument (fIdx1) << "|" ;
  cout << g->constr()->tupleSet (g->argument (fIdx1).logVars()) << endl;
  cout << "-> ON: " << g->argument (fIdx2) << "|" ;
  cout << g->constr()->tupleSet (g->argument (fIdx2).logVars())	<< endl;
  ProbFormula& f1 = g->argument (fIdx1);
  ProbFormula& f2 = g->argument (fIdx2);
  if (f1.isAtom()) {
    cerr << "error: a ground occurs twice in a parfactor" << endl;
    cerr << endl;
  assert (g->constr()->empty() == false);
  ConstraintTree ctCopy (*g->constr());
  if (f1.group() == f2.group()) {
    assert (identical (f1, *(g->constr()), f2, ctCopy));
    return { };

  g->constr()->moveToTop (f1.logVars());
  ctCopy.moveToTop (f2.logVars());

  std::pair<ConstraintTree*,ConstraintTree*> split1 =
      g->constr()->split (f1.logVars(), &ctCopy, f2.logVars());
  ConstraintTree* commCt1 = split1.first;
  ConstraintTree* exclCt1 = split1.second;

  if (commCt1->empty()) {
    // disjoint
    delete commCt1;
    delete exclCt1;
    return { };

  PrvGroup newGroup = ProbFormula::getNewGroup();
  Parfactors res1 = shatter (g, fIdx1, commCt1, exclCt1, newGroup);
  if (res1.empty()) {
    res1.push_back (g);

  Parfactors res;
  ctCopy.moveToTop (f1.logVars());
  for (size_t i = 0; i < res1.size(); i++) {
    res1[i]->constr()->moveToTop (f2.logVars());
    std::pair<ConstraintTree*, ConstraintTree*> split2;
    split2 = res1[i]->constr()->split (f2.logVars(), &ctCopy, f1.logVars());
    ConstraintTree* commCt2 = split2.first;
    ConstraintTree* exclCt2 = split2.second;
    if (commCt2->empty()) {
      if (res1[i] != g) {
        res.push_back (res1[i]);
      delete commCt2;
      delete exclCt2;
    newGroup = ProbFormula::getNewGroup();
    Parfactors res2 = shatter (res1[i], fIdx2, commCt2, exclCt2, newGroup);
    if (res2.empty()) {
      if (res1[i] != g) {
        res.push_back (res1[i]);
    } else {
      Util::addToVector (res, res2);
      for (size_t j = 0; j < res2.size(); j++) {
      if (res1[i] != g) {
        delete res1[i];

  if (res.empty()) {
    g->argument (fIdx2).setGroup (g->argument (fIdx1).group());
    updateGroups (f2.group(), f1.group());
  return res;

std::pair<Parfactors, Parfactors>
ParfactorList::shatter (Parfactor* g1, Parfactor* g2)
  ProbFormulas& formulas1 = g1->arguments();
  ProbFormulas& formulas2 = g2->arguments();
  assert (g1 != 0 && g2 != 0 && g1 != g2);
  for (size_t i = 0; i < formulas1.size(); i++) {
    for (size_t j = 0; j < formulas2.size(); j++) {
      if (formulas1[i].sameSkeletonAs (formulas2[j])) {
        std::pair<Parfactors, Parfactors> res;
        res = shatter (i, g1, j, g2);
        if (res.first.empty()  == false || 
            res.second.empty() == false) {
          return res;
  return make_pair (Parfactors(), Parfactors());

std::pair<Parfactors, Parfactors>
ParfactorList::shatter (
    size_t fIdx1, Parfactor* g1,
    size_t fIdx2, Parfactor* g2)
  ProbFormula& f1 = g1->argument (fIdx1);
  ProbFormula& f2 = g2->argument (fIdx2);
  cout << "-> SHATTERING" << endl;
  cout << "-> WITH" << endl;
  cout << "-> ON: " << f1 << "|" ;
  cout << g1->constr()->tupleSet (f1.logVars()) << endl;
  cout << "-> ON: " << f2 << "|" ;
  cout << g2->constr()->tupleSet (f2.logVars()) << endl;
  if (f1.isAtom()) {
    f2.setGroup (f1.group());
    updateGroups (f2.group(), f1.group());
    return { };
  assert (g1->constr()->empty() == false);
  assert (g2->constr()->empty() == false);
  if (f1.group() == f2.group()) {
    assert (identical (f1, *(g1->constr()), f2, *(g2->constr())));
    return { };

  g1->constr()->moveToTop (f1.logVars());
  g2->constr()->moveToTop (f2.logVars());

  std::pair<ConstraintTree*,ConstraintTree*> split1 =
      g1->constr()->split (f1.logVars(), g2->constr(), f2.logVars());
  ConstraintTree* commCt1 = split1.first;
  ConstraintTree* exclCt1 = split1.second;

  if (commCt1->empty()) {
    // disjoint 
    delete commCt1;
    delete exclCt1;
    return { };

  std::pair<ConstraintTree*,ConstraintTree*> split2 =
      g2->constr()->split (f2.logVars(), g1->constr(), f1.logVars());
  ConstraintTree* commCt2 = split2.first;
  ConstraintTree* exclCt2 = split2.second;

  assert (commCt1->tupleSet (f1.logVars()) == 
          commCt2->tupleSet (f2.logVars()));

   // stringstream ss1; ss1 << "" << count << "_A.dot" ;
   // stringstream ss2; ss2 << "" << count << "_B.dot" ;
   // stringstream ss3; ss3 << "" << count << "_A_comm.dot" ;
   // stringstream ss4; ss4 << "" << count << "_A_excl.dot" ;
   // stringstream ss5; ss5 << "" << count << "_B_comm.dot" ;
   // stringstream ss6; ss6 << "" << count << "_B_excl.dot" ;
   // g1->constr()->exportToGraphViz (ss1.str().c_str(), true);
   // g2->constr()->exportToGraphViz (ss2.str().c_str(), true);
   // commCt1->exportToGraphViz (ss3.str().c_str(), true);
   // exclCt1->exportToGraphViz (ss4.str().c_str(), true);
   // commCt2->exportToGraphViz (ss5.str().c_str(), true);
   // exclCt2->exportToGraphViz (ss6.str().c_str(), true);

  if (exclCt1->empty() && exclCt2->empty()) {
    // identical
    f2.setGroup (f1.group());
    updateGroups (f2.group(), f1.group());
    delete commCt1;
    delete exclCt1;
    delete commCt2;
    delete exclCt2;
    return { };

  PrvGroup group;
  if (exclCt1->empty()) {
    group = f1.group();
  } else if (exclCt2->empty()) {
    group = f2.group();
  } else {
    group = ProbFormula::getNewGroup();
  Parfactors res1 = shatter (g1, fIdx1, commCt1, exclCt1, group);
  Parfactors res2 = shatter (g2, fIdx2, commCt2, exclCt2, group);
  return make_pair (res1, res2);

ParfactorList::shatter (
    Parfactor* g,
    size_t fIdx,
    ConstraintTree* commCt,
    ConstraintTree* exclCt,
    PrvGroup commGroup)
  ProbFormula& f = g->argument (fIdx);
  if (exclCt->empty()) {
    delete commCt;
    delete exclCt;
    f.setGroup (commGroup);
    return { };

  Parfactors result;
  if (f.isCounting()) {
    LogVar X_new1 = g->constr()->logVarSet().back() + 1;
    LogVar X_new2 = g->constr()->logVarSet().back() + 2;
    ConstraintTrees cts = g->constr()->jointCountNormalize (
        commCt, exclCt, f.countedLogVar(), X_new1, X_new2);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < cts.size(); i++) {
      Parfactor* newPf = new Parfactor (g, cts[i]);
      if (cts[i]->nrLogVars() == g->constr()->nrLogVars() + 1) {
        newPf->expand (f.countedLogVar(), X_new1, X_new2);
        assert (g->constr()->getConditionalCount (f.countedLogVar()) == 
            cts[i]->getConditionalCount (X_new1) +
            cts[i]->getConditionalCount (X_new2));
      } else {
        assert (g->constr()->getConditionalCount (f.countedLogVar()) == 
            cts[i]->getConditionalCount (f.countedLogVar()));
      result.push_back (newPf);
    delete commCt;
    delete exclCt;
  } else {
    Parfactor* newPf = new Parfactor (g, commCt);
    newPf->argument (fIdx).setGroup (commGroup);
    result.push_back (newPf);
    newPf = new Parfactor (g, exclCt);
    result.push_back (newPf);
  return result;

ParfactorList::updateGroups (PrvGroup oldGroup, PrvGroup newGroup)
  for (ParfactorList::iterator it = pfList_.begin();
       it != pfList_.end(); ++it) {
    ProbFormulas& formulas = (*it)->arguments();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < formulas.size(); i++) {
      if (formulas[i].group() == oldGroup) {
        formulas[i].setGroup (newGroup);

ParfactorList::proper (
    const ProbFormula& f1, ConstraintTree ct1,
    const ProbFormula& f2, ConstraintTree ct2) const
  return disjoint  (f1, ct1, f2, ct2)
      || identical (f1, ct1, f2, ct2);

ParfactorList::identical (
    const ProbFormula& f1, ConstraintTree ct1,
    const ProbFormula& f2, ConstraintTree ct2) const
  if (f1.sameSkeletonAs (f2) == false) {
    return false;
  if (f1.isAtom()) {
    return true;
  TupleSet ts1 = ct1.tupleSet (f1.logVars());
  TupleSet ts2 = ct2.tupleSet (f2.logVars());
  return ts1 == ts2;

ParfactorList::disjoint (
    const ProbFormula& f1, ConstraintTree ct1,
    const ProbFormula& f2, ConstraintTree ct2) const
  if (f1.sameSkeletonAs (f2) == false) {
    return true;
  if (f1.isAtom()) {
    return false;
  TupleSet ts1 = ct1.tupleSet (f1.logVars());
  TupleSet ts2 = ct2.tupleSet (f2.logVars());
  return (ts1 & ts2).empty();