*									 *
*	       BEAM -> Basic Extended Andorra Model                      *
*         BEAM extends the YAP Prolog system to support the EAM          *
*									 *
* Copyright: Ricardo Lopes and NCC - University of Porto, Portugal       *
*									 *
* comments:	eam compiler data structures and routines		 *

#define Print_Code 0
/*      To help on compiler debuging
   1 -> show predicates info
   2 -> show YAP abstract machine code (YAAM)
   4 -> show YAAM after transformation
   8 -> show indexing code

  16 -> show EAM intermediate code
  32 -> show EAM intermediate code with direct_calls
 128 -> show EAM abstrac machine code

#define Variavel  1
#define Lista     2
#define Estrutura 4
#define Constante 8

typedef unsigned long Cell;

typedef struct  PCODE{
  struct PCODE *nextInst;
  int op, new1; 
  unsigned long new4;
} CInstr;

struct Clauses {
  unsigned int idx;           /* info for indexing on first arg */
  Cell val;                   /* atom or functor in first arg   */
  unsigned int nr_vars;       /* nr of local vars */
  struct Predicates *predi;   /* predicate struct */
  int side_effects;           /* clause has side effects */
  Cell *code;

  struct Clauses *next;        /* next clause within the same predicate */

struct HASH_TABLE {
  Cell value;
  Cell *code;
  struct HASH_TABLE *next;

struct Predicates {           /* To register information about predicates */
  unsigned long id;
  unsigned char *name;
  unsigned int arity;         
  unsigned int nr_alt;        /* nr of alternativas */
  unsigned int calls;         /* nr of existent calls to this predicate */
  struct Clauses *first;
  struct Clauses *last;
  int idx;                    /* is code indexed ? 0= needs compilation  -1= no indexing possible  1= indexed */
  unsigned int idx_var;       /* nr clauses with 1st argument var */
  unsigned int idx_list;      /* nr clauses with 1st argument list */
  unsigned int idx_atom;      /* nr clauses with 1st argument atom */
  unsigned int idx_functor;   /* nr clauses with 1st argument functor */
  short int eager_split;      /* allow eager splitting */

  Cell *code;                 /* try, retry and trust code or Indexing code */
  struct HASH_TABLE **atom;
  struct HASH_TABLE **functor;
  Cell *list;
  Cell *vars;
  struct Predicates *next;

/****************************  EAM TRUE STUFF *************/

  struct AND_BOX *and_box;         /* And_box where the variable has suspended        */
  short int reason;                /* suspended before executing call number nr_call  */ 
  struct SUSPENSIONS *next;        /* Pointer to the next suspention                  */
  struct SUSPENSIONS *prev;

  struct AND_BOX *and_box;         /* And_box where the variable has suspended */
  struct SUSPENSIONS_VAR *next;    /* Pointer to the next suspention           */

struct PERM_VAR {
  Cell value;                      /* value assigned to the variable                    */
  struct AND_BOX *home;            /* pointer to the goal_box structure of the variable */
  Cell *yapvar;
  struct SUSPENSIONS_VAR *suspensions; /* Pointer to a Suspension List                  */
  struct PERM_VAR *next;

struct EXTERNAL_VAR {              /* to be used as some kind of trail */
  Cell value;                      /* value assign to the variable     */
  struct PERM_VAR *var;           /* pointer to the local_var struct  */
  struct EXTERNAL_VAR *next;

struct status_and {
  struct OR_BOX *call;             /* POINTER TO A OR_BOX       */
  Cell *locals;                    /* temporary vars vector     */
  Cell *code;                      /* Pointer to the start code */
  int state;                 /* State of the OR_BOX       */
  struct status_and *previous;
  struct status_and *next;

struct status_or {
  struct AND_BOX *alternative;     /* POINTER TO A AND_BOX      */
  Cell *args;                      /* Saved Arguments           */
  Cell *code;                      /* Pointer to Start Code     */
  int state;                 /* State of the AND_BOX      */
  struct status_or *previous;
  struct status_or *next;

struct OR_BOX {
  struct AND_BOX *parent;
  struct status_and *nr_call;      /* order of this box              */
  short int nr_all_alternatives;   /* number of existing alternatives */
  struct status_or *alternatives;  /* alternatives of the or_box      */
  short int eager_split; 

struct AND_BOX {
  struct OR_BOX *parent;            /* pointer to the parent or-box          */
  struct status_or *nr_alternative; /* This box is alternative id       */
  short int nr_all_calls;           /* numger of all goals                   */
  struct PERM_VAR *perms;
  struct status_and *calls;

  short int level;                 /* indicates the level in the tree       */
  struct EXTERNAL_VAR *externals;  /* pointer to a list of external_vars    */
  struct SUSPENSIONS *suspended;   /* pointer to a list of suspended boxes  */
  short int side_effects;          /* to mark if are calls to builtins with side_efects (like write) */

#define ZERO        0    /* No State yet */
#define SUCCESS     1   
#define FAILS       2
#define READY       4    /* Is ready to start execution */
#define RUNNING     8    /* Is running                  */
#define RUNAGAIN    16   /* Is running again       */
#define SUSPEND     32   /* Has suspended               */
#define WAKE        64   /* Was Suspended, but now is Ready again      */
#define CHANGED     128  /* Has received some change on it's external variables, needs to re-run */
#define END         256  /* Has suspended on end, on wake up can pass to a success state */
#define WAITING     512  /* The clause is waiting for the previous predicates to leave the Suspended state */
#define FAILED     1024  /* has failed */

#define CUT_RIGHT       2048
#define SKIP_VAR        4096
#define LEFTMOST_PARENT 8192
#define FIRST          16384
#define LEFTMOST       32768

#define WAITING_TO_BE_FIRST             (WAITING + FIRST)
#define WAITING_TO_CUT                  (WAITING + CUT_RIGHT)
#define WAITING_SKIP_VAR                (WAITING + SKIP_VAR)
#define SUSPEND_END                     (SUSPEND+END)
#define WAKE_END                        (WAKE+END)

#define WAIT_SUSPENSION      2
#define CUT_SUSPENSION       3
#define WRITE_SUSPENSION     4
#define VAR_SUSPENSION       5


#define WRITE       1
#define COMMIT      2
#define VAR         4
#define SEQUENCIAL  8

#define CUT         32  /* Greater than 32 always cut */