PySWIP CHANGELOG ================ + 0.2.2 * PySWIP won't rely on the (id of the) functor handle of ``=/2``. * Sebastian Höhn's patch to enable PySWIP to work on MAC OS-X is incorporated. + 0.2.1 * Importing ``pyswip`` automatically initializes SWI-Prolog. * Fixed a bug with querying lists with the new interface. + 0.2.0 * All names are included with ``from pyswip import ...`` * New *Pythonic* interface * Prolog.query returns real Python datatypes * Markus Triska's Sudoku Solver * Prolog module support * Foreign functions retrieve Python datatypes. + 0.1.3 * Renamed ``pyswip/`` to ``pyswip/``. * New module ``pyswip.easy``. * Now it is possible to register a Python function as a Prolog predicate through SWI-Prolog's Foreign Function Interface. * Additions to the core library. * Added example, *register foreign* which shows how to register a Python function as an SWI-Prolog predicate. * Added example, *Towers of Hanoi* + 0.1.2 * Renamed ``PrologRunner`` to ``Prolog``. * Removed ``query`` method of ``Prolog``, ``queryGenerator`` is renamed as ``query``. * Added ``asserta``, ``assertz`` and ``consult`` methods to ``Prolog``. * The necessary cleanup is done even if the ``query`` generator doesn't run to the end. * Errors during the execution of ``query`` is caught and ``PrologError`` is raised. * Many new additions to the core library. * Added ``examples`` directory. * Added examples, *coins* and *draughts*. + 0.1.1 * Added ``queryGenerator`` to PrologRunner, ``query`` calls ``queryGenerator``. * Added example ``send more money``.