#include "CountingBP.h" CountingBP::~CountingBP (void) { delete lfg_; delete fg_; for (unsigned i = 0; i < links_.size(); i++) { delete links_[i]; } links_.clear(); } ParamSet CountingBP::getPosterioriOf (Vid vid) const { FgVarNode* var = lfg_->getEquivalentVariable (vid); ParamSet probs; if (var->hasEvidence()) { probs.resize (var->getDomainSize(), 0.0); probs[var->getEvidence()] = 1.0; } else { probs.resize (var->getDomainSize(), 1.0); CLinkSet links = varsI_[var->getIndex()]->getLinks(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < links.size(); i++) { ParamSet msg = links[i]->getMessage(); CountingBPLink* l = static_cast (links[i]); Util::pow (msg, l->getNumberOfEdges()); for (unsigned j = 0; j < msg.size(); j++) { probs[j] *= msg[j]; } } Util::normalize (probs); } return probs; } void CountingBP::initializeSolver (void) { lfg_ = new LiftedFG (*fg_); unsigned nUncVars = fg_->getFgVarNodes().size(); unsigned nUncFactors = fg_->getFactors().size(); CFgVarSet vars = fg_->getFgVarNodes(); unsigned nNeighborLessVars = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < vars.size(); i++) { CFactorSet factors = vars[i]->getFactors(); if (factors.size() == 1 && factors[0]->getFgVarNodes().size() == 1) { nNeighborLessVars ++; } } // cout << "UNCOMPRESSED FACTOR GRAPH" << endl; // fg_->printGraphicalModel(); fg_->exportToDotFormat ("uncompress.dot"); FactorGraph *temp; temp = fg_; fg_ = lfg_->getCompressedFactorGraph(); unsigned nCompVars = fg_->getFgVarNodes().size(); unsigned nCompFactors = fg_->getFactors().size(); Statistics::updateCompressingStats (nUncVars, nUncFactors, nCompVars, nCompFactors, nNeighborLessVars); cout << "COMPRESSED FACTOR GRAPH" << endl; fg_->printGraphicalModel(); //fg_->exportToDotFormat ("compress.dot"); SPSolver::initializeSolver(); } void CountingBP::createLinks (void) { const FactorClusterSet fcs = lfg_->getFactorClusters(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < fcs.size(); i++) { const VarClusterSet vcs = fcs[i]->getVarClusters(); for (unsigned j = 0; j < vcs.size(); j++) { unsigned c = lfg_->getGroundEdgeCount (fcs[i], vcs[j]); links_.push_back ( new CountingBPLink (fcs[i]->getRepresentativeFactor(), vcs[j]->getRepresentativeVariable(), c)); //cout << (links_.back())->toString() << " edge count =" << c << endl; } } return; } void CountingBP::deleteJunction (Factor* f, FgVarNode*) { f->freeDistribution(); } void CountingBP::maxResidualSchedule (void) { if (nIter_ == 1) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < links_.size(); i++) { links_[i]->setNextMessage (getFactor2VarMsg (links_[i])); SortedOrder::iterator it = sortedOrder_.insert (links_[i]); linkMap_.insert (make_pair (links_[i], it)); if (DL >= 2 && DL < 5) { cout << "calculating " << links_[i]->toString() << endl; } } return; } for (unsigned c = 0; c < links_.size(); c++) { if (DL >= 2) { cout << endl << "current residuals:" << endl; for (SortedOrder::iterator it = sortedOrder_.begin(); it != sortedOrder_.end(); it ++) { cout << " " << setw (30) << left << (*it)->toString(); cout << "residual = " << (*it)->getResidual() << endl; } } SortedOrder::iterator it = sortedOrder_.begin(); Link* link = *it; if (DL >= 2) { cout << "updating " << (*sortedOrder_.begin())->toString() << endl; } if (link->getResidual() < SolverOptions::accuracy) { return; } link->updateMessage(); link->clearResidual(); sortedOrder_.erase (it); linkMap_.find (link)->second = sortedOrder_.insert (link); // update the messages that depend on message source --> destin CFactorSet factorNeighbors = link->getVariable()->getFactors(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < factorNeighbors.size(); i++) { CLinkSet links = factorsI_[factorNeighbors[i]->getIndex()]->getLinks(); for (unsigned j = 0; j < links.size(); j++) { if (links[j]->getVariable() != link->getVariable()) { //FIXMEFIXME if (DL >= 2 && DL < 5) { cout << " calculating " << links[j]->toString() << endl; } links[j]->setNextMessage (getFactor2VarMsg (links[j])); LinkMap::iterator iter = linkMap_.find (links[j]); sortedOrder_.erase (iter->second); iter->second = sortedOrder_.insert (links[j]); } } } } } ParamSet CountingBP::getVar2FactorMsg (const Link* link) const { const FgVarNode* src = link->getVariable(); const Factor* dest = link->getFactor(); ParamSet msg; if (src->hasEvidence()) { cout << "has evidence" << endl; msg.resize (src->getDomainSize(), 0.0); msg[src->getEvidence()] = link->getMessage()[src->getEvidence()]; cout << "-> " << link->getVariable()->getLabel() << " " << link->getFactor()->getLabel() << endl; cout << "-> p2s " << Util::parametersToString (msg) << endl; } else { msg = link->getMessage(); } const CountingBPLink* l = static_cast (link); Util::pow (msg, l->getNumberOfEdges() - 1); CLinkSet links = varsI_[src->getIndex()]->getLinks(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < links.size(); i++) { if (links[i]->getFactor() != dest) { ParamSet msgFromFactor = links[i]->getMessage(); CountingBPLink* l = static_cast (links[i]); Util::pow (msgFromFactor, l->getNumberOfEdges()); for (unsigned j = 0; j < msgFromFactor.size(); j++) { msg[j] *= msgFromFactor[j]; } } } return msg; }